Why I love shirley: “Anyway……….to matters at hand! Held a short interview with Rolling Stone this afternoon on the subject of John Lennon. Didn’t feel like I did my subject justice in the slightest. Couldn’t seem to articulate myself clearly for some reason. I guess it’s difficult to put into words something that you perceive viscerally. Know what I mean? I mean….how can you put into words why your heart gravitates towards the soul of one person over another?“
So, i am an awful sloppy bastard guitar player. Really. I took about six lessons and then decided that lessons were a waste because my instructor wasn’t going to tell me what i wanted to know. And as soon as i ditched him, i bought an armload of soft guitar picks so that i wouldn’t break so many strings when attempting to play ani difranco songs. And that all happened three years ago. So, now, while i have a very organically obtained understanding of chord construction and music theory, i have absolutely zero picking skills. To compound the situation, i hold my pick between my first two fingers and my thumb (as opposed to holding it on the side of my index finger like i’m supposed to). So, basically, i don’t play my guitar correctly. And since my guitar is such a piece of shit i’m not entirely sure that i’m improving. Heh. Did i mention that i am an aspiring singer-songwriter? I can’t sing correctly either. And i keep writing the same song over and over again. Remind me why i have my own website again, please? Anyone?
I’ve decided to use this to fill a niche that my poor Netscape Draft folder has been filling, which is the random niche. See, i have my poetry nice and my essay niche and my daily interaction and musings niche, and all sorts of niches, but nowhere to just talk at and file away random bits of information. So, this is now that place. Futhermore, due to my obsessive longwindedness and being a whore for layout, each blog will be a single unbroken paragraph that absolutely will not be editted after i publish it. Tee-Hee… let’s see how long i can stick to that resolution.
I have this unhealthy habit at wanting to be the best at everything very quickly. Well, not the best, but… i like to achieve things very quickly. When i first started playing archmage i was convinced i could rise to the ranks of the elite in a few short days. In fact, i stayed up at night wondering about the most efficient way to do just that. When i joined the staff of shafted i vowed that i would be the best, most regular, and most articulate poster that the page had ever seen. And now this dumb thing… there’s a list of power bloggers who just blog all day long (doesn’t that sound a bit naughty?). And, of course, i immediately hope to overtake those who are already high on that list. I think the point, tho, is that i want recognition without much long term commitment. The reverse are things that i have put longtime commitment into, but want no recognition in. Am i fucked up or what?
Well, now i at least have a temporary layout going. All that black space really bothers me, but i don’t suppose i can do very much about that without drastically changing the whole arrangement of the page. I’m rather proud, since this is the first page i have whipped up graphics and all in under an hour. Of course, if i had tried to add some JS to it, that would have been another story.