Now that all that bitchiness is out of my system…
In the time since college started i have spent less than one month inside my own house. And, i can tell you, most of that month [which was spread over the entire year] was miserable. Over Thanksgiving break i had to bring my computer home to work on a paper, over Christmas break i was sicker than i’ve been in years, and for spring break i had my wisdom teeth out. So, i admantly refused to come home for summer. I got my Orientation job, which assured me housing for the entire summer term. I eventually began my apartment search. I did all the right things. However, i am posting this from my house. I get sucked in, to watch a movie, to feed the cat, to pick up something i need. And every time i get sucked in i spend my time here or leave miserable. I am miserable right now. Happily, this only has to do with my mother in that she makes me stress out more than anyone else alive. Otherwise, we get along well. Right now i feel as though i could explode from random stress, and i can’t even go to my favourite sites because i don’t have them bookmarked here. So, i’m miserable and not even tired and i still have to go back to the dorm before i can go to work tomorrow because i only wore flip-flops home and i need to wear shoes for work. Blah.
I was planning to write about going shopping… hell, i had written the entire entry already. And then one, tiny, inadvertant window resize caused Netscape to reload all the of the visible frames (instead of just the one it needed to shrink) and my twenty minutes of writing was gone. I hate Netscape. Yes, it’s the only browser i have ever used. Yes, i love the options i get out of the right click menu. But, frankly, it just isn’t worth it anymore. I have lost more of my own written material this month to the whims of Netscape than i have ever lost to any computer i have owned in the last five years. Why? Because of my incompetence? I wish i could say that was the cause, since it is one i can personally control. Sadly, it is because Netscape has rapidly degraded to a buggy piece of shit (which i’m sure has something to do with AOL owning it). So, it looks as though i might be forced to turn to MSIEX. Is it designed for an idiot? Yes. Does its integration into Windows make it both a nuisance and a threat? For sure. Does it give you options you don’t need but take away options you should have? Totally. Do i have any choice other than to switch? None whatsoever. Right now the only reason i still use Netscape is that i have five years of mail saved in my backfiles for Messenger. But we’ve all got to leave home sometime.
One of my friends stole my Natalie Imbruglia cd Senior year of highschool. Ok, maybe she didn’t steal it, but she currently still has possession of it. In Boston. This is why i am leery about lending things to people. I, of course, have ultimate trust that my all expansive love of music will be respected by the timely returning of my CDs, but that hardly ever works out. One of the other Orientation Leaders has my Living In Clip CD, and if i don’t have it back by the end of this week i might start to get violent. Oh yeah, starting now there is a no lending policy in effect. Ever.
So, apparently the turn around time for gettings new Blogs into the the directory on the Blogger site is something like 4 days. Which means, by the time i am official i will only have about three posting days before i move into my new apartment. It also gives me three days to pile the content onto this thing so that the people from Blogger are shocked and appalled at the amount of free time i have. I mean, that sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?