The definitive issue-by-issue collecting guide and trade reading order for Legion of Super-Heroes (LOSH), Legionnaires, & Legion Lost comic books in omnibus, hardcover, and trade paperback collections. Part of Crushing Krisis’s Crushing Comics. Last updated August 2022 with titles scheduled for release through December 2022.
DC’s Legion of Super-Heroes (LOSH) are a far-future team assembled from the best and brightest young heroes from many different planets, each with their own unique powers and physiology. Think of it as a cross between the Teen Titans and the Green Lantern Corps.
We usually think of DC comics as arranged by their publishing era, like Silver, Bronze, Post-Crisis, or New 52, which also tend to come with a continuity reboot (or, at least, a light reshuffle). Legion of Super-Heroes is different. LOSH fans do think about their heroes in terms of continuity reboots, but those do not line up DC’s publishing eras. LOSH is considered to be rebooted whenever their future continuity is radically changed such that not all new LOSH stories line up with prior ones.
Sometimes this happens right in the middle of series!
You can read and enjoy any LOSH story or series on its own, but to understand how certain stories rely on each other and where you can follow a specific group of LOSH characters, it makes sense to think in terms of reboots.
For many DC heroes, the first examples of this come with the Silver Age, or immediately after Crisis on Infinite Earths. Yet, the original LOSH) stories extend from the Silver Age through the Bronze Age and past Crisis on Infinite Earths. While they did have a slight pivot after Crisis in 1989 with “Five Years Later,” it was still within the same era of storytelling.
LOSH’s first major inflection point comes with Zero Hour in 2004, which begins what fans refer to generically as “Reboot” continuity.
Then, DC rebooted LOSH continuity prior to Infinite Crisis. This is known to LOSH fans as “Threeboot” era. Characters are sometimes referred to as “New Earth” versions.
However, there is a fourth reboot tucked into 2009 called “Retroboot” that kicks off with the Lightning Saga crossover. It’s called Retroboot because Geoff Johns retroactively inserted his version of the team back into the original continuity just after Crisis on Infinite Earths before handing the team to their author from that period, Paul Levitz. While the rest of DC reboots significantly after Flashpoint in New 52, LOSH continued their “Retroboot” era.
And, finally, Brian Bendis launched a familiar-but-new rebooted LOSH after Doomsday Clock and the explosion of the Source Wall in 2019 as a home for his newly aged-up Jon Kent.
This page exists thanks to research and consultation from @Atmageth!
- Where to Start Reading Legion of Super-Heroes
- Original Legion Continuity (Silver Age – 1989)
- Silver Age Legion
- Debut of the Legion of Super Heroes (April 1958 – July 1962)
- Adventure Comics (1938) #300-380 (Sept 1962 – May 1969)
- Action Comics (1938) #378-392 (July 1969 – Sept 1970)
- Bronze Age Legion
- Superboy (1949) #172-195
& Superboy and[/starring] the Legion of Super-Heroes #197-258 - Legion of Super-Heroes (1973) (reprints only)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #259-313
- Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #1-3
- Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #1-63 & Annual 1-4 [Direct Market]
- [AKA Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #314-325]
- Legion of Substitute Heroes Special (1985)
- Legionnaires 3 (1986) #1-4
- Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes (1988) #1-7
- Superboy (1949) #172-195
- Original Continuity, “Five Years Later” (1989 – 1994)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #1-61 & Annual 1-5
- Timber Wolf (1992) #1-5
- Legionnaires (1993) #1-18 & Annual 1
- Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #1-61 & Annual 1-5
- Silver Age Legion
- Reboot Continuity (AKA After Zero Hour) (1994 – 2004)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, 62-125, One Million, & Annual 6-7
- Legion: Secret Files (1998) #1
- Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files (1999) #2
- Legionnaires (1993) #0, 19-81, One Million, & Annual 2-3
- Legends of the Legion (1998) #1-4
- Legion: Science Police (1998) #1-4
- Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze (2000) #1-4
- Legion Lost (2000) #1-12
- Legion Worlds (2001) #1-6
- The Legion (2001) #1-38
- Legion Secret Files 3003 (2004)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, 62-125, One Million, & Annual 6-7
- New Earth Continuity AKA “Threeboot” (2004 – 2009)
- “Retroboot” Continuity, AKA “Before Five Years Later” (2008 – 2015)
- Pre-Flashpoint
- The Lightning Saga
- Superman & The Legion of Super-Heroes in Action Comics (1938) #858-863
- Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds (2008)
- Adventure Comics (2009 & 1938)
- Adventure Comics Special Featuring The Guardian (2009) #1
- Adventure Comics (2009) #0 & 1-12 [AKA #504-515]
- Adventure Comics (1938) #516-529
- Legion of Super-Heroes (2010) #1-16
- Legion of Super-Villains (2011) #1
- New 52
- Pre-Flashpoint
- Rebirth Continuity (2016 – present)
- Non-Continuity Titles

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Original Legion of Super-Heroes Continuity (1958 – 1994)
Debut of the Legion of Super-Heroes (April 1958 – July 1962)
Before the Legion of Super-Heroes (LOSH) settled into a single title run, they made a number of scattered introductory guest appearances. It is easiest to visualize their publishing history by considering this first brief burst of thirteen stories as a single run spread across different series. These have been consistently collected together over the years, as reflected below.
The appearances are, in order: Adventure Comics (1938) #247 & 267, Action Comics (1938) #267, Superboy (1949) #86, Adventure Comics (1938) #282, Action Comics (1938) #276, Superboy (1949) #89, Superman (1939) #147, Adventure Comics (1938) #290 & 293, Action Comics (1938) #287 & 289, and Superboy (1949) #98.
Every collection of this material also collects past this material, at least into the Legion’s recurring feature in Adventure Comics (1938) starting with issue #300.
in oversize hardcover
The Silver Age Omnibus, Vol. 1 (2017 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1401271022)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #267, 276, 287, & 289, Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 267, 282, 290, 293, 300-328, Superboy (1949) #86, 89, 98, & 117, Superman (1939) #147 & Annual 4, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #72 & 76.
The Omnibus line continues into the next run of Legion.
in hardcover Archive editions, which continue into the next run of Legion.
Archives Volume 1 (1991 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563890208)
Collects stories from (in this order) Adventure Comics #247 & 267, Action Comics #267, Superboy #86, Adventure Comics #282, Action Comics #276, Superboy #89, Superman #147, Adventure Comics #290 & 293, Action Comics #287 & 289, Superboy #98 [that’s it for the guest appearances], and Adventure Comics #300-305
in full color Silver Age paperbacks
Legion of Super-Heroes: The Silver Age Vol. 1 (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1401281571 / digital)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #267, 276, 287, 289, Adventure Comics (1938) #247 282, 290, 293, 300-310, Superboy (1949) #86, 89, 98, & 147.
in black & white showcase editions, which continue into the next run of Legion.
Showcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1 (2007 paperback, ISBN 978-1401213824)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #267, 276, 287, 289, Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 267, 282, 290, 293, 300-321, & 365, Superboy (1949) #86, 89, & 98, Superman (1939) #147, and Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #72 & 76
by single issue or storyline Click to expand a list of collecting information for this run as single issues
Legion of Super Heroes in Adventure Comics (1938) #300-380 (Sept 1962 – May 1969)
After their initial run of guest-star appearances, the Legion become a regular feature in the anthology Adventure Comics for most of the 1960s.
This run transforms from a recurring feature to a consistent story that forms to the bedrock of the Legion’s ongoing continuity thanks to famed writer (and later Marvel Editor-in-Chief) Jim Shooter, who pens issues #346-380 beginning in 1967. Shooter was just 14 years old when he took over the title, but he was already a comics savant – establishing much of the iconography and continuity of the Legion we recognize today, including many of its major characters. This is a DC Silver Age run with a slightly more Marvel-esque Silver Age vibe (think Roy Thomas’s Avengers). [DC Universe Infinite]
This period also includes some side appearances that are consistently collected alongside these feature stories. They include (in this order) Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #72 after #313, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #76 after #319, Superboy (1949) #117 after #327, Superboy (1949) #324-325 after #339, and Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #72 and then Superboy (1949) #147 after #367.
(Superman (1939) Annual 4 is sometimes also collected alongside #306-317, but I’m not sure of its exact placement.)
in oversize hardcover
#300-328: The Silver Age Omnibus, Vol. 1 (2017 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1401271022)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #267, 276, 287, & 289, Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 267, 282, 290, 293, 300-328, Superboy (1949) #86, 89, 98, & 117, Superman (1939) #147 & Annual 4, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #72 & 76
#329-360: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 (2018 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1401280550)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #329-360 and Superboy (1949) #124-125
#361-380: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 3 (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1779502438)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #361-380; Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #106; Superboy (1949) #147; and Action Comics (1938) #378-387 & 389-392
in hardcover Archive editions, which continue into the next run of Legion.
#300-305: Archives, Volume 1 (1991 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563890208)
Collects stories from (in this order) Adventure Comics #247 & 267, Action Comics #267, Superboy #86, Adventure Comics #282, Action Comics #276, Superboy #89, Superman #147, Adventure Comics #290 & 293, Action Comics #287 & 289, Superboy #98, and Adventure Comics #300-305
#306-317: Archives, Volume 2 (1992 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563890574)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #306-317, Superman (1939) Annual 4, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #72. Jimmy Olsen fits between #313-314.
#318-328: Archives, Volume 3 (1993 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563891021)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #318-328, Superboy (1949) #117, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #76. Jimmy Olsen fits between #319-320. Superboy fits between #327-328.
#329-339: Archives, Volume 4 (1994 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563891236)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #329-339 and Superboy (1949) #124-125. Superboy fits at the end of this run.
#340-349: Archives, Volume 5 (1994 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563891540)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #340-349
#350-358: Archives, Volume 6 (1996 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563892776)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #350-358
#359-367: Archives, Volume 7 (1998 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563893988)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #359-367 and Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #106. Jimmy Olsen fits at the end of this run.
#368-376: Archives, Volume 8 (1999 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563894305)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #368-376 and Superboy (1949) #147. Superboy fits first in this reading order.
#377-380: Archives, Volume 9 (1999 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563895142)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #377-380 and Action Comics (1938) #378-392. Action follows Adventure.
in black & white showcase editions
#300-321: Showcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1 (2007 paperback, ISBN 978-1401213824)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #267, 276, 287, 289, Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 267, 282, 290, 293, 300-321, & 365, Superboy (1949) #86, 89, & 98, Superman (1939) #147, and Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #72 & 76
#322-348: Showcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 2 (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401217242)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #322-348 & 365 and Superboy (1949) #117 & 125
#349-368: Showcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 3 (2009 paperback, ISBN 978-1401221850)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #349-368 & Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #116
#369-380: Showcase Presents: The Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 (2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401229412)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #378-387 & 389-392, Adventure Comics (1938) #369-380, Superboy (1949) #172-173, 176, 183-184, 188, & 190-191
by single issue or story
#304, 312, & 354-355: Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401217914)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 304, 312, & 354-355, Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (1998) #2, Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, The Legion (2001) #3, and Superboy (1949) #212
#346-374: Legion of Super Heroes: Life and Death of Ferro Lad (2009 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401221935)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #346-347, 352-355, & 357
Legion of Super-Heroes in Action Comics (1938) #378-392 (July 1969 – Sept 1970)
A few months after the conclusion of the Legion’s decade-spanning run in Adventure Comics they make the leap to a back-up features in Action Comics. Note that ussue #388 is a reprint Legion story from Adventure Comics #302 and features no original Legion material.
in oversize hardcover
#378-392: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 3 (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1779502438)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #361-380; Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (1954) #106; Superboy (1949) #147; and Action Comics (1938) #378-387 & 389-392
in hardcover Archive editions, which continue into the next run of Legion.
#378-392: Archives, Volume 9 (1999 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563895142 / digital)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #377-380 and Action Comics (1938) #378-392. Action follows Adventure.
in black & white showcase editions, which continue into the next run of Legion.
#378-392: Showcase Presents: The Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 (2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401229412 / digital)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #378-387 & 389-392, Adventure Comics (1938) #369-380, Superboy (1949) #172-173, 176, 183-184, 188, & 190-191
by single issue or storyline
#378-392: Only collected as seen above, except for #392 in a 1977 paperback collection of “Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes” published by Tempo Books.
Superboy (1949) #172-195
& Superboy and[/starring] the Legion of Super-Heroes (1971) #197-258 (March 1971 – Dec 1979)
After a brief, six-month publication break, the Legion found their home for the 1970s with Superboy. Though they begin as a back-up feature in his solo comic, the Legion eventually co-headline the book with Superboy and sometimes appear in multiple stories within a single issue.
Sources differ on how to refer to this Superboy title, which was re-titled to include the Legion on the cover years before a change to the indicia. With issue #197, the cover changed to “Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes,” and with #222 it swapped from “starring” to “and the.” The indicia officially changed to “Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes” with issue #231.
If you see a source that lists Superboy (1949) #232, it’s not wrong – it is simply ignoring the indicia change for the sake of simplicity. Similarly, a source that lists “Superboy starring the Legion of Super Heroes (1973) #197” is going by the title on the cover (and may be unaware that the indicia had not changed to indicate the start a new volume). [DC Universe Infinite]
The team’s appearance in All New Collector’s Edition #55 fits between issues #235-236.
in oversize hardcover
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1779513359)
Reprints All-New Collectors’ Edition (1978) C-55 in full original tabloid size.
in hardcover Archive editions, which then continued into another standard-size hardcover line (which continues into the next era)
#172-173, 176, 183-184, 188, 190-191, 193, 195, 197-202: Legion of Super-Heroes – Archives, Volume 10
(2000 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563896286)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #403 and Superboy (1949) #172-173, 176, 183-184, 188, 190-191, 193, 195, 197-202
#203-212: Legion of Super Heroes Archives, Volume 11 (2001 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563897306)
Collects Superboy (1949) #203-212
#213-223: Legion of Super-Heroes – Archives, Volume 12 (2003 hardcover, ISBN 978-1563899614)
Collects Superboy (1949) #213-223 and Karate Kid (1976) #1
#224-233: Legion of Super-Heroes Archive Vol. 13 (2012 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401234393)
Collects Superboy (1949) #224-233 and DC Special (1975) #28
#234-240: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 1 (2017 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401272913 / digital)
Collects Superboy (1949) #234-240, All-New Collectors’ Edition (1978) C-55, and DC Super Stars (1976) #17. Collectors’ fits between #236-237
#241-258: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 (2018 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401280857 / digital)
Collects Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1949) #241-258, DC Comics Presents (1978) #13-14. This also contains Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #259, although it is not listed in the solicited contents (as verified in a digital copy).
in black & white showcase editions
#172-173, 176, 183-184, 188, & 190-191: Showcase Presents: The Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4
(2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401229412)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #378-387 & 389-392, Adventure Comics (1938) #369-380, Superboy (1949) #172-173, 176, 183-184, 188, & 190-191
#193, 195, 197-220: Showcase Presents: The Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 5
(2014 paperback, ISBN 978-1401242978)
Collects Superboy (1949) #193, 195, 197-220 and Karate Kid (1976) #1
by single issue or storyline
#212: Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401217914)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 304, 312, & 354-355, Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (1998) #2, Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, The Legion (2001) #3, and Superboy (1949) #212
Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #259-313 & Annual 1-3 (Jan 1980 – July 1984)
and Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #1-3 (Jan 1981 – March 1981)
At the start of the 1980s, the Legion and their ever-expanding cast completely take over Superboy’s title, dropping his name from the title on both the cover and indicia. The first two years of this run (some by Roy Thomas) are not particularly notable. Generally, we can say that fans consider “modern” LOSH continuity to begin with Paul Levitz taking over the title with issue #284. [DC Universe Infinite] [DC Universe Infinite: Secrets of]
in oversize hardcover…
#259-283 & Secrets of the LOSH (1981) #1-3: Not collected in this format.
#284-296 & Annual 1: The Great Darkness Saga Deluxe Edition (2010 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1401229610 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #284-296, Annual 1, and material from the 1989 collection of the same name
#297-313 & Annual 2-3: The Curse Deluxe Edition (2011 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1401230982 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #297-313 & Annual 2-3
in standard-sized hardcover…
#259: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 (2018 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401280857 / digital)
Collects Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1949) #241-258, DC Comics Presents (1978) #13-14. This also contains Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #259, although it is not listed in the solicited contents.
#260-271 & Secrets of the LOSH (1981) #1-3: Legion of Super-Heroes: Before the Darkness Vol. 1
(2021 hardcover, ISBN 978-1779507594 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #260-271 and Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #1-3. (I have confirmed in a digital copy that this does not include #259.)
#272-283: Legion of Super-Heroes: Before the Darkness Vol. 2 (2022 hardcover, ISBN 978-1779510778 / digital)
The Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #272-283, DC Special Series (1977) #21, and The Best of DC (1979) #24 (the solicit text lists this as “The Best of DC: Blue Ribbon Digest,” but that is not the indicia title of the series).
in paperback…
#259-283 & Secrets of the LOSH (1981) #1-3: Not collected in this format.
#284-296 & Annual 1: The Great Darkness Saga (2014 paperback, ISBN 978-1401244163 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #284-296 & Annual 1
#297-313 & Annual 2-3: The Curse (2014 paperback, ISBN 978-1401251390 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #297-313 & Annual 2-3
#298: DC Through the 80s: The Experiments (2021 hardcover, ISBN 978-1779507099 / digital)
Collects Secret Origins (1986) #48, Swamp Thing (1985) #40, The Sandman (1989) #8, Doom Patrol (1987) #25, The Warlord (1976) #48 & 55, The Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #298, Nathaniel Dusk (1984 or 1985?) #1, Infinity, Inc. (1984) #14, The New Teen Titans (1980) #16, The Best of DC (1979) #58 [listed as The Best of DC: Blue Ribbon Digest, which is not an actual DC title], Watchmen (1986) #1, Camelot 3000 (1982) #1, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (1986) #2, Angel Love (1986) #1, and The History of the DC Universe (1986) #1-2″
#300: Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401217914)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 304, 312, & 354-355, Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (1998) #2, Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, The Legion (2001) #3, and Superboy (1949) #212
Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #1-63 & Annual 1-4 (Aug 1984 – Aug 1989) [Direct Market]
[AKA Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #314-325],
Legion of Substitute Heroes Special (1985), Legionnaires 3 (1986) #1-4 (Feb – May 1986),
& Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes (1988) #1-7 (April – Nov 1988)
In keeping with the often-confusing publication history of this title, LOSH relaunched as a new series in 1984 but also continued publishing as a reprint series called “Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes” that mirrored the main series numbering. This run includes a one-shot special, crosses Crisis on Infinite Earths and includes the Legionnaires 3 mini-series, as well as a Who’s Who volume. [DC Universe Infinite] [DC Universe Infinite: Substitute Heroes, Legionnaires 3]
in hardcover…
#37-38: Superman: The Man of Steel Vol. 2 (2021 hardcover, ISBN 978-1779505910 / digital)
Collects Superman (1987) #5-11, Action Comics (1938) #588-593, Adventures of Superman (1987) #439-435, Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #37-38, and profiles from Who’s Who: Update ’87 (1987)
#16 & 18: Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion Deluxe Vol. 3 (2019 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401294489 / digital)
Collects Amethyst (1985) #13, The Omega Men (1983) #31 and material from 33, Blue Devil (1984) #17-18, Wonder Woman (1942) #327-329, Swamp Thing (1985) #46, Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #16 & #18, Superman (1939) #413-415, DC Comics Presents DC Comics Presents (1978) #87-88 & 94-95, Justice League of America (1960) Annual 3, and material from Superman and Batman: World’s Funnest (2000) #1
in paperback…
#1-6: Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1: An Eye for an Eye (2007 paperback, ISBN 978-1401215699 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #1-6
#7-13: Legion of Super-Heroes: The More Things Change (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401219444 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #7-13
Legion of Substitute Heroes Special (1985) #1: Not collected. A one-shot with cover date of July 1985, this was released the same month as Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) #12.
#14-18: Not collected, except for #16 & 17 in Crisis on Infinite Earths companions and boxed sets. See DC Universe Events for more information.
Legionnaires 3 (1986) #1-4: Not collected. Launched the month that Crisis on Infinite Earths was ending and ran alongside issue #19-22.
#19-31: Not collected.
#32-35: Not collected; “The Universo Project”
#36: Not collected.
#37-38: Not collected in this format; crossover from #37 to Superman (1987) #8 to Action Comics (1938) #591 to conclude in #38.
#39-41: Not collected
#42-43: Part of Millennium. See DC Universe Events for more information.
#44-47: Not collected
#48-50: Not collected; “A Time To Die / A Time To Live / Life & Death at the End of Time”
#51-59: Not collected.
#60-62: Not collected; “The Magic Wars”
Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes (1988) #1-7: Not collected.
Legion of Super-Heroes: Five Years Later (1989 – 1994)
Legion was one of the later franchises to relaunch in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Its new volume arrived in 1989. [DCU]
In the wake of Crisis, some series rebuilt their character’s histories (Superman, Wonder Woman) while others made smaller tweaks (Batman, Green Lantern). LOSH took a totally different approach – maintaining the same continuity, but advancing their story half a decade. The time skip was a compromise that allowed writer Keith Giffen to introduce some new interactions and mysteries without alienating longtime fans. Plus, there were no other books set in the same timeline as LOSH – so, there was nothing to conflict with the time skip!
Giffen’s direction for LOSH became increasingly intricate, adult, and dark – perhaps influenced both by the period of comics in general and some of his team-comic competition in specific. As a result, four years into this continued continuity DC launched a second Legion title – Legionnaires. This title focused on a younger team of “chronal duplicates” of the now-older main characters.
Despite the two titles focusing on slightly different groups of characters, often during their run they formed a single twice-monthly Legion narrative with shared storytelling across both titles.
The two series ran without interruption for a year and a half before Zero Hour – the second major “Crisis” event in DC continuity. DC editorial used the Crisis as an opportunity to permanently shelve the older, darker versions of the characters and revamp both books to be younger and more lighthearted – which was the reputation LOSH had in the 80s in contrast to Teen Titans and Uncanny X-Men.
Even though both series continued their numbering uninterrupted, the issues after Zero Hour are considered part of the LOSH “Reboot” continuity – which is covered in the next section. See DC Universe Events for more information on Zero Hero.
Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #1-61 & Annual 1-5 (Nov 1988 – Sep 1994)
and Timber Wolf (1992) #1-5 (Nov 1992 – March 1993)
in oversize hardcover…
#1-39 & Annual 1-3: Five Years Later Omnibus Vol. 1 (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1779503138)
Collects Adventures of Superman (1987) #478, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #1-39 & Annual 1-3, Who’s Who in the DC Universe (1990) #1-11, 13-14, & 16, Timber Wolf (1992) #1-5
#40-61 & Annual 4-5: Five Years Later Omnibus Vol. 2 (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1779515575)
Collects L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989) #69-70, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #40-61 & Annual 4-5, Legionnaires (1993) #1-18 & Annual 1, Valor (1992) #20-23, and Who’s Who In The DC Universe Update 1993 (1992) #1
#61: Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 25th Anniversary Omnibus (2019 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1401294366)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #703, Adventures of Superman (1987) #516, Anima (1994) #7, Batman (1940) #511, Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992) #31, Catwoman (1993) #14, Damage (1994) #6, Darkstars (1992) #24, Detective Comics (1937) #678, The Flash (1987) #0 & 94, Green Arrow (1988) #90, Green Lantern (1990) #0 & 55, Guy Gardner: Warrior (1994) #24, Hawkman (1993) #13, Justice League America (1989) #92, Justice League International (1993) #68, Justice League Task Force (1993) #16, L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989) #70, Legionnaires (1993) #18, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #61, Outsiders (1993) #11, Robin (1993) #10, Steel (1994) #8, Superboy (1994) #8, Superman (1987) #93, Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #37, Team Titans (1992) #24, Valor (1992) #23, Zero Hour: Crisis in Time (1994) #4-0, and material from Showcase ’94 (1994) #8-10 and The Zero Hour Sampler (1994), plus foreword by Dan Jurgens, afterword by KC Carlson, and promotional and behind-the-scenes material.
Legionnaires (1993) #1-18 & Annual 1 (April 1993 – Sept 1994)
in oversize hardcover…
#1-18 & Annual 1: Five Years Later Omnibus Vol. 2 (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1779515575)
Collects L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989) #69-70, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #40-61 & Annual 4-5, Legionnaires (1993) #1-18 & Annual 1, Valor (1992) #20-23, and Who’s Who In The DC Universe Update 1993 (1992) #1
#18: Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 25th Anniversary Omnibus (2019 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1401294366)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #703, Adventures of Superman (1987) #516, Anima (1994) #7, Batman (1940) #511, Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992) #31, Catwoman (1993) #14, Damage (1994) #6, Darkstars (1992) #24, Detective Comics (1937) #678, The Flash (1987) #0 & 94, Green Arrow (1988) #90, Green Lantern (1990) #0 & 55, Guy Gardner: Warrior (1994) #24, Hawkman (1993) #13, Justice League America (1989) #92, Justice League International (1993) #68, Justice League Task Force (1993) #16, L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989) #70, Legionnaires (1993) #18, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #61, Outsiders (1993) #11, Robin (1993) #10, Steel (1994) #8, Superboy (1994) #8, Superman (1987) #93, Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #37, Team Titans (1992) #24, Valor (1992) #23, Zero Hour: Crisis in Time (1994) #4-0, and material from Showcase ’94 (1994) #8-10 and The Zero Hour Sampler (1994), plus foreword by Dan Jurgens, afterword by KC Carlson, and promotional and behind-the-scenes material.
After Zero Hour: Reboot Continuity (1994 – 2004)
The timeline changes of Zero Hour did not make massive changes to the present-day of DC’s continuity, but the ripples turned into waves by the time they reached the 30th century. That meant that the Legion’s continuity were entirely rebooted. Both Legion titles continued their numbering uninterrupted, but both of them started fresh with a new continuity after their #0 issues.
Despite being a reboot relative to the stories that came before, this version of Legion wasn’t necessarily unfamiliar to long time readers. It took the spirit of the recent launch of Legionnaires and combined it with the original teen Legion’s vibe (and, some semblance of their continuity, sans Superboy). As with the last period, these two titles often told a single continuous story between them.
This was the LOSH continuity for an entire decade, until the lead-up to Infinite Crisis shifted DC’s approach to the multiverse and its various futures.
Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, 62-125, One Million, & Annual 6-7 (Oct 1994 – March 2000)
+ Legion: Secret Files (1998) #1 (Jan. 1998) & Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files (1999) #2 (June 1999)
This series continues to Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s Legion: Lost, Legion Worlds, and The Legion, all below. [DC Universe Infinite]
#0: Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401217914 / digital)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 304, 312, & 354-355, Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (1998) #2, Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, The Legion (2001) #3, and Superboy (1949) #212
#0 & 62-65: Legion of Super-Heroes: The Beginning of Tomorrow (1999 paperback, ISBN 978-1563895159 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0 & 62-65 and Legionnaires (1993) #0 & 19-22
#0 & 62-68: Legionnaires Book One (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1401268664 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0 & 62-68 and Legionnaires (1993) #0 & 19-24
#69-73 & Annual 6: Legionnaires Book Two (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1401273811 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #69-73 & Annual 6, Legionnaires (1993) #25-30 & Annual 2, and Showcase ’95 (1995) #10
#74: Not collected. “Future Tense” crossover through Superboy #21, LOSH #74, and Legionnaires #31
#75: Not collected; part of “Underworld Unleashed.” See DC Universe Events for more information.
#75-85: Not collected
Annual 7: Part of “Legends of the Dead Earth.” See DC Universe Events for more information. Released around the same time as #85
#86: Not collected; part of “The Final Night.” See DC Universe Events for more information.
#87-96: Not collected
#97: Not collected; part of “Genesis.” See DC Universe Events for more information.
#98-100 & Legion: Secret Files (1998): Not collected. Secret Files had a cover date of January 1998, the same as #100.
#101-105: Not collected
#106-108: Not collected; “Dark Circle Rising” crossover with Legionnaires (1993) #62-65 (begins with #62)
Legion: Science Police (1998) #1-4 starts around here.
#109: Not collected
#1,000,000 AKA One Million: See DC Universe Events for collection information. Released between #109-110.
#100-121: Not collected
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze (2000) fits here.
#122-123: DC Comics Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #1
“Legion of the Damned.” Crosses over with Legionnaires (1993) #79-80
#122-125: The Legion by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning Vol. 1 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1401276362 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #122-125, Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files (1999) #2, Legionnaires (1993) #78-81
Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (1998) #2: Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future
(2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401217914)
This anthology issue, released in January 2000 just before the conclusion of the ongoing series, includes a Paul Levitz “Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes” story titled “Bedtime Story.” Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 304, 312, & 354-355, Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (1998) #2, Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, The Legion (2001) #3, and Superboy (1949) #212
Legionnaires (1993) #0, 19-81, One Million, & Annual 2-3 (Oct. 1994 – March 2000)
This series continues to Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s Legion: Lost, Legion Worlds, and The Legion, all below. [DC Universe Infinite]
#0 & 19-22: Legion of Super-Heroes: The Beginning of Tomorrow (1999 paperback, ISBN 978-1563895159 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0 & 62-65 and Legionnaires (1993) #0 & 19-22
#0 & 19-24: Legionnaires Book One (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1401268664 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0 & 62-68 and Legionnaires (1993) #0 & 19-24
#25-30 & Annual 2: Legionnaires Book Two (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1401273811 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #69-73 & Annual 6, Legionnaires (1993) #25-30 & Annual 2, and Showcase ’95 (1995) #10
#31: Not collected. “Future Tense” crossover through Superboy #21, LOSH #74, and Legionnaires #31
#32:Not collected; part of “Underworld Unleashed.” See DC Universe Events for more information.
#33-41: Not collected
#41-50: Not collected
Annual 3: Part of “Legends of the Dead Earth.” See DC Universe Events for more information. Released around the same time as #43
#51-61: Not collected
#62-65: Not collected; “Dark Circle Rising” crossover with Legionnaires (1993) #62-65 (begins with #62)
#1,000,000 AKA One Million: See DC Universe Events for collection information. Released between #65-66.
Legion: Science Police (1998) #1-4 starts around here.
#66-77: Not collected
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze (2000) #1-4 fit here.
#79-80: DC Comics Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #1
“Legion of the Damned.” Crosses over with Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #122-123
#78-81: The Legion by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning Vol. 1 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1401276362 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #122-125, Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files (1999) #2, Legionnaires (1993) #78-81
Legends of the Legion (1998) #1-4 (February – May 1998)
Solo origin stories of Ultra Boy, Spark, Umbra, and Star Boy. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-4: Not collected
Legion: Science Police (1998) #1-4 (August – November 1998)
This ostensible LOSH spinoff only briefly features Saturn Girl, instead focusing on a cast of Driana Allon, Collen Hasteen, and Jarik Shadder as spun off after “Dark Circle Rising.” [not currently on DC Universe Infinite]
#1-4: Not collected
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze (2000) #1-4 (Jan – April 2000)
This mini-series fits prior to the beginning of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s run at LOSH #122 and Legionnaires #78. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-4: Not collected
Legion: Lost (2000) #1-12 (May 2000 – April 2001)
This is the first of Abnett & Lanning’s three direct continuations of their end-run of LOSH & Legionnaires. It’s also somewhat self-contained, with the end fully resolving the main plot thread of the book. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-12: Legion Lost (2011 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401231200)
Collects Legion Lost (2000) #1-12
#1-12: The Legion by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning Vol. 2 (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1401280406 / digital)
Collects Legion Lost (2000) #1-12
Legion Worlds (2001) #1-6 (June – Nov. 2001)
This immediately follows Legion: Lost and is the second of Abnett & Lanning’s three continuations of their end-run of LOSH & Legionnaires. It spotlights specific members of the team, including Mon-El, Spark, Magno, Starboy, Karate Kid and Apparition, as they try to rejoin the Legion. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-6: Not collected. This was solicited as a Legion Worlds trade ISBN 978-1401237967 that was never released.
The Legion (2001) #1-38 (Dec. 2001 – Oct. 2004)
& Legion Secret Files 3003 (2004) #1 (Jan. 2004)
This is the final – and primary – continuation of Abnett & Lanning’s end-run of LOSH & Legionnaires.
Even though this series doesn’t carry the full “of Super-Heroes” title, it’s effectively the 4.1 volume of LOSH that fits between the 1989 title and the 2005 Three-Boot. While it fits after Legion Worlds, you can read it as a direct continuation of both the concluded series without reading Lost or Worlds, if you prefer. [DC Universe Infinite: Legion (2001) / Secret Files]
#1-2: Not collected
#3: Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401217914)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #247, 304, 312, & 354-355, Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant (1998) #2, Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300, Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #0, The Legion (2001) #3, and Superboy (1949) #212
#4-5: Not collected
#6-8: Not collected, “Terror Incognita”
#9-18: Not collected
#19-23: Not collected, “Dream Crime”
#24: Not collected
#25-30 & Secret Files 3003 #1: The Legion: Foundations (2004 paperback, ISBN 978-1401203382)
Collects The Legion (2001) #25-30 and Legion Secret Files 3003 (2004) #1 (released between #26-27).
#31-34: Not collected
#35-38: Not collected; “For No Better Reason”
New Earth Continuity AKA “Threeboot” (2004 – 2009)
This period adds a pair of additional wrinkles to the Legion’s always-confusing continuity.
First, even though it began before Infinite Crisis, all of the title and its characters are set on a post-Infinite Crisis Earth AKA “New Earth.”
Second, the title changes from just Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) to “Supergirl and the” in 2006. The Supergirl title runs from issues #16-36 before the 2005 LOSH title resumes with issue #37.
Teen Titans/Legion Special (2004) #1 (November 2004)
This one-shot continues from Teen Titans #16 and continues into the Threeboot LOSH series. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 1: Teenage Revolution (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-1401204822 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #1-6 and Teen Titans/Legion Special (2004) #1
#1: Teen Titans Vol. 4: The Future is Now (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-1401204754)
Collects Teen Titans (2003) #16-23 and Teen Titans/Legion Special (2004) #1
#1: Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book Two (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1401277529 / digital)
Collects Beast Boy (2000) #1-4, Teen Titans (2003) #13-19, Teen Titans/Legion Special (2004) #1
Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #1-15 (Feb 2005 – April 2006)
Written by Mark Waid. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-6: Vol. 1: Teenage Revolution (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-1401204822 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #1-6 and Teen Titans/Legion Special (2004) #1
#7-13: Vol. 2: Death of a Dream (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-1401209711 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #7-13
#11-12 & 15: Vol. 4: Adult Education (2007 paperback, ISBN 978-1401212445 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #11-12 & 15 and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006) #20-25. (I have verified this issue range in the book’s indicia.)
#14-15: Vol. 3: Strange Visitor from Another Century (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-1401209162 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #14-15 and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006) #16-19
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006) #16-36 (May 2006 – Jan 2008)
Written by Mark Waid and Tony Bedard. [DC Universe Infinite]
#16-19: Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3: Strange Visitor from Another Century (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-1401209162 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #14-15 and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006) #16-19
#20-25: Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4: Adult Education (2007 paperback, ISBN 978-1401212445 / digital)
Collects Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #11-12 & 15 and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006) #20-25. (I have verified this issue range in the book’s indicia.)
#26-30: Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 5: The Dominator War (2007 paperback, ISBN 978-1401214425 / digital)
#31-36: Supergirl & the Legion of Super Heroes, Vol. 6: The Quest for Cosmic Boy (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401216955 / digital)
Supergirl departs the team in Brave & Bold #3-6
Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #37-50 (Feb 2008 – March 2009)
With Supergirl departing the cast, the title reverts back to the original volume. [DC Universe Infinite]
#37-44: Enemy Rising (2008 hardcover, 2009 paperback, ISBN 978-1401219932 / digital)
#45-50: Enemy Manifest (2009 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401223045 / 2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401223052 / Geoff Johns)
“Retroboot” Continuity, AKA “Before Five Years Later”
Original LOSH steward Paul Levitz returns to the franchise, and in returning he wanted to re-visit an older set of Legion continuity. That means this series continues the Legion from not only before Zero Hour, but before it’s post-Crisis “Five Years Later” period that began in 1989.
Thus, the name “Retroboot.” As with many Legion reboots, this was made possible by the continuity-tinkering of a major DC event – this time, Final Crisis – which establishes that all three Legions continue to exist as three distinct timelines.
The Lightning Saga: Return of the original Legion of Super-Heroes (June – August 2007)
This reintroduction from writers Brad Meltzer and Geoff Johns was a direct crossover between Justice League of America (2006) #8-10 and Justice Society of America (2007) #5-6, running as JLA 8, JSA 5, JLA 9, JSA 6, and JLA 10. For additional collections of this material, see Guide to Justice League.
Justice League of America Vol. 2: The Lightning Saga (2008 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401216528 / 2009 paperback, ISBN 978-1401218690 / digital)
Collects Justice League of America (2006) #0 & 8-12 and Justice Society of America (2007) #5-6
Prior to this story, Dream Girl appears in JSA: Kingdom Come Special: Magog
Superman & The Legion of Super-Heroes
in Action Comics (1938) #858-863 (Dec 2007 – June 2008)
Action Comics (1938) 858-863: Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
(2008 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401218195 / 2009 paperback, ISBN 978-1401219048 / digital)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #858-863
The Legion in Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds (2008) #1-5 (Oct 2008 – Sept 2009)
While all three prior Legions appear here – pre-Five Years Later AKA Retroboot, Reboot, and Threeboot – in terms of a sequential read of publishing order this is part of the run-up to the ongoing RetroBoot series. See DC Universe Events for more information and additional collected editions, including details on omnibuses from 2018 (ISBN 978-1401285036) and 2019 (ISBN 978-1779501400). [DC Universe Infinite]
Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds (2008) #1-5: Legion of Three Worlds
(2009 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401223243 / 2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401223250 / digital)
Collects Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds (2008) #1-5
Adventure Comics Special Featuring The Guardian (2009) #1 (Jan 2009),
Adventure Comics (2009) #0 & 1-12 [AKA #504-515] (April 2009 & Oct 2009 – Aug 2010), &
Adventure Comics (1938) #516-529 (Sep 2010 – Oct 2011)
This run begins as Superboy title, but because this version of Superboy is associated with the Pre-Crisis PreBoot era of Legion they appear throughout. It continues to a re-numbered extension of the original 1938 run. [Special on DC Universe Infinite] [2009 on DC Universe Infinite] [1938 on DC Universe Infinite]
And, as with Superboy’s own title in the 1970s, the book quickly changes from a Superboy solo title featuring some of the Legion to a full-on Legion book.
Special #1: Superman: New Krypton, Vol. 1 (2009 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401223298 / 2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401223304 / digital)
Collects Action Comics (1938) #871, Adventure Comics Special Featuring The Guardian (2009) #1, Superman (1939) #681, Superman: New Krypton Special (2008) #1, and Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen Special (2008) #1
#0-6: Superboy: The Boy of Steel (2010 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401227722 / 2011 paperback, ISBN 978-1401227739)
Also collects Superman: Secret Files 2009 (2009) #1
#1-4: DC Comics Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #2
Collects Adventure Comics (2009) #1-4 and Action Comics (1938) #864, 900, & Annual 10
#7: Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns (2010 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401227890 / 2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401228064 / digital)
See DC Universe Events for additional collection information.
#8-9: Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton, Vol. 1 (2010 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401229320 / 2011 paperback, ISBN 978-1401229337)
Collects Adventure Comics (2009) #8-9, Supergirl (2005) #51, Superman (1939) #698, and Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton (2010) #1-2
Back-up stories from #8-10 are collected separately in Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird, Vol. 2 (2010 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401229399 / 2011 paperback, ISBN 978-1401229405)
#10-11: Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton, Vol. 2 (2011 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401230364 / 2010 paperback, ISBN 978-1401230371)
Collects Adventure Comics (2009) #10-11, Supergirl (2005) #52, Superman (1939) #699, Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton (2010) #3
#12 & #516-520: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Early Years (2011 paperback, ISBN 978-1401231682 / digital)
#521-522: LOSH, Vol. 2: Consequences (2011 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401232382 / digital)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #521-522, Legion of Super-Heroes (2010) #7-10 & Annual 1. (Note that Vol. 1 collects issues of LOSH without any Adventure Comics; it is listed in the next section).
#523-529: LOSH, Vol. 3: When Evil Calls (2012 paperback, ISBN 978-1401233679 / digital)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #523-529, Legion of Super-Heroes (2010) #11-16 & Legion of Super-Villains #1
Legion of Super Heroes (2010) #1-16 & Legion of Super-Villains (2011) #1 (July 2010 – Oct 2011)
Generally, the reading order of this series and Adventure comics runs LOSH #1-6, (DCU Holiday Special #1), 7-9, Adventure #521-522, LOSH Annual & 10, LOSV, LOSH #11-16, Adventure #523-529, LOSH #11-16. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-6: Vol. 1: The Choice (2011 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401230395 / digital)
A story in DCU DCU Holiday Special 2010 (2011) #1 fits here. It has not been collected as of this writing.
#7-10 & Annual 1: Vol. 2: Consequences (2011 hardcover, ISBN 978-1401232382 / digital)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #521-522, Legion of Super-Heroes (2010) #7-10 & Annual 1
#11-16: Vol. 3: When Evil Calls (2012 paperback, ISBN 978-1401233679 / digital)
Collects Adventure Comics (1938) #523-529, Legion of Super-Heroes (2010) #11-16 & Legion of Super-Villains #1
New 52: PreBoot Continues (2011 – 2013)
New 52: Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #1-23 & 0 (Nov 2011 – Oct 2013)
#1-7: Vol. 1: Hostile World (2012 paperback, ISBN 978-1401235017 / digital)
#8-14 & 0: Vol. 2: The Dominators (2013 paperback, ISBN 978-1401240974 / digital)
#15-23: Vol. 3: The Fatal Five (2014 paperback, ISBN 978-1401243326 / digital)
New 52: Legion Lost (2011) #1-16 & 0 (Nov 2011 – March 2013)
#1-7: Legion Lost Vol. 1: Run From Tomorrow (2012 paperback, ISBN 978-1401237035 / digital)
#8-16 & 0: Legion Lost Vol. 2: The Culling (2013 paperback, ISBN 978-1401240257 / digital)
Legion: Secret Origin (2011) #1-6 (Dec 2011 – May 2012)
This series explores Paul Levitz’s PreBooted Retcon version of how the LOSH formed. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-6: Legion: Secret Origin (2012 paperback, ISBN 978-1401237301 / digital)
Convergence: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2015) #1-2 (June – July 2015)
DC’s 2015 Convergence event revisited many past continuities, though it varied from book to book if those stories were meant to remain in-continuity. In the instance of this mini-series, it uses a Post-Crisis version of the original Superboy in the context of his LOSH membership. However, this isn’t a must-read for any particular Legion continuity. See New 52: Convergence for more information. [DC Universe Infinite]
#1-2: Convergence: Crisis Book One (2015 paperback, ISBN 978-1401258085 / digital)
Collects Adventures of Superman (2015) #1-2, Batman and the Outsiders (2015) #1-2, Green Lantern Corps (2015) #1-2, Hawkman (2015) #1-2, and Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2015) #1-2
Rebirth Continuity (202o – present)
Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium (2019) #1-2 (Nov-Dec 2019)
& Legion of Super-Heroes (2020) #1-12 (Jan 2020 – Jan 2021)
After Legion was missing in action in DC’s Rebirth continuity for several years, Brian Bendis launched a a revival of the team spinning out of the events of his runs on Superman and Action Comics. This new Legion continuity began with Super-Heroes: Millennium (2019) #1-2, which provided a bridge from the present day to future continuity before kicking off an ongoing series. [DC Universe Infinite: Millennium / LOSH (2020)]
Millennium (2019) #1-2 & (2020) #1-6: Vol. 1: Millennium (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1401295776 / digital)
#7-12: Vol. 2: The Trial of the Legion (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1779505637 / digital)
Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2022) #1-6 (March 2022)
#1-6: Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1779517418 / digital)
Non-Continuity Legion of Superheroes
For collection information, see The Complete Guide to DC Elseworlds, Infinite Earths, & Alternate Realities.
- Superboy’s Legion (2001) – Technically an Elseworlds! Collected in DC Comics Presents: Superboy’s Legion (2011) – #1
- The Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century (2007) #1-6 ties into a WB Kids cartoon and is collected in Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century: Tomorrow’s Heroes (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-1401216689)
- Batman ’66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes [I] (2017)
- Batman ’66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes [II] (2017)
- Legion of Super-Heroes/Bugs Bunny Special (2017)
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