The definitive issue-by-issue collecting guide and trade reading order for Doctor Jane Foster comic books as herself, The Mighty Thor, and Valkyrie in omnibus, hardcover, and trade paperback collections. Part of Crushing Krisis’s Crushing Comics. Last updated October 2024 with titles scheduled for release through December 2024.
Jane Foster spent 50 years as a minor supporting character before becoming a full-time superhero, but being minor didn’t make her unremarkable.
(Note: This summary and guide contains major spoilers for Jane Foster and for Thor, due to the way their plots relate! If you want a quick, non-spoiler reading list, skip down to the Greatest Hits section.)
Foster was introduced in Thor’s second issue, Journey Into Mystery (1956) #84, as the attending nurse at the private practice of Thor’s human alter-ego, Dr. Donald Blake.
For a woman in Marvel’s Silver Age, nurse Jane Foster is often particularly assertive – especially compared to Marvel contemporaries like Jean Grey and the Invisible Girl. While this established Foster as her own character and an opinionated medical professional, her assertiveness often came at the cost of belittling or patronizing Dr. Blake for being disabled
Jane Foster’s period as Thor’s romantic interest is much more short-lived than you might realize – she is written out of his ongoing comic in January 1967 after a negative first encounter with Odin, less than five years after her debut! In fact, many of her memories of her time with Thor are erased.
It would be almost a decade before her return, in which Jane Foster becomes inextricably tied to Thor’s ongoing Asgardian love interest, Sif. However, this run isn’t as long as it looks on paper – Jane spends the first few issues of it comatose, and she is hardly seen or referenced after Thor (1966) #250 in 1976!
When Foster finally does make an on-panel return in 1983, it’s to be swiftly married off and shuffled off the page save for occasional recaps of her relationship. She next turns up in 1994 towards the close of the first volume of Thor, separated from her husband, caring for her son, and embroiled in a caper involving the High Evolutionary’s AniMutants.
Starting in 1998, author Dan Jurgens casts Jane in a new role – Doctor Jane Foster. There’s no on-page explanation given for when, why, or how Foster completed medical school. The change allows her to drive an ongoing subplot with Thor’s new Earthly alter-ego, as well as make appearances in Iron Man and Avengers as “token medical expert.” There are passing mentions of her husband and son, but they don’t appear.
J. Michael Straczynski and Matt Fraction bring Dr. Foster back as a key player in Thor’s adventures from 2006 to 2011, again relying on her expertise as a doctor to insert her into their subplots.
However, it is Jason Aaron that would bring Jane Foster her most memorable plot and her superheroic turn. She begins as a supporting player in Aaron’s Thor: God of Thunder, revealing to Thor that she has cancer with an uncertain prognosis. As one of several woman supporting characters in the run, she is a prime suspect as the secret identity behind the new female Mighty Thor that debuts in the final pages of God of Thunder and continues to her own Thor (2014) series.
Jason Aaron’s story for Jane and for the new Thor is complex and satisfying as it stretches across multiple series from 2014 to 2018, giving Jane Foster her first true arc as a character as drawn by industry super-star Russel Dauterman. It’s one of Marvel’s true evergreen masterworks of narrative of the 2010s. By the finale, it seems like Foster’s story is complete and completely resolved… but, Aaron and co-writer Al Ewing had more plans for her following Aaron’s Thor finale in War of the Realms, which spun Jane Foster into a new status quo as a Valkyrie!
Jane Foster makes nearly 200 appearances before she transforms into the Mighty Thor, but are any of them worth reading? I did all of the homework so you don’t have to! I read every single Jane Foster appearance, ever for this guide so I could summarize her pre-Mjolnir greatest hits for you as well as give you a summary of her action in every appearance.
Whether you want to read every appearance like I did or just get the summary so you can dive into her time as a superhero, this guide has you covered.
- Greatest Hits
- Jane Foster, Civilian (Sept 1962 – Jan 2012)
- in Journey Into Mystery (1952) (Sept 1962 – Feb 1966)
- in Thor (1966) (March 1966 – Jan 1967, Nov 1967, Jan 1970)
- Jane Foster & Sif in Thor (1966) (Jan 1975 – Sept 1983)
- Jane Foster starts a family in Thor (1966) (Oct 1983 – Aug 1988 & June 1994 – Sept 1996)
- in Thor (1998) (July 1998 – Oct 2001 & April 2003)
- in Thor (2007), Thor (1966), & The Mighty Thor (2011) (June 2008 – Feb 2012)
- The Saga of Jane Foster, The Mighty Thor (2013 – 2018)
- in Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #12 7 24 (Oct 2013 – Sept 2014)
- Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1 (Dec 2014 – July 2015)
- in Secret Wars (2015)
- All-New All Different Marvel: Mighty Thor (2015) #1-23 & Generations (Jan 2016 – Nov 2017)
- Marvel Legacy: Thor (1966) #700-706 & At the Gates of Valhalla (Oct 2017 – May 2018)
- in Thor (2018) & War of the Realms (2019) #1-6 (Aug 2018 – Aug 2019)
- Jane Foster: Valkyrie (2019 – present)
- Valkyrie: Jane Foster (2019) #1-10 (July – Aug 2020)
- King in Black: Return of the Valkyries (2021) #1-5 (Jan – March 2021)
- Mighty Valkyries (2021) #1-5 (April – Sept 2021)
- Jane Foster, Valkyrie joins the Avengers
- Strange Tales: Thor & Jane Foster Infinity Comic (2022) #1 by Tim Seeley & Ramón F. Bachs (Jul 2022)
- Jane Foster & the Mighty Thor (2022) #1-5 (June – Sept 2022)

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Jane Foster’s Greatest Hits
This condenses Jane Foster’s 180-ish appearances from 1962 to 2012 into just 18 key issues before you continue to her time as Mighty Thor and Valkyrie! Truthfully, you don’t really need any of these appearances to enjoy those modern stories! However, if you want to know who Jane Foster was as a character prior to Jason Aaron, this will give you the entire story in 1/10th of the reading time.
Journey Into Mystery (1952) #84, 99-100, 113, & 124: While none of these issues are significant to Jane Foster’s modern-day character, these issues cover Jane’s arc from attending nurse, through her growing affection for Dr. Donald Blake, to the reveal that he is Thor. She starts in nearly every issue in this period, but many of them feature her simply belittling Dr. Blake or acting as Thor’s damsel in distress.
Thor (1966) #136: This is one of the most-critical issues in Jane’s history, as it shows her first visit to Asgard and how that sets her on a path separate from Thor’s for many years.
Thor (1966) #236, 247, Annual 9, 335: These four issues help to summarize the entire Jane/Sif period of continuity from the mid-70s to the early 1980s.
Thor (1966) #394: A definitive recap of Jane’s relationship with Thor based on the current state of continuity.
Thor (1966) #476 & 480: While Jane Foster’s mid-90s plot with the AniMutants is marginal at best, it’s one of her most-extensive brushes with the fantastic, as well as the only on-panel time for her son Jimmy. These two issues have the best of her plot moments, although #476 re-recaps much of what we saw covered in #394.
Thor (1998) #5, 12 & Annual 2000: Doctor Foster is an ongoing co-star in most issues from #5 through #21 and Annual 2000, but that includes many repeated plot beats. These three issues streamline her suspicions about Thor’s new mortal identity through the end of the plot, which includes some payoffs to her extended continuity (and to Thor #136, in specific).
Thor (2007) #8: While this isn’t a good Jane Foster issue, it represents an essential shift in her status quo.
Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #12: A significant issue, both for solid Jane Foster scenes and for setting up multiple facets of her upcoming change in status quo. You might also decide to read issue #24, which includes one further development for Dr. Foster.
Jane Foster: The Saga of the Mighty Thor (2022 paperback, IBSN 978-1302934873 / digital)
Collects Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1 (2nd story); Mighty Thor (2015) #1-5, 8-11, 13-14, and Generations: Unworthy Thor and Mighty Thor (2017) #1. This collects all of the introduction and build-up of Jane’s story, but the climax and transformation is in the next volume.
Jane Foster: The Saga of Valkyrie (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302934828 / digital)
Collects Mighty Thor (2015) #702-706, material from Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla (2018) #1 and War of the Realms: Omega (2019) #1, and Valkyrie: Jane Foster (2019) #1-10. This won’t read as well as a standalone as it does with the build-up from the “Saga of the Mighty Thor” volume, but it is fantastic material!
Jane Foster, Civilian (Sept 1962 – Jan 2012)
in Journey Into Mystery (1952) #83-125 (Sept 1962 – Feb 1966)
Jane Foster debuts in Journey Into Mystery as a high-qualified nurse who has some romantic feelings for her Doctor, Donald Blake, but not as strong as her romantic feelings for the swarthy Asgardian Thor – who comes repeatedly to her rescue.
Jane appears in Journey Into Mystery (1952) #84-93, 95-100, 103-111, 113-117, 120-122, & 124-125, as well as in several issues of Avengers and in comics flashing back to this period. See Guide to Thor, The Odinson for collection information.
Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this Thor (1966) #126-136, 146, & 172 (March 1966 – Jan 1967, Nov 1967, Jan 1970)
In this period, we see Jane pull away from Thor in #136 in a critical issue for her character after her first somewhat super-heroic position in #133-135.
Jane appears in Thor (1966) #126-136, 146, & 176. She does not make any guest appearances in this period.
Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.Jane Foster & Sif
in Thor (1966) #231-232, 235-236, 237-250, Annual 9, & 335 (Jan 1975 – Sept 1983)
This period begins with Thor rushing to the side of an unconscious Jane Foster in issue #231, which leads his Asgardian lover Sif to realize how deeply her still cares for Jane. To save Jane from the brink of death, Sif voluntarily shares her lifeforce with Jane.
At first, it seems Sif has disappeared entirely, and we’re left with a more-adventurous version of Jane Foster. However, by issue #250 the true nature of Jane & Sif’s connection is revealed – which leads to us not seeing any more of Jane until this plot is resolved in Annual 9 and issue #335.
Jane appears in Thor (1966) #231-232, 235-236, 237-250, Annual 9, & 335. Sif’s appearances between issue #250-335 are not tracked as part of this guide. Jane does not make any guest appearances in this period.
Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.Jane Foster starts a family
in Thor (1966) #336, 372, 394, & 475-502 (Oct 1983 – Aug 1988 & June 1994 – Sept 1996)
Freed of her connection with Sif, Jane immediately becomes engaged to Dr. Keith Kincaid and starts a family with him as seen in issues #372 and 394.
That’s the last we see of her for over half a decade until she makes a surprising return alongside her son but without her estranged husband in #475. This begins a plot that is an extended reference to #133-135, but also seeks to reawaken and ultimately resolve Jane’s feelings for Thor.
In this period, Jane appears in Thor (1966) #336, 372, 394, 475-477, 480, 482-484, 486, 488-489, & 502. During the latter portion of that, she makes a handful of guest appearances.
Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.Doctor Jane Foster in Thor (1998) #1-40 & 60 (July 1998 – Oct 2001 & April 2003)
Thor returns to the Marvel Universe in the wake of Heroes Reborn with a new status quo and we quickly discover a new status quo for Jane Foster as well – she is now Doctor Jane Foster!
This evolution of the character allows Jane to have more agency as a supporting player in Thor’s title, where she is a driver of the sub-plot of Thor’s civilian identity. It also gives her reason to appear throughout other Avengers titles to dispense medical advice and care.
Though Dr. Foster makes many appearances in this period, ultimately they aren’t particularly plot-significant for her, save for Annual 2000. She appears in Thor (1998) #1, 5-6, 8, 10, 12-16, 19-21, Annual 2000, 26-27, 29-31, 35-37, 39-40, & 60, as well as several appearances in Iron Man (1998) and Avengers (1998).
Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.Doctor Jane Foster in
Thor (2007), Thor (1966), & The Mighty Thor (2011) (June 2008 – Feb 2012)
This period begins with Thor back from Ragnarok and Dr. Foster continuing her residency in a NYC hospital. However, as Thor’s new story continues and Asgard comes to the mortal realm in Broxton, Oklahoma, Dr. Foster finds herself increasingly embroiled in Thor’s life… as well as the life of Dr. Donald Blake!
In this period, Dr. Foster appears in Thor (2006) #8 & 11, Thor (1966) #600, 602, 604, 606, 615, 617-621, and Mighty Thor (2011) #8-9, as well as making a handful of guest appearances.
Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.The Saga of Jane Foster, The Mighty Thor (2013 – 2018)
While Jane Foster’s story as Thor doesn’t properly begin until Thor (2014) #1, it is one of the major structural elements of Jason Aaron’s multi-year, multi-title run on Thor, which begins two years earlier in Thor: God of Thunder (2012)
If you’re just looking for Jane Foster content you don’t have to start with God of Thunder! However, because Marvel has recollected all of Jason Aaron’s run comprehensively across both Thor the Odinson and Jane Foster as Thor, for some options for collecting Foster’s run you’ll find up with some of God of Thunder as well.
Broadly, if you want to collect all of Jane Fosters’s major stories in just two volumes, you can buy these:
Jane Foster: The Saga of the Mighty Thor (2022 paperback, IBSN 978-1302934873 / digital)
Collects Thor (2014) 1-8 & Annual 1 (2nd story); Mighty Thor (2015) #1-5, 8-11, 13-14 and Generations: Unworthy Thor and Mighty Thor (2017) 1. This collects all of the introduction and build-up of Jane’s story, but the climax and transformation is in the next volume.
Jane Foster: The Saga of Valkyrie (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302934828 / digital)
Collects Mighty Thor (2015) #702-706, material from Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla (2018) #1 and War of the Realms: Omega (2019) #1, and Valkyrie: Jane Foster (2019) #1-10. This won’t read as well as a standalone as it does with the build-up from the “Saga of the Mighty Thor” volume, but it is fantastic material!
Jane Foster in Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #12 & 24 (Oct 2013 – Sept 2014)
Jane Foster makes just three appearances in this series – in issues #12, 24, & 25. The first two to set up her status quo as a civilian, the final one introduces her as Mighty Thor (though we as readers don’t know that at the time).
in a single omnibus oversize hardcover…
Thor by Jason Aaron Omnibus (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302934859 / digital)
Collects Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #1-25, Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1, Thors (2015) #1-4, and Mighty Thor (2015) #1-12
in deluxe oversize hardcovers…
#1-11: Thor: God of Thunder, Volume 1 (2015 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785191131 / digital)
#12-25: Thor: God of Thunder, Volume 2 (2015 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785198000 / digital)
recollected in paperback complete collections…
#1-18: Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 1 (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302918101 / digital)
#19-25: Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 2 (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302923860 / digital)
Also collects Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1 and Thors (2015) #1-4
as originally collected…
For the originally-released hardcover and trade paperback collections of Thor: God of Thunder, see Guide to Thor, The Odinson
Journey Into Mystery (1952) #652: This appearance is hard to place, because we see Sif visit a seemingly-healthy Dr. Foster. Yet, in the next appearance, we hear she has been ill for six months – and she seems very open about her illness. Either this issue needs to be placed much earlier in Marvel NOW, or it’s a continuity goof, or Jane is specifically concealing her condition while at work.
#12: Thor visits Jane Foster in Broxton, where he is shocked to discover her diagnosis.
#24: Thor recruits Dr. Foster to a more active role on Asgard.
#25: We see the new Thor debut in a single splash page, as read in a book on the history of Thor in the far future.
Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1 (Dec 2014 – July 2015)
Jane makes her debut in Thor in the second volume of Jason Aaron’s ongoing run on Thor. In this period, The Mighty Thor remains relatively contained as a character, making limited additional appearances as the mystery of her identity plays out in this title.
in a single omnibus oversize hardcover…
Thor by Jason Aaron Omnibus (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302934859 / digital)
Collects Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #1-25, Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1, Thors (2015) #1-4, and Mighty Thor (2015) #1-12
in a single deluxe oversize hardcover (volume numbering continues into the next series)…
Thor by Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman, Vol. 1 (2016 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302900670 / digital)
Note that some stores do not list this as “Vol. 1”
recollected in a single paperback complete collection (volume numbering continues into the next series)…
Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 2 (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302923860 / digital)
Collects Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #19-25, Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1, and Thors (2015) #1-4
in a “best of” re-collection…
Jane Foster: The Saga of the Mighty Thor (2022 paperback, IBSN 978-1302934873 / digital)
Collects Thor (2014) 1-8 & Annual 1 (2nd story); Mighty Thor (2015) #1-5, 8-11, 13-14 and Generations: Unworthy Thor and Mighty Thor (2017) 1. However, it does not continue to the renumbering in Marvel Legacy, which contains the end of Jane Foster’s run as Thor! So, you will be missing the climax of the story with this book.
as originally collected…
#1-5: Thor, Vol. 1: The Goddess of Thunder
(2015 hardcover, ISBN 978-0785192381 / 2016 paperback, ISBN 978-0785192398 / digital)
#6-8 & Annual 1: Thor, Vol. 2: Who Holds the Hammer?
(2015 hardcover, 978-0785197843 / 2016 paperback, ISBN 978-0785197850 / digital)
Also collects What If? (1977) #10
with guest appearances integrated…Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.
in Secret Wars (2015)
See Marvel Universe Events. These appearances are not strictly in continuity. Jane appears in the “Last Days” prelude to the event in Captain America & The Mighty Avengers (2015) #9 as well as in Secret Wars (2015) #1, 3-5, 7-9 & Thors (2015) #4.
All-New All-Different Marvel: Jane Foster in Mighty Thor (2015) #1-23 (Jan 2016 – Nov 2017)
& Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor (2017) #1 (Oct 2017)
Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman continue their run on Thor in Marvel’s 2015-16 line-wide relaunch, All-New, All-Different Marvel.
The difference is that in this period, Jane Foster Thor is much more central to the Marvel Universe as an anchoring member of the Avengers. That means she appears not only in almost every issue of All-New All-Different Avengers (2015), but she also appears anywhere the Avengers turn up – which includes the majority of Marvel Events.
in omnibus oversize hardcover…
#1-12: Thor by Jason Aaron Omnibus (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302934859 / digital)
Collects Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #1-25, Thor (2014) #1-8 & Annual 1, Thors (2015) #1-4, and Mighty Thor (2015) #1-12
#13-23: Not collected in this format
in deluxe oversize hardcover…
#1-12: Thor by Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman, Vol. 2 (2017 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302903800 / digital)
#13-23: Thor by Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman, Vol. 3 (2019 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302917388 / digital)
Collects Mighty Thor (2015) #13-23, Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor (2017) #1, Thor (1966) #700-706, and Mighty Thor: At The Gates of Valhalla (2018) #1, thus concluding Jane’s arc as Thor.
recollected in paperback complete collection…
#1-19: Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 3 (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302923877 / digital)
#20-23: Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 4 (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302929916 / digital)
Collects Mighty Thor (2015) #20-23, Unworthy Thor (2017) #1-5, Generations: Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor (2017) #1, Thor (1966) #700-706, and Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla (2018) #1, thus concluding Jane’s arc as Thor.
in a single “best of” re-collection…
#1-5, 8-11, 13-14 & Generations: Jane Foster: The Saga of the Mighty Thor
(2022 paperback, IBSN 978-1302934873 / digital)
I have confirmed in this actual book that it cuts off at #14 prior to Generations. Collects Thor (2014) 1-8 & Annual 1 (2nd story); Mighty Thor (2015) #1-5, 8-11, 13-14 and Generations: Unworthy Thor and Mighty Thor (2017) 1. This collects all of the introduction and build-up of Jane’s story, but the climax and transformation is in the next volume.
as originally collected (volume numbering continues into the next series)…
#1-5: The Mighty Thor Vol. 1: Thunder In Her Veins
(2016 hardcover, ISBN 978-0785195221 / 2017 paperback, ISBN 978-0785199656 / digital)
#6-12: The Mighty Thor Vol. 2: Lords of Midgard
(2016 hardcover, ISBN 978-0785195238 / 2017 paperback, ISBN 978-0785199663 / digital)
Note: Issues #6-7 are a flashback story that do not included Jane.
#13-19: The Mighty Thor Vol. 3: The Asgard/Shi’ar War
(2017 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302903084 / 2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302903091 / digital)
#20-23 & Generations: The Mighty Thor Vol. 4: The War Thor
(2018 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302906580 / 2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302906597 / digital)
with guest appearances integrated…Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.
Marvel Legacy: Jane Foster in Thor (1966) #700-706 (Oct 2017 – April 2018)
& Mighty Thor: At The Gates of Valhalla (2018) #1 (May 2018)
In late 2017 in the wake of Secret Empire, Marvel converted most of their long-running franchises to “Legacy” numbering.
That means that Marvel renumbered each major title so that the numbering continue the issue count of their original Silver or Bronze Age original series plus the numbering of the many relaunched series along the way.
This also marked the return of several titular heroes to their original roles alongside Legacy heroes who took them over – such as Odinson as Thor alongside Jane Foster.
However, in the case of Jason Aaron’s overarching Thor narrative, he still had one more arc of stories to tell with Foster before wrapping up.
in a single deluxe oversize hardcover…
#700-706 & Gates of Valhalla:
Thor by Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman, Vol. 3
(2019 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302917388 / digital)
Collects Mighty Thor (2015) #13-23, Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor (2017) #1, Thor (1966) #700-706, and Mighty Thor: At The Gates Of Valhalla (2018) #1, thus concluding Jane’s arc as Thor.
recollected in a single paperback complete collection…
#700-706 & Gates of Valhalla: Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 4
(2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302929916 / digital)
Collects Mighty Thor (2015) #20-23, Unworthy Thor (2017) #1-5, Generations: Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor (2017) #1, Thor (1966) #700-706, and Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla (2018) #1, thus concluding Jane’s arc as Thor.
in a single “best of” re-collection…
#700-706 & material from Gates of Valhalla: Jane Foster: The Saga of Valkyrie
(2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302934828 / digital)
Note that this solicit says it begins from issue #702, but this may be an error. Also “material from” the Gates one-shot just means it omits material from the issue that didn’t relate to Jane. Collects Mighty Thor (2015) #702-706, material from Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla (2018) #1 and War of the Realms: Omega (2019) #1, and Valkyrie: Jane Foster (2019) #1-10. This won’t read as well as a standalone as it does with the build-up from the “Saga of the Mighty Thor” volume, but it is fantastic material!
as originally collected…
#700-706 & Gates of Valhalla: Mighty Thor Vol. 5: The Death of the Mighty Thor
(2018 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302906603 / 2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302906610 / digital)
with guest appearances integrated… Click to expand a summary of every Jane Foster appearance in this period.
Dr. Jane Foster in Thor (2018) & War of the Realms (2019) (June 2018 – June 2019)
After the resolution of her time as The Mighty Thor, Dr. Foster continues into the Marvel Fresh Start era as a supporting character through the finale of Jason Aaron’s run on Thor in his Thor (2018) and War of the Realm (2019).
Thor (2018) #1, 8-9, & 11: See Guide to Thor, The Odinson. Dr. Foster appears entirely in a civilian capacity in these stories.
War of the Realms (2019) #1-6: See Guide to Thor, The Odinson or Marvel Universe Events. Dr. Foster appears in every issue of this six-issue event, plus in War of the Realms: War Scrolls (2019) #1 (3rd story) during issue #2, War Of The Realms: Journey Into Mystery (2019) #5 during issue #4, and Thor (2018) #14 during issue #6. War of the Realms: Omega (2019) #1 sets her in her new direction.
After War of the Realms: in Thor (2018) #16 Jane briefly appears as Valkyrie giving a toast to Thor, which places it into the next era (after issue #2).
Jane Foster: Valkyrie (2019 – present)
Valkyrie: Jane Foster (2019) #1-10 (July 2019 – Aug 2020)
Jason Aaron and explosive fan-favorite Al Ewing continue Jane Foster’s story past the end of Aaron’s run on Thor in this solo series with stunning art by CAFU and Ramon Rosanas. Torunn Gronbekk joins as co-writer in the back half, and she will stick with Jane for several years to come. [Ed. Note: This is an incredibly strong series – I highly recommend it!]
#1-5: Vol. 1: The Sacred and the Profane (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302920296 / digital)
Also collects material from War of the Realms (2019) Omega #1
#6-10: Vol. 2: At The End of Things (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302920302 / digital)
Also in this period, Valkyrie Jane Foster appears in Fearless (2019) #1, Gwenpool Strikes Back (2020) #3-4, Thor: The Worthy (2019) #1, King Thor (2019) #4, Incoming (2019) #1.
King in Black: Return of the Valkyries (2021) #1-4 (Jan – March 2021)
After a brief gap at the end of her prior series, Jason Aaron returns to Jane Foster (and several other Valkyries) along with her ongoing author Torunn Gronbekk. Though this is part of King In Black, the climax of Donny Cates’ run on Venom, it can be appreciated on its own without the event.
#1-4: King in Black: Return of the Valkyries (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302928087 / digital)
Also in this period she appears in King in Black #2, Avengers (2018) #40-44, Thor (2020) #10-13.
The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #1-5 (April – Sept 2021)
Jason Aaron and Torunn Gronbekk continue their tale of the Valkyries alongside super-stunning photo-realistic artist Mattia de Iulis alongside Erica D’Urso.
This volume has my hearty endorsement! It was one of my favorite comics of 2021!
#1-5: The Mighty Valkyries (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302930196 / digital)
In this period, she also appears in Thor (2020) #16. After this run, she appears as a solo character in Death of Doctor Strange (2021) #3 and X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-2. She then cameos in Avengers (2018) #50 to set up the next run. She also makes a continuity-lite appearance in It’s Jeff Infinity Comic (2021) #1 and Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) #1 & 4
Jane Foster, Valkyrie joins the Avengers (2022 – present)
Black Panther calls in Jane Foster, Valkyrie during a time of need in Avengers (2018) #53-54. Her membership is formalized in issue #55.
Avengers (2018) #53-56: See Guide to Avengers Flagships, 2012 – present. Her membership continues through her next series in Avengers (2018) #57-59
Also in this period: Thor (2020) #22 & 24. She also makes a continuity-lite appearance in Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) #10
Strange Tales: Thor & Jane Foster Infinity Comic (2022) #1 by Tim Seeley & Ramón F. Bachs (Jul 2022)
#1: Not collected
Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor (2022) #1-5 (June – Sept 2022)
This five-issue mini-series from recurring Jane Foster writer Torunn Gronbek finds Jane Foster re-encountering Mjölnir to become The Mighty Thor in a time of need … that coincidentally lines up with her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut!
#1-5: (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302946944 / digital)
Also in this period, she is in The Marvels (2021) #12.
Avengers (2018) & Avengers Assemble: See Guide to Avengers Flagships, 2012 – present. During and after this Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor (2022) series she is also in Avengers (2018) #57-59. After this series, she continues in Avengers (2018) #62, Avengers Assemble Alpha (2022) #1, Avengers (2018) #63-65, Avengers: Forever (2021) #14, Avengers (2018) #66, Avengers: Forever (2021) #15, and Avengers Assemble Omega (2023) #1.
After this series and likely prior to the conclusion of Avengers, she is also in Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) #39, Daredevil (2019) #9-10
Thor (2018) #31-35: See Guide to Thor – Odinson.
Also in this period in Cosmic Ghost Rider (2023) #2-5, Marvel Age (1983 / 2023) #1000, Who Is… Ms. Marvel Infinity Comic (2023) #1, Avengers Inc. (2023) #2-3, in cameo in Marvel Unleashed (2023) #4, Immortal Thor (2023) #4-5, Women of Marvel (2024) #1, Spectacular Spider-Men (2024) #2-3, and in a continuity-lite appearance in Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) #29
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