Updated Jan 19, 2025! The definitive Scarlet Witch issue-by-issue collecting guide and trade reading order for comic books, omnibus, hardcover, and trade paperback collections. Find every issue and appearance! Part of Crushing Krisis’s Crushing Comics. Last updated January 2025 with titles scheduled for release through July 2025.
Wanda Maximoff is The Scarlet Witch – one of the most powerful mutants in Marvel’s universe, and the sometimes daughter of Magneto. She is able to alter reality at her whim with blasts of pure chaos, causing anything from a wall suddenly crumble down upon a villain to an alteration to the fabric of our universe.
Scarlet Witch is one of Marvel’s earliest reformed villains and one of their most dedicated heroes. She forms a link between the X-Men and Avengers franchises that has been in place since 1965.
For the prior year, Wanda and her brother Quicksilver had appeared together as members of Magneto’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants since their debut in X-Men (1963) #4. However, in May of 1965 the mutant twins shocked both Marvel’s characters and their readers by applying for membership with Captain America’s reformed Avengers in Avengers (19630 #16.
While Quicksilver has come and gone from The Avengers since then, Scarlet Witch has remained a mainstay of the team. Her initial membership ran for a nearly-continuous 20 years before she spun off into a year-long maxi series with her beau The Vision in 1985, which depicted their unusual romance and eventual home life. Wanda even gave birth to a pair of twins.
After that domestic interlude, Wanda returned to active Avengers membership with the West Coast Avengers. Under the pen of John Byrne, she had her own “Dark Phoenix” period, turning on her teammates. However, she quickly returned to heroism and broke away from The Avengers with her other teammates to form the more proactive Force Works in 1994, lead by Iron Man (but not before briefly headlining her own limited series).
A subsequent return to The Avengers was short-lived, as the results of Onslaught shunted Wanda and her teammates into a pocket universe in 1996 before they returned in a new flagship title in 1998. Scarlet Witch was a founding member and an ongoing anchor of the team.
Everything changed in 2004, when red-hot writer Brian Michael Bendis was given free reign to rebuild the flagging Avengers franchise. His answer was a four-issue arc called “Avengers Disassembled,” which would both elevate and irrevocably alter Scarlet Witch’s profile in the Marvel Universe. It’s follow-up, the X-Men and Avengers crossover House of M, would emphasize Wanda as the link between the two teams and also prove her to be one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
After that climax, five whole years passed with only the scantest hints of Wanda’s continued existence. She returned in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, which both addressed her absence and resolved her seeming connection to a pair of Young Avengers – Wiccan and Speed – who closely resembled Wanda and her brother.
With Scarlet Witch back in action, she was a natural choice to anchor a “Unity” team of Avengers and X-Men in Uncanny Avengers in 2012 to welcome the Marvel Now era. A second volume of that book called into question her long-established link to Magneto (which many fans took as a rebuke of FOX being able to use Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in their X-Men movies). Then, after Secret Wars, she starred in her own ongoing series for the first time in 2016 before making a return to Uncanny Avengers in 2017.
- Where to Start Reading!
- Scarlet Witch Reading Order
- Silver & Bronze Age
- 1980s
- 1990s
- Avengers Reborn & Disassembled
- Heroic Age: Return of the Scarlet Witch
- Marvel Now: Uncanny Avengers & Axis
- All-New, All-Different Marvel: Scarlet Witch (2016)
- Marvel Fresh Start & The Age of Krakoa
- by Steve Orlando (2023 – Present)
- Scarlet Witch (2023) #1-10 & Annual 1 by Steve Orlando
- Contest of Chaos Annuals
- Avengers (2023) #1-13
- Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) #1-4 by Steve Orlando, Lorenzo Tammetta, & Frank William
- Blood Hunt (2024) #1-5
- Scarlet Witch (2024) #1-(TBA) by Steve Orlando
- Avengers (2023) #17-(TBA)
- Scarlet Witch (2023) #1-10 & Annual 1 by Steve Orlando
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Where To Start Reading Scarlet Witch!
Where should you start reading Scarlet Witch? Due to her decades of membership in The Avengers without her own solo adventures, that’s not such an easy question to answer! However, here are some collections where you can get started.
Avengers Epic Collection Vol. 2: Once an Avenger
If Silver Age comics are your kind of thing, this volume picks up just four issues after Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver join The Avengers and contains a big chunk of their quintessential early adventures. Scarlet Witch appears in almost every issue of this run.
Avengers: Vision & The Scarlet Witch – A Year in the Life
While this isn’t your typical super hero comic book, it’s one of the first chances Wanda had to stretch out and develop her character without jostling for attention in the midst of a team book.
Avengers West Coast: Darker Than Scarlet
Scarlet Witch has her own Dark Phoenix moment in a breakdown whose effects echoed as far as Avengers Disassembled.
Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Despite being one of only a handful of “Scarlet Witch” titled collections, this book isn’t really all that essential of a read. However, it does contain a pair of one-shots telling Wanda’s pre-debut history, as well as her few solo stories from the late 80s and her first limited series. It’s the biggest dose of unadulterated Witch you could get before her solo series in 2016!
Scarlet Witch, Vol. 1: Witches Road
Scarlet Witch’s first ongoing series requires no pre-knowledge or accompanying reading – it’s totally standalone!
Scarlet Witch, The Villain
Scarlet Witch debuted in the pages of X-Men by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby as the token female member of Magneto’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She echoed other early Lee/Kirby women with her vaguely-defined power of invisible force (Jean Grey, Sue Storm) and her sibling bond with Quicksilver (Sue Storm). She also has the distinction of being one of the earliest female villains of Marvel!
Click for a list of flashback appearances prior to the first appearance of Scarlet Witch.
Mystic Arcana #3 AKA Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch (2007): Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
A potentially apocryphal tale of Wanda’s life two days before her abilities began to manifest. Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch. Previously collected as Mystic Arcana oversize hardcover.
Avengers Origins: The Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2012): Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch. Previously collected as Avengers: Mythos paperback and oversize hardcover.
X-Men (1963) #4-5: See Uncanny X-Men. Scarlet Witch debuts in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. We immediately see her misgivings about villainy – she is frequently the voice of reason to Magneto’s megalomania and doesn’t want him to harm innocent people, even going so far as to hex him in the midst of one of his plots.
After her debut in X-Men #4, flashbacks in X-Men: Legacy (2008) #209, Avengers (1963) #234, and X-Men (1963) #138 (flashback)
Between X-Men #4-5: Scenes in the Marvel/DC crossover Unlimited Access (1997) #3-4. See DC Elseworlds & Alternate Earths.
X-Men (1963) #6: See Uncanny X-Men. Scarlet Witch abandons Magneto when the X-Men capture Quicksilver and brokers a detent between the X-Men and Namor.
After X-Men #6: A flashback in Avengers (1963) #401 fits into this period. She appears briefly in an interlude of Magneto’s battle with Thor in Journey Into Mystery (1952) #109. A flashback in Avengers (1963) #16 follows that story.
X-Men (1963) #7: See Uncanny X-Men. She returns to Magneto’s side to assist in his recruitment of Blob, still feeling beholden to him after he saved her and her brother’s life.
X-Men Giant-Size (2011) #1 & X-Men (2010) #12-15: See X-Men Vol. 3 & Vol. 4. A flashback story to this period – Scarlet Witch is in her red suit and is still a part of the Brotherhood.
Strange Tales (1951) #128: See Fantastic Four (Human Torch). A pivotal appearance! Quicksilver attempts to get Scarlet Witch to flee Magneto, surmising that they could defect to the Avengers or Fantastic Four. However, their attempt to meet with the latter is confronted only with violence, sending the pair back to Magneto before he can become aware of their defection.
X-Men (1963) #11: See Uncanny X-Men. While this feels like a retread of the action in X-Men #6 right down to Quicksilver being injured by the X-Men, after their Strange Tales appearance the twins finally decide to take their leave of Magneto.
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (2005) #5: See Avengers (1963). Shows a scene immediately following the twins’ departure with them hearing a newscast about the Avengers seeking new members while in hiding in Europe.
Scarlet Witch appears in a retcon story in X-Men: First Class (2006) #7, which occurs in New York thus has to occur after their return from Europe.
Marvel Heroes & Legends (1997): A one-shot expanding on the story of Avengers #16.
Scarlet Witch, The Avenger
In one of the first major shake-ups of the still-young Marvel Universe, the entire Avengers team dissolves and is reformed by Captain America as himself and three former villains – Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch! The foursome would remain the sole active Avengers until #28, and Scarlet Witch would ever remain a recurring part of the team’s cast.
Avengers (1963) #16-32, 36-44, Annual 1, 45-49: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Scarlet Witch is on hiatus from The Avengers from #50-74 with the exception of #53.
X-Men (1963) #43-45 & Avengers #53, then X-Men (1963) #59-60: See Uncanny X-Men.
During Avengers #53: Domination Factor (1999) #2.4
After Avengers #53: flashbacks in X-Men (1963) #63 and Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #71
During X-Men #60: flashbacks in Avengers (1963) #102-103
Avengers (1963) #75-116: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Avengers/Defenders War: See Avengers (1963) or Defenders. Wanda appears in Defenders (1972) #9, Avengers (1963) #117, Defenders (1972) #10, Avengers (1963) #118, Defenders (1972) #11
During Defenders #10: a flashback in Avengers (1963) #157.
Avengers (1963) #119-126, Giant-Size #1, 127-129, Giant-Size #2: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Scarlet Witch does not appear in Avengers #130-132 and Giant-Size #3, though she is in a flashback in #130 and implied in #131. Between the two, she is also implied in Captain Marvel (1968) #37 before returning in #133.
Avengers (1963) #133-134, Giant-Size #4, 137-153, Annual 6, 154-166, Annual 7, 167-168: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Avengers (1963) #170-177, Annual 8, 179-183, 185-188, Annual 9, 189-192: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Avengers (1963) #197-209, Annual 10, 210-211: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Marvel Super Hero Contest Of Champions (1982) #1-3 (implied in 2): See Marvel Universe Events.
After Contest: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #278-279, Marvel Two-In-One (1974) Annual 7 & 96
Vision & Scarlet Witch (1982) and in Avengers (1963)
Vision & Scarlet Witch (1982) #1-4: Vision & The Scarlet Witch – The Saga Of Wanda and Vision
(2021 paperback ISBN 978-1302928643 / digital)
Collects Giant-Size Avengers (1974) #4 (which fits after Avengers #134, above), Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982) #1-4, Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) #1-12, and West Coast Avengers (1985) #2.
Vision & Scarlet Witch (1982) #1-4: Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch
Also includes Giant-Size Avengers (1974) #4, which fits after Avengers #134, above.
After V&SW: Avengers (1963) #234 (flashback) Marvel Team-Up (1972) Annual 5 & 125 (2nd story), Marvel Fanfare (1982) #6
Avengers (1963) #228, 231, Annual 12, & 233-238: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Avengers (1963) #240-255 & Marvel Graphic Novel: Emperor Doom: See Avengers (1963)
Click for a list of guest appearances in this period.
Vision & Scarlet Witch Vol. 2 (1985 – 1989)
in Marvel Masterworks…
Marvel Masterworks: Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol. 1
(2025 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302962210 / digital)
Collects Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) #1-12, West Coast Avengers (1985) #2, and material from Marvel Fanfare (1982) #6, 14, 32, 48, & 58, Marvel Super-heroes (1990) #10, Solo Avengers (1987) #5, and What The–?! (1988) #3
collected by single issue or storyline…
Vision & Scarlet Witch (1985) #1-12: Vision & The Scarlet Witch – The Saga of Wanda and Vision
(2021 paperback ISBN 978-1302928643 / digital)
Collects Giant-Size Avengers (1974) #4 (which fits after Avengers #134, above), Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982) #1-4, Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) #1-12, and West Coast Avengers (1985) #2.
Vision & Scarlet Witch Vol. 2 (1985) #1-12: Avengers: Vision & The Scarlet Witch – A Year in the Life
Also includes West Coast Avengers #2.
After V&SW #1: West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 (1985) #2
After V&SW #2: West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 (1985) #3
After V&SW #11: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #323
Secret Wars II: See Marvel Universe Events. Wanda appears in #9 after Vision & Scarlet Witch #6
After V&SW #12: Avengers Forever (1998) #8 (flashback), Marvel Super-Heroes Vol. 3 (1990) #10, Marvel Fanfare (1982) #32 (2nd story)
Scarlet Witch in West Coast Avengers
Scarlet Witch appears early in the series in issues #2-3 during her series with Vision, but doesn’t join the cast for nearly another two years.
West Coast Avengers (1984) Annual 1 & #30: See Avengers West Coast
Between Annual 1 & 30: Implied in Avengers (1963) #276
Solo Avengers (1987) #5 (2nd story): Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
This brief solo story is not by Abnett & Lanning, though it is collected here. Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch.
After Solo Avengers #5: A two-panel flashback appears in a Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel backup story in Marvel Fanfare (1982) #42
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 (3rd story): Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
This brief solo story (roughly the equivalent of two comics issues) is not by Abnett & Lanning, though it is collected here. Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch.
West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 (1985) #33-37, Annual 3, 38-40: See Avengers West Coast
After #36: Nick Fury Vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. (1988) #2
After #40: Web Of Spider-Man (1985) #46, implied in Marvel Fanfare (1982) #48 (3rd story), flashback in Avengers: Children’s Crusade (2010) #4
West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 (1985) #42-46: See Avengers West Coast, The “Vision Quest” storyline which heavily features Scarlet Witch and begins a lengthy arc of development for her in West Coast which continues through the end of John Byrne’s run at #62.
After #45: flashback in Avengers West Coast (1989) #56
During #46: Avengers Spotlight (1989) #23 (2nd story)
After #46: Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #38 (2nd story) and #45 (2nd story)
Avengers (1963) #305-308 (only implied in 307): See Avengers (1963)
After Avengers #308: Avengers Spotlight (1989) #22 (2nd story), Fantastic Four (1961) #333, and She-Hulk: Ceremony (1989) #1
Scarlet Witch in Avengers West Coast (1989 – 1994)
Avengers West Coast (1989) #47-52, Annual 4, 53-54: See Avengers West Coast. Both Atlantis Attacks and Acts of Vengeance occur during this run; see directly below for Wanda’s continuity during these events.
After #52: Marvel Super-Heroes Vol. 3 (1990) #9
Atlantis Attacks: See Marvel Universe Events. Appears in Avengers (1963) Annual 18, Avengers West Coast (1989) Annual 4, Thor (1966) Annual 14, and Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 22
Acts of Vengeance: See Marvel Universe Events. Avengers West Coast (1989) #53 & Annual 5 (5th story), Avengers (1963) #312, Avengers West Coast (1989) #54, Avengers (1963) #313
After Acts of Vengeance: Captain America (1968) #368
Avengers West Coast (1989) #55-57, 60-62: See Avengers West Coast. The end of John Byrne’s run.
After #55: Avengers Forever (1998) #12
After #62: Implied in Avengers West Coast (1989) Annual 5
Avengers West Coast (1989) #63, Annual 7 (2nd story), 65-75: See Avengers West Coast.
After #63 and Annual 7 (2nd story): Quasar (1989) #17
After #68: Avengers Spotlight (1989) #30, Avengers (1963) #329
After #74: Excalibur (1988) #37-39, Damage Control Vol. 3 (1991) #3-4, Avengers (1963) #332-333 and implied in 336, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #2
Infinity Gauntlet: See Marvel Universe Events. Scarlet Witch appears in the middle of this event – Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #2-4, and during #4 Silver Surfer #54 and implied in Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (1988) #33
After Gauntlet: Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (1988) #34-35
Avengers West Coast (1989) Annual 6 & 76-79: See Avengers West Coast.
After Annual 6: Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (1988) #36
After #79: Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #5, Death’s Head II (1992) #4
Galactic Storm: See Marvel Universe Events. Scarlet Witch appears throughout this event.
During Galactic Storm: Avengers West Coast (1989) #80, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #7, Avengers (1963) #345, Thor (1966) #445, Quasar (1989) #33, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #8, Thor (1966) #446, Avengers West Coast (1989) #82, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #9 Avengers (1963) #347, Captain America (1968) #401
Infinity War: See Marvel Universe Events. Scarlet Witch is heavily featured in this event.
Click for a chronology of appearances during this event.
Avengers West Coast (1989) #84-86 & Annual 7: See Avengers West Coast.
Assault on Armor City: A crossover between Darkhawk Annual 1, West Coast Avengers Annual 7, and Iron Man Annual 13. Wanda appears throughout.
Avengers West Coast (1989) #87-95 & Annual 8: See Avengers West Coast.
During #87: Iron Man (1968) #284 (flashback)
After #91: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #399, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #16-18
After Annual 8: Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #23-24, USAgent (1993) #1, Darkhold (1992) #3-7, Secret Defenders (1993) #6-8
Infinite Crusade: See Marvel Universe Events. Scarlet Witch appears through this event, which occurs during Avengers West Coast #86.
Click for a chronology of appearances during this event.
Scarlet Witch does not appear in AWC #97
Avengers West Coast (1989) #98-100 (1st & 3rd stories): See Avengers West Coast.
Avengers/X-Men: Blood Ties: See Avengers West Coast. Wanda appears throughout this crossover in Avengers (1963) #368, X-Men Vol. 2 (1991) #26, Avengers West Coast (1989) #101, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #307, Avengers (1963) #369
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #143-144: Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
A two-part story, “Digital Terror” (the 3rd and 4th stories, respectively) is not by Abnett & Lanning, though it is collected here. Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch.
Avengers West Coast (1989) #102: See Avengers West Coast. Wanda appears here after her miniseries, directly below.
Scarlet Witch (1994)
As Avengers West Coast dissolved to form Force Works, each of the remaining members without an ongoing series of their own got their own four-issue mini-series.
Scarlet Witch (1994) #1-4: Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch.
Avengers West Coast (1989) #102: See Avengers West Coast.
After #1-4 and AWC #102: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #417
Scarlet Witch in Force Works (1994) & Onslaught (1996)
Force Works (1994) #1-5: See Avengers West Coast
During #1-2: Tales Of The Marvels: Wonder Years (1995) #1-2
After #2: War Machine (1994) #4, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #159
Hands of the Mandarin: Iron Man/War Machine: Hands of the Mandarin
Scarlet Witch appears throughout this event. Collects War Machine #8-10, Iron Man #310-312, Force Works #6-7, and material from Marvel Comics Presents #169-172. Also, see Avengers West Coast
Click for a chronology of appearances during this event.
After Hands of the Mandarin: Marvel Double Feature: Avengers (1994) #382 /3
Force Works (1994) #8-11: See Avengers West Coast
After #8: Midnight Suns Unlimited (1993) #8
After #10: Captain America (1968) #437, Iron Man (1968) #317, War Machine (1994) #14
Force Works (1994) #11-15: See Avengers West Coast
After #15: Iron Man (1968) #319, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #434
Avengers: Crossing (1995): Avengers: The Crossing Omnibus
Collects the crossover as well as the final run of Force Works and the lead-up to Onslaught. Includes Avengers #390-395, The Crossing, & Timeslide; Iron Man (1968) #319-325; Force Works #16-22; War Machine #20-25; and Age of Innocence: The Rebirth of Iron Man.
Force Works (1994) #16-19: See Avengers West Coast. In Avengers: The Crossing, above.
During #16: Implied in Iron Man (1968) #321 (implied)
After #16: War Machine (1994) #22, Iron Man (1968) #324
After #20: Avengers (1963) #395, Age Of Innocence: Rebirth Of Iron Man (1996)
Force Works (1994) #21-22: See Avengers West Coast
Avengers (1963) #396-401: See Avengers (1963). Issue #401 is also part of Onslaught; see directly below.
After #399: Spider-Man Team-Up (1995) #4
Onslaught: See Marvel Universe Events.
Click for a chronology of appearances during this event.
Scarlet Witch in Heroes Reborn (1996 – 1998)
Avengers Vol. 2 (1996) #1-4 & 7-13: See Avengers (1996 & 1998) or Marvel Universe Events.
Heroes Reunited: Wanda appears throughout this crossover in Fantastic Four Vol. 2 (1996) #12, Avengers Vol. 2 (1996) #12, Iron Man Vol. 2 (1996) #12, Captain America Vol. 2 (1996) #12.
World War 3: Wanda appears throughout this crossover in Fantastic Four Vol. 2 (1996) #13, Avengers Vol. 2 (1996) #13, Iron Man Vol. 2 (1996) #13, Captain America Vol. 2 (1996) #13.
Heroes Reborn: Return: Wanda appears only in #4. See Marvel Universe Events.
Scarlet Witch in The Avengers (1998)
When the Heroes Reborn period drew to a close Marvel relaunched The Avengers in almost a “greatest hits” format, with all of the biggest and most fan-favorite classic members of the team together in a single iteration originally created by the superstar combination of Kurt Busiek and George Perez.
Prior to Avengers #1: A flashback in Quicksilver (1997) #7
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #1-7 & Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #3: a flashback in Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #10, Thunderbolts (1997) #11-12, Silver Surfer/Thor Annual 1998
After #4: Quicksilver (1997) #4-6, Captain America Vol. 3 (1998) #5-7, Thor Vol. 2 (1998) #1-2
Between #6-7: Wanda appears in Quicksilver (1997) #10, a chapter of the “Live Kree or Die” crossover that continues into #7.
After Annual: Avengers Forever (1998) #11 and implied in 12
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #8-15: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
During/After #10: X-Man (1995) #46, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #470 (flashback), Avengers Forever (1998) #1
After #11: Iron Man/Captain America (1998) #98 (flashback), Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 (1999) #1, Thunderbolts (1997) #0
After #15: Ant-Man Big Christmas (1999), Magneto Rex (1999) #3, Captain America Vol. 3 (1998) #16, Thunderbolts (1997) #25, Contest Of Champions II (1999) #3-5, Black Panther Vol. 3 (1998) #7-9 (flashback)
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) Annual 1999 & #16-18, 0, 19-22: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #22: Hulk (1999) #3, 5, & 7, Fantastic Four Vol. 3 (1998) #23 Captain America (1968) Annual 1999
Galactus: The Devourer (1999) #1-6: Galactus The Devourer
Domination Factor (1999): Not collected. Scarlet Witch appears in Domination Factor: Avengers#1-4 and Domination Factor Fantastic Four #4.
After Domination Factor: Thor Vol. 2 (1998) #18-19, Fantastic Four Vol. 3 (1998) #24, Iron Man Vol. 3 (1998) #25
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #23-25 & 27-30: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
During/After #23: Thunderbolts (1997) #34
After #23/34: Fantastic Four Vol. 3 (1998) #26-28
During #24/25: Single panel flashback in The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #627
After #27: Warlock Vol. 4 (1999) #8
After #30: Thunderbolts (1997) Annual 2000, Avengers Two: Wonder Man & Beast (2000) #1
Magneto: Dark Seduction (2000) #1-4: See Magneto.
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) Annual 2000 & #31-35: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #31: Incredible Hulk (1962) Annual 200
After #33: Thunderbolts (1997) #44
After #34: Iron Fist / Wolverine #2
Maximum Security: See Marvel Universe Events. Wanda appears in all three issues, as well as in Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #35 between #2-3.
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #36-37: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #37: Black Panther Vol. 3 (1998) #27, Hellcat (2000) #2-3, Fantastic Four Vol. 3 (1998) #39, Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 (1999) #36
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #38-40: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #1-8: Avengers: Celestial Quest
After #40 & Celestial Quest: Infinity Abyss (2002) #1
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #41, 43, Annual 1 (implied), 44-48, 50 (implied): See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #44: Iron Man (1998) Annual 2001, Avengers: Ultron Imperative (2001), Captain America Vol. 3 (1998) #46-48 (implied in 46), Thunderbolts (1997) #55-58 (implied in 58), Captain America Vol. 3 (1998) #50 (6th story)
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #50 (implied), 51, 54-55, 57-61, & 63: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #55: Jla/Avengers (2003) #1-4, Order (2002) #2-3 & 5-6, Thor: Vikings (2003) #3, Black Panther Vol. 3 (1998) #41-43
After #61: X-Treme X-Men (2001) #11, Marvel Double Shot (2003) #2 (2nd story)
After #63: flashback in Avengers: Children’s Crusade (2010) #7 (flashback), Uncanny X-Men (1981) #425-426
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #65-70: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #70: Alias (2001) #28
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #72-76: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #76: Iron Man #75, She-Hulk (2004) #1-2 (and in flashback in She-Hulk (2005) #4), Uncanny X-Men (1981) #442-443
Avengers/Thunderbolts #1-6: See Avengers (1996 & 1998) or Thunderbolts
After Avengers/Thunderbolts: X-Statix (2002) #21-22 & 25-26, flashback in Great Lakes Avengers (2005) #1
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #77 & 79-83: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)
After #83: Witches (2004) #1, flashback in Avengers (1963) #503, Daredevil Vol. 2 (1998) #61, Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2004) #2, Runaways (2003) #18 (flashback)
Captain America & Falcon (2004) #1-7: See Captain America. Scarlet Witch co-stars in this run.
Scarlet Witch, Disassembled & House of M (2005 – 2009)
Brian Bendis uses Scarlet Witch to divide and ultimately disassemble the classic Avengers roster so he can start fresh in New Avengers.
Young Avengers (2005) Special: Scarlet Witch makes a two-panel flashback appearance here running into Wiccan in the park after he’s been beaten up by a bully
Avengers Disassembled: See Marvel Universe Events. In a way, this story is all about Wanda, though she appears only glancingly in Avengers (1963) #500 and her influence on #502 is later implied. However, #503 is an issue focused specifically on her both in the past and the present, and it contains universe-shaking revelations!
The events of Avengers #500-503 are frequently referenced in flashback, in which Wanda sometimes appears.
Excalibur Vol. 3 (2004) #8-14: See Excalibur. Before you run out and buy these issues, note that they are almost entirely cameos for Wanda! An unconscious Wanda cameos in two panels of issue #8 that place it just moments after the close of Disassembled. Then, in the beginning of #9 Magneto flashes back to Wanda’s childhood while he sits in silence at her bed side. She is implied just off-panel in #10-14, though nothing in the issue directly affects her story. Issue #11 features Magneto’s explanation of how he came to make an appearance at the end of Disassembled, while #13-14 features Xavier (and Doctor Strange) struggling to decide how to aid Magneto and the Witch.
House of M: See Marvel Universe Events. Though Wanda appears in only issues #1 & 6-8, this is a pivotal event for her that acknowledges her history as a bridge between the X-Men and Avengers franchises. It also ends with one of her most memorable moments – and, maybe one of the most definitive moments in the entirety of post-2000 X-Men!
Wanda’s key moments in House of M #7-8 are constantly referred to, especially in X-Men comics. Some issues that include them are Black Panther (2005) #22, Onslaught Reborn (2007) #1, X-Men (1991) #200 (backup), Uncanny X-Men (1963) #491 (backup), Mighty Avengers (2007) #20
New Avengers (2005) #45: See New Avengers. This issue flashes back to House of M to show how the set-up of Secret Invasion was in effect even during that earlier event. Wanda’s appearances are purely in scenes recapping the events of House of M #7.
New Avengers (2005) #26: See New Avengers. A sort of latter-day epilogue to Avengers Disassembled (and, in a way, House of M) that mostly focuses on Clint Barton but also hints at Wanda’s whereabouts and eventual return.
Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch (2007) #1: Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
A potentially apocryphal tale of Wanda’s life two days before her abilities began to manifest. Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch. Previously collected as BLAH.
Young Avengers Presents (2008) #3: See Young Avengers. Wanda appears in a vision, but this is also in its way the next hint of her return after New Avengers #26.
Click for a list of various non-continuity appearances during this era.
Heroic Age: The Return of the Scarlet Witch (2010 – 2012)
After a half decade of teases, Scarlet Witch finally makes her return in a Young Avengers maxi-series.
Mighty Avengers (2007) #21-31: See Mighty Avengers. This is the first feint at a full return of Scarlet Witch, but don’t get your hopes up – all is not what it seems in this arc!
Avengers Origins: The Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2012): Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Includes Scarlet Witch #1-4, Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, and material from Marvel Team-Up (1972) #125; Solo Avengers #5; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #60-63 & #143-144; and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch.
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #1-9: See Marvel Universe Events. While the Scarlet Witch doesn’t necessarily make a full on-panel appearance in every issue of this series, it is absolutely about her (and also about Young Avengers).
Avengers vs. X-Men #0-12: See Marvel Universe Events. Wanda briefly stars in #0 before becoming a supporting player in this story. She appears in #0, 2, & 5-12
Click for a chronology of appearances during this event.
After AvX: Avengers (2010) #34, Avengers Assemble (2012) #9
Sometime in this period: Dark Reign: Made Men (2009) #1, Web of Spider-Man (2009) #2, Black Widow & The Marvel Girls (2010) #2, Fall of the Hulks: Alpha (2010) #1, New Avengers (2005) Annual 03, The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) Annual 37, I Am An Avenger (2010) #4, Captain America: Hail Hydra (2011) #3, New Avengers (2010) Annual 01
Click for a list of various non-continuity appearances during this era.
Scarlet Witch in Marvel Now (2012 – 2015)
After regaining her memories and returning to full-time hero status at the end of the Heroic Age, Scarlet Witch begins Marvel Now as a member of the Avengers “Unity” team in Uncanny Avengers – a combined task force of veteran Avengers and mutants. As you might imagine, her membership is a bit controversial with some of the mutants on the team (due to her actions in House of M).
Uncanny Avengers is Scarlet Witch’s primary home in Marvel Now – she does not become involved with Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers meta-arc in the flagship team titles.
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #1-4: See Uncanny Avengers
After #4: AVX: Consequences (2012) #1 & 5, Young Avengers (2013) #2 & 7
Avengers: Millennium Infinite Comic (2015) #1-6 AKA Avengers: Millennium (2015) #1-4: Though released later (after AXIS), this necessarily fits earlier in continuity.
After Millennium: The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #700, X-Factor (1986) #253, Thunderbolts (2013) #7
Age of Ultron: See Marvel Universe Events. Wanda appears only glancingly here, and not in continuity, in Age of Ultron (2013) #10 and Wolverine & The X-Men (2011) #27 AU
After Age of Ultron: Iron Man (2013) #7, All-New X-Men (2013) #11-12 & 14
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #5: See Uncanny Avengers
After #5, Wanda appears as part of the team in Cable And X-Force (2013) #1 & 14
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #7-14, 16. 19, 21-22: See Uncanny Avengers
After #22: Marvel Knights: Hulk (2014) #4, Avengers Assemble (2012) #20, Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (2014) #2-3, All-New Invaders (2014) #3, Nova (2013) #10, X-Men: No More Humans (2014) OGN HC, All-New X-Men (2013) #25
Original Sin: See Marvel Universe Events. Original Sin (2014) #0 & Original Sins (2014) #5, Uncanny X-Men (2013) #28
After Original Sin: Magneto (2014) #6, Captain America (2013) #25, New Warriors (2014) #12
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #23-24: See Uncanny Avengers
During #24 (but still before Axis): X-Force (2014) #5, Fantastic Four (2014) #10-11, All-New X-Factor (2014) #14
Sometime during Now up to this point: A+X (2012) #10, Cataclysm (2013) #0.1, Marvel: Now What?! (2013) #1, Uncanny Avengers (2012) Annual 01, Thanos Annual (2014) Annual 1, Savage Hulk (2014) #5 , Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) Annual 1
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #24, Magneto (2014) #10, Uncanny Avengers (2012) #25: See Uncanny Avengers
Axis: See Marvel Universe Events. Wanda is a key character in this event, which is a natural extension of Uncanny Avengers and can be thought of as it’s Volume 1.5. She appears throughout the main title and in many of the event crossover issues.
Click for an approximate reading order of appearances during the event.
After Axis: Nova (2013) #25, Fantastic Four (2014) #11, Fantastic Four (1961) #645, Amazing X-Men (2014) #15
Uncanny Avengers [I] (2015) #1-5: See Uncanny Avengers
After Uncanny Avengers: Nova (2013) #25 S.H.I.E.L.D. (2015) #5-6, Thor (2014) #7-8, Deadpool (2013) #45, and Groot (2015) #4. Also during the not-strictly-in-continuity “Last Days” before Secret Wars in Guardians 3000 (2014) #8, Captain America & the Mighty Avengers (2014) #9, Magneto (2014) #18 & 21
Secret Wars: See Marvel Universe Events. She appears in Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars (2015) #1 and in Ultimate End (2015) #1-5.
Not-in-Continuity appearances in this period include Avengers: Electric Rain (2014) #17-21 and Space: Punisher (2012) #4
Scarlet Witch (2016) and All-New, All-Different Marvel (2015 – 2017)
Scarlet Witch makes many cameo appearances early in All-New, All-Different Marvel, most of which fit best prior to the journey she undertakes in her first ongoing series, written by James Robinson with a different artist on each issue.
Click for a list of minor appearances preceding the Scarlet Witch ongoing series.#1-14: by James Robinson: The Complete Collection (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302927387 / digital)
Also collects material from Doctor Strange: The Last Days of Magic (2016) #1
#1-5: Vol. 1: Witches Road (ISBN 978-0-7851-9682-2)
#6-10: Vol. 2: World of Witchcraft (ISBN 978-0-7851-9683-9)
#11-14: Vol 3: The Final Hex (ISBN 978-1-302-90266-7)
Also includes Uncanny Avengers [II] (2015) Annual 1.
That second volume includes the two significant breaks in Wanda’s journey where other appearances fit.
First, there is a break in the action after #7 where Wanda returns to New York which is likely where these notable contemporaneous appearances best fit.
Doctor Strange (2015) #6-10 – See Guide to Doctor Strange. Wanda is a significant co-star in this arc, which is prior to Civil War II.
Vision (2016) #5-7 & 11-12 – Some of these appearances are in memory, but they do lead to a physical appearance (and confrontation) at the close of the series. This is interesting given Scarlet Witch’s history with Vision, but more important for Vision’s development than Wanda’s story. Collected in Vision Vol. 1: Little Worse Than A Man and Vision Vol. 2: Little Better Than a Beast
Then, the time between #8-9 contains the earliest events of Civil War II, in which Wanda is a visible participant. The rest of the event presumably unfurling before #10:
New Avengers (2015) #11-12 – See Guide to Avengers Titles (2010 – Present). Wanda shares a significant scene with her somewhat-son Wiccan in #11, and the next issue parallels scenes in Civil War II #1.
Civil War II: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Civil War II. Wanda appears significantly in Civil War II (2016) #1 (reflected in brief cameos in Deadpool (2016) #14 Nova (2016) #8, and blink-and-you’ll-miss it in Civil War II: Choosing Sides (2016) #1), which is referenced in flashback in her own series in #9. At the end of the event, she appears wordlessly at Steve Rogers’ swearing in in Civil War II: The Oath (2017) #1.
Sometime after Civil War: a cameo in Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #10, Avengers (2017) #1.1-5.1 (flashbacks), Occupy Avengers (2017) #1, Doctor Strange (2015) #17, Marvel New Year’s Eve Special Infinite Comic (2017) #1.
Definitively after her series: Avengers (2017) #5.1, Monsters Unleashed (2017) #4, Old Man Logan (2016) #19, Secret Warriors (2017) #3-4, Avengers (2017) #8 & 10
Secret Empire: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Secret Empire. Scarlet Witch appears in FCDB, 0-1, 3-6, 9-10 & Secret Empire: United (2017) #1 and in Captain America: Steve Rogers (2016) #18
Scarlet Witch returns to the Uncanny Avengers team in Uncanny Avengers II (2015) #26-30. She also appears in Jean Grey (2017) #7, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl [II] (2015) #24, Doctor Strange (1968 / 2017) #381 & 385
Scarlet Witch cameos (out of continuity) in Generations: Sam Wilson Captain America & Steve Rogers Captain America (2017) #1 and Cage! (2016) #4. Also in this era, Scarlet Witch makes a non-continuity appearance in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again (2017) #3-4
Scarlet Witch the Avenger in No Surrender, No Road Home, & Empyre
Scarlet Witch returns the cast of Avengers for “No Surrender,” a 16-part weekly story in Marvel Legacy. She does not continue into the cast of the main Avengers title, but continues to appear as a member of their extended membership.
The Avengers (1963) #672-690: See Guide to Avengers (2010 – Present Day). She also appears in glimpses of this event in Quicksilver: No Surrender (2018) #2-5
Also in this period (definitively prior to No Road Home) in Falcon (2017) #6, Despicable Deadpool (2017) #300, Doctor Strange (2018) #7, Marvel Knights 20th (2018) #3, Deadpool (2018) #9
Avengers: No Road Home (2018) #1-10: See Guide to Avengers (2010 – Present Day). Wanda is the star of this series bringing Conan to the modern day.
Also in this period (definitively after No Road Home and prior to Empyre) in Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #23, Doctor Strange (2018) #17 & Annual 1, Dr. Strange (2019) #2, Marvel’s Voices (2020) #1. In flashback in Tarot (2020) #1-4 (an Avengers/Defenders retcon series) and Avengers: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1.
Star (2020) #1-3 & 5: See Guide to Captain Marvel – Carol Danvers. Wanda is co-protagonist in this series to Star as the featured antagonist.
Empyre: See Guide Marvel Universe Events – Empyre. Wanda appears in Empyre: Avengers (2020) #1-3, Empyre: X-Men (2020) #1 & 4, Empyre (2020) #3 & 6, Lords of Empyre: Celestial Messiah (2020) #1, Empyre: Aftermath Avengers (2020) #1
Strange Academy (2020): See Guide to Doctor Strange. Wanda is a teacher on the Academy staff in #1-2, 6, 9, & 18 (and later in Finals #1 & 5-6), though none of these stories are plot-significant for her.
Also in this period in Captain Marvel (2019) #28, Iron Man (2020) #9
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #1-5
Despite her name not being in the title, this is one of the hugest Wanda stories in over a decade! See Guide to X-Men – The Age of Krakoa for more information.
#1-5: X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2022 paperback, 978-1302932176 /digital)
Just prior to this series during the Hellfire Gala she can be glimpsed in S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6, Way of X (2021) #3, and in the briefest of cameos in X-Factor (2020) #10 – but you don’t need to read these issues! Just start with Trial of Magneto #1.
The Darkhold (2021) Alpha & Omega
Due to the significance of the finale of this story for Wanda’s ongoing character arc, it reads better after Trial of Magneto. The series of one-shots between Alpha/Omega are not strictly in continuity, since they are alternate versions of characters as corrupted by the Darkhold
The Darkhold (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302925840 / digital)
Collects The Darkhold Alpha (2021) #1, The Darkhold: Blade (2021) #1, The Darkhold: Wasp (2021) #1, The Darkhold: Iron Man (2021) #1, The Darkhold: Black Bolt (2021) #1, The Darkhold: Spider-Man (2021) #1, The Darkhold Omega (2020) #1.
After this series in Women of Marvel (2022) #1, The Marvels (2021) #9, Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) #8, Strange Academy (2020) #18, Marvel’s Voices Infinity Comic (2022) #8-9. Out-of-continuity in Hulk: Grand Design – Monster (2022) #1.
Captain Marvel (2019) #38-41: See Guide to Captain Marvel – Carol Danvers. Wanda presides over a mystical, universal trial to determine Carol’s fate.
Next in X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2022) #1, Damage Control (2022) #1, Strange (2022) #6, Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) #25, Crypt of Shadows (2022) #1, Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #1 & 5-6, Midnight Suns (2022) #4
Who Is… The Scarlet Witch Infinity Comic (2022) #1
#1: Not collected in print at this time
Scarlet Witch (2023) #1-10 & Annual 1 by Steve Orlando
A delightful series comprised of dense, single-issue adventures with strong artwork and eye-popping colors. In this period Wanda is also a cast member of Jed MacKay’s run of Avengers (2023) #1-13 – see Guide to Avengers (2010-Present).
#1-5 & Annual 1: by Steve Orlando, Vol. 1: The Last Door (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-0785194743 / digital)
Annual 1 follows up on the recent Darkhold mini-event and is a prologue to “Contest of Chaos,” a story that runs through all of Marvel’s 2023 annuals.
Wanda likely appears in Avengers (2023) #1-6 between issue #5 and Annual 1, then in Avengers United Infinity Comic (2023) #1-25.
Also in this period in Marvel’s Voices Infinity Comic (2022) #45 & 48-49, Avengers: War Across Time (2023) #5, Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain (2023) #4, Captain Marvel (2019) #50
After Avengers (2023) #1-6 in flashback cameo in Black Panther (2023) #1
Contest of Chaos (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302955038 / digital)
Weirdly, this omits the first chapter of the story from Scarlet Witch Annual 1 which kicks off this annual crossover. Wanda appears in the finale of this story in the Avengers Annual, which is important to her ongoing relationship to Agatha Harkness. Collects Spider-Man (2023) Annual 1, Iron Man Annual (2023) 1, Fantastic Four (2022) Annual 1, Moon Knight (2021) Annual 1(/2023), Spider-Gwen (2023) Annual 1, Venom (2021) Annual 1, X-Men (2021) Annual 1, and Avengers (2023) Annual 1.
#6-10: by Steve Orlando, Vol. 2: Magnum Opus (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302954895 / digital)
Wanda likely appears in Avengers (2023) #7-13 after her series concludes.
Also in this period: X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2023) #1, X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #114, Crypt of Shadows (2023) #1, Fantastic Four (2022) #13, Marvel’s Voices: Avengers (2023) #1, Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #9, Sentry (2023) #2-3. In flashback in Magneto (2023) #1 & 3
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) #1-4 by Steve Orlando & Lorenzo Tammetta
During this period, Wanda skips Avengers (2023) #14-16 to appear with the rest of the main Avengers team in Blood Hunt.
#1-4: by Steve Orlando, Vol. 3: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302957469 / digital)
Also collects their first appearance in X-Men (1963) #4
Also in this period in Women of Marvel (2024) #1, Avengers United Infinity Comic (2023) #27, X-Men: The Wedding Special (2024) #1, Marvel Mutts Infinity Comic (2023) #11, Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #9-10
Blood Hunt (2024) #1-5: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Blood Hunt.
Scarlet Witch (2024) #1-(TBA) by Steve Orlando
Steve Orlando continues his multi-volume run on Wanda. She continues to appear in Avengers (2023) from issue #17 onward – see Guide to Avengers (2010-Present).
#1-5: by Steve Orlando, Vol. 4: Queen of Chaos (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302957476 / digital)
Also in this period in Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) #40, X-Force (2024) #3, Storm (2024) #1, Crypt of Shadows (2024) #1. In flashback in Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood (2024) #3.
#6-10: by Steve Orlando, Vol. 5: Amaranth Rising (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302961039 / digital TBA)
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