The Inhumans comic books definitive issue-by-issue collecting guide and trade reading order for omnibus, hardcover, and trade paperback collections. Find every issue and appearance of all of the Inhumans Royal Family – like Black Bolt and Medusa – plus newer characters like Ms. Marvel and Moon Girl! Part of Crushing Krisis’s Crushing Comics. Last updated November 2018 with titles scheduled for release through January 2019.
The Inhumans were a creation of the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby run on Fantastic Four, yet another uncanny spin on a common sci-fi tropes. They’ve stuck around for over 50 years due to the power of love, a well-timed re-launch, and an unparalleled space epic all paving the way for them to become one of Marvel’s marquee franchises.
In their initial arc of Fantastic Four #45-48, the Inhuman Royal Family were presented as deposed rulers of a secret nation, currently resided in New York. That explained why their queen, Medusa, was a collaborator in The Frightful Four!
The family’s true home was hidden in the depths of the Andes Mountains, where they had perfected the art of genetic engineering to grant superpowers to every member of their society. In contrast to this evolved race, their despotic current king Maximus employed a fleet of Alpha Primitives – a sort of devolved neanderthal – against the Royal Family.
That could have been the end of the Inhumans’ story – especially because the end of their arc happened to be the debut of Silver Surfer, a prohibitive Silver Age classic that could easily eclipse other solid stories.
Yet, the Inhumans hung on, largely due to their female cast members. Crystal became a love interest of Human Torch and a replacement member of the FF when Sue Storm was pregnant with Franklin. Medusa also continued to appear, as both friend and foe.
The Inhumans were a particular passion of Jack Kirby’s; he would return to both write and illustrate them in the anthology series Amazing Adventures in 1970. They even merited their own series in 1975, written by Doug Moench (of Moon Knight fame).
Past that, the Inhumans were relegated to guest star status – mostly with the Fantastic Four – through the 90s. Crystal became their breakout character, graduating from the FF and dating Human Torch to The Avengers and marrying Quicksilver.
The modern era of The Inhumans began in 1998 with a stellar 12-issue maxi-series from Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee. This series presaged the darker tone of early-2000s Marvel Knights titles, and focused on every aspect of the race’s embattled society. The series acted as a soft reboot of the Inhumans, who would star in a pair of additional mini-series through 2003. However, outside those series, their appearances were still scant.
That all changed in 2006 thanks to two developments.
First, Brian Bendis’s inclusion of Inhuman King Black Bolt in The Illuminati, would permanently raise the character’s profile and make him an essential tool for writer Jonathan Hickman in his run on Fantastic Four and Avengers from 2009-2015.
Second, the Inhumans’ Silent War during Civil War launched them onto a path that would intersect members of the X-Men and the Annihilation story that launched the modern Guardians of the Galaxy. The intersection, called War of Kings, is a seamlessly executed space epic that combines superheroes, palace intrigue, and massive space battles unlike anything else in Marvel’s history.
As a result of the combination of those eight years of developments, The Inhumans were perfectly poised as a new franchise for Marvel in the wake of their Infinity event. In 2014, they received their own mini-event, “Inhumanity,” as well as their first ongoing series, Inhuman, and their first standalone spinoff hero, the new Ms. Marvel – Kamala Khan. Plus, Inhumans were highlighted in TV’s Agents of SHIELD, culminating in a major arc in 2015.
In the wake of Hickman’s Secret Wars in 2015 their influence in the Marvel line expanded even further, with multiple books and a strong influence on major events in the Marvel Universe.
The tricky thing about the Inhumans is that from their introduction in 1965 through 1998 they only had their own ongoing title two times (both in the 70s) plus a handful of one-shots. Their mythology frequently moved forward during their various guest appearances, especially in Fantastic Four.
This guide tracks the appearances of the Inhuman Royal Family from their introduction in 1965 through the beginnings of War of Kings in 2007. From 2007 on, it continues to track all major limited and ongoing Inhumans titles.
- Inhumans: Key Appearances, 1965 – 1997
- 1960s: Origins of the Inhumans
- 1970s: All Appearances
- 1980s: All Appearances
- 1990-1996: All appearances
- Crystal, The Avenger
- 1996-1997: Reborn & Return
- 1998 – 2005: Inhumans Vol. 2 & 3 and Young Inhumans
- 2007 – 2010: The War of Kings Epic
- Heroic Age: in Jonathan Hickman’s Fantastic Four
- Marvel Now: in New Avengers & Inhuman (Also, see Ms. Marvel)
- All-New, All-Different Marvel: Uncanny Inhumans, All-New Inhumans, & Karnak (Also, see Moon Girl)
The Royal Family tracked by this guide includes the following members:
Black Bolt (BB) – The king of the Inhumans, he is super-strong and even his slightest whisper carries the power of a sonic bomb – so, he’s usually silent! He frequently appears on his own prior to 2006, but also with the core of Gorgon and Karnak.
Medusa (Med) – The queen of the Inhumans, she can control each individual strand of hair on her head – each of which has greater tensile strength than if it were made of iron. Before the Inhumans debuted she was a member of the Frightful Four, so she has many of her own appearances and relationships independent of the rest of her Inhuman subjects.
Crystal (Crys) – Medusa’s sister, she has power over the four elements. Crystal was a love interest to Human Torch and later married Quicksilver, and was a member of both The Fantastic Four and the Avengers! This makes her one of the most-prominent Inhuman characters, but it also means her story frequently departs from the rest of the core characters. When she is appearing completely separate from the other Inhumans her appearances will be indented and italicized.
Gorgon (Gorg) – Cousin and personal bodyguard to Black Bolt, he possesses super-strength and earthquake-causing hooves. Appears almost exclusively alongside Black Bolt & Karnak prior to 2006.
Karnak (Karn) – Cousin and chief advisor to Black Bolt, Karnak was never exposed to the Terrigen Mists and thus has no powers. However, he is an unmatched strategist who can find the flaw in any plan, structure, or foe.
Maximus (Max) – Black Bolt’s brother, he was exposed to Terrigen mists as an infant and possesses psychic powers. He’s also quite insane. He does not appear as regularly as Gorgon and Karnak throughout the Inhuman’s history, and has some solo appearances as a villain.
Triton (Tri) – Brother to Karnak, when he was exposed to Terrigen Mists as an infant he turned into an amphibious creature who needs water to breathe. Triton does not appear as consistently as Gorgon and Karnak, but he has more solo appearances than either of them – especially as a supporting character in Namor.
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Inhumans: Key Appearances (1965 – 1996)
The Inhumans were introduced in the fourth year Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s historic run on Fantastic Four. That run, and their later appearances in Amazing Adventures and their own series, did an impressive amount of world-building abou their society and royal family. However, without a title to call their own for the majority of their first 30 years, there were also a lot of guest appearances along the way.
If you want to read the core of the Inhumans story from their first 30 years, this run of comics will do the trick. From here, you’re read to move on to Inhumans Re-Emerge (1998 – 2006), which includes a trio of Inhumans mini-series.
You also have the option of simply starting from the 1998 Inhumans 12-issue series, which goes a long way towards reestablishing the group from the ground up. While you’ll be missing some of their history and ties to the Kree, it’s still a fine starting place for the modern interpretation of the characters.
The Inhumans: The Origin of the Inhumans
This TPB covers the initial stories that set up the Inhumans aside from their starring turn in Amazing Adventures. If you own a full set of Fantastic Four and Inhumans Masterworks volumes you do not need this book. It collects Fantastic Four (1961) #36, #38, #41-47, #54, #62-65 &d Annual 5 as well as excerpts from #48, 50, 51, & 55-61, as well as material from Not Brand Echh (1967) #6 and backup origin stories from Thor (1966) #146-152. (The stories in What If? #29-30, which continue the Thor backups, appear in Masterworks Vol. 2.)
Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
The Inhumans next run of in-continuity appearances, running through the remainder of the contents of Masterworks, Vol. 1. Collects Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) #15; Incredible Hulk Annual (1968) 1; Fantastic Four (1961) #81-83, 99; Amazing Adventures (1970) #1-10; Avengers (1963) #95 and material from Fantastic Four (1961) #95 & 105 and Not Brand Echh (1967) #12.
Amazing Adventures #1-10: Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans, Vol. 1
This series debuted in August of 1970. In addition to collecting the Inhumans stories from Amazing Adventures (1970) #1-10 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med in all / Tri in 1-7 / Max: #1-2, 5-6 / Crys in 1-2), this edition collects Thor (1966) #146-152 (2nd stories) and The Avengers (1963) #95.
Inhumans (1975) #1-12: Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans, Vol. 2
Collects Inhumans (1975) #1-12 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri in all / Max: #1, 4-6 / Crys in 3-7 & 12) as well as What If? (1977) #29-30, Captain Marvel (1968) #52-53, Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 12 (but maybe not Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) #15?)
Marvel Graphic Novel #39: The Inhumans (1988) (ISBN 978-0871354358)
Includes the entire royal family. Re-collected in Inhumans: By Right of Birth, which also includes Inhumans: The Untold Saga
The Inhumans: The Great Refuge (1995)
A one-shot issues that has not been collected (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med)
Fantastic Four / Inhumans: Atlantis Rising (1995)
Collects Namor the Sub-Mariner #60-62, Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising #1-2, Fantastic Force (1994) #8-9, Fantastic Four (1961) #401-402, and Fantastic Four Unlimited #11. All of the royal family save for Crystal appear in the core of this event (she appears in Unlimited #11).
From here, you can move on to the Inhumans 1998 series.
Origins of the Inhumans (1965 – 1969)
The Inhumans: The Origin of the Inhumans
This TPB covers the initial stories that set up the Inhumans aside from their starring turn in Amazing Adventures. If you own a full set of Fantastic Four and Inhumans Masterworks volumes you do not need this book. It collects Fantastic Four (1961) #36, #38, #41-47, #54, #62-65 & Annual 5 as well as excerpts from #48, 50, 51, & 55-61, as well as material from Not Brand Echh (1967) #6 and backup origin stories from Thor (1966) #146-152. (The stories in What If? #29-30, which continue the Thor backups, appear in Masterworks Vol. 1.)
Retroactive Inhuman stories that occur before their debut:
Women of Marvel Digital (2010) #1: Mighty Marvel: Women of Marvel
A short story that was repeated in Women of Marvel (2011) #1 featuring Medusa, Crystal, and Karnak as children.
A flashback in Inhumans Vol. 2 (1998) #9 (Tri)
Thor #146-152 (2nd stories): In “The Origin” and Masterworks Vol. 1, above.
See Thor for other options. (BB: 148-149 & 152 / Crys, Gorg, Kar, Max, & Med: 149 / Tri: 150-152)
After Thor #149: Blackbolt in flashbacks in Mighty Avengers (2007) #27 (also w/Gorgon, Karnak, & Medusa) and Avengers (1963) #95 (also w/Max)
What If? (1977) #29-30 (2nd stories): Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans, Vol. 1
Continues the Inhumans origin from Thor #152. (BB / Crys, Gorg, Kar, & Med: 30).
Inhumans: Untold Saga (1990): Inhumans: By Right of Birth
Flashbacks in this story – which includes all of the Royal Family – begin here.
Inhumans: Once And Future Kings #1-5
A 2017 mini-series retelling the origin of Black Bolt and Maximus
Medusa debuts in Fantastic Four #36, a full year prior to the rest of the Inhumans.
Fantastic Four (1961) #36-38 & 41-44
Medusa only. Partially collected in “The Origin,” above. See Fantastic Four for more options.
After #38: Medusa cameos in the background of a single panel in Journey Into Mystery (1952) #116
Black Bolt, Gorgon, Karnak, and Maximus all debut in Fantastic Four #45
Fantastic Four (1961) #45-48, 50, 52, 54, 56-57, 59-64 & Annual 5
Partially collected in “The Origin,” above. See Fantastic Four for more options (BB, Gorg, Med in all but 63-64 / Karn in all but 50 & 63-64 / Max implied in 45-46, then in 47-48,52,54,56-57, 59 / Tri in 45-48, 54, 57, 59-64 & Annual)
More Untold Saga flashbacks after #48
Fantastic Four (1961) #65-68 & Annual 5
Partially collected in “The Origin,” above. See Fantastic Four for more options. (Crys / BB, Crys, Gorg, Karn, Med, & Tri in Annual 5)
Crystal then departs from Inhumans appearances to stay with the Fantastic Four in Fantastic Four (1961) #69-72, 74-80, Annual 6, 81, Avengers (1963) #60, 82-93, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #122-123, and X-Men (1963) #65.
The Sub-Mariner (1968) #2: See Namor (Gorg, Kar, Med)
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #62: See Spider-Man (Med)
Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) #15: Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans, Vol. 2 & Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
This gorgeous Medusa solo story is drawn by Gene Colan and occurs over a period of time and involves flashbacks with Black Bolt and Maximus.
Sub-Mariner (1968) #2-3: See Namor (Tri)
The Incredible Hulk (1968) Special 01 AKA Annual 1:Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
Also, see Hulk (BB, Gorg, Max)
The modern framing panels of the flashbacks in Thor #148-152 occur here.
Fantastic Four (1961) #82-83: Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
Also collects #81. See Fantastic Four (BB, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri)
The Incredible Hulk (1968) #119-120: See Hulk (Max)
Sub-Mariner (1968) #18-20: See Namor (Tri)
Silver Surfer (1968) #18: This story may run from here until after FF #95 based on how it is listed in Marvel chronology. See Silver Surfer. (BB, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med)
Black Bolt, Gorgon, & Medusa in flashback series Webspinners: Tales Of Spider-Man (1999) #4 (recheck this for Karnak)
Fantastic Four #94-95: See Fantastic Four (Med & Crys / BB implied in 95)
Crystal departs the Fantastic Four now that Sue has returned to the team. Crystal appears in a flashback in Spider-Man/Human Torch (2005) #2 between #94-95
Avengers (1963) #83 (Med): See The Avengers.
Fantastic Four (1961) #99: Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
See Fantastic Four (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Fantastic Four (1961) #100: See Fantastic Four (Crys)
Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Comics Magazine (2001) Oversize Hardcover
This modern-day series acts as an extension of Lee & Kirby’s run, which ended in #104. (Crys in all but 6 / BB, Med, Tri in 4-5 & 7-8 & 11-12 / Gorg & Karn in all but 8)
Crystal then appears in Fantastic Four (1961) #101 and X-Men: Hidden Years (1999) #7-9
A flashback story in X-Men: Hidden Years (1999) #16 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med)
Amazing Adventures #1-10: Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans, Vol. 1 & Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
This series debuted in August of 1970. In addition to collecting the Inhumans stories from Amazing Adventures (1970) #1-10 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med in all / Tri in 1-7 / Max: #1-2, 5-6 / Crys in 1-2), this edition collects Thor (1966) #146-152 (2nd stories) and The Avengers (1963) #95.
Crystal then appears in Fantastic Four (1961) #102-104, during #103 X-Men: Hidden Years (1999) #20, X-Men: Hidden Years (1999) #22, Fantastic Four (1961) #105 before leaving the FF and returning to guest appear with the Inhumans as noted below.
Sub-Mariner #31 & 36: See Namor (Tri, between AA #2-3)
Inhumans in the 1970s
The Avengers (1963) #94-95:Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
Collects only #95. This was released the same month Amazing Adventures ends, but it follows that story chronologically. See The Avengers. (Tri / BB, Max in 95)
Fantastic Four (1961) #117-118: See Fantastic Four (Crys / Max implied in 117)
Flashbacks featuring Blackbolt in New Avengers: Illuminati (2006) and New Avengers: Illuminati Vol. 2 (2007) #1-5 begin here
Flashbacks featuring Crystal in Fantastic Four (1961) #131, (implied in Avengers (1963) #104), Avengers (1963) #110, and Vision & Scarlet Witch Vol. 2 (1985) #10
Fantastic Four (1961) #129-133: See Fantastic Four (Med / BB in all but 133 (check that) / Crys, Gorg, Kar, & Tri in #130-132 / Max in #131-132)
Avengers (1963) #110: See The Avengers (and maybe #114? needs check) (Crys)
Iron Man (1968) #57: See Iron Man. Need to check this placement in continuity (BB, G)
Luke Cage, Hero For Hire (1972) #9: See Luke Cage (Med)
Marvel Team-Up (1972) #11: See Spider-Man (this is primarily his title) (BB, Gorg, Kar, Tri (all also implied in 9-10), Max)
A flashback in Fantastic Four Annual 25 (BB, Gorg, Karn, Tri all implied) occurs during the MTU #11 story.
The Avengers (1963) #118: See The Avengers (BB, Gorg, Med / Karn & Tri implied)
Fantastic Four (1961) #134-140: See Fantastic Four (Med)
Medusa is implied in Marvel Feature (1971) between FF 139-140
Sub-Mariner #67: See Namor. May occur during FF #140 (Med, Triton)
Fantastic Four (1961) #141-147: See Fantastic Four (Med)
During #142: Medusa is implied in Marvel Team-Up #17
After #146: Medusa appears in Giant-Size Super-Stars (1974) #1
A flashback in Fantastic Four #145 implies BB & Karn
The Incredible Hulk (1968) #175 & 177: See Hulk (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Tri all in 175) Recheck 177 for all
Fantastic Four (1961) #148-149 & Giant-Size #2: See Fantastic Four (Med / Tri in 148-149)
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #4: This is primarily a Thing title; see Fantastic Four (Med)
The Avengers (1963) #127: Crystal and Quicksilver’s wedding. See The Avengers (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri)
Fantastic Four (1961) #150: Portions of this occur before Avengers #127. Crystal and Quicksilver’s wedding. See Fantastic Four (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri):
Avengers #128: See The Avengers (Med)
Fantastic Four (1961) #151-154, Giant-Size #3, 155-157, Giant-Size 4: See Fantastic Four (Med, she is only implied in 154)
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #8: This is primarily a Thing title; see Fantastic Four (Med)
Fantastic Four (1961) #158-160: See Fantastic Four (Crys / BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri in 158-159 / Max in #158)
Giant-Size Fantastic Four (1974) #5: See Fantastic Four (BB, G)
Not sure about this placement; need to recheck what was printed in this issue.
Inhumans (1975) #1-12: Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans, Vol. 2
Collects Inhumans (1975) #1-12 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri in all / Max: #1, 4-6 / Crys in 3-7 & 12) as well as What If? (1977) #29-30, Captain Marvel (1968) #52-53, Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 12, Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) #15
The Avengers (1963) Annual 6: Need to check this continuity. See The Avengers (BB)
Captain Marvel (1968) #53: This story occurs before the Spectacular story from the month prior. See Captain & Ms. Marvel (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #11: See Spider-Man (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Avengers (1963) #170 & 172: See The Avengers (Crys)
Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 12: See Fantastic Four (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) Annual 4: This is primarily a Thing title; see Fantastic Four (BB) I need to check that this definitively comes before #64-72, below.
Blackbolt, Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak, Med in a flashback in Fantastic Four (1961) #240
Fantastic Four (1961) #207: See Fantastic Four (Med)
The Avengers (1963) #188: See The Avengers (BB, Crys (also implied in 183), Gorg)
Inhumans in the 1980s
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #64-66: This is primarily a Thing title; see Fantastic Four (Tri, implied in 64). I need to check this in relation to Annual 4.
Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #71-72: This is primarily a Thing title; see Fantastic Four (BB (implied in 71), Gorg, Karn / Crys & Tri not in 72)
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) Annual 15: See Spider-Man (BB)
Need to check this continuity.
Flashbacks featuring Blackbolt and Maximus in The Avengers (1963) Annual 12 begin here and extend to Vision & Scarlet Witch #4, below.
Marvel Graphic Novel (1982) #1 – The Death of Captain Marvel: See Captain & Ms. Marvel (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Blackbolt, Gorgon, Karnak, Medusa, Tri in a flashback in Silver Surfer (1968) Annual 6
Fantastic Four (1961) #239-240: See Fantastic Four (Crys / Max implied in 239 / BB, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri in 240)
Marvel Fanfare (1982) #14: Not collected. Though printed later (in 1984), this Inuhmans-focused story is set here. (BB, Gorg, Kar)
Dazzler (1981) #19: See X-Men Ongoings (BB, Med)
Fantastic Four (1961) #248: See Fantastic Four (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Bizarre Adventures (Magazine) (1981) #28 – 4th story (Tri)
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions (1982) #1: See Marvel Universe Events. The entire Royal Family appears in #1 and is implied in #2-3
The Incredible Hulk (1968) #279: See Hulk (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri)
The Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982) #4: in Avengers: Vision and The Scarlet Witch
(BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri / Crys also in a flashback in #2)
Gorgon appears in a pinup in Marvel Fanfare (1982) #9
Avengers (1963) #234: See The Avengers (Crys)
The Avengers (1963) Annual 12: See The Avengers (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri)
The Thing (1983) #3: See Fantastic Four (BB, Crys, Kar, Gorg, Med, Tri)
Dazzler (1981) #32: See X-Men Ongoings (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Avengers (1963) #243: See The Avengers (Crys)
The Avengers (1963) #248: See The Avengers (BB)
Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 18: See Fantastic Four (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
BlackBolt, Crys, Gorgon, Karnak, Medusa, Tri in a retroactive tale in Girl Comics Vol. 2 (2010) #2 /2
BlackBolt in a retroactive tale in Iron Man: Legacy (2010) #6 & 10-11
BlackBolt in stories in New Avengers: Illuminati Vol. 2 (2007) #3
The Avengers (1963) #262: See The Avengers (BB)
Need to check this continuity
Marvel Age (1983) #37: This may be editorial content rather than story (BB)
The Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) #6-12: in Avengers: Vision & The Scarlet Witch – A Year in the Life
(Crys / BB, Gorg, Kar, Med in 10)
Fantastic Four (1961) #306: See Fantastic Four (BB & Med (also implied in 305) / Gorg & Kar)
Crystal returns to starring in Fantastic Four in Annual 22/2, 305, Annual 20 &306-307, flashback in Marvels: Eye Of The Camera (2009) #5, #308-313, Alpha Flight (1983) #61, Damage Control (1989) #2, Nick Fury Vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. (1988) #2, an #313-317. Afterwards, she returns to appearing with Inhumans as noted below.
Fantastic Four (1961) #309: See Fantastic Four (G)
Re-check this; it’s not a part of his chronology
X-Factor (1986) Annual 2: See X-Factor (BB, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri)
Fantastic Four (1961) #Annual 21: 11st and 2nd stories. See Fantastic Four (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Crystal appears in a flashback in Fantastic Four (1961) #342 during Annual #21.
Marvel Graphic Novel #39: The Inhumans (1988) (ISBN 978-0871354358)
Includes the entire Royal Family. Re-collected in Inhumans: By Right of Birth, which also includes Inhumans: The Untold Saga
Black Bolt appears in pinups in Marvel Fanfare (1982) #38 and 45 (BB)
Marvel Age (1983) #69: Need to check if this was story or editorial content (BB)
Thor (1966) #400: See Thor (BB, Gorg, Kar, Tri)
Inhumans in the 1990s
Silver Surfer: The Enslavers OGN: This may not be in continuity (BB)
Inhumans Special (1990) Untold Saga: Inhumans: By Right of Birth
Includes the entire Royal Family.
Daredevil (1964) #272-276 & 278-283: See Dardedevil
(Gorg & Karn in all but 277 / Med in 272-274 / BB in 272 & 274)
Blackbolt in flashbacks in Nova Vol. 4 (2007) #32-35 (Medusa also in 35)
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #28 (4th story – Tri) & #68 (4th story – Karn)
The New Warriors (1990) #6 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
X-Factor (1986) #67-68: See X-Factor (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med / Tri not in 68)
After this appearance, Crystal again splinters from the Inhumans to join the Avengers; her chronology through 1996 is listed in the next section.
The Avengers (1963) #334: See The Avengers (BB (and implied in 336), Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #2: See Marvel Universe Events (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Silver Surfer (1987) #60: See Silver Surfer (BB, Gorg, Kar)
Guardians of the Galaxy (1990) #27: See Guardians of the Galaxy (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Fantastic Four (1961) #374-375: See Fantastic Four (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993) #2: See Fantastic Four (BB, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri)
Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2: See Fantastic Four 5 (BB, G)
Check this placement and what story they appear in, as it’s not in chron
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (1990) #45-46: See Namor (Tri / BB, Gorg, Kar, Med not in 46)
Avengers Strike File (1994) #1: May not have been a story appearance (BB, G)
Starblast: This inter-galactic crossover has not been collected. It consisted of Starblast (1994) #1-4 (BB, / Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri in #1) & Quasar (1989) #54-57 (BB), plus some ancillary tie-ins. These issues alternate as S1, Q54, S2, Q55, etc.
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (1990) #47: See Namor (Tri)
Fantastic Four (1961) #385-386: See Fantastic Four (Tri)
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #168 (BB, Gorg, Med)
Parts of this occur after FF #391
Fantastic Four (1961) #391: See Fantastic Four (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med)
Nova (1994) #12-13: See Nova (BB, Kar, Med)
Spectacular Spider-Man (1988) Super Special: See Spider-Man. This was published later but BB’s appearance fits here in continuity (BB)
Guardians of the Galaxy (1990) Annual 4: Placement unclea. See Guardians of the Galaxy(BB, G)
Marvel Swimsuit Special (1992) #3: Placement unclear (BB, G)
Silver Sable and the Wild Pack (1992) #35: Placement unclear (BB)
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (1990) #55-56 & 58: See Namor (Tri)
Fantastic Four (1961) #400 (2nd story): See Fantastic Four (BB, Med)
Marvels: Portraits (1995) #3: Placement unclear (BB)
The Inhumans: The Great Refuge (1995): Not collected
This was released just before Atlantis Rising began; it was a missed opportunity not to include it in the TPB! (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med)
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (1990) #59-62: See Namor (Tri) and Atlantis Rising, directly below.
Fantastic Four / Inhumans: Atlantis Rising (1995)
Collects Namor the Sub-Mariner #60-62, Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising #1-2, Fantastic Force (1994) #8-9, Fantastic Four (1961) #401-402, and Fantastic Four Unlimited #11. All of the royal family save for Crystal appear in the core of this event (she appears in Unlimited #11).
Fantastic Four (1961) #410-413 & 416: See Fantastic Four (Gorg / BB, Kar, & Med in all but 410)
After FF #413: Medusa in a brief flashback in Silent War (2007) #4
Crystal, The Avenger (1991 – 1996)
After X-Factor #67-68, Crystal joins the Avengers.
Avengers (1963) #334, 336-339, 343-344: See The Avengers. Implied in Captain America (1968) #396.
Galactic Storm: See The Avengers. Crystal’s chronology i sAvengers (1963) #345, Iron Man (1968) #278, Captain America (1968) #399, Avengers (1963) #346, Iron Man (1968) #279, Captain America (1968) #400, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #9, Avengers (1963) #347, Captain America (1968) #401
After Storm: New Warriors (1990) #26
Infinity War: See Marvel Universe Events.
An approximate chronology for Crystal in this event:
Infinity War (1992) #1
After IW #1: Alpha Flight (1983) #110-BTS
IW #2 and during: FF #367, Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989) #41, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #13 (implied)
IW #3 and during: FF 368 (implied), WM2 13 (implied),Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989) #4141
IW #4 and during: Alpha Flight (1983) #111 (implied), Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989) #41-42 (implied) & 43-44 [end Infinity War]
Citizen Kang: See The Avengers. A crossover through Thor (1966) #Annual 17 (flashback), Fantastic Four (1961) #Annual 25, Avengers (1963) #Annual 21
Avengers (1963) #348-366: See The Avengers
After #366: Avengers: Collectors Edition (1993), Avengers Strike File (1994), X-Factor (1986) #88-89, New Warriors (1990) #33-34 & Annual 3, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #403-404, Fantastic Four (1961) #378
Infinity Crusade: See Marvel Universe Events
An approximate chronology for Crystal in this event:
Infinity Crusade (1993) #1
After IC #1: Thor (1966) #464 and Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989) #57
IC #2 and during: Web Of Spider-Man (1985) #104 (implied), Doctor Strange, Sorceror Supreme (1988) #55 (implied)
Infinity Crusade (1993) #4 and #5-6 (implied)
After Crusade: Thunderstrike (1993) #2
Avengers (1963) #Annual 22 & #366 (2nd story): See The Avengers
After Annual 22: Sleepwalker (1991) #26-27, Darkhawk (1991) #33
Bloodties: See The Avengers. Crystal appears in Avengers (1963) #367-368, X-Men Vol. 2 (1991) #26, Avengers West Coast (1989) #101, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #307, Avengers (1963) #369
After Bloodties: Avengers West Coast (1989) #102
Avengers (1963) #370-376 & Annual 23: See The Avengers
After #371: 376 (flashback), Thunderstrike (1993) #9, What If? Vol. 2 (1989) #60 (cameo), X-Men Vol. 2 (1991) #30 (in Cyclops/Jean wedding) & X-Men: Wedding Album (1994), Daredevil (1964) #327, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #417
After #375: Thunderstrike (1993) #10
After Annual 23: Tales Of The Marvels: Wonder Years (1995) #2, Captain America (1968) #431
Avengers (1963) #378-383: See The Avengers
After #382: Namor, The Sub-Mariner (1990) #58, Marvel Double Feature: Avengers (1994) #382 (3rd story)
After #383: Force Works (1994) #10 (2nd story), Avengers/Ultraforce & Ultraforce/Avengers, Fantastic Four (1961) #400 (2nd story), Captain America (1968) #434, Vision (1994) #2-4, Spider-Man: Power Of Terror (1995) #3
Avengers (1963) #384-386, Captain America (1968) #440, Avengers (1963) #387, Captain America (1968) #441- (implied), Avengers (1963) #388: See The Avengers
Atlantis Rising: See “Atlantis Rising,” above. Crystal is implied in Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising (1995) #1 and on-panel for Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993) #11
After Atlantis: Force Works (1994) #13-14, Thunderstrike (1993) #23-24, Ghost Rider Vol. 3 (1990) #64 (implied in 65)
Avengers (1963) #389-390: See The Avengers
After #390: Lunatik (1995) #1-2, Thunderstrike Vol. 2 (2011) #1 (2nd story, flashback), Captain America (1968) #443-444, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #434, Avengers Unplugged (1995) #3 and Fantastic Four Unplugged (1995) #4,
The Crossing: See The Avengers. Crystal appears in Avengers: Crossing (1995), Avengers (1963) #391-392, Iron Man (1968) #322-323, Avengers (1963) #393, Force Works (1994) #19, Iron Man (1968) #324, Avengers (1963) #394, Avengers: Timeslide (1996), Iron Man (1968) #325, Avengers (1963) #395, Age Of Innocence: Rebirth Of Iron Man (1996),
After The Crossing: Iron Man (1968) #326, Avengers Unplugged (1995) #4
Avengers (1963) #398-399: See The Avengers
After #399: Avengers Unplugged (1995) #6, Spider-Man Team-Up (1995) #4
Onslaught: See Marvel Universe Events.
Crystal’s approximate chronology in this event: Avengers (1963) #400-401, Avengers (1963) #401, Fantastic Four (1961) #415, X-Men Vol. 2 (1991) #55, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #445, Fantastic Four (1961) #416, Onslaught: Marvel Universe (1996) #(flashback)
Inhumans Reborn & Return (1996 – 1998)
Fantastic Four Vol. 2 (1996) #8-10: See Fantastic Four or Marvel Universe Events (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri / Max in 9-10)
Fantastic Four (1996) #12 & Iron Man (1996) #12 (BB): See Fantastic Four or Marvel Universe Events (BB / Crys, Kar, Med in FF)
Fantastic Four Vol. 2 (1996) #13, Iron Man Vol. 2 (1996) #13, Captain America Vol. 2 (1996) #13, Avengers Vol. 2 (1996) #13: These issues include characters not licensed by Marvel (such as Wildstorm) and are not collected. See Marvel Universe Events (Gorg / BB in FF13 / Tri in all but FF13)
Heroes Reborn: The Return (1997) #4: See Marvel Universe Events (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
The Royal Family (minus Crystal and Max) appear in Bug #1 (1997) in a two-panel cameo at a dinner table with stars behind them. The implication of the sequence is Bug fighting Annihilus at key points in Marvel history, but this scene seems relatively anonymous (though the implication is that it is while the Inhumans lived on the moon). The present-day action in this story occurs at some point during Fantastic Four (1996) #1-12.
The Royal Family (minus Crystal and Max) appear in a pin-up in Fantastic Four (1998) #3. Then, issue #8 features several pages of an incomplete Inhumans mini-series by Jose Landronn, which primarily features the FF but includes the Royal Family (minus Max) in the final panel. Because this story was not published, it cannot be set in continuity.
Quicksilver (1997) #3 & flashbacks in 7 & 4 (Crys)
Avengers Vol. 3 (1998) #1-3: See Avengers (1996 & 1998)(Crys)
Ka-Zar (1997) #10 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med)
Quicksilver (1997) #4-6 (Inhumans – BB, Gorg, Kar, Max, Med, Tri)
Quicksilver (1997) #7 (Crys), 10 (BB), 13 (Crys & Gorg)
Alpha Flight / Inhumans ’98 (1998): Not collected. Directly follows Quicksilver #13 for Gorgon (BB, G, Kar, Tri)
Fantastic Four: Fireworks #1-3: Not collected. Not in continuity.
Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man (1999) #4: Listed above in place in continuity (BB)
Inhumans Re-Emerge (1998 – 2006)
Inhumans (1998) #1-12: Inhumans by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee
Also collected in oversize hardcover and in a 2015 TPB reprint. BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Max, appears throughout. Med not in 4. Tri not in 2 or 5 (check those)
Domination Factor: Fantastic Four (1999) #2-3 (BB – may be in flashback; need to check)
Inhumans (2000) #1-4: Fantastic Four / Inhumans
BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri throughout. Max appears in #1-3, Crys in #2.
Fantastic Four #42-44 (Max), Black Panther (1998) #36 (BB, Max)
Fantastic Four (1998) #51-54: Fantastic Four / Inhumans
(BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
New Avengers: Illuminati Vol. 2 (2007) #4 (BB in flashback)
Startling Stories: The Thing (2003) #1 (BB – need to confirm this appearance and placement)
Thunderbolts (1997) #57-58 (Crys, implied in #58), Spider-Man’s Tangled Web (2001) #21 (Med), Marvel Holiday Special (1991) #2007 (4th story) (Crys), Fantastic Four Vol. 3 (1998) #68 (Crys & Med), Fantastic Four (1961) #505 (Crys – may be after Young Inhumans; need to crosscheck via a FF character)
Inhumans (2003) #1-12: Young Inhumans
#1-6 also collected in Culture Shock Digest. (Med in #1-2, 5, 11-12 / BB & Gorg in #1-2, / Max in #1 / Karn in #2)
X-Statix (2002) #26 (BB, Crys, Med)
I ♥ Marvel: Ai (2006) (2nd – BB & Med, retroactive story), New Avengers: Illuminati Vol. 2 (2007) #2 (BB), Marvel Knights: 4 (2004) #2 (Crys implied), Avengers (1963) #501-503 (Crys)
Crystal has a single-panel cameo in Marvel Team-Up Vol. 3 (2005) #3 embracing a gray-haired man other than Quicksilver.
G.L.A. (2005) #2 (BB)
New Avengers (2005) #7-10: See New Avengers (BB / Gorg, Kar, Med in all but 7)
Hercules (2005) #3 (BB, Kar, Med, Tri), Fantastic Four: Foes (2005) #2-4 (Crys, implied in 2-3 – Unsure of placement; check in FF guide relative to Knights #19-20), Marvel Knights 4 (2004) #19-20 (BB, Gorg, Med / Karn & Tri in 20), Black Panther Vol. 4 (2005) #7 (BB)
The Inhumans do not appear in House of M
Son of M (2006) #1-6: See Marvel Universe Events and in Road to War of Kings Omnibus, below. This Quicksilver-starring series heavily featured the Inhumans, as it focused partially on Terrigen. (Crys, BB, Gorg, Med 2-6 / Karn in all but 3-6)
Fantastic Four: The Wedding Special (2006) #1 (BB, Med)
Beyond! (2006) #1-6: Beyond!
Medusa stars. Available in hardcover. (BB, Gorg, Karn in 6)
Marvel Knights: 4 (2004) #28 (BB), Thing Vol. 2 (2006) #4 (BB, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri), New Avengers: Illuminati (2006) (BB), The Incredible Hulk (2000) #92 (BB, implied in 91)
New Avengers: Illuminati (2006) #1: The Road to Civil War
This is the present-day placement of this issue, which starred Black Bolt. See New Avengers for more information.
Marvel Knights: 4 (2004) #30 (BB, Crys, Kar, Med, Tri), Thing Vol. 2 (2006) #8 (BB & Med in flashback cameo)
New Avengers, Illuminati #1-5: New Avengers Illuminati
Black Bolt stars in all but #5. Available in hardcover. Placement of present day unclear. See New Avengers for more information.
Fantastic Four (1961) #536 (BB, check placement), The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #530 (BB, check placement), Giant-Size Hulk (2006) #1 (BB, check placement), Black Panther (2005) #18-20 (BB & Gorg / Kar, Med, Tri not in 19 / Chrys in 20 and implied in 18 – Check BB in 19), New Avengers (2005) #24 (BB, Crys, Gorg, Kar, Med, Tri)
Black Bolt proceeds directly to Silent War from New Avengers #24, so I need to check on the placement and continuity of these additional appearances: Stan Lee Meets Dr. Strange (2006) #1, Spider-Man and Power Pack (2007) #1, The Incredible Hulk (2000) #100, She-Hulk (2005) #18
The War of Kings Epic (2007 – 2010)
From this point forward the guide no longer tracks all appearances by each prominent Inhuman, as from this point forward there is always at least one title carrying their ongoing story rather than a mess of guest appearances! However, certain key individual appearances of Black Bolt & Medusa are tracked.
In this period, material that does not directly tie to War of Kings is treated as a guest appearance and indented from the main content. War of Kings material that does not star the Inhumans appears without bolded titles.
To own every major story from this period in comprehensive format, you need just three books, released in 2016-2017:
War of Kings Prelude: Road to War of Kings Omnibus (ISBN 978-1-302-90446-3)
Collects the many threads of the full lead-in story to War of Kings – Son of M #1-6, X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1-6, Silent War #1-6, Secret Invasion: Inhumans #1-4, Guardians Of The Galaxy (2008) #1-12, Nova #13-22, Nova: The Origin Of Richard Rider, War Of Kings Saga
Inhumans / X-Men: War of Kings Omnibus (ISBN 978-1302902254)
Collects the majority of the War of Kings storyline – Uncanny X-Men #475-486, X-Men: Emperor Vulcan #1-5, Secret Invasion: War Of Kings, X-Men: Kingbreaker #1-4, War Of Kings: Darkhawk #1-2, War Of Kings: Warriors #1-2, War Of Kings #1-6, War Of Kings: Ascension #1-4, War Of Kings: Savage World Of Sakaar, Nova #23-28, Guardians Of The Galaxy #13-19, War Of Kings: Who Will Rule?, and Marvel Spotlight: War Of Kings.
War of Kings Aftermath: Realm of Kings (ISBN 978-1-302-90447-0)
Collects all of the Realm of King storyline, its tie-ins, and subsequent Annihilators stories – Realm Of Kings #1, Realm Of Kings: Inhumans #1-5, Realm Of Kings: Imperial Guard #1-5, Realm Of Kings: Son of Hulk #1-4, Nova (2007) #29-36, Guardians Of The Galaxy (2008) #20-25, Thanos Imperative #1-6, Ignition, & Devastation, Annihilators #1-4, Annihilators: Earthfall #1-4, Thanos Sourcebook, and material From I Am An Avenger #3
Below is the story as originally published by issue chronology for the Inhumans:
Silent War (2007) #1-6: Silent War
All of the main Inhuman cast starts in this series, which is the beginning of the Inhumans’ half of the War of Kings saga. Collectedin the Road To omnibus, above.
Many Inhumans appear in a brief flashback in Fantastic Four (1961) #577
World War Hulk: As a member of the Illuminati, Black Bolt plays a significant role and appears throughout this event, its main series, and its tie-ins. However, this is not significantly a part of the lead-up to War of Kings.
Black Bolt is in a single-panel cameo flashback in Nova (2007) Annual 01 and a single-panel cameo flash-forward in Black Panther (2005) Annual 01. A two-page “Santa Claus vs. The Illuminati” story in Marvel Digital Holiday Special (2008) #1 is of dubious continuity.
X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1-6: X-Men: Deadly Genesis
No Inhumans appear, but this is the beginning of the X-Men’s half of the War of Kings saga. Collected in hardcover, in oversized hardcover in Giant-Size X-Men 40th Anniversary, and in Road to War of Kings Omnibus, above.
Uncanny X-Men #475-486: The Rise and Fall of The Shi’ar Empire
No Inhumans appear, but the X-Men cast of War of Kings continues directly from Deadly Genesis to this storyline. Collected in oversized hardcover and in War of Kings Omnibus, above.
Emperor Vulcan #1-5: X-Men: Emperor Vulcan
The X-Men’s lead-up to War of Kings continues. No Inhumans appear. It is followed by Havok and Vulcan appearing in X-Men: Divided We Stand #2 (3rd story), after which Vulcan continues to Secret Invasion: War of Kings. Included in the omnibus, above.
Secret Invasion: See Marvel Universe Events. None of the core Inhumans appear outside of their own mini-series and one-shot except for Medusa in #6 and Black Bolt in Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust? (2008) #1.
Secret Invasion: Inhumans (2008) #1-4
Also includes classic Inhumans tales from Thor #146-147.
Secret Invasion: War of Kings (2009): Road to War of Kings
Continues from Secret Invasion: Inhumans. Also included in the central War of Kings TPB and oversized HC, below, and the omnibus, above.
X-Men: Kingbreaker #1-4: Road to War of Kings
Issue #4 marks the first time the X-Men and Inhumans casts of War of Kings appear together, unifying their stories; the Inhumans appear directly from SI: WOK. Included in the omnibus, above.
War of Kings: This event was originally collected in a single oversized hardcover or in a pair of paperbacks – War of Kings and War of Kings Warriors. It has been recollected in omnibus format, above.
The Inhumans are central to this sprawling, meticulously executed event. Inhumans appearances in War of Kings run: #1-2, Warriors: Crystal, #3, GotG #13-15 (flashbacks) & War of Kings: Savage World of Sakaar, #5, Ascension #4, #5, GotG #17 (flashback), #6.
Below is a complete War of Kings reading order to the best of my current knowledge:
- War of Kings: Warriors #1
- Blastaar is told entirely in flashback to his time in the Negative Zone
- Gladiator is mostly told in flashback and includes only an incidental present-day scene with Emperor Vulcan on planet Thrnn.
- War of Kings: Warriors #2
- Crystal is told entirely in flashback to the week before Crystal’s marriage
- Lilandra is told entirely in flashback to early in Lilandra’s life, with the newest scene being the day of Crystal’s wedding to Ronan.
- War of Kings: Darkhawk #1-2 occur entirely on Earth; the next story for Darkhawk is Ascension #1
- Nova #23 is set after Guardians #11-12, but otherwise does not intersect War of Kings at all.
- War of Kings #1
- Nova #24
- War of Kings #2 & War of Kings: Ascension #1
- Nova #25-26
- Guardians of the Galaxy #13-14 is wrapped in a flashback device of members narrating from after the action
- War of Kings #3 & War of Kings: Ascension #2
- War of Kings #4 & War of Kings: Ascension #3
- War of Kings: Savage World of Sakaar (2009) is definitively after WOK2, and Gorgon and Medusa give no hints of it occurring in WOK3. It can be assumed to occur around WOK4 (in which the Inhumans do not appear).
- Nova #27 (released prior to Ascension #4; does not significantly intersect the main plot)
- Guardians of the Galaxy #15 is wrapped in a flashback device of members narrating from after the action; however, in this case the final elements of flashback will spoil the last page of WOK4.
- War of Kings #5 (through page 20) & War of Kings: Ascension #4 (then the rest of WOK #5)
- War of Kings #6
- Guardians of the Galaxy #16-17. While #16 is only nominally connected to WOK, #17 opens by spoiling a major plot point of WOK 6.
- Nova #28
- War of Kings: Who Will Rule?
Because of Blackbolt’s status at the close of War of Kings, generally any further appearance is either set prior to War of Kings is is not in continuity unless it directly results from his actions in WoK. Those appearances include Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers (2009) #1 & 4, Hero Comics (2009) one-shot, The Incredible Hulk (1968) #600, Dark Reign: Made Men (2009) #1
A brief Crystal and Medusa appearance in Mighty Avengers (2007) #27 & 31-32 is after War of Kings (although Realm of Kings may end prior to #32). It seems to be written without full knowledge of the climax since it makes no mention of Black Bolt’s fate or other issues the women would likely discuss with Quicksilver. (Crystal appears in Marvel Divas (2009) #4 prior to #31)
Black Bolt is featured in Uncanny X-Men: First Class (2009) #1-2, which are flashback stories set in the silver age. He appear sin Strange Tales (2009) #1, which is a humor book not strictly in continuity.
Realm of Kings: Inhumans (2010) #1-5: Realm of Kings
This contains the entire Realm of Kings epilogue to War of Kings. Also available in oversize hardcover and in Realm of Kings omnibus, above. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (2008) #23-24 (Crys).
Nova (2007) #32-35 feature a Black Bolt of “ten years ago” when Attilan was in Tibet.
At this time, the main Inhumans plot thread departs from the cosmic books (which continue to focus on Thanos) and leap back to Hickman’s Fantastic Four.
Inhumans in the Heroic Age (2010 – 2012)
Girl Comics (2010) #2 contains a brief Crystal and The Inhumans story set while Attilian is in the Himilayas It is reprinted in Women of Marvel (2011) #2. Medusa does not appear in #3- it’s likely that readers are mistaking Satana for Medusa.
Wolverine/Hercules – Myths, Monsters & Mutants (2011) #1 features a Medusa flashback (need to place)
The Inhumans appear in flashbacks in New Avengers Finale (2010) #1 and in a single-panel flashback to Luna’s birth in Avengers Academy (2010) #2
The Thanos Imperative
Stars the Inhumans, sans Black Bolt. Available in oversize hardcover; also appears in Realm of Kings Omnibus, above.
Avengers (2010) #8-12: See Avengers and New Avengers.
Medusa takes Black Bolt’s place in re-formed Illuminati.
Nation X (2010) #4 (BB), Iron Man Legacy (2010) #6 & 10-11- ‘Man on the Street’ (BB – placed above)
FF (2011) #5-9: See Fantastic Four. Medusa and Black Bolt return to the story arc of Earthbound heroes in this story.
Fantastic Four (1961) #600-603 & FF (2011) #13, 18, 20-21: See Fantastic Four
The Inhumans did not participate meaningfully in Avengers vs. X-Men.
Inhumans in Marvel Now (2013 – 2015)
New Avengers: Blackbolt is one of the stars of this title and appears throughout. He also begins to appear sporadically in Avengers with #28, although his main action remains in New Avengers. See Avengers and New Avengers.
Black Bolt appears in FF #6-8
Black Bolt: Something Inhuman This Way Comes (2013)
A single issue reprinting Amazing Adventures (1970) #5-10 and Avengers (1963) #95.
Fantastic Four #16 & FF #16
Infinity: See Marvel Universe Events. The Inhumans play a central role in this event due to Black Bolt’s actions, and its conclusion sets up their prominence moving forward.
Inhumanity (2014) #1-2: Inhumanity
This is an Inhuman-centric event. Collects Avengers A.I. (2013) #7, Avengers Assemble (2012) #21-25, Indestructible Hulk (2013) #17-#20, Inhumanity (2014) #1-2*, Inhumanity: Superior Spider-Man (2014) #1*, Inhumanity: The Awakening (2014) #1-2*, Iron Man (2013) #20.INH, Mighty Avengers (2013) #4-5, New Avengers (2013) #13, Uncanny X-Men (2013) #15. The five issues marked with asterisks are unique to this collection. Also available as an oversize hardcover.
Black Bolt is missing and presumed dead as of the end of Inhumanity, although he continues to turn up in New Avengers, along with Maximus.
Ms. Marvel begins here and is tracked in Captain & Ms. Marvel.
Inhuman #1-14 & Annual 1: Inhuman OHC
Collects the Charles Soule post-Inhumanity run in its entirety: Inhuman 1-3, Original Sins 3 (A Story), Inhuman 4-14, Annual 1
Inhuman (2014) #1-6: Vol. 1: From the Ashes
Original Sin: See Marvel Universe Events. Medusa plays a supporting role in this event. Lockjaw figures prominently.
All-New Invaders #8 (BB)
Axis: See Marvel Universe Events. Medusa is a main character in this event and is featured in several tie-in books of the period.
Inhuman (2014) #7-11: Vol. 2: Axis
Inhuman (2014) #12-14 & Annual 1: Vol. 3: Lineage
Amazing Spider-Man/Inhumans/All-New Captain America: Inhuman Error
Collects specials of all three title series.
Secret Wars: See Marvel Universe Events. The Inhumans appear in this event, which is generally out of continuity for the majority of its characters. They have their own mini-series, Inhumans: Attilan Rising #1-4.
Inhumans in All-New, All-Different Marvel (2015 – 2017)
Outside of the main Inhumans titles in this period, Ms. Marvel continues her run and new Inhuman named Moon Girl is introduced into her own book, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.
Death of X #1-4 (ISBN 978-1-302-90337-4)
Told a year after the launch of this era of series, this mini-series explores what occurred in the 8-month gap between the end of Secret Wars and the beginning of All-New, All-Different Marvel – and also sets the stage for IvX.
The Uncanny Inhumans Deluxe Hardcover, Vol. 1 ISBN (978-1-302-90383-1)
Collects #0-10 and material from Free Comic Book Day 2015.
The Uncanny Inhumans (UI) #0-4: Vol. 1: Time Crush
Also collects the Free Comic Book Day 2015 story, which was a prelude to All-New, All-Different Marvel.
All-New Inhumans #1-4: Vol. 1: Global Outreach
Also includes a story from All-New, All-Different Point One 1
Karnak #1-6: Karnak: The Flaw in All Things
UI #5-9: Vol. 2: The Quiet Room
All-New Inhumans #5-9: Vol. 2: Skyspears
Civil War II: See Marvel Universe Events. The Inhumans (and one new Inhuman, in particular) are central to this event – his issues are collected in Civil War II Fallout.
UI #10-14: Vol. 3: Civil War II
UI #15-20: Vol. 4: IvX (ISBN 978-1-302-90312-1)
Mosiac #1-5: Vol. 1: King of the World (ISBN 978-1-302-90039-7)
Inhumans vs. X-Men #0-6: Inhumans vs. X-Men
Also available in oversize hardcover. See Marvel Universe Events for more information.
ResurrXion, Marvel Legacy, & Fresh Start (2017 – Present)
After IvX, the Inhumans line is relaunched. While the younger Inhumans remain on Earth, a core of Black Bolt, Crystal, Flint, Gorgon, Marvel Boy, Maximus, Medusa, and Swain go to space in Royals & Black Bolt. Meanwhile, some younger characters like Moon Girl are consolidated into a new Secret Warriors (which is in the Secret Warriors/Avengers Guide)
Inhumans: Once And Future Kings #1-5
A mini-series retelling the origin of Black Bolt and Maximus
Royals #1-5: Vol. 1: Beyond Inhuman
Also collects Inhumans Prime
Black Bolt #1-6: Vol. 1: Hard Time
Royals #6-12: Vol. 2: Judgment Day
Also collects Inhumans: Judgment Day
Black Bolt #7-12: Vol. 2: Home Free
Lockjaw (2018) #1-4: Lockjaw: Who’s a Good Boy?
Collects Lockjaw (2018) #1-4, Thing (2005) #4; Lockjaw backups from Inhumans: Once And Future Kings #1-5, and material from Girl Comics (2010) #2 and Original Sins #1.
Death of the Inhumans (2018) #1-5: Death of the Inhumans
Marvel Unleashed (2023) #1-4 (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302931124 / digital)
Marvel’s avenging animal sidekicks (plus Throg!) assemble in a hilarious and heartfelt series to rescue the captured Lockjaw.
Didn’t find what you were looking for?
Check Amazon for Marvel’s newest Inhumans titles.
Charles Soule wrote a backup story in Original Sins #3 featuring Lineage before his first appearance in Inhuman #2
Thanks! Since I read these all in collected editions, sometimes those details can escape me ;)
I’d add in the Marvel NOW section that Medusa was a main character in Matt Fraction’s FF.
Great list! I’d just add that Medusa was a main character in Matt Fraction’s FF run during Marvel NOW.
Congratulations. Excellent job.
UNCANNY INHUMANS vol 3 – CIVIL WAR II also contains Uncanny Inhumans Annual #1, in addition to UI #11-14
The Axis tie-in issues for Inhuman are #9-10
Original Sin would come after #4 as Thor makes an appearance in that issue.
Medusa, Triton, Gorgon, Flint and Naja appear in All-New Invaders #15.