The definitive issue-by-issue collecting guide and trade reading order for Marvel’s The Eternals – including members like Ikaris, Giglamesh, Makkari, Sersi, Sprite, & Thena – in comic books and omnibus, hardcover, and trade paperback collections. Find every issue and appearance! Part of Crushing Krisis’s Crushing Comics. Last updated September 2024 with titles scheduled for release through December 2024.
The Eternals are one of the defining creations of Jack Kirby’s mid-1970s return to Marvel Comics, though relatively few modern readers have had the chance to appreciate them prior to their film debut in 2021 compared to his other cosmic creations like The Inhumans and DC’s The New Gods.
The core cast of roughly a dozen named Eternals (though there are as many as 100) have tended to stay confined to their own handful of series during over 45 years of their publishing history, with just a handful of guest appearances or exceptions.
The main exception is Sersi, who join the cast of the Avengers in the 1990s for over fifty issues, and is well-known to heroes like Captain America and Iron Man.
(A secondary exception is Gilgamesh, who was an Avenger for just a handful of issues before Sersi replaced him. A more remote connection are descendants of Titan, among them Thanos and Starfox, who are Eternals by relation but are not part of the primary cast of The Eternals comic.)
In Marvel continuity, the Eternals are a long-lived splinter-race of humanity created by visiting Celestials during Earth’s pre-history – alongside their sibling race, The Deviants. The Eternals function as both heralds-of and caretakers-for the Celestials on Earth. They often interact with or inspire humanity’s mythology – the Eternal Ikaris, in some tellings, is the father of the mythological Icarus. They also police themselves, abiding by the rule of the group and sharing knowledge by forming a collective “Uni-Mind.”
Jack Kirby had a massive, cosmic story to tell with his cast of Eternals starting in 1976, though many of the plots of his series were left dangling after its cancellation in 1978, to be resumed in 1979 in Thor’s “Celestial Saga.” Shortly afterward, Mark Gruenwald and Peter Gillis significantly expanded their origins via a series of in-continuity back-ups in What If – explaining their earliest Celestial origins and forging a connection between the Eternals and fellow Kirby creations The Inhumans.
Past that, the Eternals have appeared largely only when their series is revived, or when a character is explaining Celestial history. They return in 1985 for a 12-issue revival by Gillis and Walt Simonson, in 1991 for an OGN, in 2000 for a one-shot trying to give them some X-Men shine by connecting them to Apocalypse, and again in a heavyweight 2006 revival by Neil Gaiman (and continued in a 2008 series). Even Sersi returned to relative obscurity after her run on Avengers.
In 2018, Jason Aaron’s opening arc of Avengers (2018) saw the team facing off against a fleet of invading Celestials, and the entire earth- bound Eternal race was collateral damage – he killed them all, mostly off-panel! However, this would prove to be a set-up for Kieron Gillen to relaunch the title with a clean slate at the start of 2021 as part of the run-up to the Eternals film.
- Where to Start Reading
- Who Are The Eternals?
- Reading Order
- The History of the Eternals in What If? (1977) #23-30 (Oct 1980 – Dec 1981)
- The Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1 (July 1976 – Jan 1978)
- The Celestial Saga in Thor (1968) #283-301 (May 1979 – November 1980)
- in Iron Man & Avengers (Nov 1983 & Aug-Oct 1984)
- Eternals (1985) #1-12 (Oct 1985 – Sept 1986)
- Sersi, The Avenger in Avengers (1963) #314-375 (Feb 1990 – June 1994)
- Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot (November 1991)
- The New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot (February 2000)
- Eternals (2006) #1-7 (Aug 2007 – Mar 2008)
- Eternals (2008) #1-9 & Annual 1 (Aug 2008 – May 2009)
- Thor: The Deviants Saga (2012) #1-5 (Jan – May 2012)
- in Marvel Now (2013 – 2015)
- The Eternals Die in Marvel Fresh Start – Avengers (2018) #4 (September 2018)
- Eternals (2021) #1-12, Thanos Rises, Celestia, & The Heretic (Jan 2021 – May 2022)
- Eternals Forever (2021) #1
- A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022)
- Non-Continuity Eternals

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Where to Start Reading The Eternals!
There are four natural starting points if you’re diving into the Eternals for the first time.
- If you are into fictional history of the Marvel Universe, you should definitely start with the back-up stories from What If? (1977), which detail the complete history of the group prior to their comic debut.
- If you enjoy Jack Kirby and/or Bronze Age comics, start at the start with Eternals (1976) #1!
- If you want a completed modern read, start with Neil Gaiman’s 2006 series – which has been the introduction for many modern readers.
- Finally, if you want a fresh start that aligns the best with the Eternals film, begin with Kieron Gillen’s relaunch in 2021.
Who Are The Eternals?
Though there are 100 or more named Eternals, there’s a much smaller primary group that drive most of the plot when it comes to Eternals comics. This group is largely drawn from the Third and Fourth generations, though a few notable members are earlier (Zuras and Gilgamesh are 2nd generation) or later (Sprite is 5th).
For the purposes of this guide, we’ll focus on the appearances of a core of Ikaris, Gilgamesh, Makkari, Sersi, Sprite, & Thena. That’s because these characters have most often made appearances outside of Eternals comics. For most other Eternals, simply reading all of their series and significant appearances highlighted here will do the trick.
Also of note is Zuras. However, he makes few appearances outside of Eternals, so is not tracked explicitly by this guide. Similarly, the characters Kingo Sunen, Phastos, Ajak, and Druig also appear in the Eternals film, but they make few (if any) appearances away from the main Eternals narrative.
And, of course, Starfox and Thanos are considered Eternals – or, perhaps half-Eternals, given the generational divide in their parentage. (Thanos is also sometimes labeled an Eternal–Deviant hybrid, depending on where you are in his chronology).
The Eternals Reading Order
The History of the Eternals in What If? (1977) #23-30 (Oct 1980 – Dec 1981)
Mark Gruenwald penned this series of six “Untold Tales of the Marvel Universe” back-up stories detailing the pre-history of the Eternals, which then continue to an additional pair by Peter Gillis that explains their eventual intersection with the Inhumans. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Since these are pre-history issues, they’re all set prior to the Eternals debut in Jack Kirby’s series – but, my position is you should read that first so you have some existing affinity for these characters before diving in to their pre-history.
The initial six stories in #23-28 are The First Celestial Host, The First Eternals, The First Uni-Mind, Outpost on Uranus, Kree Encounter, and New Life. The pair of Inhumans stories that follow in #29-30 are The Search for the Great Refuge and Moving Day.
#23-30 (back-ups only): The Eternals: The Complete Saga Omnibus (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302922467)
Collects the main thread of Eternals stories from their creation in 1976 (and pre-history in 1977) through 2000, except for the Celestial Saga from Thor #284-301. Collects Eternals back-up material from What If? (1977) #23-30, Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1, Iron Man (1968) 6, Avengers (1963) #246-248, Eternals (1985) #1-12, Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot, and New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot
#28-30: Eternals: Cosmic Origins (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302926656 / digital)
Features a number of Eternals origin stories – a primer collection, rather than a complete one. Collects Eternals (1976) #1-5, Eternals back-up stories from What If? (1977) #23-30, the Gilgamesh story from Avengers Spotlight (1989) #35, and Avengers (1963) #361.
#23-30: See Guide to What If? for other collections of these back-ups alongside their original issue contents.
#29-30: See Guide to Inhumans. These stories overlap with Inhumans origins, and are collected alongside Bronze Age Inhumans.
The Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1 (July 1976 – Jan 1978)
[Read on Marvel Unlimited / Read Annual on Marvel Unlimited]
as oversize hardcover editions…
#1-19 & Annual 1: The Eternals: The Complete Saga Omnibus (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302922467)
Collects the main thread of Eternals stories from their creation in 1976 (and pre-history in 1977) through 2000, except for the Celestial Saga from Thor #284-301. Collects Eternals back-up material from What If? (1977) #23-30, Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1, Iron Man (1968) Annual 6, Avengers (1963) #246-248, Eternals (1985) #1-12, Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot, and New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot
#1-19 & Annual 1: The Eternals Omnibus (2006 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785122050)
This original Eternals omnibus is from the sewn-binding era of Marvel omnibuses, and only collects this series. As of this writing, it’s a better idea to buy “The Complete Saga Omnibus,” which is superior in every way (except for paper quality).
#1-19 & Annual 1: The Eternals by Jack Kirby Monster-Size (2021 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302927011)
A massively oversized hardcover – MUCH larger than omnibus size!
as a complete paperback…
#1-19 & Annual 1: Eternals by Jack Kirby: The Complete Collection (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302922009 / digital)
a prior two-volume complete series collection…
#1-11: The Eternals, Book 1 (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785133131 / digital)
#12-19 & Annual 1: The Eternals, Book 2 (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785134428 / digital)
collections by single issue or story…
#1-5: Eternals: Cosmic Origins (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302926656 / digital)
Features a number of Eternals origin stories – a primer collection, rather than a complete one. Collects Eternals (1976) #1-5, Eternals back-up stories from What If? (1977) #23-30, the Gilgamesh story from Avengers Spotlight (1989) #35, and Avengers (1963) #361.
#1: True Believers: Kirby 100th – Eternals (2017) #1
#1: Marvel Firsts: The 1970s – Volume 3 (2012 paperback, ISBN 978-0785163824 / digital)
A collection of 1st issues and first/early appearances from the 1970s. Collects Skull The Slayer (1975) #1, Champions (1978) #1, Marvel Presents (1975) #1 (debut of Ulysses Bloodstone), Marvel Presents (1975) #3 (early original Guardians of the Galaxy), Black Goliath (1976) #1, Omega The Unknown (1976) #1, Eternals (1976) #1, Nova (1976) #1, Ms. Marvel (1977) #1, Marvel Spotlight (1971) #32 (Spider-Woman), What If? (1977) #1, Marvel Premiere (1972) #35 (3-D Man), Devil Dinosaur (1978) #1, Machine Man (1978) #1, Savage She-Hulk (1980) #1 and material from Marvel Preview (1975) #4 (Star-Lord) and Hulk Magazine (1978) #11 (early Moon Knight)
#7: collected in Marvel Visionaries: Jack Kirby, Vol. 1 (oversize hardcover / paperback) and King-Size Kirby Slipcase (2015)
Click to expand a summary of individual appearances in this period.
The Eternals and the Celestial Saga in Thor (1968) #283-301 (May 1979 – November 1980)
Thor briefly recalls a past adventure with the Eternals in #281, in which he loses his hammer. He then battles a Celestial in #283, in which he again briefly recalls a past encounter with Eternals (Ikaris’s father, to be exact). Then, finally, he intersects with the group directly in #284-292, then briefly recalling his adventure in #293.
Issue #300 sees him again in conflict with Celestials, which brings references to many Earthly pantheons, the Eternals amongst them, which leads to a very brief but pivotal scene in #301, where Zuras appears to be dead – quite a shock, for an Eternal!
#283-301 & Annual 7: Thor and the Eternals: The Celestials Saga (2021 Paperback, ISBN 978-1302922498 / digital)
Also, see Guide to Thor. Collects the entire Celestials Saga from Thor’s series, which heavily features The Eternals. Collects Thor (1966) #283-301 & Annual (1966) 7. This was previously collected as Thor: The Eternals Saga, Vol. 1 (paperback / digital) and Vol. 2 (paperback / digital).
Click to expand a summary of individual appearances in this period.
Eternals in Iron Man & Avengers (Nov 1983 & Aug-Oct 1984)
as oversize hardcover editions…
The Eternals: The Complete Saga Omnibus (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302922467)
Collects the main thread of Eternals stories from their creation in 1976 (and pre-history in 1977) through 2000, except for the Celestial Saga from Thor #284-301. Collects Eternals back-up material from What If? (1977) #23-30, Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1, Iron Man (1968) Annual 6, Avengers (1963) #246-248, Eternals (1985) #1-12, Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot, and New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot
by single issue or story…
Iron Man (1968) Annual 6: See Guide to Iron Man. After having a malfunction with his armor, Iron Man (at the time, Jim Rhodes) is routed to the Eternals’ city, where he meets Ikaris, Makkari, Gilgamesh, Thena, Sersi, and several others. That issue is mainly an Eternals and Deviants story, although some Eternals appear briefly in flashback in Iron Man (1968) #179 as he recaps the annual story before moving on to his next adventure.
After #179, Ikaris appears in flashback in Eternals (1985) #2
Avengers (1963) #246-248: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996). This is a major Eternals story, although it starts in a somewhat silly way – with Starfox, She-Hulk, and Wasp attending one of Sersi’s parties while she is AWOL from the main group of Eternals – and, the arrive to retrieve her! This leads to the reveal of Starfox as being related to the Eternals as they recap their origins, before they all fight Maelstrom. Ikaris, Thena, Makkari, and Sersi appear throughout, and this story ends by significantly thinning the number of Eternals on Earth.
Avengers (1963) #250: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996). The combined New York and West Coast teams assemble to battle Maelstrom again, alongside some Eternals hench-people, in a resolution of the prior story. None of the main characters tracked by this guide appear, so this is not collected with most Eternals material.
Eternals (1985) #1-12 (Oct 1985 – Sept 1986)
Peter Gillis revives the title, though it is Walt Simonson who finishes scripting this series. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
as oversize hardcover editions…
#1-12: The Eternals: The Complete Saga Omnibus (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302922467)
Collects the main thread of Eternals stories from their creation in 1976 (and pre-history in 1977) through 2000, except for the Celestial Saga from Thor #284-301. Collects Eternals back-up material from What If? (1977) #23-30, Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1, Iron Man (1968) Annual 6, Avengers (1963) #246-248, Eternals (1985) #1-12, Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot, and New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot
in a comprehensive single collection…
#1-12: Eternals: The Dreaming Celestial Saga (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302922016 / digital)
Collects all significant Eternals material following their original 1976 series through their revival in 1985. Collects Eternals back-up stories from What If? (1977) #23-30, Iron Man (1968) Annual 6, Avengers (1963) #246-248, and Eternals (1985) #1-12
Click to expand a summary of individual appearances in this period.
Sersi, The Avenger in Avengers (1963) #314-375 (Feb 1990 – June 1994)
Giglamesh briefly joins the Avengers in issues #304-310, and when he can no longer serve Captain America invites Sersi to join in his place. While she officially joins the team in #314, she already begins appearing beside them in a few stories prior to that.
Before joining Avengers: Avengers West Coast (1989) #56 (2nd story)
Atlantis Attacks: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Atlantis Attacks. Sersi appears in Avengers (1963) Annual 18, Avengers West Coast (1989) Annual 4, Thor (1966) Annual 14, Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 22
Avengers (1963) #314-325 & Annual 19: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996)
After #325 & Annual 19: Spectacular Spider-Man (1988) #168-170, Thor (1966) #420-421, Namor, The Sub-Mariner (1990) #12 (flashback) & Annual 1 (4th story)
Avengers (1963) #326-340: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996). Only implied in #340
After #328: Avengers Spotlight (1989) #40, Captain America (1968) #383
After #331: Avengers West Coast (1989) #69 (flashback)-BTS, X-Factor (1986) #66
After #333: Alpha Flight (1983) #98-101, Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #348
After #339-340: Quasar (1989) #25
Infinity Gauntlet: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Infinity Gauntlet. Sersi appears in Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #1 & 6
Subterranean Wars [AKA 1991 Annual Crossovers]: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996) or Guide to Marvel Universe Events – 1991 Annual Crossovers. Avengers (1963) Annual 20, implied in Incredible Hulk (1962) Annual 17 (2nd story), Avengers West Coast (1989) Annual 6
Eternals: Herod Factor (1991) – See below. Sersi continues appearing with the Avengers after this graphic novel.
After Herod Factor: flashback in Captain America (1968) #395
Galactic Storm: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996). Sersi appears in Avengers (1963) #344, Captain America (1968) #394, Thor (1966) #437, Captain America (1968) #396-397 (2nd stories), Avengers (1963) #345, Iron Man (1968) #278, Captain America (1968) #399, Avengers (1963) #346, Iron Man (1968) #279, Captain America (1968) #400, Wonder Man Vol. 2 (1991) #9, Avengers (1963) #347, Captain America (1968) #401, Avengers (1963) #350 /2
Infinity War: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Infinity War. Sersi appears in Infinity War (1992) #1 and Alpha Flight (1983) #110
Citizen Kang [AKA 1991 Annual Crossovers]: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996) or Guide to Marvel Universe Events – 1991 Annual Crossovers. flashback in Thor (1966) Annual 17, Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 25, Avengers (1963) Annual 21
Avengers (1963) #350-366: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996). Only appears in 2nd story in 364
After #357: Mys-Tech Wars (1993) #1-2, implied in Captain America (1968) #411
After #366: New Warriors (1990) #33-34 & Annual 3, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 (1968) #403-404, Fantastic Four (1961) #378, Spider-Man Unlimited (1993) #2, Thunderstrike (1993) #2
Infinity Crusade: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Infinit Crusade. Sersi appears in Infinity Crusade (1993) #1, implied in Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989) #57, Infinity Crusade (1993) #2, Web Of Spider-Man (1985) #104, Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (1988) #55, implied in Web Of Spider-Man (1985) #105, Infinity Crusade (1993) #3, and implied in Infinity Crusade (1993) #4-6. Afterward, she appears in Quasar (1989) #58
Avengers (1963) Annual 22: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996)
After Annual 22: Sleepwalker (1991) #26-27
Bloodties: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996) or Guide to X-Men, Vol. 2 (1991-2001). Sersi appears in Avengers (1963) #368, X-Men Vol. 2 (1991) #26, Avengers West Coast (1989) #101, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #307, Avengers (1963) #369
After Bloodties: Avengers West Coast (1989) #102
Avengers (1963) #370-375: See Guide to Avengers (1963-1996)
After Avengers #375, Sersi’s next appearance is in Malibu’s Ultraforce (after Marvel acquired them), in Ultraforce (1994) #10 (flashback), Ultraforce (1994) #8, Eliminator (1995) #3, Ultraforce (1994) #9-10, Ultraforce/Avengers Prelude, Avengers/Ultraforce, Ultraforce/Avengers, Black Knight: Exodus (1996) (and, in flashback in Cable (1993) #30).
Sersi later appears in Heroes For Hire (1997) #4-7 and Avengers, Vol. 3 (1998) #1-4 before returning primarily to use as an Eternal with their 2000 one-shot.
Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot (November 1991)
This story was originally developed to be serialized (likely in the Marvel Comics Presents anthology), but was released instead as an original graphic novel. This fits somewhere between Avengers (1963) #340-344 and after Infinity Gauntlet, per Sersi’s appearances there. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
The Herod Factor: The Eternals: The Complete Saga Omnibus (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302922467)
Collects the main thread of Eternals stories from their creation in 1976 (and pre-history in 1977) through 2000, except for the Celestial Saga from Thor #284-301. Collects Eternals back-up material from What If? (1977) #23-30, Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1, Iron Man (1968) Annual 6, Avengers (1963) #246-248, Eternals (1985) #1-12, Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot, and New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot
Click to expand a summary of individual appearances in this period.
The New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot (February 2000)
This is a peculiar one-shot, perhaps meant to reboot the Eternals into a new-millennium series by tying them into X-Men via the intervention of Apocalypse and giving them all kewl new names. The group is anchored here by Ikaris, Makkari, Sersi, and Thena, though really it’s mostly a starring role for Ikaris. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
One-Shot: The Eternals: The Complete Saga Omnibus (2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302922467)
Collects the main thread of Eternals stories from their creation in 1976 (and pre-history in 1977) through 2000, except for the Celestial Saga from Thor #284-301. Collects Eternals back-up material from What If? (1977) #23-30, Eternals (1976) #1-19 & Annual 1, Iron Man (1968) 6, Avengers (1963) #246-248, Eternals (1985) #1-12, Eternals: The Herod Factor (1991) One-Shot, and New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) One-Shot
Of the core group tracked by this guide, only Sersi makes any further appearances prior to the 2006 series – in Avengers (1963) #501-502 and Black Panther (2005) #18
Eternals (2006) #1-7 (Aug 2007 – Mar 2008)
An accompanying “Sketchbook” issue has not explicitly been collected, though material from the issue may appear as supplemental material in these collections. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Ikaris, Makkari, Sersi, and Thena appear in every issue and continue directly to the next series. Sprite appears in every issue, but does not appear again until 2021.
in oversize hardcover…
#1-7: Eternals by Neil Gaiman & John Romita Jr. (2021 Oversize Hardcover, ISBN 978-1302925185 / digital)
Collects Eternals (2006) #1-7
as originally collected…
#1-7: Eternals by Neil Gaiman
(2007 hardcover, ISBN 978-0785125419 / 2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785121770 / 2018 Paperback, ISBN 978-1302913120 / digital)
Collects Eternals (2006) #1-7. Note that there may be multiple dust jacket versions of the original 2007 hardcover.
Eternals (2008) #1-9 & Annual 1 (Aug 2008 – May 2009)
#1, Annual 1, 2-9: To Defy the Apocalypse (2021 Paperback, ISBN 978-1302923396 / digital)
Annual 1 fits between #1-2 in story chronology
#1-6: Vol. 1: To Slay a God (2009 Paperback, ISBN 978-0785129783 / digital)
#7-9 & Annual 1: Vol. 2: Manifest Destiny (2009 Paperback, ISBN 978-0785129790 / digital)
Annual 1 fits between #1-2 in story chronology
Click to expand a summary of individual appearances in this period.
Thor: The Deviants Saga (2012) #1-5 (Jan – May 2012)
This series was released in 2012, but fits a bit earlier compared to the publication of most Marvel books – towards the end of 2011. That may actually place it prior to Hulk (2008) #49, which was released in May 2012 alongside the final issue of this series. It is the next appearance for most of the primary Eternals cast after their 2008 series, including Ikaris, Gilgamesh, and Thena. It’s also a consistent part of the overall Eternals story, since it features the Deviants. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Thor: The Deviants Saga (2012) #1-5
(2012 Hardcover, ISBN 978-0785163732 / 2012 Paperback, ISBN 978-0785163060 / 2020 Paperback, ISBN 978-1302922955 / digital)
Also, see Guide to Thor, The Odinson. Some entires also list “The Mighty Thor Giant-Size,” but this is not a real issue!
After Deviants Saga, many Eternals appear in flashback in X-Men (2010) #12, as noted in their chronology above.
Eternals in Marvel Now (2013 – 2015)
Avengers Assemble (2012) #17 – Sersi. See Guide to Avengers Flagship Titles (2010 – Present)
All-New Invaders (2014) #3-5 – Ikaris, Makkari (5 only), Thena (5 only). See Guide to Invaders (eventually).
New Warriors (2014) #2-3 – Ikaris, Makkari (2 only), Sersi, Thena. See Guide to New Warriors.
New Warriors (2014) #10-12 – Makkari. See Guide to New Warriors.
All-New Invaders (2014) #13, 15 – Ikaris, Gilgamesh (13 only) Makkari, Sersi (13 only), Thena. See Guide to Invaders (eventually).
Gilgamesh in All-New, All-Different Marvel (2016 – 2018)
Gilgamesh stars as Hercules’ down-on-his-luck slacker roommate.
Hercules (2016) #1-6: See Guide to Hercules
Civil War II: Gods of War (2016) #1-4: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Civil War II or Guide to Hercules
The Eternals Die in Marvel Fresh Start – Avengers (2018) #4 (September 2018)
While the Eternals appear only briefly, and most in their death throes, in issue #4 (including Ikaris, Makkari, Sersi, & Thena), this story of the Avengers vs. The Celestials helps clear the way for the subsequent Eternals relaunch in 2021.
Avengers (2018) #1-6: See Guide to Avengers Flagship Titles (2010 – Present).
Seemingly, the only two Eternals not killed were Sersi (who does appear to die, though she has been spotted at least once since then) and Giglamesh (who simply isn’t present)
Eternals (2021) #1-12, Thanos Rises, Celestia, & The Heretic (Jan 2021 – May 2022),
Eternals Forever (2021) #1, & A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022)
In the first week of 2021, Kieron Gillen returned to his first Marvel ongoing title in over five years with an Eternals relaunch, alongside Esad Ribic and Matthew Wilson. This title had a staggered release to include an arc-break and a trio of one-shots; it continued directly into the A.X.E.: Judgment Day event. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
as recollected…
Eternals by Kieron Gillen
(2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302955731 / digital)
Collects (2021) #1-12, Thanos Rises (2021) #1, Celestia (2021) #1, The Heretic (2022) #1, all in reading order.
as originally released…
#1-6: Vol. 1: Only Death is Eternal (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302925475 / digital)
#7-12: Vol. 2: Hail Thanos (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302925482 / digital)
Thanos Rises, Celestia, & The Heretic: Eternals: A History Written In Blood (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302950804 / digital)
Collects the series of one-shots Eternals: Thanos Rises (2021) #1, Eternals: Celestia (2021) #1, Eternals: The Heretic (2022) #1, as well as back-up material from What If? (1977) #24-28. Note that these one-shot issues actually fit during issues #7-12 and are critical to understanding the plot development there, which makes it curious that Marvel released them later all in this single volume.
Eternals Forever (2021) #1: Not collected. A continuity-lite one-shot.
A.X.E.: Judgment Day: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events: A.X.E.: Judgment Day. The plot of this series continues to and is resolved by this massive Avengers / X-Men / Eternals event.
Non-Continuity Eternals
Marvel Studios’ Eternals: The Art of the Movie (2023 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302945831)
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[…] happy to announce that my Guide to The Eternals is now available to all CK readers as part of the Crushing Comics Guide to Collecting Marvel […]