Stories occurring between Uncanny X-Men #366 in March 1999 to Uncanny X-Men #393 in June 2001. A part of Crushing Krisis’s Collecting X-Men: A Definitive Guide. Last updated January 2013.
Ongoing X-related titles in this era:
- Uncanny X-Men #366-393
- Wolverine, Vol. 2 #133-161
- X-Force #87-115
- X-Men, Vol. 2 #85-113
- Cable #64-92
- X-Men Unlimited #22-31
- Generation X #48-75 (ends)
- X-Man #48-75 (ends)
- Deadpool #26-53
- Mutant X #6-32 (ends)
- Gambit, Vol. 3 #1-25 (ends)
- Warlock #1-9 (ends)
- Bishop: The Last X-Man #1-16 (ends)
- Wolverine actually ends this era at #163, but #1161 marks a cleaner story break.
- This era includes the events Magneto War, The Twelve, Ages of Apocalypse, Revolution, and Maximum Security.
- Mutant X stars Havok and does not exist in the main Marvel-616 Continuity.
Wolverine #133-139
When: Wolverine appears here after XMv2 #84 and the b-story in XMU #25 prior to his appearance in UXM #365.
Uncanny X-Men #366-367 + X-Men 85-87 + Magneto Rex #1-3
Collected in Magneto: Rogue Nation
When: Read as XMv2 #85, Magneto War #1, UXM #366, XM #86, UXM #367, XM #87, and Magneto Rex #1-3. XMU #23 & UXM #368 occur prior to Magneto Rex, but they were not collected in that order.
Gambit #1-5
When: Gambit appears in #1 from UXM #365 and in #2-3 from XM #85 before continuing from the Magneto War story, above. Many X-Men appear in #5 after appearing in XMU #23.
Deadpool #27 comes after UXM #367
X-Men Unlimited #23
Uncanny X-Men #368-371
X-Men #88-91
X-Men Annual 7/1999
When: Read as XMU #23, UXM #368 [Magneto Rex begins here], XMv2 #88, UXM #369, XMv2 #89, UXM #370, XMv2 #90, #371, XMv2 #91, XMv2 Ann7/99. Launches the M-Tech imprint of Warlock, X-51, and Deathlok.
Contest of Champions II
Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation
Cable #64-74
X-Man #48-? [Determine where this breaks X-Man, even though he doesn’t actual cross over
Warlock #1-9
Generation X #46-58
X-Force ?-#98
Uncanny X-Men #372-375 & X-Men #92-95
Collected as X-Men: The Shattering (ISBN 0785137335)
Also includes Astonishing X-Men (vol. 2) #1-3
Gambit #6-10 & Ann99
When: Begins after XMv2 Ann7/99 and Contest of Champions. Ann99 comes after #7 #8-9 occur directly after XMv2 #92. #10 comes after UXM #375 & XMv2 #95.
Wolverine #140-145 & X-Men Unlimited #25
When: #145 occurs after Astonishing X-Men #1-3 and X-Men #95. XMU #25 occurs before #145.
Cable #72-74
When: From UXM #375
Apocalypse: The Twelve & Ages of Apocalypse
Uncanny X-Men #376-377, Wolverine #146-147, X-Men #96-97, & Cable #75-76: X-Men vs. Apocalypse Vol. 1: The Twelve (ISBN 078512263X)
Uncanny X-Men #378 & Ann22/99, Wolverine #148, X-Men #98, Cable #77, X-Men Unlimited #26: X-Men vs. Apocalypse Vol. 2: Ages Of Apocalypse Also includes X-51 #8 & X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1-4.
After Apocalypse
X-Force #87-100 & Annual 7/1999: Annual 7/1999 occurs between #95-96
Generation X #59-62
Wolverine Ann99
When: This has been strandd by collections. It actually occurs on the heels of UXM Ann22/99.
Uncanny X-Men #379-380: X-Men: Powerless
Collects Uncanny X-Men #379-380, Cable #78, X-Force (1991) #101, Wolverine #149, and X-Men #99.
Gambit #11-19 & Ann00
When: Gambit’s first appearance after Powerless is #12
X-Men: Black Sun #1-4 & X-Men: Magic #1-5
When: This is Wolverine’s next appearance after Powerless
Wolverine #150-153: Wolverine: Blood Debt (ISBN 0785107859)
When: Wolverine’s next appearance after Black Sun.
Iron Fist / Wolverine #1-4
When: Wolverine’s next appearance after Blood Debt. He does not return to X-Men until XMv2 #102.
Bishop: The Last X-Men #1-14
Not collected
When: This story emerges from XMv2 #92, but due to its time displaced nature does not need to be read immediately. However, #15 intersects the upcoming Maximum Security crossover, so the issues are best read here before the “six month gap.”
X-Men: Revolution (The Six-Month Gap)
X-Men Unlimited #27
+ X-Men #100-102
+ Uncanny X-Men #381-383
+ X-Men Unlimited #28
When: Read as listed. XMU #27 acts as a prologue to the Revolution six-month gap, although it can also be read prior to the Black Sun mini, above. Need to check if XMv2 #102 has a story break here or continues through #104.
Uncanny X-Men #384-386
+ X-Men #103-106 & Annual 00
When: Read as XMv2 #103, UXM #384, XMv2 #104, UXM #385, XM Ann00, XMv2 #105, UXM #386, XMv2 #106, XM Ann00
X-Men Forever #1-6
Not collected
Wolverine #154-158
Not collected
X-Force #102-109
Cable #79-84
Generation X #63-70
X-Man #63-70
Maximum Security
Uncanny X-Men #387: Avengers / X-Men: Maximum Security (ISBN 0785144994)
A massive paperback collecting Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet, #1-3, Captain America (1998) #36, Thor (1998) #30, Uncanny X-Men #387, Bishop: the Last X-Man #15, Iron Man (1998) #35, Avengers (1998) #35, Gambit (1999) #23, X-Men (1991) #107, and X-Men Unlimited (1993) #29.
Wolverine Annual 00
Cable #85-86
Gambit #20-25
X-Men Legends, Vol. 4: Hated & Feared
Wolverine #159-161 (& 167-169)
Wolverine: The Best There Is (ISBN 0785110071)
Uncanny X-Men #388-390, X-Men #108-110, Cable #87, Bishop #16
X-Men: Dream’s End (ISBN 078511551X)
Collects Uncanny X-Men #388-390, Cable #87, Bishop #16 and X-Men #108-110.
Cable #88-92
Uncanny X-Men Annual 23/2000
X-Men Unlimited #30-31
Read as Cable #88, XM Ann23/00, Cable #89, XMU #30, Cable #90-92, XMU #31
Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom #1-6
When: Follows UXM #189. Begins with Gambit & Bishop:Alpha.
Excalibur Sword of Power #1-4 to 2001
When: Psylocke’s next appearance after UXM #389 and prior to XMv2 #109.
Brotherhood #1-9?
Wolverine #162-166
Wolverine/Deadpool: Weapon X out-of-print (ISBN 0785109181)
Wolverine #162 is Wolverine’s first appearance after XMU #30. Also collects Deadpool #57-60
X-Force #110-115
Generation X #71-75
X-Man #71-75
Wolverine #167-169 & Ann00
Occur after UXM #390 & XMU #30 but before UXM #392. Ann 00 occurs after #393
Uncanny X-Men #391-393 + X-Men, Vol. 2 #111-113
Collected in X-Men: Eve of Destruction (ISBN 0785115528)
Collects Uncanny X-Men #391-393 and X-Men #111-113.
Cable #93-96
Read Anytime
Mutant X #6-32
Not collected
Era #8: Reassembled X-Men Reading Order Guide
Era #10: New X-Men
Where does Magneto Rex fit into all of this? Thanks so much for this list, it has helped me in reading all of the X-related books!
I feel like x-men: black sun should come after x-men vol2 # 100… it’s a bit confusing to have a new character just appear and then find out his first appearance is actually later in this list.
Would it be worth listing x-men: the search for cyclops somewhere a little closer to uncanny x-men 391? Right now if you forgot about the search for cyclops he kind of just randomly shows up again in 391…
Where would you place Magneto Dark Seduction miniseries? The X-Men: Eve of Destruction (2019 oversize hardcover) collects it as Magneto: Dark Seduction #1-4; Uncanny X-Men (1963) #390-393 & Annual 2000; X-Men (1991) #110-113; X-Men Forever (2001) #1-6; X-Men: Declassified #1; X-Men Unlimited (1993) #30-33; and X-Men: The Search For Cyclops #1-4 so I’ll follow this order but I’m not 100% sure
I’ve been reading X-Men each day and hit the start of the Revolution. I think X-Men Unlimited 28 might sit better before Uncanny 383. they’re in Moscow in both but have only just arrived in 28. There’s a gap between stories with 382 and 383 which should be easy enough to fit 28 in.
Thanks, Charlie!
I thought I would mention: In Marvel’s app, despite the kept numbering, X-Men ENDS with #113, and New X-Men, at 114, is counted as a newly launched title.
Thanks for this note!
Both Uncanny X-Men and X-Men have a storied history of their indicia disagreeing with their title treatment and Marvel subsequently disagreeing with both. You’ll noticed Marvel sometimes labels Uncanny X-Men as “1981” since that’s when the indicia officially updated to Uncanny. To avoid confusion, I refer to all of the original volume as Uncanny (even before the adjective was added) and all of the non-Morrison part of the 1991 volume as X-Men (1991).
Technically, I think Marvel *did remove* “New” from the title in the indicia of the book starting with #157, but I’d have to pull out my original copy to be sure of that and it is deep in the stacks! treats from #157 forward as it’s own distinct 2004 volume.
Minor item, but I am reading through your list… Wolverine 159-161 should follow Dream’s End instead of preceding it. They refer to a big event from Dream’s End in those issues.
X-Man #50 should be read directly after Generation X #50 (together they make up a ‘War of the Mutants’ two-parter). Generation X #52 leads into X-Force #91.
X-Man #55 leads directly into Astonishing X-Men #1, but it would be fine to continue with #56-#58 before reading The Shattering. X-Man #59 and #60 tie into The Twelve and should be read after Cable #75