Stories occurring between Uncanny X-Men #394 in July 2001 and Uncanny X-Men #443 in June 2004. A part of Crushing Krisis’s Collecting X-Men: A Definitive Guide. Last updated January 2013.
Ongoing X-related titles in this era:
- Uncanny X-Men #394-443
- New X-Men #114-156
The following ongoing titles ended in this era:
- Wolverine, Vol. 2 #162-188 (becomes Wolverine, Vol. 3)
- X-Force #116-129 (becomes X-Statix)
- Cable #93-107 (becomes Soldier X)
- X-Men Unlimited #32-50
- Deadpool #54-69 (becomes Agent X)
The following new titles were launched in this era:
- X-Treme X-Men #1-46 (end)
- Exiles #1-45
- Solider X #1-12 (end)
- Agent X #1-15 (end)
- X-Statix #1-26
- Weapon X #1-22
- Mystique #1-13
- New Mutants #1-13 (end)
- Wolverine, Vol. 3 #1-12
- X-Men Unlimited, Vol. 2 #1-2
- Wolverine #162-169 fit into the prior era.
- Weapon X #19-22 fit into the next era
- Cable and Deadpool and Alpha Flight, Vol. 3 each had a single issue released in this era; I listed them in the next era. Similarly, X-Men Unlimited, Vol. 2 issue #1-2 stories fall into the next era, even though they were released here.
- X-Statix only reaches #20 here, but is clearly of this era and should be concluded before moving forward.
- This era did not include any events or crossovers in the X-Men titles.
Deadpool #54-56 & #57-6o
When: One of Wolverine’s first appearances in this period is in DP #60-61, so it stands to reason that the arcs leading up to that happen the earliest.
Wolverine Annual 2001
Not collected
When: This is the first Wolverine story after the end of the prior period.
X-Treme X-Men #1-9
Collected in X-Treme X-Men, Vol. 1: Destiny
When: Likely slightly prior to E is for Extinction, and features Beast still in his pre-Cat form. Jean appears in #9 after NXM #126, but I don’t think that’s a reason to hold this for later – if anything, it shows how quickly the events in NXM unfurl!
Cyclops #1-4
When: This is Cyclops’s first appearance in this period.
Iceman #1-4
When: Beast appears here in Iceman #1 prior to UXM #394, and Iceman appears in #4 prior to UXM #395.
UXM #394 belongs here.
Deadpool #61-64
Wolverine #170-176
See Wolverine for reading options
When: This ends prior to the NXM launch at #114.
Uncanny X-Men #394-399
Collected in Uncanny X-Men: Poptopia
When: The team has new uniforms, but does not mention the Genosha massacre. Wolverine’s appearance here comes in the midst of that story, but since #394 is definitively prior to NXM you should read this entire arc here.
New X-Men #114-117 & Annual #1
See New X-Men for reading options
When: After taking care of a limited amount of introductory appearances, the New X-Men team makes their debut in the E is for Extinction arc. Since the massacre of the Genosha island is huge, worldwide news, I err on the side of placing books that make no mention of it prior to this run – even if they demonstrably could be placed afterwards (as Poptopia can).
X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land #1-4
Collected in X-Treme X-Men Vol. 1.5: Savage Land
When: Beast appears here between NXM #116-117.
X-Force #116-120
See X-Force for reading options
When: This first X-Statix arc includes Cyclops and Wolverine as guest-stars, both during E is for Extinction.
New X-Men #118-121 & #122-126
See New X-Men for reading options
When: None of the cast members in this book appear in other titles during these runs.
The Order #5-6
When: The New X-Men team makes an appearance here after #126.
UXM #400 can be read here.
Deadpool #65-69
When: Wolverine appears in #69 after UXM #400, but before any other appearances. Rather than breaking up the read of the UXM arc below, I elect to place it prior.
Wolverine #177-180
When: Wolverine appears here after his Deadpool appearance.
Venom, Vol. 1 #6-10
When: Wolverine appears here after his own title. His next chronological appearance is in UXM Annual 2001.
Nightcrawler #1-4
When: This series occurs between UXM Annual 2001 and UXM #401. You should read it before continuing with UXM.
Uncanny X-Men #400-409 & Annual 2001 + X-Men Unlimited #34?-35 & 39
When: #400 is Wolverine’s first stop after his appearance in The Order, while Jean and Beast also appear in this run prior to further NXM action. Read order is #400, Annual, XMU #34(?) and #35(for sure!), then #401-409, and finally UXM #39(?).
X-Force #121-129
Must check where the omni places Brotherhood #9
Brotherhood #1-9
When: This ends sometime after Uncanny X-Men #401.
Wolverine/Hulk #1-4
Weapon X: The Draft
When: Consists of five issues: Agent Zero, Kane, Marrow, Sauron, and Wild Child
Wolverine #180-181 & #182-186
When: Wolverine appears in the first pair of issues directly from UXM #401, but then finishes the UXM run (not including XMU #39) before finishing this appearance. For simplicity of reading order, I suggest reading it all here.
X-Treme X-Men #10-18
Collected as X-treme X-Men, Vol. 2: Invasion
When: Both Jean and Beast appear in #18 fresh off of their respective UXM appearances, still prior to the next NXM arc.
X-Factor #1-4
When: Cyclops and Jean both briefly appear here prior to NXM #128, although Jean’s appearance is after the visit to X-Corp in UXM #406-407.
New X-Men #127-133
See New X-Men for reading options
Wolverine: Netsuke #1-4
When: This is Wolverine’s final appearance prior to the next UXM arc beginning in #410.
Chamber #1-4
When: Chamber departs to this story from UXM #409. Cyclops appears in #1 directly prior to NXM #128, but doesn’t appear in #4 until after UXM #421.
Weapon X #1-5
When: While I am certain this should occur prior to UXM #413, I am not sure if it should be sequential with the Draft issues, above, or here.
Need to place X-Men Unlimited #36-38, 40-43
UXM #410-415: Hope
X-Treme X-Men X-Pose #1-2 belong here.
X-Men Unlimited #44-46 & 48
X-Statix #1-5
UXM #416-420: Dominant Species
When: Glob Herman is walking around the Mansion in the first issue, which places this before Riot, not after.
X-Treme X-Men: Mekanix #1-6
When: Reintroduces Kitty and Karma.
Punisher #33-37
When: Featuring Wolverine
Wolverine #187-189
Wolverine #1-6
Spider-Man & Wolverine #1-4
X-Treme X-Men #19-23 + X-Pose #1-2
Collected as X-Treme X-Men: Schism
When: Jean mentions forming X-Corp when she appears in #19 after NXM #127, which means the beginning of this comes directly before the Paris story in NXM #128, even if it ends later than that overall arc. However, reading it that far back forces it dozens of issues up in Wolverine’s chronology, as he doesn’t appear in the rest of the issues until after UXM #420.
Wolverine / Captain America #1-4
X-Statix #6-10 + Wolverine/Doop #1-2
X-Statix #11-18
Uncanny X-Men #421-427: Holy War
When: Again, this is happening before Riot.
Exiles #28-30
When: This occurs between UXM #426-427
Cable & Deadpool #1 is Cable’s next appearance after UXM #426
Wolverine: Xisle
Wolverine: Snikt
New X-Men #134-138
Uncanny X-Men #428-434: The Draco
When: Seems to be nominally after Riot. Occurs in a flash, since time passes differently in Limbo.
Weapon X #6-13
When: Concludes during The Draco, which ends in a split-second from where it begins.
X-Treme X-Men #25-30
Collected as X-Treme X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills
When: Occurs in its entirety after NXM #140 and before #142
X-Treme X-Men #31-35
Collected as X-Treme X-Men: Intifada
When: Occurs quickly on the heels of GLMK – Rogue and Gambit appear here directly from off-panel appearances in UXM #526
X-Treme X-Men #36-39
Collected as X-Treme X-Men: Storm – The Arena
When: This shipped entirely in February 2004 – the same month that the next UXM storyline began.
Uncanny X-Men #437-441: She Lies With Angels
When: Occurs in its entirety after NXM #140 and before #142
New Mutants #1-6
When: Begins sometime after Riot at Xaviers
Mystique #1-6
When: Occurs after NXM #141
New Mutants #7-13 & X-Men Unlimited #49
When: #8-10 occur after NXM #141
New X-Men #139-145
New X-Men #146-150
X-Treme X-Men #40-46 & Annual 1
Collected as Prisoner of Fire
When: The last issue occurs after Planet X.
New X-Men #151-154
New X-Men #155-156 & Uncanny X-Men #442-443: Bright New Mourning
Weapon X #14-18
Wolverine #7-11
Wolverine is here after WX #18
X-Statix #19-26
When: Wolverine nominally appears in flashback in #26 from circa UXM #448-450, but that’s not much of a spoiler.
Era #9: Revolution X-Men Reading Order Guide Era #11: The New Age
William Ellis says
When should NYX be read? I really love your guides here, but I’m having trouble finding it. Thanks!
Beifica says
Holy War definitely comes after Riot.
Alpha Flight Invades the mansion ins UXM 421-422 to take the children to safety explicitly stating that the Riot is the cause of their actions
krisis says
Sweet, thanks – I’ll include this when the rolling revisions to the guide pages reach this era later this year.
Jonathan Moring says
Agree with this. Love the site in general.
Beifica says
My pleasure. I have read every single xmen comic from the beginning up until this era (and I intend on continuing) So if you wish I can help you with anything that concerns xmen chronology (and most of the peripheral titles).
Amazing job you’ve done here.
I come here almost everyday.
Beifica says
A few other considerations:
New Mutants 13 occurs after Planet X as the mansion is destroyed.
The placement of Holy War is impossible because of Cyclops
In Uxm 421-422, like I saíd above, there’s a mention of Riot. So Holy War should come after those NXM issues. The problem is that Riot follows directly into the next TPB (assault on weapon PLUS) and then directly into Planet X, and Cyclops ahouldnt appear anywhere else between Riot and the end of Morrisons run,its crazy!
What I did in my personal reading order was to break Riot in the last issue after Quentin quire dies. Then place the books where Cyclops appears -Holy War TPB then New Mutants (except for 13), then NXM again.
I know that the rational in this reading order is a bit different so my solution wont apply, but I wanted to mention it anyway!
Por Que says
When should NYX be read? I really love your guides here, but I’m having trouble finding it. Thanks!
Beifica says
NYX should be read in the next era, just before X-23 appearance in the UXM Cruelest Cut arc.
Charlie Etheridge-Nunn says
Anyone got any ideas about where Muties & Morlocks are placed in here?
Origin says
Where should the wolverine origin mini series be read? Not the ongoing in the next era but the 2001 6 issue mini series?
Jonathan Moring says
Chronologically it’s almost at the beginning of Era One.
Jonathan Moring says
Er, Era 0
Camilo Andres Peralta says
Where is Cable Soldier X?
Charles Etheridge-Nunn says
I just read X-Treme Annual 2001 this morning and it goes between X-Treme X-Men 8 & 9. They’re still in Australia, Thunderbird’s on the team, they’re still on the whole Destiny’s Diaries thing.
Charles says
If it’s useful to add in, Exiles is listed at the top as a new series, but not included in the sequence until issue 28. The four-issue 2001 Blink series might also fit in there. Thanks for this amazing resource!