Stories occurring between Uncanny X-Men #444 in July 2004 and Uncanny X-Men #465 in December 2005. This begins with the immediately post-Morrison period and concludes with X-Men being decimated at the end of House of M. A part of Crushing Krisis’s Collecting X-Men: A Definitive Guide. Last updated January 2013.
Ongoing X-related titles in this era:
- Uncanny X-Men #444-465
- X-Men, Vol. 2 #157-176
- Exiles #46-71
- X-Statix #21-26 (end)
- Weapon X #19-28 & Days of Future Now #1-5 (end)
- Mystique #14-24 (end)
- Wolverine, Vol. 3 #13-35
- X-Men Unlimited #3-12
The following new titles were launched at the start of this era as part of “X-Men: Reloaded.”
- Cable and Deadpool #1-18
- Alpha Flight #1-12 (end)
- New X-Men: Academy X #1-19 & Hellions #1-4
- Excalibur #1-14 (end)
- District X #1-14 (end)
- Astonishing X-Men #1-12
- Rogue #1-12 (end)
- Gambit #1-12 (end)
- Nightcrawler #1-12 (end)
The following mini-series are included in this period
- Colossus: Bloodline
- Hellions
- House of M
- Jubilee
- Kitty Pryde: Shadow & Flame
- Mutopia X
- Secret War
- X-Men / Fantastic Four (also known as X4)
- X-Men: Phoenix – Endsong
- Emma Frost was an ongoing series at this time, but all of its stories were told entirely in flashback to Era #1.
- X-Statix #21-26 are listed with the prior era.
- Due to the line-changing nature of the end of House of M, cut-off points above refer to the last issue released prior to the impact of House of M’s conclusion. Cable and Deadpool actually ends this era at #20, but #18 makes for a better break point. Both Nightcrawler #12 and X-Men Unlimited #12 were released after House of M ended, but neither addresses Decimation.
Wolverine #7-11
Wolverine #12-19
Wolverine/Punisher #1-4
Rampaging Wolverine
Astonishing X-Men #1 and Uncanny X-Men #444 can be read here to introduce the next sequence of stories to explain who is on the team at this time (including Kitty), though I have grouped them with the rest of their arcs below.
Weapon X #19-28
When: #20-25 is Wolverine’s appearance between UXM #444 and XMv2 #157. Otherwise, it shares no characters with the main narrative of UXM. I need to check issues #26-28 for cross references to other X-titles, but until then I believe they are safe to place here.
X-Men #157-160
When: The “Day of the Atom” trade collects both this and the following arc in #161-165. If you plan to read it all in one sitting, I would suggest you skip it here and read it where the rest is placed, below.
New X-Men #1-6
When: Cyclops appears here after XMv2 #157 before he appears in UXM #446. Because we know Wolverine appears in the entire arc starting from #157, this can be placed between there and UXM #446.
Uncanny X-Men #444-449
When: Wolverine appears in #445 after XMv2 #160.
Excalibur #1-4
When: This does not intersect with the main X-Men story, and is Professor X’s first appearance after #443. It ends around the same time as UXM #449.
X-Men Unlimited #1-14
When: Though these two-story anthology issues don’t take place all at once, they all fit within an handful of issues of here in UXM, so I suggest simply reading them here in a chunk while you can! The placement of each pair of stories will make you crazy – they fit into over a dozen unique places in the read order, and I simply don’t think it’s worthwhile to split them up that much.
District X #1-6
When: Bishop appears here between UXM #449-450.
Rogue #1-6
When: Rogue #2 occurs before UXM #450, and Rogue #6 is complete by XMv2 #161
Uncanny X-Men #450-451 fit here, but can just as easily be read with the connecting arc as listed below, as Wolverine is the only character shared in the intervening stories.
X-Men, Vol. 2 #161-165
When: Issue #165 actually fits below.
Uncanny X-Men #450-454
Alpha Flight #1-6
When: I don’t believe this has any crossover to X-Men storylines, it ends around UXM #450.
Mystique #13-24
When: Wolverine appears in #23 after UXM #454. I need to recheck #13-23 to see if Professor X is in Genosha while he communicates to Mystique.
Nightcrawler #1-6
When: This is a tricky placement. Nightcrawler #1-2 occur around the same time as all of the other action after UXM #444. However, the completion of this run does not fit until after #454. Since the action here is ancillary to the action in the main X-books, I choose to place this run at its conclusion.
Avengers Disassembled occurs here.
District X #7-12
When: Bishop appears here between UXM #454 and XMv2 #165 before appearing in UXM #455. District X #13-14 are separated by several story arcs, so I was forced to place them below.
Madrox #1-6
When: Bishop’s also appears here prior to XMv2 #165.
X-Men, Vol. 2 #165 can be read here.
Marvel Team-Up #1-6
Jubilee #1-7
When: Placed her due to Wolverine’s sequential appearances.
Cable & Deadpool #1-6
When: Some characterx appear in #6 after Marvel Team-Up. While #1-5 almost surely occur earlier, I am placing it here based on that final story.
Cable & Deadpool #7-12
When: #7-10 are Wolverine’s next chronological appearance, and Cyclop’s first after MTU. I don’t believe there are any conflicts to finishing the TPB with #11-12 here, although I need to check the stories to be sure.
Excalibur #5-10
When: This is placed by its chronological release. I need to check to see if any of these character appear elsewhere.
X-Men / Fantastic Four #1-5
When: Per Cyclops and Wolverine’s next chronological appearances.
New X-Men #7-11
When: While Cyclops appears in #8-9 after XMv2 #165 and before the subsequent MTU run, the bulk of this run fits better here.
Uncanny X-Men #455-461
When: Emma appears in #455 prior to Astonishing X-Men #2-6, which occurs parallel to #457-459. UXM #460 occurs after Colossus’s return and during Wolverine’s programming, below. UXM #461 is a straggling issue, but little in it will conflict with reading it here aside from the fact that it falls after Wolverine’s deprogramming.
Astonishing X-Men #1-6
When: Clearly some of issues #1-3 may happen parallel to events depicted above, but the bulk of the action in #4-6 works here.
Wolverine #20-25
When: Wolverine and Kitty appear here after AMX #6. This marks the start of Wolverine’s programming by The Hand and Hydra, meaning only stories where he is a villain can fall between #24 and #25. After Wolverine #25, Wolverine is captured and deprogrammed.
New Invaders #1-9 can be read here or just after Wolverine #32, as #6 includes the villainous Wolverine. The series stars Namor.
Wolverine #25-32
When: Wolverine #32 happens an indeterminate amount of time after the other issues here, but it must occur before House of M, so I suggest simply reading it here.
Irredeemable Ant-Man #1-6 are interspersed with the preceding Wolverine run.
Cable & Deadpool #13-18
When: Wolverine appears in #13 just after his deprogramming in #25, but I don’t believe it’s necessary to interrupt the Wolverine story for this entire group of issues. In this instance, I am recommending continuing through #18, even though #17 is a House of M tie-in, because they are all part of the same story arc. I have to check if this should be placed later for other reasons, such as heavy House of M spoilers.
X-Force, Vol. 2 #4-6
When: Wolverine’s first appearance after #31
Secret War #1-5
When: Despite a number of flashbacks to around the beginning of this era, the present day sequences in Secret War occur here.
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong
When: Wolverine arrives here directly from Secret War
X-Men Unlimited #12 can be read here.
X-Men, Vol. 2 #166-170
When: This is the next appearance of Wolverine after Endsong.
Wolverine: Soultaker
When: This is the next appearance of Wolverine after XMv2 #170
Astonishing X-Men #7-12
When: This does not strictly obey continuity, as it features Professor X (and, by implication, an off-screen Magneto) on Genosha independent of the events of Excalibur, Vol. 2
X-Men Unlimited #9 can be read here.
At this time, Wolverine joins the New Avengers! You can read New Avengers #1-6 here; see New Avengers for reading options. While this guide will not track all of his Avengers appearances (since, by definition, they aren’t X-Men), I will continue the major action from that main title here when appropriate.
Rogue #7-12
When: Rogue appears here before XMv2 #171
Gambit #1-6
When: Despite a release schedule that would indicate otherwise, Gambit does not begin this series until after Rogue ends hers.
Gambit #7-12
When: Gambit resolves his series before appearing in XMv2 #171.
X-Men Unlimited #10 can be read here.
X-Men, Vol. 2 #171-174
New X-Men #12-15
When: Beast’s first appearance after XMv2 #174 is in #14. Dust appears in UXM #160 between #13-14. Since no main-cast X-Men appear in #15, I believe it should be safe to place here.
New Avengers #7-10 can be read here.
Kitty Pryde: Shadows and Flame
Nightcrawler #7-12
When: Wolverine and Cyclops’s appearance places #8-12 between Kitty’s limited series and X-Men, Vol. 2 #175.
District X #13-14
New X-Men: Hellions #1-4
When: Emma Frost appears in the conclusion of this just before XMv2 #175.
X-Men #175-176 & Black Panther #8-9
Colossus: Bloodline
When: This is some of the last action prior to House of M.
Alpha Flight #7-12
When: I do not believe this connects to any ongoing X-Men stories, but it does occur prior to House of M.
Exiles #49-68
When: Exiles has no discernible character crossover to the main story of X-Men from the beginning of this period until House of M.
Excalibur #11-14
When: The events including Scarlet Witch that lead directly to House of M.
House of M
House of M #1-8
Uncanny X-Men #462-465
When: Runs in parallel to House o fM
Exiles #69-71
New X-Men #16-19
Wolverine #33-35
Cable & Deadpool #17-18
See Marvel Events: House of M for complete collection information. No other X-Men ongoings participated in House of M, although District X ostensibly becomes Mutopia X in this period.
Read Anytime
Weapon X: Days of Future Now #1-5
This acts as an epilogue to the main Weapon X series and is set in a speculative future. Thus, it can be read anytime in this period – perhaps just prior to House of M.
Era #10: New X-Men X-Men Reading Order Guide
Era #12: Endangered Species
Excalibur 5-10 intersects with avengers disassembled due to Magneto’s appearence in both arcs
Also, x-23’s origin should be read before Uxm 450.
Her origin is depicted in:
X-23 v1 1-6 (except the last page of issue 6)
X-23 Target X 1-6
Last page of x-23 v1 6
Nyx 1-7
I dunno I kind of prefer a bit of mystery to her character… for me I prefer just NYX at this point and then fill in the holes later with the other issues you listed.
As I have been following this reading order, I would recommend that X-Men #165 be read AFTER Uncanny X-men # 454, as it contains Sage during or just after her time back with the Hellfire Club (as seen in Uncanny X-Men #452-454). I would also recommend reading Uncanny #460 & 461 AFTER Astonishing X-Men #1-6, as the events take place of these two issues take place AFTER Colossus’s return from Space.
Really confused at exiles being dumped at the end. Somewhere nocturne leaving needed to go in