Influences (Pt. 2 of 3) – Teenage
Dilate (Ani DiFranco)
Superhero (Garrison Starr)
Spark (Tori Amos)
Trio – the original singer-songwriter web session – typically features original songs, but for the second in a special trio of trios I am covering some of the songs that have influenced me and my songwriting. The first influences trio featured songs of my childhood.
You can download the entire Trio, or start from a past suite of original songs:
See the rest of this post for chords to all three songs.
The chords listed below correspond to my performance in Trio. Since my performance may not match the original recording you should not post these chords to other websites.
If you are still having trouble playing a song even after listening to my performance please leave a comment.
Dilate – This arrangement is similar to the original.
Tune to AADGAD. That means your lowest string is an octave below your A.
Intro/Verse: 00xxx, xx2002, xx4004
Third Line of Verse: 5×0005, 5×0004
B-Section: 2×0020, 4×0040, 5×0050, 5×0040I occasionally slide up from xx4004 to xx5005 and back after exiting the B-Section.
Superhero – This arrangement is very similar to the original.
Capo 2nd fret. You can also play this song in the same key without a capo by adding two frets onto the value of all chords, and barring where I left high strings open.
Intro/Verse: w/Palm Mute C#m, G#m, A, B
Interlude: w/Palm Mute A, E, B, A, B
Chorus: 577600, 022100, 799800
Chorus ends with 577600, 799800
Bridge: F#m, A, B
Spark – This is an approximate arrangement for guitar.
Intro/Verse: 022100, 332010, 554030
Chorus: C, D, G, Em / C, D, G, Em / 332010, 554030Bridge:
1st Half: E5, G5, D5, A5 / E5, G5, D5, A5 / E, G, D, A, C, D
Instrumental: E, G, D, A
2nd Half: E, G, D, A / E, G, D, A / E, G, D, A, C, DOn the final chorus i play the first G as 10-10-9-0-8-0
There are many complex compound time changes in “Spark.” If you’d like to play along with the original or Trio, here’s a guide:
- While singing in verses D chords are always 7/8 EXCEPT 1st verse 2nd line (6/8) and 5th line (6/8 + 4/8), and last verse 1st line (9/8).
- In the bridge, both “fins that you’ll never find” are 7/8, as is the end of instrumental passage (count three beats on the D, four on the A).
- The D before the instrumental in the bridge should also be 7/8, but it isn’t on Trio.
It wasn’t obscure for me. Yet another great trio. Well done!
Yay!! Fabulousness!!:) I am actually quite impressed (and you know how rarely I ever say that *laughs* )…both “Dilate” and “Spark” came off wonderfully!:) Was this Trio worth the 6 hours of effort? *lol*
No comment on your performance at all, but I just didn’t care for the second song much. I actually didn’t know the song, but it reminded me too much of Liz Phair after she toned down the edginess to go all pop-compatible. ;)
Anyhow, kudos!! You’ve been putting out some great stuff this month…it’s like you’re all motivated or something!! ;)
*~ A.
I really liked your rendition of Tori Amo’s “Spark” – A few friends of mine have tried to turn me onto learning some of Tori Amo’s music, and while I’m not too famliar with most of her music, this one I remember hearing on the radio sometime.
Perhaps I ought to go pick up her piano sheetmusic and see if I can arrange it to include Tori’s vocals (I don’t sing). Good job for handling the complicated time signature changes, and for making Alayna’s day!
Hehehehe…you know it *always* makes my day when people do what I ask them to. ;)
After all, nobody ever listens to me…;P
Hey, I’ve also asked YOU to sing some Tori for me, if I recall. ;) *laughs*
Me… Sing? Alayna, do you have a deathwish? My voice will put poor little kittens to death. I will arrange a Tori Amos song for you, with the melodic lines included, but I will not *sing.* Unless, you want to find a piano somewhere while you and I are in the same city, and you can be my vocalist. In fact, start practising your “Cornflake Girl” – I have that one already down :P
I could totally get in on that, Cornflake Girl has an awesome guitar part (plus the call-and-response vocals).
funnily enough, tom chose a garrison starr cd off the shelf yesterday morning. I don’t think I’d heard one of her songs in at least a year, and now it’s two days in a row.
Hahahaha….well, I am fairly masochistic, most of the it might be worth it. ;P
It sounds like we’ve got ourselves a band! *laughs*