Until April 5, I’ll be loosely mapping missing and most-wanted Marvel omnibus volumes every day! It’s the end of the road of this special marathon of MAP MY X as we map the most-popular mutant of all time – Wolverine!
This post explains titles and potential Wolverine Omnibus Mapping for entries on the Tigereyes Most Wanted Marvel Omnibus 12th Annual Secret Ballot. You can vote right now (until 5 April 2024 @ midnight US ET) or watch our mega-length announcement stream reviewing every single voting option.
Wolverine has many omnibuses to his name already, but there are still some gaps remaining in his coverage! We’d need over a dozen omnibuses to give Logan the same “every issue collected in omnibus” treatment that Deadpool has enjoyed all the way through 2016.
If you’re not sure of what to vote for, stick around for my explanations. Or, if you’ve already voted, learn why the team behind the poll decided on these books and titles – including some of my mistakes and regrets as one of the editors of the options on the final poll.
Or… just find some great comics to read!
Remember: These mappings are just my suggestion of how Marvel could assemble these books. They are meant to help you decide on your votes and build your personal reading list, but your vote on the poll is NOT an endorsement of my specific map. It’s a vote in favor of Marvel creating a book with that title or covering that period.
Over-the-top comics posts like this one are made possible via the support of Patrons of Crushing Krisis. For less than the cost of a single comic issue a month you can fuel my in-depth comics coverage, plus gain access to dozens of exclusive collecting guides & reading orders – including all of the Crushing Comics Guide to Marvel Comics.
Other posts in this series include:
- Avengers omnibus mapping
- Every Avengers team title, ever!
- Captain America, Iron Man, & Thor omnibus mapping
- Including Asgardian heroes Angela, Beta Ray Bill, Jane Foster, Thunderstrike, & Valkyrie
- Doctor Strange omnibus mapping
- Elektra & Daredevil omnibus mapping
- Fantastic Four omnibus mapping
- Every Fantastic four title, ever (including Human Torch, Thing, & Marvel Two-In-One)
- Ghost Rider & The Midnight Sons mapping
- Ghost Riders, Blade, Morbius, & The Darkhold!
- Hulk omnibus mapping
- Including She-Hulk, Skaar, Red Hulk, Red She-Hulk, and Amadeus Cho as Totally Awesome Hulk
- Marvel Events omnibus mapping
- Including line-wide events from 1982’s Contest of Champions to the present day
- Marvel Golden Age, Atlas Era, Anthologies, & Creator-Centric books
- Marvel Imprints & Alternate Realities omnibus mapping
- Imprints: Crossgen, Marvel 2099, Marvel UK, and New Universe
- Realities: Malibu Ultraverse, Marvel 1602, Marvel MAX, MC2, Ultimate Marvel, the many multiverses of What If, and more!
- Marvel Solo Heroes (A-M) omnibus mapping
- America Chavez, Ant-Man (Pym, Lang, & O’Grady), Black Cat, Black Knight, Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell & Danvers), Conan, Crystar, Darkhawk, Deadpool, Deathlok, Echo, Falcon, Frankenstein, Galactus, Hawkeye, Hellcat – Patsy Walker, Hellstrom, Hercules, Iron Fist, Jack of Hearts, Jessica Jones, Ka-Zar, Kang, Killraven, Kingpin, and Luke Cage.
- Marvel Solo Heroes (N-Z) omnibus mapping
- Namor, Night Thrasher, Nomad, Nova, Punisher, Quasar, Red Skull, Red Wolf, Scarlet Witch, Sentry, Shang-Chi, Shanna The She-Devil, Silver Sable, Silver Surfer, Sleepwalker, Speedball, Taskmaster, Terror Inc, Thanos, Tigra, USAgent, War Machine, Wasp (Janet & Nadia), Werewolf by Night, & Wonder Man
- Marvel Teams omnibus mapping
- Agents of Atlas, Alpha Flight, Champions, Clandestine, Damage Control Defenders, Eternals, Guardians of the Galaxy, Heroes for Hire, Inhumans, Invaders, New Warriors, Nextwave, Nicky Fury & SHIELD, Power Pack, Runaways, Squadron Supreme, Thunderbolts, and Warlock and the Infinity Watch
- Spider-Man omnibus mapping
- Spider-Man Family & Venom omnibus mapping
- Includes Venom, Carnage, Green Goblin, Silk, Spider-Girl, Spider-Ham, Spider-Woman, & more!
- Star Wars, FOX Properties, & Licensed Properties omnibus mapping
- X-Men omnibus mapping
- Every “X-Men” title and run that does not yet have an omnibus from 1963 to the present day.
- X-Men Solo omnibus mapping
- Bishop, Cable, Daken, Emma Frost, Gambit, Juggernaut, Magneto, Mystique, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Storm, X-Man – Nate Grey, and more!
- X-Men Teams omnibus mapping
- New Mutants, Excalibur, X-Factor, X-Force, Generation X, Exiles, Academy X, Weapon X, & Marauders
- X-Men: Wolverine omnibus mapping
Wolverine Omnibus Mapping
Explore Wolverine’s full reading order in my Guide to Wolverine.
Wolverine Vol. 6
It’s wild to think that we have five volumes of Wolverine’s solo title! That’s more omnibuses than we have of many of the major Marvel Silver Age titles.
Wolverine Vol. 5 left off at issue #101 & Annual ’95. It kept up the trend of these books each collecting approximately two Epic Collections worth of material.
That means this book is likely to contain Wolverine (1988) #102-132, 102.5, -1, 1/2, & Annual ’96; Uncanny X-Men (1963) #332; Venom: Tooth and Claw (1996) #1-3; Logan: Path of the Warlord (1996) OGN; Logan: Shadow Society (1997) OGN; Wolverine: Doombringer OGN.
That leaves a final two volumes of Wolverine Vol. 7 & Wolverine Vol. 8 to collect Wolverine (1988) #133-189 & Annual ’99, Annual 2000, & Annual 2001, Wolverine/Cable: Guts & Glory (1999) One-Shot, and Hulk (1999) #8, as well as maybe Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation #1-4, Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm and Logan (2000) #1-3, and Iron Fist & Wolverine: The Return of K’un Lun #1-4.
Wolverine by Greg Rucka
This is a straight-forward omnibus that would collect Wolverine (2003) #1-19, a Marvel Knights title. Rucka departs after #19, and issue #20 kicks off Mark Millar’s “Enemy of the State” arc – which is already collected in omnibus.
However… that’s collected in a Wolverine by Mark Millar omnibus that splits its contents with the out-of-continuity Old Man Logan. So, maybe it makes sense to include issues #20-32 here as well!
So, maybe this isn’t just Wolverine by Greg Rucka. Maybe it’s simply Wolverine Vol. 8. But, there’s no doubt that the Rucka material would anchor it. Then, a Wolverine Vol. 9 & Wolverine Vol. 10 (probably named something much more sellable!) could collect the remainder of this series (along with many other Wolverine one-shots and mini-series from the same period) to meet up with the Jason Aaron omnibus on the other side. But, it didn’t make sense to try to map all of that for the poll before we break ground on the first new Wolverine series of the 00s.
Wolverine Origins Vol. 1 (AKA by Daniel Way)
This would collect the much-maligned Origins series by Daniel Way – which I happen to adore! I can’t explain it other than to say I read the whole thing before I started paying attention to the internet’s opinions on X-books.
This would need to be the first of two volumes, which in total would collect Wolverine (2003) #33-40; Wolverine: Origins #1-50, Annual 1, and #1 Director’s Cut; Sabretooth (2004) #1-4; the Origin Sin crossover (X-Men: Original Sin #1 & X-Men: Legacy (2008) #217-218); a crossover with Dark Wolverine #85-96; What If: Wolverine #1; and material from Wolverine (2003) #73-74 and I (Heart) Marvel: My Mutant Heart.
We could possibly omit Wolverine (2003) #50-55, which are not by Way, though they were in the complete collections. They do relate to material in this book. However, they are more at home in a Loeb omnibus, below.
Wolverine by Jeph Loeb
This would collect all of Loeb’s Wolverine writing, from Wolverine (1988) Annual 1996, Wolverine/Gambit: Victims (1995) #1-4, Wolverine (2003) #50-55 & 900, Wolverine (2010) #310-313.
Wolverine: First Class
A vote for this book would be a vote to collect Wolverine: First Class (2008) #1-21 and Weapon X: First Class #1-3.
I think this would actually be “Wolverine & The Uncanny X-Men: First Class” because it doesn’t make sense to include Uncanny X-Men: First Class issues alongside stories of the original X-Men before they graduate. That means we’d also add Uncanny X-Men: First Class (2009) Giant-Size Special and #1-8.
We Missed It: Savage Wolverine (2013)
We missed the opportunity to capture all of Savage Wolverine (2023) #1-23 in a single book.
Wolverine: Death of Wolverine Companion (includes Wolverines (2015))
This would collection Wolverines (2015) #1-20. That’s it – all the other Death of Wolverine content is in the recently-announced omnibus.
Wolverine: Old Man Logan by Millar, Bendis, & Lemire
This book would collect the original Old Man Logan by Mark Millar from Wolverine (2003) #66-72 & Wolverine Giant-Size: Old Man Logan. Then, it would add Bendis’s Secret Wars mini-series Old Man Logan (2016) #1-5. And, we’d finish this off with Jeff Lemire’s run on the ongoing Old Man Logan (2016) #1-24
Wolverine: Old Man Logan by Ed Brisson
This would pick up the remainder of Old Man Logan’s time in the present day, all written by Ed Brisson. It would include Old Man Logan (2016) #25-50 & Annual 1 and Dead Man Logan (2019 #1-12, plus Declan Shalvey’s Deadpool Vs. Old Man Logan (2017) #1-5 (which occurs near the beginning of this run.
That makes this almost the same exact length as the first omnibus! They’re perfectly balanced.
Wolverine: Hunt for & Return of Wolverine
This would collect all of the contents of an existing “Hunt for Wolverine” oversize hardcover, and then add his actual return.
That would include “Where’s Wolverine” pages (single pages in every Marvel comic that formed one issue worth of narrative), Hunt For Wolverine (2018) #1, Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost (2018) #1-4, Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda (2018) #1-4, Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer (2018) #1-4, Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor (2018) #1-4, Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends (2018) #1, and then press on to Logan’s return in Return of Wolverine (2018) #1-5, Wolverine: Infinity Watch (2019) #1-5, Marvel Comics Presents (2019) #1-9 (1st stories only), and Wolverine vs. Blade Special (2019) #1.
Those 38 issues take us perfectly through Wolverine’s run in Matt Rosenberg’s Uncanny X-Men at the beginning of 2019 prior to Krakoa.
Wolverine by Benjamin Percy
This would collect Wolverine (2020) #1-40, X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1-5, X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-5, Ghost Rider/Wolverine Alpha (2023) #1, Ghost Rider (2022) #17, and Ghost Rider/Wolverine Omega (2023) #1
Krisis Regrets: We should have titled this “X-Men: Age of Krakoa – Wolverine by Benjamin Percy” to match the other Krakoa omnibuses.
We Missed It: X-Men: Age of Krakoa – Wolverine vs. Sabretooth by Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle
See Guide to Sabretooth. This would collect Sabretooth (2022) #1-5, Sabretooth & the Exiles (2022) #1-5, and “Sabretooth War” from Wolverine (2020) #41-50.
Typo on Wolverine: Old Man Logan by Millar, Bendis, & Lemire – the Bendis Secret Wars mini says “#1-25”, when it should be #1-5?
Great mapping as always!
Thanks, James! It was so many words of writing in two weeks that I am still combing through for typos myself!