Things to Do In Philly is back for good (or, as for good as any feature is around here), thanks to all of your positive feedback about my trial run in September.
As before, this isn’t a definitive list of what’s happening in Philly in the next week. Instead, it’s just stuff that I can personally endorse as sounding or being cool happening in the next week or so.

My fav photo of Grace Potter
Thursday, October 28
Who: Grace Potter & The Nocturnals
Details: 8:00pm, TLA, $29
Why? The scorching hot power of Grace’s set at Bonnaroo 2006 is still emblazoned on my brain and iPod. She dropped a middling poppy LP earlier this year, but surely her live fusion of alt-country and jam band could have only improved in the meantime? Do you have $29 that wants to know the answer?
Thursday, October 28
What: Pumpkin Tasting @ Hudson Beach Glass
Details: 6:30-8:30pm, 26 S. Strawberry Street, $40
Why? Do you live for seasonal brews and/or do you love the micros at Triumph Brewery? If either or both are a yes, hit this event. Yes, the $40 tag seems high, but you get a custom-blown pint glass and as many beer and appetizer samples as you can consume in two hours.
Friday, October 29
Who: Victoria Spaeth & The Spaeth Cadets / Cris Valkyria & The Opponents
Details: 10:00pm, Tin Angel, 22 S. 2nd Street, $10
Why? Vicky and Cris are two of my favorite female bandleaders in Philadelphia, and both of their last shows at the Tin were fantastic. Their bands unspool the pop side of alt-rock that’s coming back to radio, with the Opponents more electrified and the Cadets more harmony-laden. The chance to see them together at the Tin Angel late show for $10 is unbeatable.
Saturday, October 30
What: Cover band benefit for Mariposa Co-op
Details: 5:30pm, sliding scale donation from $5 (see invite for details)
Why? Want to party to rough-hewn covers of a ton of bands you love? This Halloween show dresses up local musicians as PJ Harvey, Dead Kennedys, Neutral Milk Hotel, Lady GaGa, and David Bowie, plus a lot more.

Andra Taylor at play
Saturday, October 30
Who: Andra Taylor / Andrea Nardello
Details: 10:00pm, Tin Angel, 22 S. 2nd Street, $10
Why? Andra Taylor is Arcati Crisis’s longterm folk girlfriend, merging articulate lyrics about lost film stars and dreams of a perfect country with chunky barre chords subverted for folk purposes. Andrea Nardello is a longtime friend whose songs alternate between heartfelt and funky. She’s reached a new peak of acoustic rock powers while touring behind her 2010 LP.
Sunday, October 31
Who: Matt Duke does Peter Gabriel
Details: 7:30 @ World Cafe Life, $14-20
Why? I’m going out on a limb to say this will be awesome. MadDragon Record’s artist Matt Duke has a voice the size of a house and knows when to deploy it as such (and when not to). Combine that with a one-time-only take on classic record (Gabriel’s So) and you have a show worth seeing.
I want to make a showing at all of these, but rehearsal and El Night Owl buses stand in the way of some of them. Oh, and my tickets to the Dresden Dolls’ 10-Year Anniversary Show. (!!!!!)
As always, if you know about an upcoming kick-ass event in Philly, leave a comment to let me know!