Updated Jan 19, 2024! The definitive, chronological, and up-to-date guide on collecting Avengers flagships comic books from 2010 to present, including Avengers & New Avengers, Avengers by Hickman, Avengers by Aaron, & Avengers by MacKay via omnibuses, hardcovers, and trade paperback graphic novels. A part of Crushing Comics – Guide to Marvel Comics. Last updated January 2025 with titles scheduled for release through August 2025.
In 2005, Marvel stopped publishing a comic called “Avengers” for the first time since 1963 in the wake of Brian Bendis’s “Avengers: Disassembled” event. In its place was his relaunched New Avengers, and later Mighty Avengers along with it.
That changed in 2010, when Marvel and Bendis launched the twin Avengers flagship books of Avengers (2010) and New Avengers (2010), each focused on a different element of the team – the heavy-hitters and the street-level characters. He would later add Avengers Assemble (2012) to focus on a movie-friendly team.
After that point, Avengers flagships continued into Jonathan Hickman’s relaunch of Avengers (2012) and New Avengers (2013), his Infinity (2013) event, the addition of Avengers World (2014), and the lead-up to his Secret Wars in 2015.
The return of the Marvel Universe launched with two flagship titles – All-New All-Different Marvel included Mark Waid’s All-New All-Different Avengers (2015) and Al Ewing’s New Avengers (2016). It later added David Walker’s Occupy Avengers (2016).
The refocus on classic characters and foes in Marvel Legacy saw those two flagship titles transform into Waid’s Avengers (2017) and Ewing’s U.S.Avengers (2017), culminating in the “Avengers: No Surrender” weekly event. (Some of the All-New team also spun out into Waid’s Champions (2017) – see Guide to The Champions.)
Then, Marvel Fresh Start kicked off with the launch of Jason Aaron’s lengthy run on Avengers (2018), which includes the Heroes Reborn (2021) event and tie-ins to Avengers / X-Men / Eternals: Judgment Day (2022). (While “Avengers: No Road Home” is listed below, for Savage Avengers see Guide to Conan the Barbarian).
This guide tracks all of those flagship Avengers titles from 2010 forward as well as supporting books and events tied closely to those titles and Avengers one-shots from those periods.
For Avengers+X-Men titles from 2010 to present, check out the Guide to Uncanny Avengers. Also, see Guide to Young Avengers, which includes both actual “Young Avengers” titles as well youthful or in-training teams like Avengers A.I. (2013).

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- The Heroic Age (2010 – 2012), including:
- Avengers (2010) #1-34, 24.1, & Annual 1 by Brian Michael Bendis (May 2010 – Nov 2012)
- New Avengers (2010) #1-34, 16.1, & Annual 1 by Brian Michael Bendis (June 2010 – Nov 2012)
- Avengers: Prime (2010) #1-5 by Brian Michael Bendis & Alan Davis (June 2010 – Jan 2011)
- I Am An Avenger (2010) #1-5 (Sept 2010 – Jan 2011)
- Avengers Assemble (2012) #1-25 & Annual 1 by Brian Bendis & Kelly-Sue DeConnick (Mar 2012 – Mar 2014)
- Avengers vs. X-Men (2012) #0-12
- Marvel Now (2012 – 2015), including
- Avengers (2012) #1-44, 34.1, 34.2, & Annual 1
- New Avengers (2013) #1-33 & Annual 1
- Avengers: Endless Wartime (2013) OGN
- Avengers Assemble (2012) #9-25 & Annual 1
- Infinity (2013) #1-6
- Avengers World (2014) #1-21
- Avengers: Millennium (2015) #1-6
- Avengers: Ultron Forever (2015)
- Avengers: No More Bullying
- Secret Wars (2015) #0-9
- All-New, All-Different Marvel (2015 – 2017)
- All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015) #1-15 & Annual 1 (Nov 2015 – Oct 2016)
- New Avengers (2015) #1-18 (Oct 2015 – Nov 2016)
- Avengers (2016) #1-11 & 1.1-5.1 (Nov 2016 – Sep 2017)
- U.S.Avengers (2017) #1-12 (Jan 2017 – Nov 2017)
- Occupy Avengers (2016) #1-9 (Nov 2016 – Jul 2017)
- Marvel Legacy (2017 – 2018)
- Avengers (2017 / 1963) #672-690 (Oct 2017 – Apr 2018)
- Avengers: Worlds Collide
- Avengers: No Surrender
- Avengers (2017 / 1963) #672-690 (Oct 2017 – Apr 2018)
- Marvel Fresh Start (2018 – present): Avengers by Jason Aaron
- Avengers (2018) #1-66 & Annual 1
& Avengers: No Road Home (2019) #1-10, Avengers 1,000,000 BC (2022) #1, & Avengers Assemble: Alpha & Omega - Avengers: Back to Basics (2018) #1-6
- Savage Avengers (2019) #1-28, 0, & Annual 1 – See Guide to Conan the Barbarian
- Avengers: Shards of Infinity (2019) #1
- Avengers: Edge of Infinity (2019) #1
- Avengers: Loki Unleashed! (2019) #1
- Avengers: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1
- Avengers Forever (2021) #1-15 by Jason Aaron & Aaron Kuder
+ Avengers Forever Infinity Comic (2022) #1-4 - Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) #1-65
- Savage Avengers (2022) #1-10 – See Guide to Conan the Barbarian
- All-Out Avengers (2022) #1-5
- Avengers: Electric Rain Infinity Comic (2022) #1-13 (Nov 2022 – Jan 2023)
- Avengers: War Across Time (2023) #1-5
- Avengers Beyond (2023) #1-5
- Avengers (2018) #1-66 & Annual 1
- Avengers by Jed McKay (2023 – present)
- Avengers (2023) #1-(TBA) & Annual 1 by Jed MacKay
- Uncanny Avengers (2023) #1-5 – See Guide to Uncanny Avengers
- Avengers Inc. (2023) #1-5 by Al Ewing & Leonard Kirk
- Avengers Assemble (2024) #1-5 by Steve Orlando
- West Coast Avengers (2024) #1-5 – See Guide to Avengers West Coast
- Non-Continuity Stories
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Heroic Age: Avengers by Brian Bendis (2010 – 2012)
For a comprehensive reading order of all major Avengers titles in this era, see Avengers Reading Order – The Brian Bendis Years.
Avengers (2010) #1-34, 24.1, & Annual 1 by Brian Michael Bendis (May 2010 – Nov 2012)
In the wake of Siege, Brian Bendis finally reassembles The Avengers as a team of heavier hitters that can deal with epic threats like time travelers and the Infinity Gauntlet!
Really, this team is not so different than the team that Bendis used in New Avengers prior to Civil War. It’s still anchored by Iron Man and Captain America, simply replacing Sentry with Thor. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
in oversize hardcover…
#1-6: Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age (2012 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785161981)
A comprehensive collection of the first arcs of Avengers (#1-6), New Avengers (#1-6), and the Avengers: Prime mini-series (#1-5) focused on the trinity of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. If you choose to buy the first volumes of the two main series separately,
as recollected in complete collections…
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302907730 / digital)
Collects Avengers Prime (2010) #1-5, Avengers (2010) #1-12 & Annual 1, and New Avengers (2010) Annual 1
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection Vol. 2 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302907747 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2010) #12.1 & 13-24; plus the collected prose back-up features from Avengers (2010) #1-12 and New Avengers (2010) #1-11 as Avengers Assemble: An Oral History of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection Vol. 3 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302907754 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2010) #24.1 & 25-34; Avengers Assemble (2012) #1-8; Avengers: Heroes Welcome (2014) #1; and material from Avx: Vs (2012) #6
Click to expand a list of collections as originally collected in hardcover and paperback
New Avengers (2010) #1-34, 16.1, & Annual 1 by Brian Michael Bendis (June 2010 – Nov 2012)
New Avengers maintains the theme of its prior volume by focusing on a street team of heroes able to handle knock-down, drag-out threats rather than cosmic ones.
It also continues the story of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, and includes more of Bendis’s familiar theme of heroes chatting around breakfast. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
in oversize hardcover…
#1-6: Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age (2012 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785161981)
A comprehensive collection of the first arcs of Avengers (#1-6), New Avengers (#1-6), and the Avengers: Prime mini-series (#1-5) focused on the trinity of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. If you choose to buy the first volumes of the two main series separately,
as recollected in complete collections (numbering continued from the prior volume)…
New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection Vol. 6 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302908676 / digital)
Collects New Avengers (2010) #1-16. Note that Annual 1 crosses over with Avengers (2010) Annual 1 and is collected with the Avengers Complete Collection, above.
New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection Vol. 7 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302908683 / digital)
Collects New Avengers (2010) #16.1 & 17-34
Click to expand a list of collections as originally collected in hardcover and paperback
Avengers: Prime (2010) #1-5 by Brian Michael Bendis & Alan Davis (June 2010 – Jan 2011)
An adventure for Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Thor the Odinson to help re-establish them as the core of The Avengers after over half a decade of separation. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
in oversize hardcover…
#1-5: Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age (2012 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785161981)
A comprehensive collection of the first arcs of Avengers (#1-6), New Avengers (#1-6), and the Avengers: Prime mini-series (#1-5) focused on the trinity of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. If you choose to buy the first volumes of the two main series separately,
as recollected in complete collections…
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302907730 / digital)
Collects Avengers Prime (2010) #1-5, Avengers (2010) #1-12 & Annual 1, and New Avengers (2010) Annual 1
as originally collected…
#1-5: Avengers Prime (2011 hardcover, ISBN 978-0785147251 / 2011 paperback, ISBN 978-0785147268 / digital)
I Am An Avenger (2010) #1-5 (Sept 2010 – Jan 2011)
An anthology series of short Avengers stories. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
#1-5: Avengers: We are the Avengers (2011 paperback, ISBN 978-0785151548 / digital)
Avengers Assemble (2012) #1-25 & Annual 1 by Brian Bendis & Kelly Sue DeConnick (Mar 2012 – Mar 2014)
In 2012, Marvel launched a new Avengers title that was unique in not presenting a specific team or central mission. Instead, Avengers Assemble was launched as the perfect starting point for fans of the Avengers movie to leap into comics – it included the same team of heroes, and featured a villain from the movie.
The focus shifted after that, with Kelly Sue DeConnick taking over and keeping the focus on Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman, plus a supporting cast that often included Hulk and Wolverine. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
#1-8: Avengers Assemble, Vol. 1 (2013 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785163275 / 2013 paperback, ISBN 978-0785163282 / digital)
Also included in Guardians of the Galaxy by Brian Michael Bendis Vol. 1 Omnibus; see Guide to Guardians of the Galaxy for more information.
Avengers vs. X-Men: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Avengers vs. X-Men. There is much debate as to whether this occurs before or after the Thanos arc in issue #1-8. I choose to place it here because (1) the team is headquartered in the Avengers Tower rather than the Avengers Mansion (where they move after AvX), (2) Scarlet Witch does not appear in the vast cast of Avengers in issue #8 (though she is clearly active after AvX), and (3) Hulk’s appearance to aid the Avengers in #1-8 contextualizes his arrival late to team up with them in AvX.
Marvel Now begins here; this title continued running written by Kelly Sue DeConnick until the beginning of 2014. For convenience, I’ve continued summarizing the collections here – but, they do thread in with the first two years of Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers, below.
#9-13 & Annual 1: Avengers Assemble: Science Bros (2013 paperback, ISBN 978-0785167976 / digital)
#14-15: See Marvel Universe Events: Age of Ultron. This pair of issues is not in continuity, but instead in the splinter continuity of AoU, and are collected only with its tie-ins.
#16-17: Avengers: The Enemy Within (2013 paperback, ISBN 978-0785184034 / digital)
Collects a crossover event with Captain Marvel, including Avengers: The Enemy Within #1; Captain Marvel #13-14, 17; Avengers Assemble #16-17. Also collected in full in Captain Marvel: Earth’s Mightiest Hero Vol. 2 and other various Captain Marvel collections; see Guide to Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers for more information.
#18-20: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Infinity or Guide to Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers for collection information.
#21-25: Avengers Assemble: The Forgeries of Jealousy (2014 paperback, ISBN 978-0785167983 / digital)
Part of Inhumanity, co-written by Warren Ellis! This fun girl-power romp starring Arana the Spider-Girl sees the series through its end. It is ostensibly replaced with Avengers World.
Marvel Now: Avengers by Jonathan Hickman (2013 – 2015)
Fresh off of a critically acclaimed run on Fantastic Four and FF, Jonathan Hickman is the first new helmer of Avengers in nearly a decade. He makes the changes of status quo clear by completely altering the tone, scope, and cast of both of the Avengers flagship books.
In Avengers, Vol. 5, Hickman introduces a cosmos-threatening event and an oversize team of 18 Avengers to deal with it with a new comic shipping every two weeks! The team includes all five familiar “movie Avengers,” the now-obligatory Spider-Man and Wolverine, plus other comic mainstays like Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman. Oh, plus some newbies like former New Mutants Cannonball and Sunspot and totally left-field picks Hyperion and Smasher!
Meanwhile, New Avengers, Vol. 3 could easily be titled “The Illuminati,” as it focuses on the powerful heroes who are trying to control the fate of Earth and a full set of Infinity Gems. The stories in this title weave between those in Avengers to add more context to the overarching story there.
Finally, the new Avengers World takes a broader look at how the team plays a role around the planet in the wake of Infinity. Since all three titles are penned by Hickman (with some assists from Nick Spencer), they fit together in relatively tight continuity.
This era also include a number of other titles, which are integrated into the collecting order below. In total, they include:
- Avengers (2012) #1-44, 34.1, 34.2, & Annual 1 [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- New Avengers (2013) #1-33 & Annual 1 [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- Avengers: Endless Wartime (2013) OGN [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- Avengers Assemble (2012) #9-25 & Annual 1 [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- Infinity (2013) #1-6 [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- Avengers World (2014) #1-21 [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- Avengers: Millennium (2015) #1-6 [Read on Marvel Unlimited as digital / as collected in print]
- Avengers: Ultron Forever (2015) [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- Avengers: No More Bullying [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
- Secret Wars (2015) #0-9 [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Uncanny Avengers was not tightly integrated with Hickman’s Avengers in this period; see Guide to Uncanny Avengers for collection information.
as a pair of omnibuses…
Avengers by Jonathan Hickman Omnibus, Vol. 1
(2017 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302907082 / 2023 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302945473 / digital)
Collects effectively four oversized hardcovers worth of Hickman’s Avengers: Avengers (2012) #1-23, New Avengers (2013) #1-12, and Infinity Free Comic Book Day and Infinity #1-6 (including Infinity: Against The Tide Infinite Comic #1-2). Plus, this adds two Hickman stories not recollected elsewhere previously – Astonishing Tales: Mojoworld (2008) #1-6 (starring Cannonball and Sunspot) and material from Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu (2009) one-shot.
Avengers by Jonathan Hickman Omnibus Vol. 2
(2018 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302911812 / 2023 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302945497 / digital)
Collects two oversized hardcovers of Hickman’s Avengers as well as the double-sized oversize hardcover of “Time Runs Out.” Collects Avengers (2012) #24-44 and New Avengers #13-33. This does NOT collect #34.1, 34.2, or Annuals from either title – do not believe any guide that says it does. None of that material was penned by Hickman.
Click to expand a list of of oversize hardcover collections of Hickman\'s run
All-New, All-Different Marvel: Avengers by Waid, Ewing, & Walker (2015 – 2017)
This era launched with a pair of surprising Avengers teams.
Mark Waid’s All-New, All-Different Avengers could fairly be called “Avengers: The Next Generation” with a team of fresh heroes like Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel, Mike Morales as Spider-Man, Sam Alexander as Nova, Sam Wilson as Captain America, and Lady Thor, plus Avengers veteran The Vision.
Meanwhile, Al Ewing’s New Avengers dealt with one of the fallouts of the Hickman era – a destabilized AIM ripe for takeover. However, the “who” of the taking over was a shock – Sunspot, Cannonball, Wiccan, and Hulking, among others – with a slight Thunderbolts flair courtesy of Hawkeye and Songbirds.
In the wake of Civil War II, two teams become four – Waid split his book into into Avengers and Champions, while Ewing’s New Avengers relaunched into U.S.Avengers with Hawkeye continuing to Occupy Avengers (the latter written by David Walker).
Avengers: Rage of Ultron (2015) & Avengers (2015) #0
This pair of releases – both out while Secret Wars was still running in 2015 – helped to introduce the core of The Avengers and their storylines in the All-New All-Different era. [Read on Marvel Unlimited: Rage of Ultron / Avengers #0]
Avengers: Rage of Ultron OGN (2015 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785190400 / digital)
An original Avengers graphic novel by the superstar Uncanny X-Men team of Rick Remender and Jerome Opena. While this released during Secret Wars, it can be read as the first post-Secret Wars Avengers story that sets up the All-New All-Different Era
Avengers (2015) #0: This issue served as a sort of Rosetta Stone to the All-New All Different Avengers line, introducing six of the books that would be launching in the wake of Secret Wars – with those six stories collected separately in each trade paperback line. They were:
“Supremacy” by James Robinson & Leonard Kirk – See Guide to Squadron Supreme (eventually)
“Eidetic” by Mark Waid & Mahmud Asrar – See All-New, All-Different Avengers, directly below.
“In the Beginning” by G. Willow Wilson & Victor Ibanez – This was an “A-Force” story. See Guide to Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers.
“Everything is New” by Al Ewing & Gerardo Sandoval – See New Avengers, below.
“The Night That Hell Froze Over” by Gerry Duggan & Ryan Stegman – See Guide to Uncanny Avengers.
“The Opposite of Kicking” by Al Ewing & Kenneth Rocafort – See Guide to Mighty Avengers & Ultimates
All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015) #1-15 & Annual 1 (Nov 2015 – Oct 2016)
In the wake of Secret Wars, Mark Waid relaunched The Avengers franchise with a truly new and different team compared to Jonathan Hickman’s run.
That’s because Iron Man and Sam Wilson as Captain America were the only heroes to carry over from that run, with the rest of the team comprised of Vision plus a number of legacy heroes like Jane Foster as Thor, Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel, Sam Alexander as Nova, and Miles Morales as Spider-Man. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
in oversize hardcover…
#1-12: All-New, All-Different Avengers1 (2017 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302904098)
Collects All-New, All-Different Avengers #1-12; Avengers (2015) #0 (ANAD Avengers story); Free Comic Book Day (2015) Avengers #1 (A-Story); and the Unstoppable Wasp story from from Free Comic Book Day (2016) Civil War II #1
#13-15: Not collected in this format
as originally collected…
#1-6: Vol. 1: The Magnificent Seven (2016 paperback, ISBN 978-0785199670 / digital)
Collects All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015) #1-6; Avengers (2015) #0 (All-New, All-Different Avengers story); and Free Comic Book Day (2015) Avengers #1 (A-Story). Issues #1 (A-story) & 2-3 also in Marvel-Verse Captain America – Sam Wilson (2025 digest paperback, ISBN 978-1302954666 / digital TBA)
#7-8: Avengers: Standoff (2016 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302901479 / 20xx paperback, ISBN 978-1302908850 / digital)
Collects Avengers Standoff (2016) Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1, Avengers Standoff (2016) Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha #1, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2016) #3-4, Uncanny Avengers (2015) #7-8, All-New, All-Different Avengers #7-8, New Avengers (2015) #8-10, Captain America: Sam Wilson #7-8, Illuminati (2015) #6, Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2015) #6, and Avengers Standoff (2016) Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega #1.
#7-12: Vol. 2: Family Business (2016 paperback, ISBN 978-0785199687 / digital)
Also collects material from Free Comic Book Day (2016) Civil War II #1
Civil War II: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Civil War II
#13-15 & Annual 1: Vol. 3: Civil War II (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1846537745 / digital)
New Avengers (2015) #1-18 (Oct 2015 – Nov 2016)
This Al Ewing title really took the “New” adjective seriously, pushing the Avengers brand into new places with an unlikely cast.
With the main Avengers title focused on a new generation of Legacy heroes both young and old like Ms. Marvel, Miles Morales, Sam Wilson as Captain America, and Jane Foster as Mighty Thor, this book explored the in-between generation with heroes like Wiccan, Hulkling, Cannonball, Sunspot, and Squirrel Girl. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Al Ewing and his cast continue to U.S.Avengers (2016), below.
#1-6: A.I.M. Vol. 1: Everything is New (2016 paperback, ISBN 978-0785196488 / digital)
Also collects a story from Avengers (2015) #0
#8-10: Avengers: Standoff (2016 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302901479 / 2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302908850 / digital)
Collects Avengers Standoff (2016) Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1, Avengers Standoff (2016) Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha #1, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2016) #3-4, Uncanny Avengers (2015) #7-8, All-New, All-Different Avengers #7-8, New Avengers (2015) #8-10, Captain America: Sam Wilson #7-8, Illuminati (2015) #6, Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2015) #6, and Avengers Standoff (2016) Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega #1.
#7-11: A.I.M. Vol. 2: Standoff (2016 paperback, ISBN 978-0785196495 / digital)
Civil War II: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Civil War II
#12-18: A.I.M. Vol. 3: Civil War II (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302902353 / digital)
Issues #12-17 tie in to Civil War. Some solicits say this only collects through #16, but I have confirmed in the indicia that it includes through issue #18.
Avengers (2016) #1-11 & 1.1-5.1 (Nov 2016 – Sep 2017)
In the wake of Civil War II, the previous “All-New All-Different” team split in two, with the older members continuing into this run and the younger members continuing into The Champions (2016) – see Guide to The Champions. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
#1.1-5.1: Avengers: Four (20xx paperback, ISBN 978-1302902612 / digital)
A retcon mini-series built into the decimal point issues of Waid’s Avengers
#1-6: Avengers: Unleashed, Vol. 1 – Kang War One (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302906115 / digital)
Secret Empire: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Secret Empire
#7-11: Avengers: Unleashed Vol. 2: Secret Empire (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302906122 / digital)
Issues #9-10 tied in to Secret Empire, with #11 acting as an epilogue.
U.S.Avengers (2017) #1-12 (Jan 2017 – Nov 2017)
Al Ewing continued his unusual Avengers run anchored by Sunspot, Cannonball, and Squirrel Girl – now with Red Hulk. Issues #11-12 carried the Legacy banner before this title merged into the main Avengers title for “No Surrender,” below. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
in a single paperback…
U.S.Avengers by Al Ewing (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302966263 / digital TBA)
Contents TBA, but will at minimum collect issues #1-12. May also collect material from Secret Empire, or event his prior New Avengers series.
as originally collected…
#1-6: U.S.Avengers, Vol 1: American Intelligence Mechanics (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302906412 / digital)
Secret Empire: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Secret Empire
#7-12: U.S.Avengers Vol. 2: Cannonball Run (20xx paperback, ISBN 978-1302906429 / digital)
Issue #5-9 tied in with Secret Empire.
Occupy Avengers (2016) #1-9 (Nov 2016 – Jul 2017)
This is less of a team book and more of a Clint Barton Hawkeye solo title with a series of team-ups (including with Red Wolf). The cast and creators did not continue into the “Marvel Legacy” period, but after a few months break were merged into the “No Surrender” weekly event, below. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
#1-4: Occupy Avengers, Vol. 1: Taking Back Justice (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302906382 / digital)
Also collects Avengers (1963) #80-81
#5-9: Occupy Avengers Vol. 2: In Plain Sight (20xx paperback, ISBN 978-1302906399 / digital)
Issues #8-9 tie in to Secret Empire.
Secret Empire: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Secret Empire
Marvel Legacy (2017 – 2018)
Avengers (2017 / 1963) #672-690 – Worlds Collide & No Surrender (Oct 2017 – Apr 2018)
The Marvel Legacy era kicked off a period of “legacy renumbering” all of Marvel’s longest-running titles so their issue numbers took into account their full runs – through many relaunches – from debut to present.
For Avengers, that meant tallying the title’s 1963, 1996, 1998, 2010, 2012, and 2017 volumes along with Bendis’s first New Avengers series (since it was the sole flagship at the time) and the recent “All-New All-Different” run.
This period only includes two major event stories. First, “Worlds Collide” – a crossover with Champions, a team mostly comprised of recent Avengers who quit in the wake of Secret Empire. Second, “No Surrender,” a weekly series that merged the casts (and creators) of all of still-running running Avengers titles (Avengers, U.A.Avengers, and Uncanny Avengers) into one self-contained mega-event. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
#672-674: Avengers & Champions: Worlds Collide (20xx paperback, ISBN 978-1302906139 / digital)
Collects Avengers #672-674 (which continue from #11) and Champions (2016) #13-15
#675-690: Avengers: No Surrender (2018 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302911454 / 2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302911461 / digital)
Quicksilver: No Surrender (20xx hardcover, ISBN # / 20xx paperback, ISBN # / digital)
This five issue mini-series steams from Quicksilver’s fate in No Surrender. Technically, it falls into Fresh Start, but with “No Surrender” as the definitive story in Marvel Legacy it feels like it also fits here. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Marvel Fresh Start: Avengers by Jason Aaron (2018 – 2023)
Marvel Fresh Start was less of a specific “era” and more of the rolling relaunch of various titles beginning in mid-2018 following the “Legacy Era” renumbering period. Avengers was among the first titles relaunched in Fresh Start.
Also in this period, Black Panther & The Agents of Wakanda tightly integrates with this title. See Guide to Black Panther.
Avengers (2018) #1-66 & Annual 1, Avengers: No Road Home (2019) #1-10, Avengers 1,000,000 BC #1, & Avengers Assemble: Alpha & Omega
Launched by Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness, this is a literal fresh start for the team – it doesn’t specifically continue from any existing plot.. The cast includes a core of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and She-Hulk, with other heroes rotating in and out of the team – including Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes). [Read on Marvel Unlimited, Annual 1/2021, 1,000,000 BC #1]
The ten issues of Avengers: No Road Home ran as a between-arcs story during this run. Those issues were attributed to the overall “legacy numbering” of this series, bumping it forward so that from issue #18 forward this series has legacy numbering of its current issue + 700 – so, issue #50 is #750. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
in oversize hardcover…
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 1 (2021 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302928186 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #1-12, and material from Free Comic Book Day 2018 (Avengers/Captain America) #1 (Avengers Story).
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 2 (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302931797 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #13-21 and material from Free Comic Book Day 2019 (Avengers/Savage Avengers) #1 (Avengers Story)
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 3 (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302945152 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #22-30
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 4 (2023 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302950132 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #31-45
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 5 (2024 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302956868 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #46-62, Avengers 1,000,000 BC (2022) #1, and material from Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk
Avengers Forever by Jason Aaron & Aaron Kuder Omnibus
(2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302961121 / digital TBA)
Collects Avengers Forever (2021) #1-15, Avengers Forever Infinity Comic (2022) #1-4, Avengers Assemble Alpha (2022) #1, Avengers (2018) #63-66, and Avengers Assemble Omega (2023) #1
as originally collected…
#1-6: Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 1: The Final Host (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302911874 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #1-6 and material from Free Comic Book Day 2018 (Avengers/Captain America) #1. Also, collected as part of the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Box Set Slipcase (2019 hardcover box set, ISBN 978-1302916312)
#7-12: Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 2: World Tour (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302911881 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #7-12
Avengers: Wakanda Forever (2018) #1: Wakanda Forever (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302913588 / digital)
Collects Amazing Spider-Man: Wakanda Forever (2018) #1, X-Men: Wakanda Forever (2018) #1, Avengers: Wakanda Forever (2018) #1, and Black Panther (2018) Annual 1. Also collected in World of Black Panther Omnibus (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302946272 / digital). See Guide to Black Panther for more collection options.
#13-17: Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 3: War of the Vampires (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914615 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #13-17
Avengers: No Road Home (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914851 / digital)
A 10-part weekly follow-up to No Surrender by the same writing team of Al Ewing, Mark Waid, and Jim Zub. These issues were labeled as #708-717, which place them just after issue #17 of the main series. However, since this story includes Conan it will not appear on Marvel Unlimited due to licensing issues.
War of the Realms: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – War of the Realms
#18-21: Avengers By Jason Aaron Vol. 4: War of the Realms (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914622 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #18-21 and material from Free Comic Book Day 2019 Avengers/Savage Avengers #1
#22-25: Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 5: Challenge of the Ghost Riders (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302920937 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #22-25 and All-New Ghost Rider (2014) #1
The line-wide event Empyre likely fits here. Aaron’s Avengers team plays a large part in the kick-off to this event and had their own #0 issue. See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Empyre
#26-32: Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 6: Starbrand Reborn (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302920944 / digital)
#31-38: Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 7: The Age of Khonshu (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302924867 / digital)
Annual 1 / 2021: Infinite Destinies (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302931506 / digital)
Collects a series of stories loosely connected to the Infinity Stones in Iron Man (2020) Annual 1 / 2021, Captain America Annual (2018) Annual 1 / 2021, Thor (2018) Annual 1 / 2021, Black Cat (2020) Annual 1 / 2021, Avengers (2018) Annual 1 / 2021, Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) Annual 1 / 2021, Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (2020) Annual 1 / 2021, Amazing Spider-Man (2018) Annual 2 / 2021″
The line-wide event King in Black likely fits here, only because it is more complex to assume the Phoenix is in action prior to the event. See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – King in Black
#39-45: Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 8: Enter the Phoenix (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302924874 / digital)
Heroes Reborn: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Heroes Reborn. This alternate-reality event is a direct outgrowth of Aaron’s Avengers – in fact, it put the title on hiatus for several months! However, Aaron wrote the surrounding arcs in such a way that you can keep reading without interrupting for the event, if you prefer.
#46-50: Avengers By Jason Aaron Vol. 9: World War She-Hulk (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302924881 / digital)
See below for Avengers Forever (2021), which launches here.
The Daredevil-centric event Devil’s Night likely fits here, just prior to or just after the next arc. See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Devil’s Reign
#51-56: Avengers By Jason Aaron Vol. 10: The Death Hunters (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302926281 / digital)
Collects Avengers (2018) #51-55 and Avengers 1,000,000 BC (2022) #1 (and may also collect material from Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk #1 (Avengers Story))
#57-62: Avengers By Jason Aaron Vol. 11: History’s Mightiest Heroes (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302928858 / digital)
Avengers / X-Men / Eternals: Judgment Day: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – A.X.E. The team appears throughout this book, but Aaron does not write any tie-ins and none of them have anything significant to contribute other than Tony Stark.
#63-66: Avengers Assemble (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302950637 / digital)
Collects the Avengers Assemble crossover, which runs through Avengers Assemble: Alpha (2022) #1, A #63, Avengers Forever #12, A #64, Forever #13, A #65, Forever #14, A #66, Forever #15, Avengers Assemble: Omega (2023) #1
Avengers: Back to Basics (2018) #1-6
This six-issue limited series had a present-day framing sequence with Jarvis and Kamala Khan – which means it occurs prior to the end of the first arc of the 2018 Jason Aaron series. However, it mostly takes place in retcon flashback tales of past Avengers adventures. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
#1-6: Avengers: Back to Basics
(20xx hardcover, ISBN # / 20xx paperback, ISBN # / digital)
Avengers: Shards of Infinity (2019) #1
A series of throw-back one-shot stories set in decades-earlier continuity. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Avengers: Shards Of Infinity: Avengers Assemble: Living Legends (2019 paperback, ISBN # / digital)
Collects Thor: Where Walk the Frost Giants #1, Black Panther: The Sound and the Fury #1, Avengers: Shards of Infinity #1, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Living Legends #1, Captain Marvel: Braver & Mighter #1.
Avengers: Edge of Infinity (2019) #1
A continuity-lite one-shot. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1: Not collected
Avengers: Loki Unleashed! (2019) #1
This is set during Roger Stern’s run on Avengers after the events of Avengers (1963) #277, which was coincidentally released the same month as Thor (1966) #377. That likely places this appearance during or just after the close of Simonson’s run. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1: Legends of Marvel: Avengers (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302921958 / digital)
Collects Incredible Hulk: Last Call (2019) #1, Avengers: Loki Unleashed (2019) #1, Thor: The Worthy (2019) #1, Captain America & The Invaders: Bahamas Triangle (2019) #1
Avengers: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1
Part of a series of one-shots issues, some of them flashback and some of them in the present day. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
Marvels Snapshots (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302934156 / digital)
Collects Sub-Mariner: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Captain America: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, X-Men: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Avengers: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Spider-Man: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Civil War: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1″
Avengers Forever (2021) #1-15 by Jason Aaron & Aaron Kuder
+ Avengers Forever Infinity Comic (2022) #1-4
Also penned by Jason Aaron, this branches from the events of Avengers (2018) #50. [Read on Marvel Unlimited]
in a single omnibus…
Avengers Forever by Jason Aaron & Aaron Kuder Omnibus
(2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302961121 / digital TBA)
Collects Avengers Forever (2021) #1-15, Avengers Forever Infinity Comic (2022) #1-4, Avengers Assemble Alpha (2022) #1, Avengers (2018) #63-66, and Avengers Assemble Omega (2023) #1
as originally collected…
#1-5: Avengers Forever Vol. 1: The Lords of Earthly Vengeance (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302932602 / digital)
#6-11: Avengers Forever Vol. 2: Pillars (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302932619 / digital)
Also collects Avengers Forever Infinity Comic (2022) #1-4
#12-15: Avengers Assemble (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302950637 / digital)
Collects the Avengers Assemble crossover, which runs through Avengers Assemble: Alpha (2022) #1, A #63, Avengers Forever #12, A #64, Forever #13, A #65, Forever #14, A #66, Forever #15, Avengers Assemble: Omega (2023) #1
Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) #1-65 (Jul 2022 – Sep 2023)
This Marvel Unlimited exclusive comic has taken a broad view of “Avengers” as a brand, with mini-arcs focused on the Aaron team as well Spider-Woman, Iron Man & War Machine, Quicksilver, the Great Lakes Avengers, and more – sometimes by big-name creators like Jim Zub and Patch Zitcher. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-65: Not collected
All-Out Avengers (2022) #1-5 by Derek Landy & Greg Land
A series of high-action, non-stop one-shot stories with a linking theme. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-5: Teachable Moments (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302947019 / digital)
Also collects material from Free Comic Book Day 2022: Spider-Man/Venom
Avengers: Electric Rain Infinity Comic (2022) #1-13 (Nov 2022 – Jan 2023)
A digital-first English translation of the Avengers story by Go Yeong-Hun. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-13: Not collected
Avengers Beyond (2023) #1-5 by Derek Landy & Greg Land
This Derek Landy / Greg Land series directly follows All-Out Avengers #5, though unlike that series of one-shot issues this tells a single complete story. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-5: Avengers: Beyond (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302952044 / digital)
Avengers: War Across Time (2023) #1-5
The first ever Marvel Comic book by DC Universe engineer Paul Levitz, along with Alan Davis on art. It’s not clear yet if this is set in the modern day, but it features Kang as a villain. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-5: Avengers: War Across Time (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302925734 / digital)
Avengers by Jed MacKay (2023 – Present)
Avengers (2023) #1-(TBA) & Annual 1 by Jed MacKay
This title begins with a classic line-up of heavy-hitters consisting of Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Thor, Iron Man, Captain America (Sam Wilson), Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, & Vision. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-6: by Jed MacKay, Vol. 1: The Impossible City (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302947699 / digital)
Also collects Timeless (2022) #1
Annual 1: Contest of Chaos (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302955038 / digital)
This is the final chapter of the “Contest of Chaos” summer annual event. It is not written by Wells or Slott and has no bearing on the main titles. Weirdly, this omits the first chapter of the story from Scarlet Witch Annual 1. Collects Spider-Man (2023) Annual 1, Iron Man Annual (2023) 1, Fantastic Four (2022) Annual 1, Moon Knight (2021) Annual 1(/2023), Spider-Gwen (2023) Annual 1, Venom (2021) Annual 1, X-Men (2021) Annual 1, and Avengers (2023) Annual 1.
#7-11: by Jed MacKay, Vol. 2: Twilight Dreaming (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302947705 / digital)
#12-16: by Jed MacKay, Vol. 3: Blood Hunt (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302958466 / digital)
Issues #12-13 tie into The Fall of X in the Age of Krakoa titles (mostly via Iron Man). Issues #14-16 tie into Blood Hunt, which is essential reading to follow the main team from this title. See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Blood Hunt.
#17-23: by Jed MaKay, Vol. 4: Storm (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302960766 / digital TBA)
#24-(TBA): Pending announcement
Avengers Inc. (2023) #1-5 by Al Ewing & Leonard Kirk
The Avengers as a detective agency, focusing on Wasp and Vision. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-5: Action, Mystery, Adventure (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302953393 / digital)
Avengers United Infinity Comic (2023) #1-(TBA) (Oct 2023 – TBA)
This relaunched Marvel Unlimited exclusive comic digital comic begins with a 25-chapter first arc by Derek Landy with various artists. [Marvel Unlimited]
#1-(TBA): Not collected. Issues #1-25 occur after Avengers (2023) #6, since the new team is assembled but Captain Marvel is still in her early-2020s costume.
Avengers Assemble (2024) #1-5 by Steve Orlando
A supporting Avengers title with Captain America leading a multi-generational team.
#1-5: Avengers Assemble: The Serpent Scenario (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302961022 / digital TBA)
Non-Continuity Stories
Listed in order of release.
Avengers: Twilight (2024) #1-6 by Chip Zdarsky
(2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302921484 / digital)
A non-continuity future story.
Aliens vs. Avengers (2024) #1-4 by Jonathan Hickman & Esad Ribic (Aug 2024 – TBA)
(2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302952006 / digital TBA)
A non-continuity story that begins over 25 years after the present day.
Ultraman x The Avengers (2024) #1-4 by Kyle Higgins (Aug 2024 – Jan 2025)
(2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302948375 / digital TBA)
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I love that they are reprinting Hickman’s complete collections, but I only see vol. 1-3. Do you know if there is a 4 & 5 planned or are they going to stop short (which is just stupid).
As I’m sure you will have seen by now, they did press forward with this complete collections line!
Missing the Avengers and New Avengers appearance in Annihilators: Earthfall #1-4, though I’m not sure where it would be placed myself.
Also missing the Avengers appearances in the Chaos War event
And I Am An Avenger (2010)
Which is collected in ‘Avengers: We are the Avengers’
Thanks for these catches, JB. This page now integrates Avengers appearances in events much more thoroughly and includes many more of their supporting series from this time period.
Thanks for pointing this out, James. For team guides that include teams with shifting membership, like X-Men and Avengers, I do not do an “every appearance” type of reading order – so, those Annihilators books are listed with their primary cast members in other guides.
Any idea if either of these series have been collected?
Missing Spider-Island: The Avengers
New Avengers (2013) #13 is an Inhumanity tie-in.
Avengers World #10 is mentioned to come after Original Sin, more specifically, after Original Sin #2. Given Black Knight’s appearance in Avengers World #8 (and the fact that he’d apparently been in the area since the events of Avengers World #1) it would make sense to place Avengers World after Original Sin and the Original Sin tie-in issues of Avengers (2013) #29-34.
Actually, Black Knight appears in Original Sins #2, not Original Sin #2, and Avengers World just didn’t make that very clear. Avengers World would need to take part before Original Sin, at least up until #14, seeing as Thor is present in some issues. My mistake.
Avengers Millennium says ‘Infinite Comic #1-6 ans Avengers’ instead of and Avengers.
Also, Avengers Millennium doesn’t feature old Steve Rogers like your description says it does, nor does it feature the Doc Green version of Hulk, so it likely comes prior to Original Sin.