Updated Jan 28, 2025! The definitive, chronological, and up-to-date guide and trade reading order on collecting Wolverine via omnibuses, hardcovers, and trade paperback graphic novels. A part of Crushing Krisis’s Collecting X-Men: A Definitive Guide. Last updated January 2025 with titles scheduled for release through July 2025.
Collecting Wolverine
Wolverine is second only to Spider-Man in sheer quantity of stories told about a single character in the modern Marvel Universe. Collecting his every appearance is a close-to impossible task.
That can make it hard to be a fan who wants to read about your favorite 5’3″ Canucklehead without picking up expensive back issues. Luckily, those comics have been collected into dozens of softcover graphic novels, called “trade paperbacks.”
This guide lists three types of Wolverine collections – ongoing series, limited series where he is a title or starring character, and significant story-arcs. It is split into several sections and eras:
- The Wolverine Bookshelf
- Omnibus & Oversize Hardcovers: Massive, collector-edition tomes with oversize pages
- Epic & Complete Collections: Gapless trade paperback collections of chronological material
- Essentials: Affordable black & white sequential collections of the 1988 series
- Wolverine Reading Order
- Pre-Adamantium: In-continuity stories of Logan before he had his adamantium skeleton.
- 1974-1987: Logan prior to his mass-media exposure
- 1988-1994: Logan at the peak of X-Men’s popularity
- 2003-2011: Logan stars as an Avenger and recalls his many forgotten memories
- 2011-2015: A kinder, gentler Logan (really) starts to focus on protecting the newest generation of mutants.
- 2015-2018: The All-New, All-Different and Legacy eras – Wolverine comics that don’t feature Logan at all!
- 2018-2019: Marvel Fresh Start, in which Logan returns!
- 2019-2024: The Age of Krakoa
- 2024 – Present: X-Men – From the Ashes
- Alternate Realities: Stories not set in the primary Marvel 616 Universe of continuity
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Wolverine Omnibus and Oversize Hardcovers
These massive tomes have larger pages and collect huge swaths of comics – between 25 and 50 issues a book. They look beautiful on a book-shelf! These editions are also listed below in their chronological placement, as they are frequently the only coverage of a specific run. Other omnibuses not primarily focused on Logan’s material are also listed in this guide in their chronological placement, below.
Wolverine: Origin I Oversized Hardcover
Wolverine: Origin II Oversized Hardcover
Logan’s primary story was contained in Uncanny X-Men up until 1988, when his ongoing solo series launched. Visit Uncanny X-Men #94-280 to view those oversized releases.
Omnibus, Vol. 1 (2009 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785134770 / 2020 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302922672 / digital)
Collects many of Logan’s significant appearances leading up to his 1988 solo series, as well as the first 10 issues of that series: the Weapon X story from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #72-84, Incredible Hulk (1968) #180-182 & 340, Wolverine (1982) #1-4, Kitty Pryde and Wolverine (1984) #1-6, Captain America (1968) Annual 8, Spider-Man vs. Wolverine (1987) #1, Logan stories from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #1-10, Logan stories from Wolverine (1988) #1-10, Punisher War Journal (1988) #6-7, and material from Marvel Treasury Edition (1975) #26, material Best of Marvel Comics (1987) hardcover, and Marvel Age (1983) Annual 4.
Omnibus, Vol. 2 (2021 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302929954 / digital)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #11-30, Logan stories from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #38-71, Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown (1988) #1-4, Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection (1989) OGN, Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure (1990) OGN, and Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990) OGN
Omnibus, Vol. 3 (2023 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302946517 / digital)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #31-59, Logan stories from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #85-108, Wolverine: Bloody Choices OGN, Wolverine: Rahne Of Terra OGN, Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Hearts of Darkness OGN, the debut of Omega Red X-Men (1991) #4-7 and material from Marvel Fanfare (1982) #54-55.
Omnibus, Vol. 4 (2023 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302953997 / digital)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #60-75, Logan stories from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #109-142, Wolverine: Inner Fury (1992) OGN, Wolverine: Killing (1993) OGN, Wolverine: Global Jeopardy (1993) #1, Wolverine and The Punisher: Damaging Evidence (1993) #1-3, Sabretooth (1993) #1-4, Spider-Man/Punisher/Sabretooth: Designer Genes (1993) OGN, X-Men (1991) #25, and material from Marvel Holiday Special (1991) #2.
Omnibus, Vol. 5 (2024 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302958060 / digital)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #76-101 & Annual ’95, Logan stories from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #150-151 & 152-155, Cable (1993) #16, Wolverine: Evilution OGN, Wolverine/Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising OGN, Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: The Dark Design OGN, Wolverine: Knight Of Terra OGN, Wolverine/Gambit: Victims #1-4, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #332, and Logan: Path Of The Warlord OGN.
Omnibus, Vol. 6 (2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302964313 / digital TBA)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #102-118, -1, 1/2, 102.5, & Annual 1996 & 1997; Venom: Tooth and Claw (1996) #1-3; Maverick (1997a) #1; Logan: Shadow Society (1996) OGN; Kitty Pryde, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1997) #1-3; Wolverine: Doombringer (1997) OGN ; Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm and :ogan(2000) #1-3; Wolverine: Days of Future Past (1997) 1-3; Wolverine Encyclopedia (1996) #1-2, and material from Marvel: Shadows and Light (1997) #1
(1988) #102-161 & 167-188 are not yet collected in this format
Weapon X: The Return Omnibus Oversized Hardcover
Though this collection doesn’t exclusively collect Logan, it is absolutely a Wolverine-themed collection. Collects Wolverine (1988) #162-166, 173-174, 176; Deadpool (1997) #57-60; Weapon X (2002) #1/2 & 1-28; Weapon X: The Draft – Sauron, Wild Child, Kane, Marrow, Agent Zero; Weapon X: Days Of Future Now #1-5; material from Wolverine (1988) #175 and Deadpool (2012) #27
by Millar Omnibus Oversized Hardcover (ISBN 078516796X)
Collects two Mark Millar Logan stories from Wolverine’s 2003 series – Enemy of the State (Wolverine (2003) #20-32) and the future dystopia Old Man Logan (#66-72 & Wolverine: Giant-Size Old Man Logan).
by Jason Aaron, Vol. 1 Omnibus
(2011 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785156390 / 2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302961367 / digital)
Collects the entire 16-issue 2009 Weapon X series, along with the preceding Jason Aaron stories from Wolverine Vol. 3 #56 and #62-65; Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4; Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine; and material from Wolverine Vol. 3 #73-74, Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3, Wolverine Vol. 2 #175.
Goes To Hell Omnibus
(2018 oversized hardcover, ISBN 978-1302911591 / 2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302961381 / digital TBA)
Effectively “by Jason Aaron, Vol. 2.” This book collects the remainder of Jason Aaron’s Wolverine run, which intersects with the following pair of Omnibuses. It includes Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #1-6; Wolverine (2010) #1-20, 5.1, & 300-304; X-Men: Schism #1-5; and material from Wolverine: Road To Hell
Uncanny X-Force Omnibus Oversized Hardcover
Loganleads this team through a harrowing story, as told by Rick Remender. Collects Uncanny X-Force (2010) #1-35, 5.1, and 19.1 and material from Wolverine: Road To Hell and X-Men Spotlight
Wolverine & The X-Men Omnibus
(2014 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785190240 / 2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302932442 / digital)
Collects the entire 2011 Wolverine & The X-Men series by Jason Aaron, less a handful of crossover issues from Battle of the Atom – #1-35, 38-42 and Annual 1
X-Men: Battle of the Atom Oversized Hardcover
Collects All -New X-Men #16-17, Uncanny X-Men #12-13, Wolverine & The X-Men #36-37, X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1-2, and X-Men #5-6
The Death of Wolverine Omnibus [AKA Marvel Now or “by Cornell & Soule”]
(2024 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302959876 / digital)
Collects Logan’s complete run of present day Marvel Now series from 2013-2025 – Wolverine (2013) #1-13, Wolverine (2014) #1-12 & Annual 1, Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration (2014) #1 (Wolverine story), Death of Wolverine (2014) #1-4, Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program (2014) #1-5, Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy (2014) #1-7, Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America (2014) #1, Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan (2014) #1, Nightcrawler (2014) #7, Wolverine & The X-Men (2014) #10-11, and Storm (2014) #4-5
Epic Collections & Complete Collections
Marvel’s Epic Collections represent a consistent, affordable, full-color bookshelf format of issues in perfect continuity order without a single gap. The catch? Marvel is releasing them in a random order to focus on the biggest gaps first – since early issues are already well-covered by both Essentials and Masterworks.
As with his Essentials, Logan’s Epic Collections begin at the start of his 1988 series rather than with his earlier limited series. Epic editions are also listed below in their chronological placement, as they are frequently the only coverage of a specific run.
I have also included Complete Collections of some of Logans’s later series, which are functionally the same concept as Epic Collections except that they are released in chronological order.
Wolverine: Origin – The Complete Collection
Collects Origin #1-6 and Origin II #1-5.
Epic Collection Vol. 1: Madripoor Nights
(2014 paperback, ISBN 978-0785189039 / 2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302928483 / 2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302946876 / digital)
Collects (1988) #1-16, Logan stories from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #1-10, and material from Marvel Age (1983) Annual 4.
Epic Collection Vol. 2: Back to Basics (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302916091 / 2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302946937 / digital)
Collects (1988) #17-30, Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection (1989) OGN, and Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure (1989) OGN
Epic Collection Vol. 3: Blood and Claws (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302930899 / digital)
Collects (1988) #31-44, Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990) OGN, and Wolverine: Bloody Choices (1991) OGN
Epic Collections Volumes 4-5
These have yet to be announced; they will collect will collect issues #45-68 as well as OGNs from that period.
Epic Collection Vol. 6: Inner Fury (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302923907 / digital)
Collects (1988) #69-75, Wolverine: Inner Fury (1992) OGN, Wolverine: Killing (1993) OGN, Wolverine: Global Jeopardy (1993) #1, Sabretooth (1993) #1-4, and X-Men (1991) #25
Epic Collection Vol. 7: To the Bone (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302951689 / digital)
Collects (1988) #76-86, Cable (1993) #16, Wolverine: Evilution (1994) OGN, Wolverine & Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising (1994) OGN, and Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: The Dark Design (1994) OGN
Epic Collection Vol. 8: The Dying Game (2015 paperback, ISBN 978-0785192619 / digital)
Collects (1988) #87-100 & Annual 1995, Wolverine: Knight of Terra (1995) OGN. (The Annual fits between #91-92; Knight after #92.)
Epic Collection Vol. 9: Tooth and Claw (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302946500 / digital)
Collects (1988) #101-109, 102.5, & Annual ’96; Uncanny X-Men (1963) #332; Venom: Tooth and Claw (1996) #1-3; Logan: Path of the Warlord (1996) OGN; and Logan: Shadow Society (1997) OGN
Epic Collections Volumes 10-11
These have yet to be announced; they will collect will collect issues #110-132 as well as OGNs from that period.
Epic Collection Vol. 12: Shadow of Apocalypse (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302903855 / digital)
Collects (1988) #133-149, Wolverine/Cable: Guts & Glory (1999) One-Shot, and Hulk (1999) #8.
Epic Collection Vol. 13: Blood Debt (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302910228 / digital)
Collects (1988) #150-158 and Annual ’99 plus (weirdly) Wolverine: The Origin (2001) #1-6. (That’s actually a good thing, as it shows that Marvel really is committed to collecting contemporaneous extra series in with Epic Collections, no matter their relation to an ongoing,)
Epic Collection Vol. 14: The Return of Weapon X (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302958114 / digital)
Collects (1988) #159-172 & Annual 2000 & 2001
Epic Collection Vol. 15: Law of the Jungle (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302964139 / digital)
Collects (1988) #173-189
By Greg Rucka, Ultimate Collection
Collects (2003) #1-19. [Ultimate Collections were an early name for Complete Collections.]
Enemy of the State Ultimate Collection (by Mark Millar)
Collects (2003) #20-32
By Daniel Way Complete Collection, Vol. 1
Daniel Way primarily wrote the next arc of Logans’s 2003 series and all of the 2006 series Wolverine: Origins, but this book also collects other associated issues by Way. Collects (1988) #187-189, (2003) #33-40 (an arc that introduced the Origins series). Wolverine: Origins (2006) #1-5 and #1 Director’s Cut, Sabretooth (2004) #1-4, and material from I (Heart) Marvel (2006) My Mutant Heart.
(2003) #41-55 and 57-61 are written by several different writers, and have not been collected in Complete collections, although all of those issues are collected variously below with Wolverine (2003). Issues #66-72 are out-of-continuity.
By Daniel Way Complete Collection, Vol. 2
Collects (2003) #50-55, Wolverine: Origins (2006) #6-15 & Annual 1, What If: Wolverine #1
By Daniel Way Complete Collection Vol. 3
Collects Wolverine: Origins (2006) #16-32, X-Men: Original Sin #1, X-Men: Legacy (2008) #217-218, and material from Wolverine (2003) #73-74
By Daniel Way Complete Collections, Vol. 4
Collects Wolverine: Origins (2006) #33-50 and Dark Wolverine #85-96
By Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 1
Collects (2003) #56, 62-65, and b-stories from 73-74; Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4; Wolverine: Weapon X #1-5; and material from Aaron’s first published Wolverine story from Wolverine (1988) #175.
By Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 2
Collects Wolverine: Weapon X #6-16, Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine, and Dark X-Men: The Beginning
By Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 3
Collects Wolverine (2010) #1-9 & 5.1, Astonishing Spider-Man, & Wolverine #1-6 and Road to Hell
By Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 4
Collects Wolverine (2010) #10-20 and #300-304
Wolverine (2010) #305-317 were written by Cullen Bunn and have yet to be re-collected into Complete collections, although all of those issues are collected variously below with Wolverine (2010).
Essential Wolverine
Marvel’s Essentials line packs tons of comics into each black and white, phone-book-sized edition with newsprint paper. If you don’t care about color and glossy paper, this is the best way to acquire your favorite classic stories quickly.
However, there are flaws with this approach. First, Essentials doesn’t include Logan’s limited series, his key Marvel Comics Presents Weapon X story, or really anything else other than his own title beginning in 1988. That may leave you feeling a little lost, especially in the #60-80 range when crossovers were frequent.
Second, for much of this run the original black and white line art was not available to scan for these books, so they present grayscale scans of the actual colored comics. That’s a very different experience than reading from black and white art – understandably, you might prefer to read in color – perhaps to appreciate all of the blood!
Essential Editions are not repeated below in their chronological placement, since B&W is not the original format of this series
#1-23: Essential, Vol. 1 (b&w) (ISBN 0785135661)
2nd Printing: Essential, Vol. 1 out-of-print
3rd Printing: Essential, Vol. 1 out-of-print
#24-47: Essential, Vol. 2 (b&w) (ISBN 0785164286)
Previously available as Essential, Vol. 2 (ISBN 0785105503)
#48-69: Essential, Vol. 3 (b&w) (ISBN 0785164294)
Link A: Essential, Vol. 3
Link B: Essential, Vol. 3
#70-90: Essential, Vol. 4 (b&w)
Previously available as Essential, Vol. 4 (ISBN 0785120599)
#91-110: Essential, Vol. 5 (b&w) (ISBN 0785130772)
Collects #91-110, as well as Annual ’96 & Uncanny X-Men #332.
#111-128: Essential, Vol. 6 (b&w) (ISBN 0785163522)
Also collects #-1 and Annual 97.
#129-148: Essential, Vol. 7 (b&w) (ISBN 0785184082)
Also collects Hulk (1999) #8
The Essentials line has been discontinued and will not extend past #148. Jump to that spot in the chronology.
Pre-Adamantium Wolverine
Marvel Comics writers have established a rich and globe-spanning history for Logan prior to the story that infused his body with an adamantium skeleton. For years these stories were sporadic flashbacks, and focused mainly on adventures in WWII or in a multi-national mercenary squad with Sabretooth.
After the revelations of Logan’s complete history during 2006’s House of M, it is now easier to place the major pre-adamantium stories in proper context. However, they have limited bearing on the modern superhero Logan, so are not considered to be essential reading.
Wolverine: Origin (2001) #1-6 (ISBN 0785137270)
Also available in a 2012 hardcover, original hardcover, combined with II in a Complete Collection, and 2023 paperback (ISBN 978-1302933838 / digital). Origin draws the curtain away from Logan’s forgotten beginnings after over 25 years of speculation – not his Weapon X training and captivity, but the actual emergence of this powers! Andy Kubert’s art was universally praised, but some fans found the story both melodramatic and unremarkable.
Marvel Comics Presents #93-98 – Not collected. A pre-adamantium story set in the early 1900s.
Wolverine: Origin II #1-5
Available in hardcover and combined with Origin in a Complete Collection.
Wolverine: Prehistory
Collects a majority of Logan’s post-Origin and pre-adamantium stories. Wolverine (2003) #32; Logan: Path Of The Warlord, Shadow Society; Wolverine: Agent Of Atlas #1-3; First X-Men #1-5; Wolverine: Hunger; Wolverine (1988) #-1; Before The Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm & Logan #1-3; Wolverine/Cable OGN; and material from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #93-98, Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man & Other Bloody Tales, Wolverine (2010) #1000
Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man & Other Bloody Tales
In Prehistory and Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man and Other Bloody Tales. The primary story in this one-shot is set between WWI and WWII.
X-Men: True Friends #1-3
Not collected. Though this time-travel tale is launched by Shadowcat and Rachel Grey in the present, it involves Logan in 1936.
Uncanny X-Men #268
See Uncanny X-Men #142-280. This classic Jim Lee drawn issue is set during WWII with Logan fighting alongside Captain America and Black Widow.
Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants (ISBN 0785141103)
Though framed in the modern day, this is set in various flashback era, starting in WWII.
Wolverine (2010) #1000
Material collected in Prehistory and Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man and Other Bloody Tales. Several stories in this issue are set in the WWII era.
Wolverine: Logan #1-3 (ISBN 078513414X)
Also available in hardcover. A Brain K. Vaughan penned series set just after World War II. Reprinted in 2019.
Logan: Path of the Warlord (ISBN 0785101721)
In Prehistory. An original graphic novel set in the 1950s.
This is the time that Logan becomes associated with Sabretooth and Maverick in a pre-Weapon X mercenary team, followed by his time as a Canadian agent.
The First X-Men #1-5 (ISBN 0785164960)
In Prehistory. Also available in hardcover.
Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm and Logan #1-3
In Prehistory. Ben Grimm is The Thing from Fantastic Four.
Wolverine: Agent of Atlas #1-3
In Prehistory.
Logan: Shadow Society (ISBN 0785102949)
In Prehistory. Likely one of the final in-continuity stories prior to Weapon X. Also in Captain Marvel: The Many Lives of Carol Danvers
Wolverine: Weapon X from Marvel Comic Presents #72-84 (ISBN 0785137262). Reprinted in many places, this is the definitive and still-true origin of Logans adamantium skeleton.
Wolverine: Season One: This later insert into continuity retells Logan’s early story with modern sensibilities. Recollected in 2018 as Savage Origins
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: This one-shot is Logan’s origin just prior to joining the team. Collected with X-Men Origins (2009 hardcover / 2010 paperback) and X-Men Origins: The Complete Collection
Wolverine: X-Man (1974 – 1987)
Wolverine was introduced as a seemingly throwaway adversary for Hulk in late 1974, but was quickly adopted in 1975 by Len Wein in his landmark Giant-Size X-Men that also introduced Storm, Nightcrawler, and Colossus. For thirteen years he made his primary appearances as the X-Men’s go-to Scrapper, making only occasional guest-appearances in other Marvel titles and team-up books.
Wolverine Omnibus
Logan was around for almost fifteen years before he was granted his own, solo, ongoing title. That means many of the key issues of his story are scattered across multiple comics.
Luckily, Marvel has collected all the early arcs that have the most impact on the ongoing Logan continuity into a single hardcover tome. The Volume 1 omnibus collects Logan’s debut in Incredible Hulk, Wolverine’s 1982 limited series, the Marvel Comics Presents classic Madripoor and Weapon X arcs, as well as and several other 70s and 80s key appearances.
Omnibus, Vol. 1 (hardcover) (ISBN 0785134770) contains:
Incredible Hulk #180-182 & #340
Wolverine (1982) #1-4
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1-6
Marvel Comics Presents #1-10
Marvel Comics Presents #72-84
Marvel Treasury Edition #26
Best of Marvel Comics HC
Wolverine (1988) #1-10
Spider-Man vs. Wolverine #1
Marvel Age Annual #4
Punisher War Journal #6-7
Uncanny X-Men #94-227
Logan appears in nearly every issue of this classic run! See Uncanny X-Men #94-280 for collection information.
Wolverine: First Class (2008 – 2010)
Wolverine: First Class is a glib romp through Logan’s past, featuring canonical stories that are woven between issues #138-149 of Uncanny X-Men from the early 80s.
First Class could be considered a kids title, but thanks to the surprisingly A-list lineup of creators that helmed the title it’s simply reminiscent of a time when comics didn’t require a Parental Advisory stamp.
#1-4: First Class: The Rookie
Also collects an unspecified “classic Wolverine” reprint. See below for an alternative collection of #1-2 titled “Tales of Weapon X.”
#5-8: First Class: To Russia, With Love
Also reprints Uncanny X-Men #139-140.
#9-12: First Class: Wolverine-By-Night
#13-16: First Class: Ninjas, Gods And Divas
Also collects Free Comic Book Day 2009.
#17-21: First Class: Class Actions
Wolverine, Vol. 1: Limited Series (1982)
A classic 1982 limited series from Chris Claremont and Frank Miller depicts Logan’s adventures in Japan fighting the Hand, which occurs just after Uncanny X-Men #171. There are presently three options to collect this series, listed from most expensive to most affordable:
Omnibus, Vol. 1 hardcover
See above for details
Best Of Wolverine, Vol. 1 out-of-print (hardcover) (ISBN 0785113706)
A pre-cursor to the Omnibus, you still may be able to find this at a lower price. It collects Wolverine (1982) #1-4, Marvel Comics Presents #72-84, Incredible Hulk #181, Uncanny X-Men #205, and Captain America Annual #8.
Wolverine hardcover
Collects Wolverine, Vol. 1 #1-4 plus the contemporaneous Uncanny X-Men #172-173. Collected previously in paperback. 2022 paperback (ISBN 978-1302931643 / digital)
Secret Wars (1984)
#1-12: See Marvel Universe Events: Secret Wars
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine (1985)
X-Men: Kitty Pryde and Wolverine (hardcover)
Wolverine / Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection (1989)
Though this OGN was released in 1989, it fits in continuity with 1985 stories.
Spider-Man versus Wolverine (1987)
A one-shot collected in Wolverine Omnibus, above.
Wolverine, Vol. 1 (1988 – 2003)
Wolverine hit the big time in 1988, as comics in general – and X-Men in specific – were beginning to crest in popularity. Suddenly, he found himself in two ongoing titles. One, Wolverine, Vol. 2, featured solo adventures of a tone that had never before been told with the character. The other, Marvel Comics Presents, was an anthology title that featured Logan in nearly every issue. Plus, Logan became a fixture of every event book, a frequent sales-ensuring guest star, and the star of several stand-alone graphic novels.
Uncanny X-Men #228-321
Logan appears consistently with some gaps from #228-279, but afterwards is not a regular character in Uncanny X-Men (although he does occasionally appear). See Guide to Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont for collection information.
Marvel Comics Presents (1988 – 1994)
Marvel Comics Presents was an anthology series with four stories in each issue. Almost every issue featured a portion of a Wolverine story, effectively making a quarter of each Marvel Comics Presents (1988) issue a second Wolverine solo title.
Many of these stories are set prior to the Wolverine regular series, and can be read independently of continuity. For those that occur in continuity, their placement is detailed below with Wolverine, Vol. 2
#1-10: Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine, Vol. 1 [in Madripoor] (digital)
(Also in Omnibus and Epic Vol. 1, above)
#38-50: Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine Vol. 2 [in Madripoor]
#51-61: Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine, Vol. 3 [two arcs] (digital)
#62-71: Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine, Vol. 4 [w/Ghost Rider] (also collected as the OGN “Acts of Vengeance”)
#72-84: Wolverine: Weapon X (Also in Omnibus and Best Of, above, 2020 paperback (ISBN 978-1302923921 / digital), and as a 2023 “Deluxe Edition” paperback (ISBN 978-1302949860 / digital), which also includes Uncanny X-Men (1981) #205 and material from Wolverine (1988) #166.
#85-92: Wolverine: Blood Hungry
#93-98: Wolverine: Wild Frontier in Prehistory, above
#101-108: Wolverine / Nightcrawler: Male Bonding (not collected)
#109-116: Wolverine: Typhoid’s Kiss
#117-122: Wolverine / Venom: Claws and Webs in Wolverine vs. The Marvel Universe
#123-130: Wolverine / Black Widow: Passion Play (not collected)
#132-136: Wolverine: Brother in Arms (not collected)
#133-136: Sabretooth: Depths of Despair (not collected)
#137-142: Wolverine: Rumble in the Jungle (not collected)
#150-151: Bloody Mary: A Battle of the Sexes [includes Wolverine] (not collected)
#152-155: Wolverine: Pure Sacrifice (not collected)
Wolverine, Vol. 2: #1-90 (1988 – 2003)
In 1988 Marvel’s most popular mutant finally merited his own ongoing series, which began in November 1988 in the same month as Uncanny X-Men #237 was released, along with New Mutants #69, X-Factor #35, and Excalibur #2. Chronologically, you should read the first eight issues prior to Uncanny #235.
Major appearances outside of his own series, Marvel Comics Presents, and other X-Men titles are listed in italics. Titles of the major X-Books are abbreviated – Uncanny X-Men (1963) #for Uncanny X-Men, X-Men (1991) for X-Men (1991), XFa for X-Factor, and Marvel Comics Presents (1988) for Marvel Comics Presents.
#1-16: Epic Collection: Madripoor Nights (Epic Vol. 1)
Also collects Wolverine stories from Marvel Comics Presents #1-10 and Marvel Age Annual 4.
#1-5: Wolverine Classic, Vol. 1 (ISBN 0785117971)
After #3: Wolverine: Doombringer OGN (1997 – see below), Marvel Age Annual 4, Uncanny X-Men (1963) ##232-234 + Annual 12 + 235-238, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 16 (3rd story), Inferno (Uncanny X-Men (1963) #239-241, XFa 37, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #242, XFa 38, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #243, XFa 39) Uncanny X-Men (1963) #Annual 13 (2nd story), Punisher War Journal #6-7 in Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017).
Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection was released here, but occurs in prior continuity (see above) with one flashback that intersects with a flashback in Wolverine #9.
#6-10: Wolverine Classic, Vol. 2 (ISBN 0785118770)
#11-16: Wolverine Classic, Vol. 3 (ISBN 0785120537) (digital)
After #16: Uncanny X-Men (1963) ##245, Punisher #18, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #Annual 13, Marvel Super-Heroes #6-8, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #29-31, Wolverine/Havok: Meltdown #1-4, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #38-47 & 51-53, Wolverine: Jungle Adventure OGN (released here, largely told in flashback – see below)
#17-30: Epic Collection: Back to Basics (Epic Vol. 2)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #17-30, Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection OGN, and Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure
#17-23: Wolverine Classic, Vol. 4 (ISBN 0785120544) (digital)
After #18: Captain America #363, Uncanny X-Men (1963) ##246
After #23: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #251-253 + 257-258, Alpha Flight #87-90, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #261 + Annual 14 (2nd story) + 268, Wolverine: Rahne of Terra OGN (see below), New Mutants #93-94, Marvel Comics Presents (1988)48-50 & 54-61, Warheads #1 (flashback).
#24-30: Wolverine Classic, Vol. 5 (ISBN 785127390) (digital)
#31-44: Blood and Claws (Epic Collection Vol. 3) (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302930899 / digital)
Collects (1988) #31-44, Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990) OGN, and Wolverine: Bloody Choices (1991) OGN
#31-37: Wolverine by Hama & Silvestri, Vol. 1 (ISBN 0785184511)
Also collects Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure and Wolverine: Bloodlust
After #33: Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #62-63
Between #34 and Bloodlust: X-Tinction Agenda
After Bloodlust: Marvel Fanfare #54-55, Fantastic Four #347-349, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 64-71
After #37: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #Annual 15 (4th story) & 273-277, Marvel Team-Up #19, Wolverine/Punisher: #1-3, Muir Island Saga crossover, Wolverine: Saudade OGN (flashbacks), Damage Control #4, Nick Fury: Agent of Shield #25-29, Avengers #332-333.
#31-34, 41-42, & 48-50: Wolverine Legends Volume 6: Marc Silvestri Book (ISBN 978-0785109525) (out of print)
#38-46: Wolverine by Hama & Silvestri, Vol. 2
Also collects Rahne of Terra OGN
#41-42: See above. Also, Wolverine: Triumphs and Tragedies collects this pair, #75, Wolverine (1982) #4, and Uncanny X-Men #109, 172-173.
#47-57: Wolverine: Weapon X Unbound
After #44: Appearances in Infinity Gauntlet, Spider-Man #8-12, Namor #21-25, and Wolverine: Bloody Choices OGN (See below). Rahne of Terra is released here, but must occur prior to X-Tinction Agenda and is placed above.
After #47: Marvel Collector’s Edition (Charleston Chew giveaway), Deathlok#4-5, the debut of X-Men, Vol. 2 #1-3, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 85-92, Quasar #28, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 93 (94-96 behind-the-scenes) 97-100, Ghost Rider / Wolverine / Punisher: Hearts of Darkness OGN (see below), Wolverine #54, then to #48. This is a good place to read the Marvel Comics Presents (1988) sequence from #72-84, if you haven’t already..
After #50: X-Men (1991) #4-7 (Omega Red), Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 101-108, X-Men Unlimited #47 (flashback)
#58-68: Not collected. Note that #58-59 occur out-of-sequence, and fall after #65.
After #65 & 58-59: X-Men (1991) Annual 1 & 1/2, Brood Crossover (X-Men (1991) 8, GR 26, X-Men (1991) 9, GR 27), GR 29, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 109-116, Captain America #402-407, Dr. Strange #41, Wolverine: Evilution OGN (see below)
After Evilution: Appearances in Infinity War, Hell’s Angel (Marvel UK) #1-5, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 117-122, Warheads (UK) #8-9, Codename: Genetix #1-4, Death’s Head II (UK) #1-4, X-Men (1991) 12-13, Excalibur #57-58, Dark Angel (UK) #9-10, Mys-Tech War (UK) #1-4, Dark Angel #11-12, X-Cutioner’s Song crossover, Secret Defenders #1-3, Battle Tide (UK) #1-4, and Fantastic Four #374.
After #68: X-Men (1991) #17-19, Wolverine: Inner Fury OGN, Terror INC #9-10, and Appearances in Infinity Crusade. Then Uncanny X-Men (1963) #300, X-Men (1991) 20-21, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 123-131
#69-75: Inner Fury (Epic Collection Vol. 6) (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302923907 / digital)
Collects (1988) #69-75, Wolverine: Inner Fury (1992) OGN, Wolverine: Killing (1993) OGN, Wolverine: Global Jeopardy (1993) #1, Sabretooth (1993) #1-4, and X-Men (1991) #25
After #71: X-Men (1991) #23, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #132-136
After #74: Punisher War Zone #19 in Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017), Wolverine: Killing OGN, Wolverine/Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #137-142, Sabretooth #2-3, and Wolverine: Global Jeopardy one-shot.
After Global Jeopardy: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #304, Gambit 1, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #150-151, X-Men (1991) #25
#75: Issue #75 is part of the Fatal Attractions event and directly follows the events of X-Men (1991) #25. See Guide to X-Men, Vol. 2 (1991 – 2001) for additional collection options.
#76-86: To the Bone (Epic Collection Vol. 7) (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302951689 / digital)
Collects (1988) #76-86, Cable (1993) #16, Wolverine: Evilution (1994) OGN, Wolverine & Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising (1994) OGN, and Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: The Dark Design (1994) OGN
After #78: What If? #60, X-Men (1991) #30, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #152-155
#85: X-Men: Origin of Generation X (Phalanx Covenant) (ISBN 0-7851-0216-7)
The “Generation Next” crossover that launched Generation X; collects X-Factor #106, X-Force #38, Excalibur #82, Uncanny X-Men #316-317, X-Men #36-37, Wolverine #85, Cable #16, & Generation X #1.
#85: Cable Classic, Volume 3 (ISBN 078515972X)
Collects Wolverine #85 as part of the Phalanx Covenant crossover alongside Cable, Vol. 2 #15-20.
#85: Cable & X-Force Omnibus (2019 oversize hardcover)
Collects X-Force (1991) #32-43 & Annual 3; Cable (1993) #9-20; New Warriors (1990) #45-46; and Phalanx Covenant crossover issues X-Factor (1986) #106; Excalibur (1988) #82; and Wolverine (1988) #85.
After #85: Cable #16, Ghost Rider #57, Ghost Rider / Wolverine / Punisher OGN, Wolverine #87 (he does not appear in #86)
Wolverine: Evilution and Wolverine / Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising were released here but occur previous to this because Wolverine has adamantium claws.
#87-100: The Dying Game (Epic Collection Vol. 8) (2015 paperback, ISBN 978-0785192619 / digital)
Collects (1988) #87-100 & Annual 1995, Wolverine: Knight of Terra (1995) OGN. (The Annual fits between #91-92; Knight after #92.)
#88 & material from Annual 1995: Wolverine vs. Deadpool
(2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302904661 / digital / 2024 “Deadpool vs.” paperback, ISBN 978-1302953133 / digital)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #88, 154-155, & material from Annual 95 & 99; Deadpool (1997) #27; Cable & Deadpool (2004) #43-44; Wolverine: Origins (2006) #21-25; Wolverine/Deadpool: The Decoy (2010) #1.
After #88: Fantastic Four #394-395.
After #90 and prior to AoA: Ghost-Rider #61.
(At issue #90 Wolverine becomes Weapon-X #1-4 for four months as part of the Age of Apocalypse crossover, which does not interrupt the numbering.)
After AOA: X-Men Prime, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #322
Wolverine/Gambit: Victims: falls between #92-93. See below for collection information.
After #92 and Victims: Incredible Hulk #434, Uncanny X-Men (1963) ##325, Wolverine: Knight of Terra OGN.
After #96: Ghost Rider #68, X-Men/ClanDestine #1-2, X-Men Unlimited #9, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #Annual 95, X-Men/Spider-Man #3, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #329-330, X-Men/ Brood #1-2, X-Men (1991) 50.
Logan: Path of the Warlord OGN released here, but occurs in the 1940s and 50s
#101-109, 102.5, & Annual ’96: Tooth and Claw (Epic Collection Vol. 9)
(2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302946500 / digital)
Collects (1988) #101-109, 102.5, & Annual ’96; Uncanny X-Men (1963) #332; Venom: Tooth and Claw (1996) #1-3; Logan: Path of the Warlord (1996) OGN; and Logan: Shadow Society (1997) OGN
After #100: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #332
#102.5: Young Marvel: Little X-Men, Little Avengers, Big Trouble
Occurs after #103. Collects A-Babies Vs. X-Babies, Wolverine (1988) 102.5, Pint-Sized X-Babies: Murderama, X-Babies Reborn, Uncanny X-Men (1963) 461, material from Marvel Vision
After #103 & 102.5: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #333, Storm #1 & 4, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #334, X-Men (1991) 54, enters Onslaught Crossover
#104-105: See the Onslaught summary in Uncanny X-Men #281-350.
#1/2: Not collected. After #106 and Annual ’96
After #106: Elektra #1 & 3, Annual 1996
After Annual 1996: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #338, X-Men (1991) 58, Marvel Holiday Special ’96, Venom: Tooth & Claw #1-3, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #339, X-Men (1991) 59, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #340, X-Men (1991) Annual 1996, #1/2.
Logan: Shadow Society OGN released here, but occurs prior to his adamantium injection in Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #72.
#11o-114: Not collected
After #110: Marvel Shadows & Light (1997), Marvel Fanfare #2, X-Men (1991) 61, Hulk #454-455, X-Men (1991) Annual 1997
After #114: Crimson Dawn, Uncanny X-Men (1963) ##342, X-Men (1991) #62-66
Wolverine #-1 released here, but occurs prior to Uncanny X-Men (1963) ##147 in continuity
#115-118: X-Men: Zero Tolerance Oversized Hardcover (ISBN 0785162402)
Generation X #26-31, Cable #45-47, X-Men #65-70, X-Force #67-70, Uncanny X-Men #346, Wolverine #115-118, and X-Man #30. A prior X-Men: Zero Tolerance TPB (ISBN 078510738X) in the old “Marvel’s Finest” trade dress collected only #27 from GenX, and omitted X-Force #70 and the Uncanny X-Men (1963) #issue.
After #118: Uncanny X-Men (1963) #350, X-Men (1991) 70, Ghost Rider #88, X-Men (1991) 71, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #351-352, Elektra #10, Amazing Spider-Man #429, X-Men Unlimited #17, Kitty Pryde: Agent of SHIELD #1-3, Wolverine Annual 1997.
Annual 1997: Not collected
After Annual 1997: X-Men (1991) 71-72, Spider-Man/Kingpin (1997), Elektra #14
Wolverine: Doombringer OGN released here, but occurs after Wolverine #2 in continuity
Wolverine #1/2 released here, but occurs between Annual 96 and 107 in continuity.
#119-122: Wolverine: Not Dead Yet (ISBN 0785167102)
Also available in Marvel Premiere Classic Hardcover.
#123-132: Wolverine: Blood Wedding (2013 paperback, ISBN 978-0785185246 / digital)
Also collects Wolverine: Black Rio
#133-149: Epic Collection: Shadow of Apocalypse (Epic Vol. 12)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #133-149. Also collects Hulk (1999) #8 and Wolverine/Cable: Guts & Glory
#134: Wolverine vs. The Marvel Universe
Collects Captain America Annual 8, Daredevil (1964) #249, Spider-man vs. Wolverine, Incredible Hulk (1968) #340, Wolverine (1988) #134, Wolverine vs. Thor #1-3, Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine #1-4, material from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #117-122
#146-147: X-Men vs. Apocalypse Vol. 1: The Twelve(ISBN 078512263X)
Collects Uncanny X-Men #376-377, Cable #75-76, X-Men #96-97 & Wolverine #146-147
Essentials collections end with #148
#148: X-Men vs. Apocalypse Vol. 2: Ages Of Apocalypse (ISBN 0785122648)
Collects X-51 #8, Uncanny X-Men #378 and Annual 1999, Cable #77, Wolverine #148, X-Men Unlimited #26, X-Men #98, and X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1-4.
#149: X-Men: Powerless (ISBN 0785146776)
Collects Uncanny X-Men #379-380, Cable #78, X-Force (1991) #101, Wolverine #149, and X-Men #99.
#150-153: Wolverine: Blood Debt (ISBN 0785107859)
#150-158: Epic Collection: Blood Debt (Epic Vol. 13)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #150-158 and Annual ’99 plus (weirdly) Wolverine: The Origin #1-6. (That’s actually a good thing, as it shows that Marvel really is committed to collecting contemporaneous extra series in with Epic Collections, no matter their relation to an ongoing).
#154-155: Wolverine vs. Deadpool (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302904661 / digital / 2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302953133 / digital)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #88, 154-155, & material from Annual 95 & 99; Deadpool (1997) #27; Cable & Deadpool (2004) #43-44; Wolverine: Origins (2006) #21-25; Wolverine/Deadpool: The Decoy (2010) #1.
#159-161 & 167-169: Wolverine: The Best There Is (ISBN 0785110071)
#159-172 & Annual 2000-2001: The Return of Weapon X (Epic Collection Vol. 14)
(2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302958114 / digital)
Collects (1988) #159-172 & Annual 2000 & 2001
#159-176: Wolverine: The Return of Weapon X (ISBN 0785185232)
Also includes annuals 2000 and 2001.
#162-166: Wolverine/Deadpool: Weapon X out-of-print (ISBN 0785109181)
Also collects Deadpool #57-60
#162-166 & 174-176: Weapon X: The Return Omnibus Oversized Hardcover
Though this collection doesn’t exclusively collect Wolverine, it is absolutely a Wolverine-themed collect. Collects Wolverine (1988) #162-166, 173-174, 176; Deadpool (1997) #57-60; Weapon X (2002) #1/2 & 1-28; Weapon X: The Draft – Sauron, Wild Child, Kane, Marrow, Agent Zero; Weapon X: Days of Future Now #1-5; material from Wolverine (1988) #175 and Deadpool (2012) #27
The Weapon X (2002) series launches from here. See Guide to Weapon X.
#173-189: Law of the Jungle (Epic Vol. 15) (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302964139 / digital)
#181-186: Wolverine: Law of the Jungle AKA Wolverine Legends 3 (ISBN 0785111351)
Issue #186 also in Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017)
#187-189: Wolverine by Daniel Way Complete Collection, Vol. 1
Collects Wolverine (1988) #187-189; Wolverine (2003) #33-40 (an arc that introduced the Origins series); Wolverine: Origins #1-5 and #1 Director’s Cut; Sabretooth (2004) #1-4; and material from I (Heart) Marvel: My Mutant Heart.
X-Men (1991) #1-113 (1991 – 2001)
Wolverine appeared regularly in this second X-Men flagship. See X-Men, Vol. 2 #1-113.
New X-Men (2001) #113-156 (2001 – 2003)
Wolverine was one of the primary cast members during this run, with one major story arc focused on him. See X-Men, Vol. 2 & New X-Men #114-206.
X-Treme X-Men (2001) #1-44 (2001-2004)
Wolverine was one of the primary cast members during some of this run. See X-Treme X-Men, Vol. 1
1988-2003 Limited Series, Appearances, One-Shots, and Original Graphic Novels
1989 – Havok/Wolverine: Meltdown AKA Wolverine Legends 2. Reprinted as Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown (2019 paperback, ISBN 9781302918958)
1989-1991 (in 2012) – Wolverine & Nick Fury: Scorpio – Collects Scorpio Connection, Scorpio Rising, and Bloody Choices.
1990 – Wolverine / Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection – Original Graphic Novel. Recollected in Epic Collection: Back to Basics
1990 – Wolverine: Bloodlust – OGN (technically Wolverine Annual 2)
1990 – Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure (ISBN 0871356139) – Original Graphic Novel. Recollected in Epic Collection: Back to Basics
1991 – Spider-Man (1990) #8-12: Spider-Man: Perceptions
1991 – Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD #25-29 – Not collected
1991 – Wolverine: Bloody Choices (out of print)
1991 – Infinity Gauntlet #1-6: See Marvel Universe Events: Infinity Gauntlet
1992 – Wolverine: Inner Fury – OGN
1992 – Infinity War #1-6 – See Marvel Universe Events: Infinity War
1992 – Wolverine: Rahne of Terra (out of print) (ISBN 0871358433) – Original Graphic Novel
1992 – Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher: Hearts of Darkness – Original Graphic Novel. Recollected in a 2017 TPB.
1992 – The Punisher/Wolverine: African Saga (0871356112)
1992 – Battletide #1-4: Not collected. A Marvel UK title.
1993 – Mystech Wars #1-4: Not collected. A Marvel UK title.
1993 – Wolverine and Punishing: Damaging Evidence #1-3: in Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017)
1993 – Wolverine: Killing (ISBN 0785100016) – Original Graphic Novel
1993 – Wolverine Halloween Special Edition: Haunting – One shot. Not collected
1993 – Wolverine: Global Jeopardy – One shot. Not collected.
1994 – Wolverine: Evilution – OGN. Co-stars Boom Boom.
1994 – Wolverine: Scorpio Rising OGN – See Scorpio, above.
1994 – Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: The Dark Design OGN. Recollected in a 2017 TPB.
1995 – Wolverine: Knight of Terra (IBSN 0785101624) – Original Graphic Novel
1995 – Wolverine/Gambit: Victims: TPB / Hardcover / 2012 TPB / 2016 TPB / 2025 “Gallery Edition” oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302962883 (also collects material from Uncanny X-Men (1963) Annual 18)
1996 – Logan: Path of the Warlord (ISBN 0785101721)
1996 – X-Men vs. The Brood #1-2: X-Men: The Road to Onslaught, Vol. 3
1996 – Venom: Tooth and Claw #1-3 – Not collected
1996 – Logan: Shadow Society OGN ISBN 0785102949)
1997 – Wolverine: Days of Future Past – 3-issue limited, not collected
1997 – Marvel: Shadows and Light #1
1998 – Wolverine: Doombringer OGN (ISBN 0785105831) – Fits after Wolverine, Vol. 2 #3, above
1999 – Wolverine/Cable: Guts and Glory – One-shot. Story falls before Cable’s debut in New Mutants #87.
1999 – Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation. Recollected in Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017)
2000 – Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm and Logan (2000) #1-3 – In Prehistory, above
2000 – Iron Fist & Wolverine: The Return of K’un Lun #1-4 – In Iron Fist: The Return of K’un L’un
2001 – Wolverine: Son of Canada – Not collected. Giveaway one-shot sponsored by Doritos and distributed exclusively in Canada. May not be in continuity
Elektra / Wolverine: Redeemer #1-3 Oversize Hardcover
I need to check this story to see if it falls into continuity at all; if it does, it is conceivably a flashback. See also this Titan Books printing (ISBN 1840235365).
2002 – Hulk/Wolverine #1-4 in Wolverine Legends, Vol. 1
2003 – Hulk/Wolverine: 6 Hours (Hulk Legends, Vol. 1) (out of print) – 4-issue limited
2002 – Wolverine: Netsuke – 4-issue series. Not collected. May be alternate reality.
2003 – Spider-Man & Wolverine (2003) #1-4: Spider-Man Legends Vol. 4
Wolverine: X-Man, Avenger, and Origins Revealed (2003 – 2011)
This era begins with three big changes in status quo. First, Wolverine’s longtime ongoing is cancelled and relaunched as a Marvel Knights title, allowing it to be grittier and less super-heroic. Second, Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men launched to take the place of New X-Men, and continued to feature Wolverine in a prominent role. Finally, Wolverine became a full-time member of the Avengers!
Wolverine, Vol. 3 (2003-2009)
Begins July 2003 alongside only three other X-titles – Uncanny X-Men #424, New X-Men #136, and X-Treme X-Men #20.
Marvel’s cancellation of the prior Wolverine series seems mysterious, but not taken in the context of the market at the time. Marvel titles saw their lowest circulation numbers ever, and the biggest success stories were the alternate Ultimate universe comics – more realistic books that allowed new readers to start from scratch with their favorite characters.
Not coincidentally, though this issue is in the main Marvel-616 universe, it begins as a Marvel Knights title – adult, out-of-costume, and with no reference whatsoever to the X-Men.
recollected as…
#1-19: Wolverine by Greg Rucka Ultimate Collection (ISBN 0785158456)
as originally collected…
#1-6: Wolverine Vol. 1: The Brotherhood (ISBN 0785111368)
Highly regarded by fans (including myself).
#7-11: Wolverine Volume 2: Coyote Crossing (2004 paperback, ISBN 978-0785111375 / digital)
#12-19: Wolverine Vol. 3: Return of the Native (ISBN 0785113973)
(The July 2004 X-Men “ReLoad” event occurs around issue #14.)
#20-32: Wolverine: Enemy of the State
(2010 paperback, ISBN 978-0785133018 / 2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302962906 / digital)
This blockbuster arc is one of the largest-scale Wolverine stories ever told, both in length and scope. It occurs roughly at the same time as Uncanny X-Men #455-461. It was previously collected in two slimmer volumes: #20-25 (Vol. 1) and #26-32 (Vol. 2), and is also available in oversize hardcover (as ISBN 978-0785122067).
#20-32: Wolverine by Millar Omnibus Oversized Hardcover (ISBN 078516796X)
Collects Wolverine #20-32 and 66-72, Wolverine Giant-Size Old Man Logan.
#33-40: Wolverine by Daniel Way Complete Collection, Vol. 1
Collects Wolverine (1988) #187-189; Wolverine (2003) #33-40 (an arc that introduced the Origins series); Wolverine: Origins #1-5 and #1 Director’s Cut; Sabretooth (2004) #1-4; and material from I (Heart) Marvel: My Mutant Heart.
#33-35: House of M: World of M, Featuring Wolverine (ISBN 0785119227)
Also collects Black Panther #7, Captain America #10, and Pulse #10. Also available in hardcover as House of M: Wolverine, Iron Man, Hulk.
#36-40: Wolverine: Origins & Endings out-of-print (ISBN 0785119791)
This arc seems to split fan opinions evenly between “seminal” and “just dull.” Also available in hardcover.
(Here the Wolverine: Origins series begins, as listed in the section below.)
#41 & 49: Wolverine: Blood & Sorrow (ISBN 0785126072)
Also collects Giant-Size Wolverine #1 and X-Men Unlimited #12
#42-48 Civil War: Wolverine (ISBN 785119807)
Reprinted in 2016.
#50-55 Wolverine: Evolution (ISBN 0785122562)
Also available in hardcover and, specially, as a black and white hardcover, and recollected in Wolverine by Daniel Way Complete Collection, Vol. 2
#50-55: Wolverine: Sabretooth Oversized Hardcover (ISBN 078518385X)
Collects both the death (Wolverine #50-55) and rebirth (Wolverine #310-313) of Sabretooth by Loeb and Bianchi.
#56-61 Wolverine: The Death Of Wolverine (ISBN 0785126126)
Also available in hardcover. #56 is collected in Wolverine by Aaron Omnibus and Complete Collection, each below.
#62-65: Wolverine: Get Mystique (ISBN 785129639)
Favorable reviews. Roughly parallel to the Messiah Complex crossover. Collected below in Wolverine by Aaron Omnibus.
#62-65: by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 1
Collects Wolverine (2003) #56, 62-65, and b-stories from 73-74; Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4; Wolverine: Weapon X #1-5; and material from Aaron’s first published Wolverine stories in Wolverine (1988) #175.
#66-72: Wolverine: Old Man Logan (ISBN 0785131595)
An alternate reality story. Also collects Wolverine Giant-Size: Old Man Logan. Also available in hardcover and in the Millar Omnibus, above. Oversize hardcover reprinted in 2017.
#73-75: Wolverine: Weapon X, Vol. 1: The Adamantium Men (ISBN 0785141111)
Collects Wolverine stories from Wolverine #73-75 as well as Weapon X #1-5. Available in hardcover. Stories also collected in Wolverine by Aaron Omnibus and Complete Collection, each below.
At issue #75 the title of this volume changes to Dark Wolverine as part of the Dark Reign saga, but ultimately stays with that character (Daken) even after the saga is over. Logan gets a new title – Wolverine: Weapon X. Both series are covered below.
Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon (2004-2008)
Logan was one of the core cast members in this run. See Astonishing X-Men #1-24.
Secret War (2004-2005)
This mini-series introduces Logan to the cast of Avengers, though he doesn’t know it yet. See Marvel Universe Events: Secret War

New Avengers (2005-2010)
Logan is a regular cast member throughout this series. See New Avengers (2005-2010).
2003-2006 Limited Series, Appearances, One-Shots, and Original Graphic Novels
2003 – Spider-Man Legends Volume 4: Spider-Man & Wolverine (out of print): Collects Spider-Man & Wolverine as well as Spider-Man & Daredevil One Shot.
2003 – Wolverine Legends Volume 4: Xisle
2003 – Wolverine/Doop – See X-Statix for collection info. 2-issue insert into X-Statix, after issue #10.
2004 – Wolverine / Captain America – Co-stars Ms. Marvel. Also collects Wolverine #124.
2004 – Wolverine/Punisher Volume 1 – 5-issue limited. Recollected in Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017)
2005 – Wolverine: Soultaker: Collects Wolverine: Soultaker #1-5
Wolverine: Origins (2006 – 2010)
Buyer beware – this ongoing series blending modern adventures with flashbacks of Logan’s forgotten history draws consistently mixed reviews from fans. That said, this reader quite enjoyed it. Origins is a single 50-issue story that weaves a measure of subtlety into Logan’s origin without any implausible retcons – it just went off the rails a bit in the final arc. This title begins after events in Wolverine, Vol. 3 #40.
As recollected in Complete Collections…
#1-5: By Daniel Way Complete Collection, Vol. 1
Collects Wolverine (1988) #187-189; Wolverine (2003) #33-40 (an arc that introduced the Origins series); Wolverine: Origins #1-5 and #1 Director’s Cut; Sabretooth (2004) #1-4; and material from I (Heart) Marvel: My Mutant Heart.
#6-15 & Annual 1: By Daniel Way Complete Collection, Vol. 2
Collects Wolverine: Origins #6-15 & Annual 1, Wolverine (2003) #50-55, and What If: Wolverine #1
#16-32: By Daniel Way Complete Collection Vol. 3
Collects Wolverine: Origins #16-32, X-Men: Original Sin #1, X-men: Legacy (2008) #217-218, and material from Wolverine (2003) #73-74
#33-50: By Daniel Way Complete Collections, Vol. 4
Collects Wolverine: Origins #33-50 and Dark Wolverine #85-96
As originally collected…
#1-5: Vol. 1: Born In Blood (ISBN 0785122876)
Also available in hardcover.
#6-10: Vol. 2: Savior (ISBN 0785122883)
Available in hardcover.
#11-15: Swift And Terrible (ISBN 0785126133)
Available in hardcover.
#16-20 & Annual #1: Vol. 4: Our War (ISBN 0785126140)
Available in hardcover.
#21-27: Vol. 5: Deadpool (ISBN 0785126157)
Available in hardcover.
#21-25: Wolverine vs. Deadpool (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302904661 / digital / 2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302953133 / digital)
Collects Wolverine (1988) #88, 154-155, & material from Annual 95 & 99; Deadpool (1997) #27; Cable & Deadpool (2004) #43-44; Wolverine: Origins (2006) #21-25; Wolverine/Deadpool: The Decoy (2010) #1.
#28-30: X-Men: Original Sin (ISBN 0785129561)
Collects X-Men: Legacy #217-218, Wolverine: Origins #28-30, and X-Men Original Sin One-Shot. Available in hardcover.
#31-36: Dark Reign (ISBN 0785135388)
Also available in hardcover.
#37-40: Romulus (ISBN 0785136293)
Also available in hardcover.
#41-45: Seven The Hard Way (hardcover) (ISBN 0785146490)
Also available in hardcover.
#46-50: Wolverine: The Reckoning (ISBN 0785139788)
Also collects Dark Wolverine #85-87. Available in hardcover.
Dark Wolverine (2009-2010)
This is not a Wolverine title – it stars Daken, Wolverine’s son.
Daken: Dark Wolverine – Punishment
This is effectively “Daken: Complete Collection, Vol. 1” It includes this entire run with all crossover issues intact – Dark Wolverine #75-89, Dark Reign: The List – Punisher, Wolverine: Origins #47-48, Franken-Castle #19-20, and material from Dark Wolverine Saga
#75-77: Vol. 1: The Prince (ISBN 0785139003)
Also includes Daken backup stories from #73-74.
#78-81: Vol. 2: My Hero (ISBN 0785139775)
#82-84: Siege: X-Men – Dark Wolverine & New Mutants (hardcover) (ISBN 0785148159)
Also collects New Mutants #11 and Siege: Storming Asgard – Heroes & Villains.
#85-87: Wolverine: The Reckoning (hardcover) (ISBN 0785139788)
Also collects Wolverine: Origins #46-50.
#88-89: Franken-Castle (ISBN 078514420X)
Daken has a bloody run-in with The Punisher to kick off this unusual collection that sees the Punisher consort with a cast of 70s Marvel Monsters – because he is one of them! Collects Dark Reign: The List – Punisher, Punisher #11-16, Dark Wolverine #88-89, Franken-Castle #17-22. Available in hardcover.
#90: Collected in Daken – Dark Wolverine, Vol. 1: Empire in hardcover and paperback.
2007-2009 Limited Series, Appearances, One-Shots, and Original Graphic Novels
2008 – Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man and Other Tales – One-shot
2008 – Wolverine: Dangerous Games: Collects a series of one-shots, including Wolverine Annual #1: Deathsong, Wolverine: Dangerous Games, Wolverine: Firebreak, and Wolverine: Killing Made Simple.
2008 – Wolverine: Logan – Ostensibly a sequel to Origin, though it was not as well-received.
2008 – Wolverine: Saudade – One-shot. Translated version of an acclaimed French comic from 2006.
2008 – Astonishing Tales: Wolverine/Punisher (2008) in Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017)
2009 – Wolverine: Flies to a Spider – Collects a series of one-shots, including Wolverine: Chop Shop, Wolverine: Switchback, Wolverine Holiday Special: Flies To A Spider, and Wolverine Dead Man’s Hand.
2008-2009 – X-Men: Manifest Destiny: Collects Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-5, X-Men Manifest Destiny, and a Manifest Destiny Nightcrawler one-shot. Also collected in Wolverine by Aaron Omnibus and Complete Collection, each below.
2009 – Wolverine: One Night Only – Digital one-shot
2009 – Wolverine: Tales Of Weapon X: Collects Wolverine: First Class #1-2, Weapon X: First Class #1-3, and Wolverine and Power Pack #2.
2009 – Wolverine: Worst Day Ever – Wolverine retells his story in images from past comics.
2009 – Wolverine vs. Thor #1-3 in Wolverine vs. The Marvel Universe. Also collected in Wolverine: Wendigo (2010) one-shot, which in turn is collected in Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man and Other Bloody Tales
Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man And Other Bloody Tales: Collects many one-shots from this period – Wolverine #900 & 1000; Wolverine Annual (2007) 2; Rampaging Wolverine #1; Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man & Other Bloody Tales, Under The Boardwalk, Wendigo!, Carnibrawl, Savage, Mr. X, Dust From Above, Debt Of Death; and material from Wolverine: Switchback
Wolverine: Weapon X (2009 – 2010)
Jason Aaron becomes the full-time helmer of Logan, praised by the vast majority of fans (not including me – I despise Aaron’s take). Aaron’s Logan is hyper-violent, addicted to women, and not super-spy smart. His stories tend to snake around to conclusions hinted at by their early issues.
This series is collected in a single omnibus
#1-16: by Jason Aaron Omnibus
(2011 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785156390 / 2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302961367 / digital)
Collects the entire 16-issue Weapon X series, along with the preceding stories from Wolverine Vol. 3 #56 and #62-65; Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4; Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine; and material from Wolverine Vol. 3 #73-74, Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3, Wolverine Vol. 2 #175.
It is also collected in a pair of Complete Collections
#1-5: by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 1
Collects Wolverine (2003) #56, 62-65, and b-stories from 73-74; Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4; Wolverine: Weapon X #1-5; and material from Aaron’s first published Wolverine stories in Wolverine (1988) #175.
#6-16: by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 2
Also collects Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine and Dark X-Men: The Beginning
You can also collect the series in its original incarnation in three TPBs
#1-5: Weapon X, Vol. 1: The Adamantium Men (ISBN 0785141111)
Collects Wolverine stories from Wolverine #73-75 as well as Weapon X #1-5. A rough-and-tumble jungle fight between Logan and a team of mercenaries with laser claws. Available in hardcover.
#6-10: Weapon X, Vol. 2: Insane in the Brain Also collects Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine. Co-stars Psylocke and Nightcrawler in later issues. Available in hardcover.
#11-16: Weapon X, Vol. 3: Tomorrow Dies Today (ISBN 0785146512)
Features Captain America and a reboot of Deathlok. Available in hardcover.
Avengers & New Avengers (2010-2012)
Logan appears in both of these titles. See Avengers & New Avengers.
Wolverine: The Best There Is (2011)
A seriously disturbed twelve-issue maxi series featuring a clan of immortal, immoral, comedic, and insane villains who are trying to convince Logan to help them concoct something – but is it a disease or a cure? Fans were slow to warm to this book, but if you enjoyed Aaron’s “Insane in the Brain” arc you’ll love this. Also, Cyclops, Emma Frost, and Dazzler are surprisingly well-written supporting characters in the second half (as are a pair of intersexed intergalactic bounty hunters).
Due to the X-Men line-up it features, this must be placed prior to Wolverine #1-9, below.
as recollected…
#1-12: The Best There Is Ultimate Collection (2014 paperback, ISBN 978-0785167662 / digital)
as originally collected…
#1-6: The Best There Is – Contagion (ISBN 0785144323)
Also available in hardcover.
#7-12: The Best There Is – Broken Quarantine (ISBN 0785156348)
Available in hardcover.
2010-2012 Limited Series, Appearances, One-Shots, and Original Graphic Novels
2010 – Wolverine: Mr. X – One shot; collected in Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man and Other Bloody Tales
2010 – World War Hulks: Wolverine vs. Captain America – A two-issue mini. May not exist in regular continuity.
2010 – Wolverine & The Black Cat: Claws (ISBN 0785142851) – Also available in hardcover.
2010 – Wolverine: The Road to Hell – 2010 preview stories collected variously in Wolverine, Uncanny X-Force, and X-23.
2010 – Wolverine: Savage – One-shot. Collected in Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man and Other Bloody Tales
2010 – Wolverine: Wendigo! – One-shot collecting a three-part digital Wolverine/Thor comic and other stories. Collected in Wolverine vs. The Marvel Universe
2010 – Wolverine: Worst There Is – A one-shot from 2003’s anthology Wolverine #900
2011 – Wolverine: Under the Boardwalk – One-shot. Collected in Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man and Other Bloody Tales
2011 – Wolverine/Deadpool: The Decoy – One-shot, collected in Deadpool Team-Up Volume 3: BFFs and later in Deadpool Classic Vol. 15: All the Rest, as well as in Wolverine vs. Deadpool (2017 paperback, ISBN 978-1302904661 / digital / 2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302953133 / digital)
2011 – Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters, & Mutants (ISBN 0785141103) – 4-issue limited series. This story falls in the past at some unnamed time prior to Psylocke’s limited series.
2011 – Wolverine & The Black Cat: Claws 2 (ISBN 0785151869) – Also available in hardcover.
2011/12 – Wolverine & Captain America (ISBN 0785159428)
Wolverine, Vol. 4 #1-20 (2010-2012)
Aaron’s Weapon X concludes and switches to Wolverine Vol. 4 when Wolverine Vol. 3 (now titled Dark Wolverine) ends. Note that the absolutely gorgeous Jae Lee covers do not reflect the interior art.
The Jason Aaron material in a single omnibus…
Goes To Hell Omnibus
(2018 oversized hardcover, ISBN 978-1302911591 / 2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302961381 / digital TBA)
Collects Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #1-6; Wolverine (2010) #1-20, 5.1, & 300-304; X-Men: Schism #1-5; and material from Wolverine: Road To Hell
in the continuing series of Jason Aaron Complete Collections…
#1-9 & 5.1: Wolverine by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 3
Also collects Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #1-6 and Road to Hell
#10-20 & 300-304: Wolverine by Jason Aaron Complete Collection, Vol. 4
in original sequence…
#1-5: Wolverine: Wolverine Goes to Hell (ISBN 0785147853)
Literally follows Logan through his escape from hell. Also collects material from Wolverine: The Road To Hell and All-New Wolverine Saga. Available in hardcover.
#6-9 & 5.1: Wolverine: Wolverine vs. The X-Men (ISBN 078514787X)
While Logan is mired in hell, his possessed body battles the entire cast of the X-Men, including Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto, Namor, Rogue, and Kitty Pryde. Available in hardcover.
Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine (ISBN 0785140808)
Six-issue limited series written by Aaron with Adam Kubert art. Available in hardcover.
Logan’s participation in Fear Itself falls here, including a mini-series collected as Fear Itself: Wolverine / New Mutants in hardcover and paperback.
#10-16: Wolverine: Wolverine’s Revenge (ISBN 0785152806)
A highly bloody arc that has split fans down the middle with a conclusion that some find ingenious morality play and others find and implausible cliche. Either way, it has a huge impact on the impending Schism in the X-Men. Available in hardcover.
X-Men: Schism (ISBN 0785156887)
Logan is a major player in this X-Men event, which stems directly from the climax of Wolverine’s Revenge. Collects the Schism mini-series, X-Men: Choosing Sides, and X-Men: Regenesis. Also available as an oversized hardcover.
#17-20: Wolverine: Goodbye, Chinatown (ISBN 0785161422)
Available in hardcover.
Wolverine and the X-Men begins here.
Wolverine: Headmaster and Martyr (2011 – 2015)
The end of X-Men: Schism represented a big change in Logans philosophy, which is reflected throughout all of his appearances.
Wolverine #300-317 (2012-2013)
Wolverine adds up all of its prior numbers and comes up with #300 to kick off a final arc by Jason Aaron before scripting duties turn over to Cullen Bunn. Wolverine and the X-Men begins prior to #300 and runs alongside this series.
#300-304: Wolverine: Back in Japan (ISBN 0785161449)
Available in hardcover.
Annual 1: Marvel Tales (ISBN 0785140328)
Collects an Alan Davis Clandestine story running across Fantastic Four Annual 33, Daredevil Annual #1, Wolverine Annual #1 and Thor: Truth of History.
#305-309: Dr. Rot (ISBN 0785161465)
Cullen Bunn takes over scripting duties. Available in hardcover.
#310-313: Sabretooth Reborn (ISBN 0785163263)
A sequel to Wolverine: Evolution by the original creative team of Loeb and Bianchi. Be warned – fans largely hated this story. Available in hardcover.
#310-313: Sabretooth Oversized Hardcover (ISBN 078518385X)
Collects both the death (Wolverine #50-55) and rebirth (Wolverine #310-313) of Sabretooth by Loeb and Bianchi.
#314-317: Covenant (ISBN 0785164677)
It’s hard to say where to place Avengers vs. X-Men in this sequence of issues. See Marvel Universe Events: Avengers vs. X-Men for more information.
Wolverine and The X-Men (2011 – Present)
Astonishing X-Men #48 – 68 (2012-2013)
See Astonishing X-Men.
Savage Wolverine – Marvel Now! (2013 – 2015)
Features a rotating array of superstar creators.
#1-5: Vol. 1: Kill Island
By Frank Cho. Available in hardcover. Recollected as by Frank Cho: Savage Land (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302927301 / digital)
#6-8: Spider-Man & Wolverine by Zeb Wells & Joe Madureira
Available in oversize hardcover. Also collects Avenging Spider-Man #1-3.
#6-11: Vol. 2: Hands on a Dead Body
#6-8 by Wells & Madureira. #9-11 by Jock. Available in hardcover.
#12-17: Vol. 3: Wrath
By Phil Jimenez. Available in hardcover.
#18-23: Vol. 4: The Best There Is
Available in hardcover.
Wolverine, Vol. 5 & Vol. 6 by Paul Cornell – Marvel Now! (2013 – Present)
A new solo take on Logan from witty Brit Paul Cornell and classic Marvel artist Alan Davis! Logan also appears in Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers, Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers, Brian Bendis’s All-New X-Men, and Jason Aaron’s Wolverine and the X-Men.
in oversize hardcover…
The Death of Wolverine Omnibus [AKA Marvel Now or “by Cornell & Soule”]
(2024 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302959876 / digital)
Collects Logan’s complete run of present day Marvel Now series from 2013-2025 – Wolverine (2013) #1-13, Wolverine (2014) #1-12 & Annual 1, Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration (2014) #1 (Wolverine story), Death of Wolverine (2014) #1-4, Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program (2014) #1-5, Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy (2014) #1-7, Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America (2014) #1, Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan (2014) #1, Nightcrawler (2014) #7, Wolverine & The X-Men (2014) #10-11, and Storm (2014) #4-5
by single issue or story…
Wolverine: In the Flesh (2013) one-shot: The Arms of the Octopus
Collects All-New X-Men Special #1, Superior Spider-Man Team-Up Special #1, Indestructible Hulk Special #1, and and unrelated one-shot, Wolverine: In the Flesh #1.
Avengers: Endless Wartime
An OGN starring Logan, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and Captain Marvel
Wolverine: Japan’s Most Wanted Hardcover
Collects 13-issue web series by Jason Aaron.
#1-6: Vol. 1: Hunting Season (ISBN 0785183965)
Age of Ultron – Logan plays an extremely important role in the latter half of this event series, and it has ramifications on the next arc of this title. See Marvel Universe Events: Age of Ultron.
Marvel Knights X-Men #1-4: A mini-series starring Logan, Rogue, and Kitty Pryde that occurs prior to Battle of the Atom.
#7-13: Vol. 2: Killable
A new series of Wolverine and The X-Men begins here.
#1-7: Vol. 1: Three Months to Die, Book 1
#8-12 & Annual 1: Vol. 2: Three Months to Die, Book 2
#1-12 & Annual 1: Death of Wolverine Prelude: Three Months To Die (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302922832 / digital)
Also collects material from Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration (2014) #1
The Death of Wolverine (2014)
The initial “Death of” portion of this period was recollected into a single omnibus and single paperback:
The Death of Wolverine Omnibus [AKA Marvel Now or “by Cornell & Soule”]
(2024 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302959876 / digital)
Collects Logan’s complete run of present day Marvel Now series from 2013-2025 – Wolverine (2013) #1-13, Wolverine (2014) #1-12 & Annual 1, Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration (2014) #1 (Wolverine story), Death of Wolverine (2014) #1-4, Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program (2014) #1-5, Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy (2014) #1-7, Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America (2014) #1, Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan (2014) #1, Nightcrawler (2014) #7, Wolverine & The X-Men (2014) #10-11, and Storm (2014) #4-5
Death of Wolverine: The Complete Collection
Collects Death Of Wolverine #1-4, Death Of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1-5, Death Of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy# 1-7, Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1, Death Of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1
That material was originally released in three volumes, plus a tie-in volume of Wolverine and The X-Men (which was not collected in the Complete Collection)
Death of Wolverine #1-4
The main mini-series depicting Logan’s final actions. Available in oversized hardcover.
Wolverine and The X-Men, Vol. 2: Death of Wolverine
The latter half of this series acts as an epilogue to Logan’s death.
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1-7
A series looking at the heroes most impacted by Logan’s actions.
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1-5
A series following the fallout of Logan’s death as it connects to what is left of the Weapon X program. Also collects Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan.
After those mini-series and one-shots, Marvel launched a new Wolverines (2015) weekly series anchored by X-23 and Mystique, among others.
#1-20: Death of Wolverine Companion
Also collects Nightcrawler (2014) #7 and Wolverine & The X-Men (2014) #10-11
#1-5: Vol. 1: Dancing with the Devil
#6-10: Vol. 2: Claw, Blade, and Fang
#11-15: Vol. 3: The Living and The Dead
#16-20: Vol. 4: Destiny
Wolverines in All-New, All-Different Marvel (2015 – 2018)
There are two different Wolverines to follow in All-New, All-Different Marvel – X-23 and a time-displaced old Logan. X-23 stars in All-New Wolverine (covered in the X-23 Guide) as well as in All-New X-Men Vol. 2. Old Man Logan stars in Old Man Logan and Extraordinary X-Men.
Old Man Logan by Jeff Lemire…
Vol. 0: Warzones
Collects the Secret Wars lead-in to the new Old Man Logan, written by Brian Bendis.
#1-6: Vol. 1: Berzerker
#5-8: Vol. 2: Bordertown
#9-13: Vol. 3: The Last Ronan (ISBN 978-1-302-90314-5)
#14-18: Vol. 4: Old Monsters
This was solicited to include #19, but I’ve confirmed it to be in the next volume
#19-24: Vol. 5: Past Lives
Old Man Logan by Ed Brisson…
#25-30: Vol. 6: Days of Anger
Deadpool Vs. Old Man Logan #1-5
#31-35: Vol. 7: Scarlet Samurai
#36-40: Vol. 8: To Kill For
#41-45: Vol. 9: The Hunter and The Hunted
#46-50 & Annual 1: Vol. 10: End of the World
Dead Man Logan (2019) #1-6: Vol 1: Sins of the Father (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914653 / digital)
Dead Man Logan (2019) #7-12: Vol. 2: Welcome Back, Logan (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914660 / digital)
After Inhumans vs. X-Men, Old Man Logan joins the cast of X-Men Gold and Weapon X, the latter by Greg Pack and co-staring Sabretooth and Domino. See Guide to Weapon X.
Marvel Fresh Start: Logan Returns! (2018 – 2019)
Logan returns … but how and why is he back?
We first see Logan in single-page post-credits scenes across almost the entirety of Marvel in “Where’s Wolverine” titles. Then, he appears in the first issue of Infinity Countdown to hand off an Infinity Stone to another character. Is that what brought him back?
When the rest of the Marvel Universe realizes that Logan has returned, the hunt is on – in four different limited series starring characters from every different line.
Hunt for Wolverine (2018 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302913014 / digital)
Collects “Where’s Wolverine” pages (single pages in every Marvel comic that formed one issue worth of narrative), the Hunt For Wolverine (2018) #1 one-shot, the four simultaneous mini-series, and the Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends (2018) #1 epilogue. The four mini-series were also collected separately as paperbacks:
Weapon Lost (2018) #1-4 (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302913021 / digital) written by Charles Soule was a mystery anchored by Daredevil and Misty Knight.
Adamantium Agenda (2018) #1-4 (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302913038 / digital) written by Tom Taylor was effectively a New Avengers reunion starring Spider-Man, Iron Man, Luke Cage, & Jessica Jones.
Claws of a Killer (2018) #1-4 (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302913045 / digital) written by Mariko Tamaki and starring Sabretooth, Deathstrike, and Daken was a quick, creepy zombie-esque book.
Mystery In Madripoor (2018) #1-4 (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302913052 / digital) written by Jim Zub was a straightforward “X-Men in Madripoor” adventure starring Storm, Rogue, Psylocke, Domino, and Jubilee
Then, Logan returns in limited series – his first in over four years!
Return of Wolverine (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302911980 / digital)
Collects Return of Wolverine (2018) #1-5 by Charles Soul, Steve McNiven, and Declan Shalvey
Afterward, Logan did not graduate directly to an ongoing series. Instead, he continued through a string of limited series while also co-starring in the back half of Uncanny X-Men (2018) at the start of 2019 – see Guide to Uncanny X-Men (2011 – 2019)
Wolverine: Infinity Watch (2019) #1-5 (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302915810 / digital)
A peculiar Logan and Loki team-up in the wake of Infinity Wars.
Marvel Comics Presents (2019) #1-9: The Daughter of Wolverine (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302918361 / digital)
Only collects the Logan A-stories from each issue
Wolverine vs. Blade Special (2019) #1: Blade by Marc Guggenheim: The Complete Collection (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302923204 / digital)
Also collects Blade (2006) #1-12. [Marvel Unlimited]
The Age of Krakoa (2019 – Present)
House of X (2019) #1-6
Logan is a persistent presence in the modern day story in House of X that sets up the Krakoan status quo. See Guide to X-Men – Age of Krakoa for more information.
X-Force (2019) #1-(ongoing)
Logan is the anchor character of this Benjamin Percy X-Force run. Since Percy is also Logan’s own ongoing author in the Age of Krakoa, this title tends to tightly coordinate with his solo book. See Guide to X-Force.
Wolverine (2020) #1-50
and X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1-5 & X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-5
in oversize hardcover…
#1-5 & 8-12: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 1 (2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302933760 / digital)
#13: X-Men: Hellfire Gala Red Carpet Edition (2021 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302931568 / digital)
Collects the 10-issue Hellfire Gala sequence, which is not quite a direct crossover. Logan has some key plot points in these issues that send him on a new mission in his next arc. Collects Marauders (2019) #21, X-Force (2019) #20, Hellions (2020) #12, Excalibur (2019) #21, X-Men (2019) #21, Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1, New Mutants (2019) #19, X-Corp (2021) #2, Wolverine (2020) #13, S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6, Way of X (2021) #3, X-Factor (2020) #10, and material from Classic X-Men (1986) #7 and Hellfire Gala Guide (2021) #1.
#14-19 & 20-25: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 2 (2023 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302949785 / digital)
X Lives/Deaths fits in the middle of this volume.
X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1-5 & X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-5
(2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302931223 / 2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302931230 / digital)
#26-35 & 37-40: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 3 (2023 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302955861 / digital)
Note that issue #33 only includes the A-Story. This skips the Ghost Rider crossover issue, #36.
#41-50: Sabretooth War Omnibus (2025 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302961404 / digital TBA)
Also collects Sabretooth (2022) #1-5 and Sabretooth & The Exiles (2022) #1-5, which directly precede this story.
as originally collected…
#1-5: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 1 (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302921828 / digital)
#8-12: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 2 (2021 paperback, ISBN 978-1302921835 / digital)
I have confirmed that this contains both stories from issue #8 and does not include issue #13
#13: Not collected in paperback; The Hellfire Gala paperback has a much slimmer set of contents than the oversize hardcover, above.
#14-19: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 3 (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302927257 / digital)
I have confirmed this does not include issue #13.
X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1-5 & X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-5
(2022 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302931223 / 2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302931230 / digital)
#20-25: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 4 (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302927264 / digital)
#26-30: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 5 (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302932978 / digital)
Ms. Marvel & Wolverine (2022) #1: See Guide to Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan for this lightweight team-up issue.
#31-35: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 6 (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302947644 / digital)
#36: Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302952372 / digital)
Collects Ghost Rider/Wolverine Alpha (2023) #1, Ghost Rider (2022) #17, Wolverine (2020) #36, Ghost Rider/Wolverine Omega (2023) #1
#37-40: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 7 (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302951535 / digital)
#41-45: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 8: Sabretooth War, Part 1 (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302954727 / digital)
#46-50: by Benjamin Percy, Vol. 8: Sabretooth War, Part 2 (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302954734 / digital TBA)
Wolverine: Black, White & Blood (2020)
An anthology series of continuity-lite black-and-white plus red stories set at many different points in Logan’s history.
#1-4: Black, White & Blood (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302927851 / digital)
Wolverine: Patch (2022) #1-5
This story is set just before Larry Hama takes over the scripting duties on Logan’s 1988 title.
#1-5: Patch (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302932060 / digital)
Murderworld: Wolverine (2023) #1
Logan (nor any another clawed mutant character character!) never actually appears in this Arcade-focused series.
#1: Murderworld (2023 paperback, ISBN 978-1302947224 / digital)
Collects this series of interconnected one-shots, all from 2023: Murderworld: Avengers, Murderworld: Spider-Man, Murderworld: Wolverine, Murderworld: Moon Knight, and Murderworld: Game Over.
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023) #1-5 by Ben Percy
A retcon, continuity-lite series mashing up Logan with this classic Fox film property (now owned by Disney)
#1-5: (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302955045 / digital)
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights (2024) #1-5 by Chris Claremont & Edgar Salazar
A retcon series by Chris Claremont revisiting the story and setting directly following the classic Uncanny X-Men (1963) #268.
#1-5: Madripoor Knights (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302952242 / digital)
Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII (2024) #1-3 by Joe Kelly
#1-3 (2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302953478 / digital)
Wolverine: Blood Hunt (2024) #1-4 by Thomas Waltz & Juan Jose Ryp
#1-4: See Marvel Universe Events – Blood Hunt for more information.
Hellverine (2024A) 1-4 by Ben Percy
Ben Percy returns to the Ghost Rider-infused version of Logan from (2020) #36, though this time it’s a different hero behind the fiery claws.
#1-4: Hellverine: Resurrection (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302959982 / digital)
Wolverine: Deep Cut (2024) #1-4 by Chris Claremont
A retcon story set in the Australian Outback era just after Uncanny X-Men (1963) #246.
#1-4: Deep Cut (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302960667 / digital)
X-Men: From the Ashes
Wolverine (2024) #1-(TBA) by Saladin Ahmed & Martín Cóccolo (Aug 2024 – ongoing)
Also during this series, Logan is a regular cast member in Uncanny X-Men (see Guide to X-Men – From The Ashes), in Venom War: Wolverine (2024) #1-3 (see Guide to Venom), and in Weapon X-Men (see Guide to Weapon X).
#1-5: Vol. 1: In the Bones (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302958039 / digital TBA)
Deadpool / Wolverine (2025) #1-(TBA) by Ben Percy & Joshua Cassara (Jan 2025 – ongoing)
#1-5: Vol. 1 (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302962814 / digital TBA)
Wolverine: Alternate Realities
The Darkness/Wolverine – Not collected
Wolverine: Snikt! (Wolverine Legends), reprinted as 2023 paperback (ISBN 978-1974738533 / digital)
Wolverine: Prodigal Son – B&W Manga Story
Wolverine/Shi & Wolverine: Judgement Night (2000) – Crossovers with Shi.
Wolverine: The End, reprinted as a 2020 paperback (ISBN 978-1302924607)
Powerless (Spider-Man, Wolverine, Daredevil)
Wolverine vs. The Marvel Universe in hardcover and paperback, a prelude to Punisher vs. The Marvel Universe
Wolverine: The Long Night Adaptation (2019 paperback) – Collects the five-issue adaption of the podcast of the same name
Wolverine: Violent Tendencies novel (2007 paperback, ISBN 978-1416510741 / 2021 Audiobook CD / Audiobook digital)
Marvel Studios’ Deadpool & Wolverine: The Art of the Movie Slipcase
(2024 slipcase hardcover, ISBN 978-1302958725 / digital TBA)
Marvel Studios’ Deadpool & Wolverine: Exposed – Photos From the Set
(2025 hardcover, ISBN 978-1302963378 / digital TBA)
Wolverine: Revenge (2024) #1-5 by Jonathan Hickman & Greg Capullo (2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302960674 / digital TBA)
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Hello I’m basing a list off of your wolverine collection Im having trouble understanding what “X 54” is. Its located after 103 & 102.5. Could you maybe lead me in a better direction? Ive searched around and it pulls up a bunch of different titles. Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry, that’s me not expanding my own shorthand! That’s X-Men, Volume 2 (1991) #54!
Hey I just picked up Wolverine Annual #2 (2008), you have any idea where that falls on your wolverine list?
Based on a quick lookup, I think this is one of the last things he does prior to Ellis’s Astonishing X-Men #25.
What if wolverine #7 was an agent of shield. Any idea where that falls?
Hey where do you pull your research from when putting this all together?
I make a lot of use of comic databases like CBDB, Comics.org, and ComicVine to make sure I’ve located all of the possible series, and then I use a combination of those, Amazon, and Previews to track the collections. My system is a lot more sophisticated now than it was when I first published this guide!
This guide is a lifesaver, thank you so much! I was looking for something to help me track down what to read and how to avoid duplicates/reprints/etc, and you have saved the day!
I did notice you have a note about the Greg Rucka book “Electra and Wolverine: The Redeemer” and whether or not it fits into continuity. I tracked this down solely because I have been a Yoshitaka Amano fan way before I ever became a Marvel fan; the book is more a heavily illustrated novel than a comic. That said though, to answer your question it is not a flashback story, at least not told in flashback. It reads to me like a standalone work, but I don’t know anything about Elektra so I can’t comment for sure on that.
Where does Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk fit into this list? The 6 issues written by Damon Lindelof.
Ultimate Wolverine is a totally different character; check out the Ultimate Comics page.
First off, a HUGE thanks for compiling this list…it’s unbelievably well organized, extremely well written, and frankly I hope you are making some income (it is well deserved). Anyway, what is your recommendation on when to read Daniel Way’s Origins 1-50? Would it be after Issue 40 Origins & Endings and before Blood & Sorrow? Thanks in advance!
If you’re intent on reading a lot of Wolverine and doing it in as big chunks as possible, I’d consider first reading Civil War material, then reading Origins #1-50, then reading the remainder of Wolverine (2003) and Wolverine: Weapon X.
After issue 37 of Vol 2, you list Wolverine/Punisher: #1-3. Is this uncollected? I couldn’t find any reference to it around this early 1991 time period. Thanks.
New Invaders issue 6 is an enemy of the state tie-in issue featuring wolverine
Wolverine #101 is reprinted in X-Men: Road to Onslaught Vol. 3
The first Wolverine & Black Cat: Claws volume is actually from 2006, not 2010
The unspecified early Wolverine story included in Wolverine First Class Vol 1: The Rookie TPB is Incredible Hulk #181.
Awesome, thank you!
Daniel Way Complete Collections, Vol. 4 has Dark Wolverine issues #85-56 for the crossover included, not 85-96 as that series only went to issue 90.
Wolverine: The Best There Is (2011) would need to come shortly before issue 16 of Wolverine: Weapon X as Beast is still on Utopia and he left Utopia right after Nightcrawler’s death, which issue 16 of Wolverine: Weapon X focuses on.
World War Hulks: Captain America vs Wolverine #1-2 are in continuity.
Missing Wolverine and Jubilee from 2011 which is collected in ‘Wolverine and Jubilee: Curse of the Mutants’
Given one of the panels in Wolverine (2010) #6, it most likely comes before that so I’d place it prior to that series.
Missing the one-shot issue Wolverine: Development Hell from 2010
Another comic to add here would be Captain America annual 8. It was collected in the Best of Wolverine collection. I didn’t see it in the X-Men list either. I’ve seen it listed elsewhere after Uncanny X-Men 203.
Thanks for the catch. I don’t know how I’ve missed adding this repeatedly, since it’s a significant early Wolverine appearance!
Although the events of Avengers vs. X-Men aren’t mentioned in any of the Wolverine #300-#317 issues, it’s most likely that it comes before #314 due to the other series being published at the time.
Missing Logan’s appearances in Alpha Flight (2011) #6-8, which come after Fear Itself and while Logan was a member of the Avengers.
For Savage Wolverine; #6-8 happened a few months prior (a subtle way of saying before Superior Spider-Man without getting more exact than that), #9-11 happen in an alternate future timeline and #12-13 are before Battle of The Atom.
Also for Savage Wolverine; #14-17 are set in 1933 until the end of #17 which is a present day epilogue to the story. #18 is set in 1963, with part of it happening on the day of the Kennedy assassination. The timeline for that issue is a little off though as Logan is shown to already have his adamantium skeleton. #19 is set not long after Jubilee joined the X-Men, but once they’d returned to the school from Australia. #20 is set in 1929 around the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, unfortunately it also depicts Logan with adamantium calls which he couldn’t have had that far back. #21-22 is set in 1918 during WWI.
The issues I haven’t mentioned seem to take place around 2013 or so, prior to the 2013 Wolverine solo series or close to it, but don’t give any particular dates or indications of when they’re definitively set.
Age of Ultron comes before issue #6 of Wolverine (2013) as in that issue Logan loses his healing factor, which he has during Age of Ultron.
#27AU of the 2011 volume of Wolverine & The X-Men is an Age of Ultron tie-in issue so that’s when the event occurs, before the 2013 volume of Wolverine.
Thank you for all your hard work! I’m looking to custom bind a Wolverine Krakoa companion (doesn’t have to by Percy). I think it’ll look like
Ms. Marvel & Wolverine (2022) #1
Ghost Rider/Wolverine Alpha (2023) #1
Ghost Rider (2022) #17
Wolverine (2020) #36
Ghost Rider/Wolverine Omega (2023) #1
Hellverine #1-4
… Would you add anything else?
Good morning :) I am really having a hard time deciding between purchasing the Death of Wolverine Omnibus or the Decimation Omnibus. What are your feelings on both, and how do you think I should base my decision. Thanks, and Kudos to a very informed website.
The Death of Wolverine omnibus has two whole Wolverine series, neither of which were especially memorable, and then the hodge-podge of “Death of” mini-series and one-shots. I would recommend it if you want to read tons of Wolverine and have ALL of his other omnibuses.
The Decimation omnibus has all of the Decimation mini-series and a handful of tie-in issues from ongoings. While some of them are interesting, I’m in no hurry to re-read any of them. I would recommend it if you are a massive House of M fan AND X-Men fan who wants to see the immediate impact of House of M on the X-Men. (Buy the House of M omni first if you don’t have it already!)