The definitive issue-by-issue comic book collecting guide and trade reading order for New X-Men by Grant Morrison and X-Men (1991) #157-207 comic books via omnibuses, hardcovers, and trade paperback graphic novels.Part of Crushing Krisis’s Crushing Comics. Last updated November 2024 with titles scheduled for release through June 2025.
X-Men (1991) was rechristened New X-Men in 2001 when Grant Morrison took the helm with issue #114, indicating their radical (and sometime controversial) departure from X-Men status quo.
Morrison created the first truly definitive period in X-Men history since Chris Claremont’s departure. They stripped down the core team to the bare bones of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Emma Frost, and Beast – all also acting as the staff at the Xavier school.
New X-Men is a challenging, often off-putting run packed with new ideas, challenging concepts, and artwork that ranges from beautiful to near-obscene (sometimes in the space of a few panels).
This is the run that forged the Cyclops and Emma Frost relationship that exists to this day, but not at the expand of Jean Grey. Morrison was the first writer to meaningfully develop Jean Grey in years. They also introduced Fantomex (in Annual 1) and exploded the size and scope of the world of mutants at large, developing the idea of mutant culture outside of the X-Men.
After Morrison’s run ended in 2004 the book reverted back to its prior X-Men, Vol. 2 name while maintaining its issue numbering for another 52 issues as written by Chuck Austen, Peter Milligan, and Mike Carey.
Meanwhile, the remainder of Morrison’s team continued directly to Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men.
- New X-Men by Grant Morrison
- X-Men, Vol. 2 (1991) #157-187: Reloaded by Chuck Austen & Peter Milligan (2004 – 2006)
- X-Men, Vol. 2 (1991) #188-207: by Mike Carey (2006 – 2008)

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New X-Men #114-156 & Annual 1 by Grant Morrison
Begins July 2001, parallel to the launch of Chris Claremont’s X-Treme X-Men (2001), Uncanny X-Men (1963) #394, the launch of what would become the X-Statix team in X-Force (1991) #116, Wolverine (1988) #164, Cable (1993) #93, and Deadpool (1997) #54.
The thirty-two issue run of New X-Men by Grant Morrison is collected three ways – one massive tome, six smaller books, or three bigger ones.
The final two issues – #155-156 – were an epilogue written by Chuck Austen and are collected separately as Uncanny X-Men Volume 6: Bright New Mourning (2004 paperback, ISBN 978-0785114062 / digital) along with Uncanny X-Men (1963) #435-436 & #442-443. This two issues are also collected alongside the next era, below. [Marvel Unlimited: Main Series, Annual]
as as single omnibus…
New X-Men Omnibus
(2006 glued-binding oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785123262 / 2012 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785165057 / 2015 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302901967 / 2016 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302901967 / 2023 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302949846 / digital)
Each printing of this all-in-one omnibus edition includes the same contents. What differs between editions are the dust jacket, cover boards, and quality of print materials. The initial 2006 edition had the best paper quality with thick, creamy paper, but a a book with such a high page count and a glued blinding is not very durable. Starting with the 2012 edition, the book had a durable sewn binding. However, from 2012 onwards the paper quality has gotten progressively thinner.
as three oversized hardcovers and matching “Ultimate” paperbacks…
#114-126 & Annual 1/2001: Vol. 1
(2002 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785109648 / 2008 paperback, 978-0785132516)
Annual 2001 fits between #116-117 in story order.
#127-138: Vol 2
(2003 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785111184 / 2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785132523)
#139-154: Vol. 3
(2004 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785112006 / 2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785132530)
as paperback Epic Collections…
#114-126 & Annual 1/2001: New X-Men Modern Era Epic Collection Vol. 1: E is for Extinction
(2024 paperback, ISBN 978-1302957964 / digital)
Annual 2001 fits between #116-117 in story order.
#127-141: New X-Men Modern Era Epic Collection Vol. 2: New Worlds
(2025 paperback, ISBN 978-1302961268 / digital TBA)
as eight digest-sized paperback books…
#114-117 & Annual 1/2001: by Grant Morrison – Book 1 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155034)
Annual 2001 fits between #116-117 in story order.
#118-121: by Grant Morrison – Book 2 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155188)
#122-126: by Grant Morrison – Book 3 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155263)
#127-133: by Grant Morrison – Book 4 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155324)
#134-138: by Grant Morrison – Book 5 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155362)
This “Riot at Xavier’s” story is considered by many fans to be the peak of Morrison’s run on the book (along with the subsequent “Murder at the Mansion” in issues #139-141).
#139-145: by Grant Morrison – Book 6 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155379)
This begins with the “Murder at the Mansion” story in issues #139-141 featuring Bishop, Sage, Emma Frost, and Jean Grey. It continues to a Wolverine/Cyclops adventure focusing on Fantomex’s origin in the accelerated time laboratory “The World.”
#146-150: by Grant Morrison -Book 7 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155386)
Later recollected as X-Men: Phoenix in Darkness by Grant Morrison (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914288 / digital) along with the contents of Book 8.
#151-154: by Grant Morrison – Book 8 (2011 digest-size paperback, ISBN 978-0785155393)
This alternate-future tale has little impact on the present-day story of the X-Men, other than permanently canonizing the Scott/Emma relationship for future runs. Later recollected as X-Men: Phoenix in Darkness by Grant Morrison (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914288 / digital) along with the contents of Book 7.
as originally collected in paperback…
#114-117 & Annual 1/2001: Vol. 1: E is for Extinction (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-0785108115 / digital)
There may have been an initial printing of this paperback in 2002. Annual 2001 fits between #116-117 in story order.
#118-126: Vol. 2: Imperial (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-0785108870 / digital)
#127-133: Vol. 3: New Worlds (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785109761 / digital)
#134-138: Vol. 4: Riot at Xavier’s (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785110675 / digital)
This arc is considered by many fans to be the peak of Morrison’s run on the book (along with the subsequent “Murder at the Mansion” in issues #139-141).
#139-145: Vol. 5: Assault on Weapon Plus (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785111191 / digital)
This begins with the “Murder at the Mansion” story in issues #139-141 featuring Bishop, Sage, Emma Frost, and Jean Grey. It continues to a Wolverine/Cyclops adventure focusing on Fantomex’s origin in the accelerated time laboratory “The World.”
#146-150: Vol. 6: Planet X (2004 paperback, ISBN 978-0785112013 / digital)
Later recollected as X-Men: Phoenix in Darkness by Grant Morrison (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914288 / digital) along with the contents of Volume 7.
#151-154: Vol. 7: Here Comes Tomorrow (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785113454 / digital)
This alternate-future tale has little impact on the present-day story of the X-Men, other than permanently canonizing the Scott/Emma relationship for future runs. Later recollected as X-Men: Phoenix in Darkness by Grant Morrison (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302914288 / digital) along with the contents of Volume 6.
New X-Men Companion (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302918415 / digital)
This really has nothing to do with Morrison’s run, but is labeled as a companion because it features much of the cast members and reflect the status quo. Collects X-Men Unlimited (1993) #35, 37-39, 46-47, & 49-50; X-Men Unlimited (2004) #1; and material from X-Men Unlimited (1993) #34, 36, 40-43, 48
X-Men Vol. 2 (1991) #157-187: The Reload by Austen & Milligan
Begins in July 2004 concurrent with the X-Men Reloaded event – parallel to Uncanny X-Men (1963) #444 and the launches of the Whedon/Cassidy Astonishing X-Men, Excalibur (2004), and New X-Men: Academy X (2004). Also, it was just two months into the run of Cable & Deadpool.
In the Marvel Universe, House of M occurs halfway through the run.
All of the X-Men titles experienced a “Reload” that shuffled their creators and casts after Morrison’s lengthy storyline concluded in 2004.
As part of the Reload, Chris Claremont retook the role of writing on Uncanny with original Excalibur artist Alan Davis (along with Chris Bachalo). Meanwhile, former Uncanny and X-Treme artist Salvador Larroca switched to the once-again adjectiveless X-Men book for the majority of this run, along with a pair of writers – first Chuck Austen through issue #164, and then Peter Milligan through #187. Morrison’s themes were split in two, with his cast of heroes continuing in Joss Whedon & John Cassaday’s Astonishing X-Men (2004), while New X-Men: Academy X (2004) took on Xavier’s renewed scholastic focus.
The team for the beginning of this run was Gambit, Havok, Iceman, Juggernaut, Polaris, Rogue, Wolverine, and an intermittent Emma Frost. At #171 Wolverine and Emma Frost switch, with Emma becoming a permanent member and Wolverine appearing sporadically. The team varies for the Apocalypse arc. [Marvel Unlimited: Main Series, Black Panther, Decimation]
in oversize hardcover…
#177-179: X-Men: Decimation Omnibus (2024 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-1302960247 / digital)
Collects House of M #8, Mutopia X #5, Decimation: House of M – The Day After, X-Men (1991) #177-179, New X-Men (2004) #20-24, X-Factor (2005) #1-4, Generation M (2005) #1-5, Son of M #1-6, X-Men: The 198 #1-5, Sentinel Squad O*N*E #1-5, New Avengers (2004) #16-20, X-Men Unlimited (2004) #13, X-Men: The 198 Files
as recollected in full from 2019 to 2022…
#157-164: X-Men: Reload [AKA X-Men by Chuck Austen, Vol. 3] (2020 paperback, ISBN 978-1302924010 / digital)
Collects Uncanny X-Men (1963) #437-443, New X-Men (2001) #155-156, and X-Men (1991) #157-164
#165: X-Men: Reload By Chris Claremont Vol. 1 – The End of History (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302913786 / digital)
Collects Uncanny X-Men (1981) #444-461 and X-Men (1991) #165
#166-176: X-Men by Peter Milligan Vol. 1: Dangerous Liaisons (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302916503)
Also collects a direct crossover with Black Panther (2005) #8-9
#177-187: X-Men by Peter Milligan [Vol. 2]: Blood of Apocalypse (2022 paperback, ISBN 978-1302930905 / digital)
Also collects Cable & Deadpool (2004) #26-27, but not Decimation: House of M – The Day After (2006) #1, which is in X-Men: Reload by Chris Claremont Vol. 2 – House of M (2019 paperback, ISBN 978-1302920531 / digital)
as originally collected…
#157-165: X-Men: Day of the Atom (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-0785115342 / digital)
#166-170: X-Men: Golgotha (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-0785116509 / digital)
#171-174: X-Men: Bizarre Love Triangle (2005 paperback, ISBN 978-0785116653 / digital)
#175-176: X-Men/Black Panther: Wild Kingdom (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785117896 / digital)
Collects X-Men (1991) #175-176 and a direct crossover into Black Panther (2005) #8-9, and lays the groundwork for Storm’s later marriage to Black Panther. See Guide to Black Panther for further collection options, including an omnibus.
House of M: See Guide to Marvel Universe Events – House of M. This event is anchored by the Astonishing X-Men team, which includes Cyclops and Emma Frost.
#177-181: Decimation: X-Men – The Day After (House of M) (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785119845 / digital)
Collects X-Men #177-181 and Decimation: House of M – The Day After.
#182-187: X-Men: Blood of Apocalypse (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785119852 / digital)
Directly preceded by X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula (2006) #1-4, collected in Apocalypse vs. Dracula (2006 paperback, ISBN 978-0785119487 / digital). Also, see Guide to Marvel’s Dracula for more information.
X-Men Vol. 2 (1991) #188-207 & Annual 1: Mike Carey’s X-Men
Begins in July 2006, parallel to Uncanny X-Men (1963) #475, the beginning of the Wolverine Civil War arc in Wolverine (1988) #42, Cable & Deadpool (2004) #28, New X-Men: Academy X (2004) #26, X-Factor (2005) #7, the launch of Wolverine: Origins (2006), and during the run of Astonishing X-Men (2004) #13-18.
In the Marvel Universe, it begins in the midst of Civil War.
The team revolved in these issues, but generally included some combination of Rogue, Cannonball, Iceman, Mystique, and Wolverine, in addition to other heroes including Cable, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Sunspot, Lady Mastermind, Sabretooth, and Karima Shapandar. This run has long been a major favorite of fans, partially due to outstanding artwork from Chris Bachalo.
The creative team for these twenty issues was writer Mike Carey with artists Chris Bachalo and Humberto Ramos – both of whom use a less-realistic, animated style of illustration. After Messiah Complex, Marvel rechristened the book X-Men Legacy (2008), though it continued its numbering from this volume. [Marvel Unlimited: Main Series, Annual, Endangered Species]
as recollected in a single volume in 2018 through the start of Messiah Complex…
X-Men: Marauders [AKA X-Men by Mike Carey] (2018 paperback, ISBN 978-1302913779 / digital)
Collects X-Men (1991) #188-204 & Annual 1/2007. Note that this only includes the A-stories from #200-204, not the Endangered Species backups.
as previously collected…
#188-199 & Annual 1/2007: X-Men: Supernovas
(2007 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785125143 / 2007 paperback, ISBN 978-0785123194 / digital)
Annual 1/2007 fits between issues #193-194 in story order. [Ed Note: I feel that Bachalo’s artwork in this run really benefits from the oversized format.]
#200-204: X-Men: Blinded by the Light (2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785125440 / digital)
A brief, somewhat-confusing story that helps to set up the situation between Rogue and the Marauders in Messiah Complex. Does not collect the serialized Endangered Species back-up stories.
X-Men: Endangered Species
(2008 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785130123 / 2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785128205 / digital)
Collects X-Men: Endangered Species (2007) #1 and serialized back-up stories from Academy X (2004) #40-42, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #488-491, X-Factor (2006) #21-24, and X-Men (1991) #200-204. It’s effectively a prelude to Messiah Complex (and has the same trade dress). The back-up from Uncanny X-Men (1963) #489 is sometimes collected along with Age of Apocalypse materials; see Guide to Marvel Universe Events – Age of Apocalypse.
#205-207: X-Men: Messiah Complex
(2008 oversize hardcover, ISBN 978-0785128991 / 2008 paperback, ISBN 978-0785123200 / digital / 2020 “Milestones” paperback, ISBN 978-1302922801 / digital)
Collects X-Men: Messiah CompleX (2008) One-Shot, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #492-494, X-Men (1991) #205-207, Academy X (2004) #44-46, X-Factor (2005) #25-27, and X-Men: Messiah CompleX – Mutant Files. (Milestones edition may omit Mutant Files).
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Missing X-Men by Peter Milligan, Vol. 2: Blood of Apocalypse (9781302930905/ 1302930907) which collects; Cable & Deadpool (2004) 26-27, X-Men (1991) 177-187