Because i have a minuscule, highly-atomic OCD-Godzilla tramping around in my soul, crushing tiny mitochondria like so-many prop houses made out of cardboard, i almost couldn’t allow the Roundup series to extend to the hideously prime 11.
Then i realized that this is the eleventh month of the year so it would totally make sense.
I’m still not completely at peace with it, but Godzilla has retreated back to his radioactive hidey-hole so i can get down to business.
209 S blogs between here and recording more new music and writing real content. 209. 209. 209. I should record a whole song of me saying it over and over and over.
Seriously, my Beatles Complete Scores book actually has the score for Revolution #9. As if anyone has that at the top of their list of Beatles songs to play out of the 200ish in the book.
Okay, now i’m just stalling. Although, that book was possibly the most satisfying $50 i’ve ever spent on myself.
But, hey, that’s a great idea! I’ll listen to a tiny fraction of every Beatles song chronologically for every S blog i read! If a song ends my time is up, and the blogger gets an honorary link for wasting my time holding my attention.
Although, more likely is that I might hear 2 whole seconds of some of them while i frantically click away!
Just kidding. I actually average 46 seconds of attention per blog, which means this should take me about three hours, and plenty of catchy choruses.
Please Please Me
“Anna (Go To Him).” Suzie Petunia is way more OCD than me. She’s, like, Elise realms of OCD. Did you know i only date girls smarter and more obsessive compulsive than me?
“Chains.” Congrats to Sugar Photography for being named Best Family Photog in Dallas! She and Memoirs of a Mommy should get together to share some self-employed photogra-tips.
With the Beatles
“Don’t Bother Me.” Syndicate Product follows up on the Philly Paper Strike story i touched last week to let us know that if the strike occurs Philly news-people have established a website for on-strike reporting: PhilaPapers.
A Hard Day’s Night
“And I Love Her.” (ooo, one of the better early ballads). Sunshine & Lollipops posts a ridiculously easy homemade tree decoration (and also one slightly more challenging one).
“I’ll Cry Instead” (This is one of those songs that I never have any recollection of when i open up the book). Suga Cookie has one of the most innovative designs i’ve seen in 2,000+ NaBloPoMo blogs.
(grrrr, i would have liked to hear more of “Things We Said Today”)
Beatles for Sale
“Rock ‘n Roll Music.” Bookshelves that are also a coffin, via Struggling Author. I got no kick against modern jazz.
“Eight Days a Week.” I just liked Strange Networks. He is one of those very meta people who wrote a post to greet Writing Aspirations when she came through to review. Where are my welcome posts, damnit?
(Kidding! I love Rashenbo, proprietor of said Writing site.)
“I Don’t Want to Spoil the Party.” Speaking of Rashenbo, i can see why she named Stinky Mouse as one of her Top 10 Ss. I mean, it’s a blog (partially) hosted by a stuffed animal. Why are you on, little mouse? Maybe for all the media support, i suppose. If you want to leave for a subdomain or domain drop me a line…
“Help!” Stefanie Says is thinking about online dating services to score a Twin-Cities man, but based on the bio in that post and her picture here i’m not understanding the disconnect. Surely i have a well-adjusted Minneapolisean guy out there who would date a girl whose description includes the sentence, “frequent tikki bars and restaurants with all-you-can-eat sushi floating around in little boats.”
“Act Naturally” Stale Betty podcasts The Broad Cast. I haven’t interrupted Ringo to take a listen, but I’ll have to check back later to satiate my curiosity.
Past Masters 1
(Listen, i know my Beatles. I didn’t want to split up the album order for singles, so Past Masters are ordered by their latest single.)
“Thank You Girl.” I literally have never heard this song before in my life. I hope i’m the kind of dad that Spit Up and Shut Down is … when his little one resorts to extra long baths he sits in the bathroom and plays Elliott Smith songs. Can i platonically swoon at a man for his parenting techniques? His next goal is to learn “Thirteen,” an excellent Big Star cover, also covered by Garbage. You go, dad!
“I Wanna Hold Your Hand.” Technicality link! I spent the entire song reading and commenting at Spinning Jennie, even though i might not have typically linked her. Nice to meet you, Jennie.
“I Feel Fine.” Great sentence: “In a meditative trance I watch the variegated patterns of Earth glide by me.” The impetus? live footage of satellite imagery. Via Space Tramp (tee hee).
Rubber Soul
Middle Beatles. Almost halfway.
“You Won’t See Me.” Yes! One of my all-time favorite songs paired with my current favorite mixed drink, the Blueberry Martini! Via Southern Fried Goodness. Except she’s using blueberry mix. Girl needs some blueberry Stoli. I left her a note to that effect.
“In My Life.” My favorite song, as sung earlier this month. Somewhat Refined stops to teach a brat who’s boss. Hell yeah. She also posts some classic adverts. Two topics i don’t specialize in but am very fond of. Another Top 10 S from Writing Aspirations.
“Wait.” This Savory Mashed Root Vegetables recipe looks absolutely killer. Sadly, Elise seems to have a policy wherein i am obligated to cook any recipe i gleaned from a blog by myself. Boo. Found on Something So Clever.
“Here There and Everywhere.” I cry pretty much every time i hear this now even though i don’t really like the song because Kate and Lindsay looked so gorgeous walking down the aisle to it. Damnit, stop crying. I refuse to blog while crying. Go read Solipsistic Scribblings while i recover – super-nice blogger, and another top tenner.
“Yellow Submarine.” This is a technicality, but i would have probably blogged it anyway: Socks on the Floor was a pianist for years, and wants to get back into it with the purchase of a piano (real or electric).
We received a Casio Priva from Elise’s mother last X-Mas that i have been blogging about all year, because it enabled me to finally achieve my lifelong dream of learning how to play piano. I was ultra-skeptical of having a digital rather than an upright, but weighted keys plys all my 3am Tori-sessions performed straight to headphones shifted my opinion rather quickly.
Magical Mystery Tour
(Okay, this one i fudged a little. It was released five months after Sgt. Pepper’s, but as a child i got used to Pepper’s back to back with White Album, so that’s the way it’s gonna be. Stop pouting.)
“Flying.” Flying is the only Beatles-penned instrumental, and the only Beatles song with a writing credit to each member of the group. And it falls on Snippy, not only my favorite S blog, but one of my favorite blogs of the whole damn month. I can’t really explain it in a way i’m sure you would understand. She fills mundane disappointments with humor, mostly owing to her deep recesses of sarcasm.
I guess i just like being able to read a mostly personal blogger without feeling like i need a 12-page primer on their entire life’s history.
“Baby You’re a Rich Man.” I always forget how weird this song is. Smackey succinctly recaptures the sensation of missing something that was hardly yours to miss. Or something like that. It’s a short post, go read it.
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band
I’m now starting to see blogs that have actually finished the event. And they are wasting this album.
This was a perfect post for “When I’m Sixty-Four.” Thank you, Simply Stated.
“Sgt. Pepper’s (Reprise).” A great, great, great “how we met” story from Simian Farmer. Way better than mine.
The Beatles AKA White Album
“Dear Prudence.” A pregnant mom wielding a rifle. How could this not wait until “Happiness is a Warm Gun?” A truly great (true) short story courtesy of Sicker Than Others.
I’m getting a little cross-eyed, and starting to find alarming correlations between songs and blogs. “Bungalow Bill” and a post about data collection from Shouting Distance. I have to go back and re-read that more carefully when i’m not nearing blindness.
I have no idea where i found this yesterday, but if you are a Beatles fan you need to watch this video of a solo rendition of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” on what i think is a baritone ukulele. Starts tame, but hang in there. Amazing. Artist Jake Shimabukuro has his own website which i will be revisiting in the sweet, sweet freedom of December.
I’m So Tired? John, you have no idea.
I wanted Philly blog Sheep On a Hill to get “Fool On the Hill,” but they instead got “Mother Nature’s Son.” When i inevitably start going through 2,000-blog-reading-and-reviewing withdraw in a week methinks i’m going to start in on Philly blogs.
Got lost in this post from Shaken Mama during “Honey Pie.” She sounds like such an awesome, holistic person – i’ve got fingers and toes crossed for nothing but smooth sailing for her pregnancy.
No blog is worth “Revolution No. 9.” The end is nigh.
Abbey Road
(For the record, I could go either way with re-ordering this and Let It Be based on record order.)
“Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” seems appropriate for the kookiness of Sermon on the Mount (of Laundry), another Rashenbo Top10 Blog. This picture is priceless I used to delight in my ability to fit into various crevasses and appliances as a flexible young child, much to my mother’s incredible lingering terror.
“The Sun King” is fairly short, so Schnozzfest slides in on a technicality, although i would have definitely linked their NaBloPoMo parting shot, a discussion of a different sort of personal ramification from 9/11. But, she is also apparently friends with the beloved blog proprietress over at Moose In the Kitchen. Small internet.
“Carry That Weight.” This blog has unfortunately been redacted because it gave me a terrific idea that i cannot afford to spoil. I promise if it works out i’ll post your link with much fanfare at a later date.
No gimme on “Your Majesty?” Sad. Very sad.
Let It Be
(Actually, I now officially recognize Let It Be … Naked in place of the original. I know, i know, i’m just a big pile of blasphemy. Sorry, kids, no “Dig It.”)
“Two of Us.” One of the first songs i learned how to sing harmony to. Sarcomical posts one of the best glam self-portraits i’ve seen for Self Portrait Contest.
Past Masters 2
“We Can Work It Out.” I’ve been reading all over about this new Teddy Ruxpin that plays a fixed amount of pre-recorded MP3s. Yeah, how long before that’s hacked and he’s singing Justin Timberlake songs? I didn’t even have a Teddy Ruxpin, i had a cheap knockoff entitled Bingo that my grandmother was in love with and kept until i was, like, fifteen, just so she could press his little hand and talk to him. Oh, yeah, link via Sangria Lover. Way to live your title.
“Hey Jude.” Finito!
Dude. If there’s ever a NaBloPoMo convention and you and I both attend, I’m going to make out with you.
I suppose you could call Moose my “friend.” Even though I am just using her for her Californian climate, her tasty breakfasts that uphold bacon as the central element it was intended to be, and her sweet, sweet cookies. (Essentially, I guess what I’m saying is, the woman keeps me warm and fat. What else could you ask for?)
You ROCK! I think we need an I
You have no idea how amused I am that strangers on the Internet are pimping for me to get me a man. Thank you for the inclusion in your summary.
I am ridiculously impressed by your stamina in this “reading-every-NaBloPoMo-blog” thing. Wow. Just… wow.
You insanity keeps me sane. Love it. Thanks for the reminder of “Things We Said Today” one of the best Fab Four underrated songs ever.
Thanks for the kind words regarding the Stinky Mouse Blog. My own domain is on my Christmas list, but I’m not too sure about different services. I’m a pretty dyed-in-the-wool Mac user so that’s how I ended up here. I’m using Rapidweaver to write the blog – it’s a really easy GUI editor, and also works seamlessly with .Mac. It would work with any other service too, but I’m interested in learning more about “real” blogging server-based software. Thanks for the offer of help, what do you recommend?
i HAVE some blueberry stoli just waiting for me to try it! the mix was tried in a fit of laziness. (and it’s pretty good!) also new to my liquor cabinet is some pmengranate liqueur i think may pair wonderfully with the stoli–we’ll see…
Thanks for the link! It’s awesome to know that there’s a self-important Beatle-loving Philadelphia out there. Rock on with your bad self.
Life’s a trip! Thnaks for stopping by.
Krisis – “She’s got a ticket to ride!”
are abridged writings real?
if you plagiarize an abridgment
is it as bad as plagiarizing a