The internet had the chance to see and hear the first ever live web concert of my original songs and familiar covers, plus help to raise donations for Unicef’s Believe in Zero campaign for 12for12k
My 12for12k Setlist with demo downloads (if available)…
Like a Virgin – Madonna
Small & Lonely
Icy Cold
Saving Grace (w/Paris monologue)
Shake It Off (w/ “Shake Your Body” outro)
Since U Been Gone – Kelly Clarkson
Something Real
High & Dry – Radiohead (per Danny Brown’s request of Fake Plastic Trees)
Bucket Seat (an Arcati Crisis song)
Real You
Man In the Mirror – Michael Jackson (cried on every chorus – WTG, rock star)
Love Me Love Me Not (an Arcati Crisis song)
Space Oddity – David Bowie
Also, a few I planned to play but cut (or just forgot)…
What It Is
Gone Baby Gone
For people who watched and said they’d be interested in buying a CD (a) you are wonderful, and (b) download what you will and make a donation to this month’s charity, Unicef’s Believe in Zero. As a bonus, you can also grab my duo’s most recent Live @ Rehearsal album.
Also, we had a high of 40 unique users in the room at one time, so that’s what I donated ;)
I missed the crying?! What the crap? I can’t believe I had to leave right as the good stuff started. I did hear Like a Virgin, though, so that’s something, right?
You did a GREAT job, Peter. Loved it!