In this episode I open a massive hunk of modern cosmic Marvel that is a massive fan favorite and the birthplace of the Guardians of the Galaxy as we know them today. I give a quick crash course on where Marvel’s galactic characters where in 2006 prior to Annihilation, and a hint of where they head after Annihilation Conquest.
Want to start from the beginning of this season of videos? Here’s the complete Season 1 playlist of Crushing Comics.
Episode 20 features the contents of the Annihilation Omnibus (Amazon / eBay) in the form of Annihilation Book 1 OHC (Amazon / eBay), Annihilation Book 2 OHC (Amazon / eBay), & Annihilation Book 3 OHC (Amazon / eBay), and 2/3rds of the contents of Annihilation Conquest Omnibus (Amazon / eBay) in Annihilation Conquest Book 1 OHC (Amazon / eBay) and Annihilation Conquest Book 2 OHC (Amazon / eBay).
Read more about Annihilation in the Guide to Marvel Events, or follow the formation of the Guardians of the Galaxy in their guide.
Hi Peter, you added the wrong wrong link – this is Ep 10, not 20 ;)
Thanks for the catch! Fixed.