It’s another week of the Olympics of Drag Race! RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs. The World Season 2 Episode 4 was the UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game – “Family Edition”! that was paired with a nautical “Gone Cruisin'” runway theme.
Snatch game often produces the most-iconic moments of each season of Drag Race. This time around, it seems to be about exposing habits and biases.
The first big bias has to do with the Snatch Game format. This “Family Edition” is a thinly-veiled version of survey-based quiz show Family Feud. The UK had a version of Feud called “Family Fortune” that ran for two decades and was recently revived in 2020.
Ru loves game shows. In addition to her obsession with old Hollywood standards like Match Game, Hollywood Squares, and The Dating Game. Ru has appeared on a riotous episode of Family Feud and she even hosted her own unfortunately-titled “Gay for Play” and a revival of Lingo on CBS.
Yet, in the UK, comedy panel shows are equally as popular popular than game shows. It would make more sense to reskin Snatch Game to be a copy of Quite Interesting (possibly my favorite television show!) or 8 Out of 10 Cats, where the entire point is to humorously volley with the host. If Ru actually was willing to somewhat localize Drag Race, this would be an easy change.
The second bias is also Ru’s. This is the bias that her advice is always correct. We very rarely see a queen go against Ru’s advice and be rewarded for it. Gigi Goode’s Maria the Robot on the RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 12 Snatch Game might be the best example. And, if Ru is diabolical with her advice in America, she is doubly bad in the UK. This is the RuPaul who on UK Season 3 told Choriza to be Cher and Scarlett Harlett to be Macaulay Culkin.
In this case, Ru had her heart set against a certain queen’s (very good) impersonation, and when that queen knocked it out of the park on Snatch Game Ru served her Total Neutch in response.
Next, we come to the habits of the queens. We saw some repeat offenses in this episode. Queens who impersonate a straight cis man by suggesting he is gay. Queens who pick a character known for one iconic trait but have no plan beyond that one trait. Queens who pick someone much funnier than they are.
And that was just on one panel! There was also a queen who gave the same answer three different times… and she won!
However, this Snatch Game also addressed one particular fan bias – or, at least, a common complaint. Fans loved to harp on how some queens get fewer shots at answering questions in the finale edit. Here, we got two full rounds from each team, presented in a way that meant they couldn’t have been chopped up or reassembled at all. The flops still flopped! But, I do think this edit was better at showing which queens stood on solid middle ground.
Big biases and bad habits in the Snatch Game meant that every single queen changed rankings this week compared to last week’s Drag Race World immersive experience commercial power rankings. It feels like we have a fully-formed Top 5 with two queens on borrowed time. Will either one of them be able to turn things around in the next two episodes, or will the real game begin with the cut before the final four?
(Want to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs. The World outside of the UK? For most of the world, it’s available with a Wow Presents Plus subscription as soon as the episode is done airing.)
Readers, start your engines. And, may the best international drag superstar win!
Reminders: I consistently refer to Drag Race artists with their drag names and with she/her pronouns even when they are not in drag, which is the convention of the show. Some performers may have different personal pronouns. Drag is inherently brave, political, and artistic, and all drag is valid. It’s also hard to do. Every drag artist in the world deserves endless essays dedicated to their talents and life stories. I’m commenting on drag artistry in how it fits the established expectations of this specific television program, but the reason I’m commenting at all is because I am obsessed with drag and the people who create it.
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs. The World, Season 2, Episode 4 – UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game
Before we get to this week’s Power Rankings, let’s appreciate two perfect looks from Ru in a single episode.
In the workroom and in Snatch Game, Ru is wearing an outfit I’ve almost worn verbatim. My blazer was darker blue and my orange shirt didn’t have polka dots, but I definitely have worn it! At the time I called it my “Vintage Newscaster” look instead of “Game Show Host,” but I think we can agree that those categories are more similar than they are different.
Then, on the runway, there was just something magical about the power of this semi-transparent dress. It was the simplest of all possible silhouettes, but because it was partly sheer we also got the shape of Ru’s legs within the dress. I just think it was proportioned perfectly, including where the straps hit her shoulders and how the dress includes a subtly-lined smaller silhouette in its pattern.
After seeing this, I think my problem with a lot of Ru’s dresses is the straps being too straight-up-and-down, which emphasizes her shoulders. It’s amazing how this slightly more slanted cut softens the lines of her torso.
#1 – Tia Kofi, 2 wins (was #6, 6, 2) [RPDRUK-S02 7th, Pre-Season #4]
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Tia Kofi delivered an adequate Snatch Game and another adequate runway and managed to snag her second consecutive top placement. Sometimes it helps when Ru just loves everything you do. (As opposed to how he feels about Scarlet.)
I’ve rewatched Tia Kofi as Anne Boleyn in the UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game a few times now.
She’s just not funny to me at all. All three of her responses are beheading jokes. The two that are actual Snatch Game answers don’t even make sense in context. She had one bit planned and she played the bit. She got a few laughs, but that falls into Alyssa Edwards as Joan Crawford territory for me.
That especially annoyed me because there was a very obvious joke that Tia could’ve used for the “what’s a red flag” prompt: the man already being married! TO THE WOMAN SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO HER.
Personally, I would have through Tia into the bottom for missing such an obvious joke. And, also for her egregious runway outfit…
For the Gone Cruisin’ runway, Tia wore a plain black catsuit with the tiniest hint of interesting shoulders and some tentacles haphazardly glued to the back. I didn’t even see the ship on her head until Michelle pointed it out.
I just don’t know how this not only gets a pass but wins the week when Tia’s Snatch Game wasn’t even funny.
I’m sorry, y’all. I can’t give you an objective critique on Tia this week – other than that her lip sync look was smashing:
In the Pre-Season rankings, I predicted that Tia Kofi would have a massive glow-up and that would translate to a “finalist edit” where she was rewarded by making it to the last episode.
It turns out I was wrong. Tia didn’t have much of a glow-up, and she’s getting a straight-up winner edit. I suspect she’ll get one perfunctory bottom placement where her track record will save her. I think our only hope that she isn’t crowned could be Marina totally blowing her away in the final Lip Sync for the Crown.
Certainly, next week’s live-singing Rusical won’t do anything to slow Tia’s momentum. She was one of the highlights of RATS back in RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 2. Mugging live on stage to goofy humor is her strongest suit.
#2 – Hannah Conda, 1 win (was #3, 4, 5) [RPDRDU-S02 Runner Up, Pre-Season #1]
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Hannah Conda finally scored a win after three weeks of staying mostly under the radar. Will this be the start of the kind of dominance we saw from her on Down Under Season 2?
It’s tempting to compare Hannah Conda’s Shirley Temple to Jimbo’s version from RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 8, but based on the shooting timeline of this show there is no way Hannah could’ve seen that version when she shot hers. At best, she could’ve been aware of spoilers that Jimbo did well with his rendition.
For me, Jimbo’s Shirley Temple was just “MANIC KID” and Hannah’s was closer to actual Shirley Temple. She had a closer likeness and a better impersonation. That said, Jimbo’s was certainly funnier overall. Compare how the two of them handled their tap performances at Ru’s command. Hannah’s was amusing, but contained. Jimbo’s turned into scenery-chewing madness.
Yet, Hannah also got in some solid volleys with Ru, and her answer that a “Red Flag” would be dating her at all because she is seven years old was hilarious quick thinking.
Hannah Conda’s Gone Cruisin runway showed off the combined power of her budget, styling, make-up artistry, and acting.
No single part of this look is undeniably opulent on its own. It’s really just a transparent dress over a frilly body suit – both incredibly well-produced and full of detail, but neither especially remarkable on their own.
I think Hannah sold the look styling… the rings and jewelry, the umbrella, the wig with its perfect curls, and the fascinator. She also sold it with perfectly striking blonde bombshell makeup (though I could do without those rigid bottom lashes). And, finally, she sold the look with how she walked it on the runway, giving us a character with every glance over her shoulder.
I think the strong Snatch Game and strong runway combined made Hannah an obvious winner of the episode if Ru was insistent on passing over Scarlet Envy. Now it’s time to see if Hannah can sustain this newfound momentum. While she isn’t the best singer in the cast, she might be the best comedic actress – which will make her a threat in the Rusical next week. And, with the ball out of the way I don’t know that there’s anything in store that Hannah isn’t at least good at doing… except perhaps lip syncing for the crown.
(Would they really follow a Rusical with another singing challenge in Girl Groups? It’s the one staple challenge that we haven’t had yet, but they might instead follow Rusical with comedy and then have a solo pop group at Top 5, which is what they did on Season 1.)
#3 – Scarlet Envy, 1 win (was #5, 5, 4) [RPDR-S11 10th, RPDRAS-S06 9th, Pre-Season #5]
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Scarlet Envy had the best Snatch Game performance and the best runway tonight, and in what must be a recurring nightmare for her at this point she wound up placing safe. I would bet $100,000 that Ru will never crown her, but I’m starting to see a glimmer of a chance that she could sneak into the final four of the season for story purposes.
Yesterday in my Belgium Season 2 Snatch Game Power Ranking I talked about the risks of playing a character from myth or folklore. You miss out on the chance of doing a likeness or an impersonation and have to be graded solely on your comedy.
Scarlet Envy neatly averted both of those problems with her hilarious Statue of Liberty in the UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game.
First, she picked a fictional figure with a single iconic look and nailed it perfectly. I think it was so clever to paint a solid color with no contour or highlight to emphasize the strength of Liberty’s facial features. Instead, Scarlet moved all of the “DRAG” elements into her costume with plenty of shine and glitter.
Then, Scarlet leaned into delivering a perfect “New Yawk” style of gossipy accent so that it would be easy to see she was delivering a consistent impersonation.
Both were smart choices, and her opening volley about putting down the torch had Ru laughing right from the start. Even taking into account Scarlet’s brief misstep in trashing Ru’s home of Queens, she gave two very funny answers that were themed on her character but also valid guesses.
Then… then there was her runway…
Scarlet Envy shut it down as a frozen version of a casualty of The Titanic. Every time I look at this again I notice another amazing detail. There’s the elements of frost in the hair and on her face, the way Scarlet lets her flesh tone peek through the blue makeup as a form of contour, the way she gives the illusion of breasts with the stoning on her undergarment, the amount of beadwork on the bodice of her dress, the hombre of the blue of her arms down to deep blue fingertips trailing icicles, and even more!
Scarlet did not miss a single detail on this look and nothing else on the runway tonight was qualified to touch the hem of her garment.
Scarlet had the best Snatch Game and the best Gone Cruisin’ runway… so, of course, she was “High > Safe.” I think that placement was mostly due to story reasons, and only a little down to Ru’s ambivalence toward Scarlet.
First, for obvious reasons, the Top 2 should not have been Scarlet and Tia again for the second week in a row.
Second, also for story reasons, it’s safer for a UK queen like Tia to be the first to two wins because Scarlet is now a team of one. A second win would make Scarlet an obvious target – especially if she cut Gothy after cutting Jonbers. Tia getting to two wins first would mean she at minimum had an ally in Choriza (and, also in Gothy, if she didn’t eliminate her).
Third, putting Tia in the top again was good story, because she would have to make a decision on Gothy.
Yet, the final decision comes down to Ru and Ru alone, and Ru simply doesn’t feature Scarlet. We’ve seen many instances of Scarlet delivering excellent work and Ru finding a reason to discount it. Honestly, I think it’s amazing Scarlet keeps coming back with such a cheerful demeanor knowing Ru’s attitude toward her!
In a season this slim, I’m not sure to what extent Ru can completely ignore Scarlet – especially when she’ll likely be strong in a Rusical and Girl Groups. The only real chance to eliminate her might be in a live comedy challenge, but she’s also pretty funny! If La Grande Dame and Marina keep making unforced errors, Scarlet is poised to easily snatch their spot in the finale.
#4 – La Grande Dame, 2 wins (was #2, 1, 1) [DRFr-S01 Runner Up, Pre-Season #2]
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La Grande Dame gave a hilarious performance as Carla Bruni and, in a shocking twist, RuPaul hated every second of it. Was Ru being tough with her just to give her one moment of vulnerability in the middle of her stomping the competition? Or, has Ru’s amour for La Grande Dame already begun to fade?
La Grande Dame’s imitation of Carla Bruni in the UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game was terrific. All three of her answers were funny and I suspect any French person would’ve been amused with her… certainly more than RuPaul was! Actually, I think she might have been the most-consistent queen in the entire Snatch Game!
I don’t know how to explain RuPaul passing up three punchlines as easy as “annually/anally,” “bag/cocaine,” and “meat/man/suit.” All three of them were the kind of wordplay RuPaul usually loves to volley on and he shut each one down icily.
Perhaps that’s just because LGD stuck with her super-specific French accent for Carla, of which Ru disapproved. It felt like Ru started the game already prepared to hate LGD’s performance. But, I think that was exactly as any French comedian would impersonate her!
I won’t pretend I understand the puffy circular skirt on this actual Jean Paul Gautier garment. What I loved is that it allowed La Grande Dame to walk down the runway with her hands coquettishly slipped into her pockets before she hit her pose at the end of the runway.
And, of course, you can’t beat LGD’s styling or makeup. I love how smooth and blended her face is with that perfect pop of highlight on the tip of her nose.
Also, I think a lot of queens would be tempted to go with one of those jewel-encrusted coifs for this hairstyle (popularized in part by the partner of LDG’s Drag Race France Season 1 castmate, Kam Hugh). La Grande Dame wisely rendered a largely period-accurate style but just amped it up with an unreal color. This wasn’t a runway that needed extra sparkle. It’s Gautier.
I am curious to see where this low placement leaves La Grande Dame in the competition, especially with a live-singing Rusical on the horizon. I worry that Ru is already cooling on her humor with mostly funny challenges ahead. Singing isn’t LGD’s strongest talent, so next week could be her time to hit the Bottom Two. Coming off of two weeks of tough critiques, it wouldn’t exactly be a “Jimbo / Pangina” situation to cut LGD at that point.
#5 – Marina Summers, 1 win (was #1, 3, 3) [DRPh-S01 Runner Up, Pre-Season #3]
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Marina Summers floundered in Snatch Game, relying on too many prepared bits and remarks. To me, this harkens back to my ongoing fear for her as a fellow perfectionist – that she is sometimes playing the version of Drag Race that she pre-imagined in her head rather than the actual competition.
Marina Summers played the notably homophobic Manny Pacquiao as not-so-secretly queer in the UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game. Her opening bit of bragging about her boxing prowess while miming masturbation was a solid way to play Pacquiao as unintentionally camp. However, Marina was intent on a “coming out” storyline, so she pushed it further with planned bits.
I never love these kinds of jokes unless they have an inherent silliness to them, like Monét X Change’s Mike Tyson trying to fuck everyone on set.
As someone who has been on the receiving end of homophobic bullying and a disturbing hate crime, the idea that the people who do those sorts of things are actually gay just isn’t funny to me. I know all of these queens have been on the receiving end of way more bigoted hate than I’ve received, so I’m not trying to win a game of oppression olympics here. I simply think that “the bully is secretly gay” is a harmful stereotype that just perpetuates the bullying. We need to leave it behind in the 90s when it was a ground-breaking plot point.
My distaste for this trope aside, Marina simply wasn’t funny in the room after her initial response. Also, I think she broke the character too much by incorporating Drag Race memes like “dirty rice / sticky rice” and “walk that fucking duck.”
Sometimes I see a certain Drag Race runway and I get a fully-formed picture of the queen adamantly planning her look for the category. Like, I can just picture Marina talking to a designer about this look and saying, “The boobs MUST FILL WITH WATER, okay? The heels, too. ACTUAL WATER. Also, I need a prop anchor that gives realness. How long is the rope usually? That’s how long my braid should be.”
We’ve seen a few prop fails with runways that incorporate liquid in the past, so I was impressed that Marina’s not only worked but actually gave an amusing illusion of breasts inside of bra cups. I also loved the steel-plated hull of the bodice, which is shaped perfectly around her neck and shoulders. I’m less excited by the skirt, which is a sort of formless hip pannier. I feel like there was something stronger to be done there.
I think the only queen who can beat Marina is Marina. If she comes to every challenge stuck inside her head thinking about what would be a good Drag Race meme she isn’t going to make it to the finale. We’ve now seen her imitate Anetra for two weeks in a row! Luckily, next week is a live singing challenge, which I fully expect Marina to crush. Hopefully, that halts her slide away from top placements for the past few weeks. With just seven queens left, there’s nowhere to hide!
#6 – Choriza May (was #4, 7, 7) [RPDRUK-S03 6th/7th, Pre-Season #6]
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Choriza May should have had an easy time of it in Snatch Game as Catherine of Aragorn, but she got slightly tripped up by her own complicated answers and tendency to lean into anatomical humor. However, her runway was clearly the better of hers and Tia’s.
Choriza May as Catherine of Aragon in the UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game was the same as Choriza May in many other challenges: she just doesn’t know when or how to edit herself.
I get it. I’m the same way. You’ve seen how long these posts are, right? Sometimes I want to say all of the words when a few would suffice.
Both of Choriza’s Snatch Game answers were stronger than Tia’s at their base. But, brevity is the soul of wit. Choriza went to great lengths to explain her condom joke as being about cat intestines, which stunk of being a planned bit. And, with “syphilis” I think she erred by talking past the reveal of her card when the card itself should have been the punchline.
Despite those bobbles, I still think this was a funny Snatch Game. Choriza was quick to think on her feet, and even when she ran long the result was amusing.
I appreciate Choriza’s Gone Cruisin’ runway but I don’t love it.
I absolutely love the buffed-out “sex doll” quality of her make-up. I don’t know if she has ever looked this conventionally cute on the runway before. I also love the snatched silhouette of her dress, which was accentuated by the horizontal stripes.
I was less excited by the blow-up kraken tentacles, though I appreciated their color contrast and scope. Look, if you’re going to do an inflatable runway I want nothing less than Shangela’s Cylon basestar realness. I want to see the thing inflate to a massive scale and whip around.
That said, I think the bronze tentacles as hair was really adorable. I either wanted the tentacles to only be hair in contrasting colors or for there to be way more of the light gold tentacles. Also, there was no reason this needed three breasts. Most times they are used, triple-breasts fail. Leave it to the professionals (and by professionals, I mean Willam).
Still, with all that said… this is still so much more interesting than Tia Kofi’s look!
Choriza May not only had a near miss on a challenge win tonight, she also has already missed out on potential wins across two challenges where she is strong in the Talent Show and branding. Next week’s live-singing Rusical may be her best chance to notch a win against a Top 5 who are all playing this game hard. If Choriza can stay clear of the bottom while another one of them is at risk at Top 7, she might be better positioned to survive a cut at Top 6.
I’m saying it now: If Choriza doesn’t win next week, she will be eliminated in 6th Place.
#7 – Gothy Kendoll, 2 bottoms (was #8, 8, 8) [RPDRUK-S01 10th, Pre-Season #10]
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Gothy Kendoll outlasted both my pre-season prediction and her consistently-predicted placement by the good grace of sympathy of Tia Kofi. Will next week’s Girl Groups challenge be the place where she can finally feel the full drag fantasy and break out of her shell?
Gothy Kendoll wasn’t wretched as Kim Woodburn in the UK vs The World Season 2 Snatch Game, but she also couldn’t figure out how to land a joke with RuPaul. She gave very matter-of-fact, well-thought-through answers instead of off-the-wall answers that would sell Woodburn’s indelible personality.
Part of that is down to the fact that Gothy simply doesn’t know how to let go. Her experience in the workroom walkthrough with RuPaul was eye-opening. RuPaul was giving her full permission to be incredibly loud and impossibly goofy – just altogether stupid. A free pass to do something dumb. And Gothy just… couldn’t do it. She seemed to be physically incapable of making noise and taking up space. It was as if even the thought of it made gears grind painfully to a halt in her brain as she emitted a little chuckle of self-defense.
If Gothy couldn’t crack through that barrier with Ru giving her supportive 1:1 coaching in the workroom, I don’t think it’s going to come as a result of well-intentioned runway critiques. That means she is trapped within her unintentional deadpan humor, unable to break out.
It didn’t help Gothy’s case that her runway looked like the base garment for a larger look. This corset with seashell cups was cute, but Michelle was right to say it wasn’t on the level of what other queens were bringing to the runway (except for Tia, this is totally on Tia’s level).
This all led to one of the most fascinating lipstick deliberations of all of the many All Stars style seasons we’ve had to date. Gothy admits she has no idea what she needs to give her some fight to Hannah, and then flat out tells Tia she doesn’t think she can overcome whatever is holding her back.
That comment should have sealed Gothy’s fate. And yet… in that moment, you could see a wave of realization hit Tia Kofi. She realized she was talking to a version of herself from her original run on Drag Race – someone who was having the time of their life on the show, but who knew they were hopelessly outmatched. Yet, in Tia’s case, she was out of her league in the style department – and, you can’t fix your suitcase midway through the show (unless you are Chi Chi DeVayne, may she rest in power).
By contrast, in Gothy’s case, she could be so much more powerful if she would simply stop holding back. And, I think Tia couldn’t bring herself to be the one to cut off Gothy’s chance to try to do that one more time.
Do I think Gothy is going to be the shocking challenge winner next week in the Rusical? That would be a great story, but I don’t see it happening. Yet, I do think she could turn in something surprisingly competent. If she does, we’ll have a shocking Bottom Two no matter what. We’ve got five queens with wins and a sixth queen with a lot of fight. No matter who gets cut next week, if it’s not Gothy Kendoll it’ll be a surprise.
Eliminated: 8th Place – Keta Minaj, 2 bottoms (was #7, 2, 6) [DRHol-S02 4th, Pre-Season #7]
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Keta Minaj couldn’t survive a second week in the bottom two. Was it fair play to eliminate her as someone who previously won a challenge, or was Tia merely playing to defend her UK alliance?
We’ve seen queens pick Fran Drescher before, and every time it is because they can do the voice or the laugh and because they fancy the idea of wearing animal print and giant curly hair. Then, once they get to Snatch Game, they realize all they really have to work with is the fashion.
Fran Drescher’s character in The Nanny was delightfully naive about some things but sharp-as-a-tack about others (especially as they related to Queens and the specific ), and I think there’s comedy in playing that. Or, you could try to find an angle on Drescher as president of SAG-AFTRA, playing her as some kind of trashy politician. I’m not sure how to make either of those work in real-time, but both of them would be better than what we saw.
Keta Minaj is a powerful queen who sometimes has such big ideas that she can’t fully communicate them in her execution. She gave us exactly the sort of run I expected from her return to the show, but I’m happy she got to do that on an international stage.
9th Place – Jonbers Blonde, 1 bottom (was #9, 9) [RPDRUK-S04 3rd/4th, Pre-Season #9]
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10th Place – Arantxa Castilla La Mancha, 1 bottom (was #10) [DREs-S01 7th, Pre-Season #11]
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11th Place – Mayhem Miller, 1 bottom [RPDR-S10 10th, RPDRAS-S05 7th, Pre-Season #8]
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Great review as always, I felt the same way about Ru’s reaction to LGD’s perfomance, he just seemed dead set on hating it, no matter what. I don’t know whether you agree or not and I’d love to hear your thoughts about the subject, but I feel that the Snatch Game should be abolished for international seasons, due to the inherent difficulties faced by the ESL queens in this challenge (mainlu due to the language and the cultural differences between them and RuPaul). I also think that they should revamp the challenge in its entirety, the judging criteria cannot be the same for someone who is actually impersonating a real person, and for people who play a historical figure or just outright create a character and with the current trend of privileging “dumb” humour in the Ru-hosted editions, I fear most queens won’t even try hard anymore and will just try to coast by.
Thank you for reading and commenting, Mat! Yes, I think with LGD it was one of those times that Ru consciously decided not to volley with a queen. I think people sometimes overlook how much control Ru has over the tops and bottoms in a challenge before we ever get to judging (as does Michelle, when she directs). I don’t think Snatch Game should be abolished, but I wish they would be more flexible with its format in each country. Changing it to a comedy panel show or a talk show that is more of a cultural phenomenon in the host country would make a big difference. And, I agree – I really don’t think made up and public domain characters should be allowed anymore (even though I thought the Statue of Liberty was a very witty choice).
Thanks for the answer! Yes, sometimes I forget that Ru is also a producer. Regarding Snatch Game, I may have misspoken, I just meant that they should abolish it only in international seasons like UK vs The World, but not in other franchises like Espana or Phillipines. Still I am enjoying this season much more than the last one. Not only this cast is bigger and more diverse, but I also love the fact that the competition is so tight and that there were no extremely unfair eliminations. (I also agree that Scarlett did a nice job, she was top2 material).