I am not a major reader of mommy-blogs.
Sure, I have my certain mommy favorites, as well as several long-time reads who happened to be or become moms, but I don’t typically seek out new moms to read. They’re just in a different part of their lives than I am, at the moment.
All that said, Maverick Mom is a blog worth reading. It’s not just about motherhood. Or, maybe as of a month or two ago it was. Right now it’s about motherhood (and the rest of life) as an adventure that is helping blogger and entrepreneur Sarah Robinson “escape mediocrity.”
Escaping mediocrity. Does it mean anything to you? If not, you should read her gripping post about nearly losing her son to a riptide. At the end she has the wherewithal (and good humor) to compare the riptide to the tug of mediocrity.
Sarah’s post poses a challenging question: are we accepting the average because it’s easy, eventually to discover that we’re lost with no sign of what’s good, right, or successful?
I know the first impulse is to say, “Nope!” Our lives are awesome, right? We totally love them.
Okay, sure. But, loving life doesn’t exclude the chance that you’re settling for something. Can you honestly say you don’t have anything in your life that is disappointingly average – not as challenging or fulfilling as it could be? We all know I aim to kick ass at all times, but even I can cop to pieces of my life that aren’t living up to their potential. I wage a constant war on some of them, but in all honesty I let others slip by. Easy can be nice. Status quo is even keel.
If your answer about anything is “maybe” or “yes” or “omg, definitely,” then you should start reading Sarah’s blog, perhaps beginning with the escape plan she’s hatched to push past the mediocre elements of our lives.
Sarah, you are anything but mediocre.
I 100 percent agree! Sarah totally rocks!
I am floored and humbled by your blog post – actually sort of speechless which is MOST unlike me. :-) You are incredibly kind and generous with your words and I will do my best to continue to live up to them!
I read Sarah’s post and loved it. It actually reminded me a little bit of a post by Gretchen Rubin over at The Happiness Project about drifting. Take a look: http://tinyurl.com/rcmaxn
Anyway, I think Sarah makes a fantastic point, and her escape plan is a great place to get started shedding that mediocrity we might’ve just drifted right into.
Gini. Thank you for stopping by to comment! I’m a regular reader of your tweets, and now of your blog as well.
Sarah. Your post struck such a chord with me – I immediately shared the story with my wife after I was done reading it. I can’t wait to read and respond to more posts chronicling your adventures. I think “escape from mediocrity” might be my theme of the summer!
Teresa. I am a rabidly dedicated reader and evangelizer of Happiness Project (did I get the link from you?).
Now that I am subscribed to a wide array of betterment blogs I’m starting to see the rise and fall of some common themes. In all the noise of supposed-expert bloggers it’s a good way to get a temperature of what’s really working for people in their real lives – as opposed to something catchy they just thought up.