It’s time to dive into the WildStorm Universe – perhaps my favorite shared universe in all of comics! I’ll be loosely mapping missing and most-wanted DC omnibus volumes every day until May 19th! Then, on the 19th, I’ll be joining with Near Mint Condition to launch the first annual Tigereyes Most Wanted DC Omnibus Annual Poll! This post covers omnibuses missing from DC’s WildStorm imprint, including WildCATs, Stormwatch, Gen13, Deathblow, Wetworks, and more!
This post explains potential WildStorm Omnibus Mapping for votes on the Tigereyes Most Wanted DC Omnibus 1st Annual Secret Ballot. I’m posting all of these maps before the poll begins to give people the time to consider their favorites, correct our mapping mistakes, and catch books I might have missed.
There are three comic properties where I own every issue from their inception through 2012. One is X-Men, obviously. Another is Wonder Woman, covered earlier this week. The third is WildStorm. I own every floppy comic book ever published by WildStorm and I have them all packaged for binding – basically, I have this entire omnibus mapping already-collected in shortboxes in my garage!
I have to give a special shoutout to two amazing fellow WildStorm fans: WildStorm4Life, who runs the main WildStorm Universe group on Facebook, and Bryan Jose, who runs the Weathering WildStorm reading order blog. WildStorm4Life was instrumental in aiding my collecting every WildStorm issue by sharing his own binding maps with me over a decade ago!
If you don’t know DC well enough to know what to vote for, stick around for my explanations! Learn why the team behind the poll decided on these books and titles – including giving us feedback if we missed the mark.
If voting is now open, you can use this as your crib sheet! Or… just find some great comics to read!
Remember: These mappings are just my suggestion of how DC could assemble these books. They are meant to help you decide on your votes and build your personal reading list, but your vote on the poll is NOT an endorsement of my specific map. It’s a vote in favor of DC creating a book with that title or covering that period.
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WildStorm: The Authority Omnibus Mapping
The Authority is one of the few WildStorm titles who already have an omnibus to their name! But, it’s just the one book, covering their landmark 1999 – 2022 initial run by Warren Ellis and Mark Miller. What other omnibuses would we need to collect the rest of The Authority, plus its various tie-ins? Let’s take a look! Visit the Guide to Authority to see how all of this material is currently collected.
WildStorm – Authority: The Monarchy vs. The Establishment (2000 – 2002)
The original run of Authority launched a pair of supporting series that have never been collected in full.
It would collect The Monarchy (2001) #1-12 (Apr 2001 – May 2002), which spun out of The Authority (1992) #21, and The Establishment (2001) #1-13 (Nov 2001 – Nov 2002), which spun out of The Authority (1992) #24.
That makes for a 27 issue omnibus, which is a fine size for a DC book! However, to go along with the “Companion” theme you could also argue that this should include all of the various mini-series and one-shots through 2005. That would add another 15 issues, so it’s certainly doable! However, at the moment I have them mapped to a second Authority Companion, below.
WildStorm – Authority: Revolution by Robbie Morrison & Ed Brubaker (2003 – 2005)
This collects the next pair of ongoing Authority series after the original 1999 to 2002 series.
It would collect The Authority (2003) #1-14 & 0 and Coup d’Etat: The Authority (2004) #1 (Jul 2003 – Oct 2004) by Robbie Morrison and The Authority: Revolution (2004) #1-12 (Dec 2004 – Dec 2005) by Ed Brubaker.
That is 28 issues, so we could easily include the full sequence of Coup d’Etat issues here, which was Coup d’Etat: Sleeper (2004) #1, Coup d’Etat: Stormwatch (2004) #1, Coup d’Etat: Wildcats Version 3.0 (2004) #1, and Coup d’Etat: The Authority (2004) #1 (but not the “Afterword,” which rightfully belongs in the Sleeper omnibus).
Again, we could place some contemporaneous mini-series and one-shots in this volume, but I think it makes less sense here than elsewhere – this is a very defined book by a pair of writers whose runs didn’t really acknowledge or incorporate that material.
WildStorm – Authority Prime Companion (2002 – 2010)
This would primarily collect the main Authority titles from 2006 to 2008, one of which wasn’t completed until later 2010. However, that’s only 24 issues, so this feels like the right place to collect all of the various supporting Authority material!
This would primarily collect The Authority (2006) #1-2 (Dec 2006 – May 2007) & The Authority: The Lost Year (2010) #3-12 (Jan – Oct 2010), The Authority: Prime (2007) #1-6 (Dec 2007 – May 2008), and Secret History of the Authority: Hawksmoor (2008) #1-6 (May – Oct 2008).
However, it could also pick up 15 issues of mini-series and one-shots starting from the end of the original Authority mini-series and continuing through the launch of those titles. That would include The Authority: Kev (2002) #1 (Oct 2002), The Authority: Scorched Earth (2003) #1 (Feb 2003), The Authority: Human on the Inside (2004) OGN (Oct 2004), The Authority/Lobo: Jingle Hell (2004) #1 (Feb 2004), The Authority: More Kev (2004) #1-4 (July – Dec 2004), Wildstorm Winter Special (2005) #1 (Jan 2005), The Authority: The Magnificent Kevin (2005) #1-5 (Nov 2005 – Feb 2006), The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre (2005) #1 (Aug 2005).
I think it’s totally valid to prefer those companion series to be collected along with Establishment/Monarchy, above, since it would add to the appeal of that book. I just happen to prefer them here with these series, which don’t feel substantial enough for a book on their own.
WildStorm – Authority: Midnighter Omnibus (2007 & on)
This would be a “Complete” Midnighter omnibus that includes both Wildstorm and DC material.
It would primarily collect Midnighter (2007) #1-9, Midnighter Armageddon, Grifter & Midnighter (2007) #1-6, Midnighter (2007) #10-20, Midnighter (2015) #1-12 & Sneak Peek, and Midnighter and Apollo (2016) #1-6.
I think you could also have it extend past Rebirth to pick-up Midnighter’s back-ups from Action Comics (1938) #1029-1035 that concluded in Midnighter Annual (2021).
WildStorm – Authority: World’s End (2008 – 2011)
Like many WildStorm titles, The Authority had one final run from 2008 to Flashpoint.
This would collect The Authority (2008) #1-29 (Oct 2008 – Jan 2011) and Wildstorm Fine Arts: Spotlight on the Authority (2008) #1
WildStorm: Gen13 Omnibus Mapping
Gen 13 was one of the most wildly-popular indie titles of the late 90s because it captured authentically youthful energy – in part thanks to co-creator J. Scott Campbell being a teenager at the time! It’s also the WildStorm comic with THE MOST supporting material, including an avalanche of one-shot, mini-series, and supporting titles. That makes it nearly impossible to accurately map past a first volume – because we have no idea how DC would treat that material.
WildStorm – Gen 13 Vol. 1 (1993 & on)
The easy route to mapping this title would be to say it would collect Gen13 (1994) #1-5, Gen13 (1994) #1/2, and Gen13 (1995) #0-1 to somewhere around issue #30.
However, when it comes to Gen 13, things aren’t that simple! If we wanted an all-inclusive map of this title in reading order from this period, it would collect something more like this:
Stormwatch (1992) #8 (first appearance of Rainmaker), Gen13 (1994) #1-5, Gen13 (1994) #1/2 AKA (1995) #-1, Gen 13 Rave (1995) #1, Gen13 (1995) #0-1, Gen13: The Unreal World (1996) #1, Gen 13 (1995) #2, Gen13: Ordinary Heroes (1996) #1-2, Gen 13: (1995)#3-4, [material from Wildstorm! (1995) #1], Gen13 (1995) #5, Lynch (1997) #1, Gen13 (1995) #6-7, [optionally: Deathblow (1993) #20-21 for Lynch], [Gen13/Maxx (1995) #1, if possible], material Wildstorm Swimsuit Special (1994) #1-2, Gen13 (1995) #8-11, and Gen13 Interactive (1997) #1-3.
That’s 31 issues, which ends before the launch of Gen 13 Bootleg (1996) makes things even more confusing! I think Bootleg would likely be integrated into the same Omni line, which makes mapping over the next handful of issues pretty wild. Here’s a peek:
[Bootleg #1-4], Gen13 (1995) Annual 1, Gen13: Magical Drama Queen Roxy (1998) #1-3, Gen13: Wired (1999) #1, Gen13 (1995) #12, [material from Overstreet’s Fan 5, The Gen13 Gals: Rack ‘Em], Gen13 (1995) #13A B C & 14-15, Wildstorm Halloween ’97 (1997) #1, [Bootleg #5-12], Gen13: Carny Folk (2000) #1, Gen13: Grunge Saves the World (1999) OGN, [Bootleg #13-16, Annual 1, & 17-18].
Yes, we only got through another four issues of the main Gen13 series. Like I said – it’s complicated! And, making things even more complicated, that maps series in reading order, but some of those series came a year or more after their reading order placement.
Essentially, the best we can do is vote for a Volume 1 and hope DC does something smart with the mapping.
WildStorm – DV-8 (1996 – 1999)
DV-8 was a supporting Gen13 title that acted as a sort of negative image of the main team. These were the bad kids, who made Gen13 out to seem like absolute angels!
This would likely collect Black Ops (1996) #1-5, DV8 (1996) #1-4, 1/2, 5-11, DV8 vs. Black Ops (1997) #1-3, DV8 #12-13, Annual 1, & Preview, DV-8 Rave (1996) #1, DV-8 #14-25, Gen13 (1996) Annual 99, DV-8 Annual 99, DV-8 #0 & #26-32, and Wild Times: DV8 (1999), plus material from Gen-Active (2000) #1-6.
WildStorm – Gen 13, Armageddon & World’s End (AKA by Gail Simone) (2006 – 2010)
Even if we don’t know how we’d collect most of the original Gen 13 series, it’s easy to say howe we’d collect their end-run – because it was all contained in a single multi-year run!
This would collect Gen13 (2006) #1-13, Gen13 Armageddon, #14-39, and material from WildStorm Fine Arts: Gen 13
WildStorm: Stormwatch Omnibus Mapping
Stormwatch was effectively half of a WildStorm flagship title, along with WildCATs. WildCATs was always the more popular book, but early Stormwatch was a much more coherent, thrilling, and rewarding read. Unfortunately, those early years are often ignored by fans, who treat this title as if it didn’t really begin until Warren Ellis arrived and it became a “Prelude to Authority.” See Guide to Stormwatch for more details on all of these issues.
WildStorm – Stormwatch, Vol. 1 (AKA by Ron Marz et al) (1993 – 1996)
This would collect the awesome early run of Stormwatch from Stormwatch (1993) #1-36, 0, Special 1-2, 23 1/2, Stormwatch Sourcebook (1994) #1, and Team One: Stormwatch (1995) #1-2.
While I wouldn’t include the entire “WildStorm Rising” crossover here, I do think a few of the supporting issues could be included – namely WildCATs #17 & 19 and Wildstorm Rising (1995) #1-2.
WildStorm – Stormwatch, Vol. 2 (AKA “Road to Authority by Warren Ellis”) (1996 – 1998)
StormWatch had grown somewhat directionless in the 30s issues, which lead to Warren Ellis taking over the title and significantly revamping it for a year before relaunching it in 1997, only to relaunch it again in 1999 as The Authority.
This would collect Stormwatch (1993) #37-50 (to Jul 1997), Stormwatch (1997) Preview & #1-11, WildC.A.T.s/Aliens (1998) #1 (if possible!), and material from Wildstorm Spotlight (1997) #4.
WildStorm – Stormwatch, Vol. 3 (AKA Team Achilles by Micah Ian Wright) (2002 – 2004)
After the initial run of Authority, StormWatch returned – though, it was never the same kind of super-book again. after that.
This would collect Stormwatch: Team Achilles (2002) #1-23, material from Eye of the Storm (2003) Annual 1, & Coup D’Etat: Stormwatch (2004) #1 (Sep 2002 – Aug 2004)
Since this is short, it could include all of Coup D’Etat for context, which was Coup d’Etat: Sleeper (2004) #1, Coup d’Etat: Stormwatch (2004) #1, Coup d’Etat: Wildcats Version 3.0 (2004) #1, and Coup d’Etat: The Authority (2004) #1 (but not the “Afterword,” which rightfully belongs in the Sleeper omnibus).
WildStorm – Stormwatch, Vol. 4 (AKA P.H.D. or World’s End) (2007 – 2011)
This would collect the final Pre-Flashpoint run of Stormwatch, which was published in two halves with almost a year of hiatus between them. This was the “Post-Human Division,” monitoring and guarding against superhuman threats.
This could collect Stormwatch: P.H.D. (2007) #1-12 (Jan – Dec 2007), Stormwatch: Armageddon (2008) #1 (Feb 2008), and World’s End: Stormwatch: P.H.D. (2007) #11-24 (Oct 2008 – Jan 2010).
Stormwatch, The New 52 Omnibus (2011 – 2014)
Though DC’s New 52 incorporated many WildStorm concepts and characters, Stormwatch was the only franchise that was lifted wholesale to be integrated with the new version of the DC Universe. This team was like part Justice League, part Stormwatch, and part Authority, initially anchored by Martian Manhunter.
This would collect Stormwatch (2011) #1-30 & 0 (Nov 2011 – Jun 2014), a crossover with Red Lanterns (2011) #10, and material from Young Romance: The New 52 Valentine’s Day Special (2013) #1.
WildStorm: Wetworks Omnibus Mapping
Wetworks was initially planned as the final Image Comics launch title, with Whilce Portacio as the seventh founder of Image! That plan was put on hold due to the tragic death of Portacio’s sister. When the book arrived a year later, it was part of the WildStorm imprint.
WildStorm – Wetworks, The Early Years (1994 – 1999)
This would be a complete collection of the initial Wetworks series, which would actually make it a pretty large book!
This would collect Wetworks (1994) #1-3, material from WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams (1992) #2, Backlash (1994) #4-5 & 6, Wetworks (1994) #4-14, Deathblow (1993) #22, Wetworks (1994) #15, [ideally Ballistic #1-3, but that was a Top Cow mini-series], Wetworks (1994) #16-17, Wildstorm Halloween ’97 (1997) #1, Wetworks Sourcebook (1994) #1, Wetworks (1994) Hero Illustrated Premiere Edition Ashcan, [Optional: Wetworks 3D], Wetworks #18-43, and Wild Times: Wetworks (1999) #1.
Wetworks also had two crossover issues with Vampirella, which probably couldn’t appear here – Wetworks/Vampirella (1997) #1 and Vampirella/Wetworks, Night Tribes (1999) #1.
WildStorm – Wetworks, Armageddon (2006 – 2010)
After a lengthy hiatus, DC brought back Wetworks for just a brief run as part of their 2006 WildStorm line revival
This would collect WetWorks Volume (2006) #1-15, WetWorks: Armageddon (2007) #1, WetWorks: Mutations (2010) #1, and the Dane: Loyalties back-ups from WildCats (2008) #2, Stormwatch: P.H.D. (2007) #14, The Authority (2008) #2, and Gen 13 (2006) #22.
That’s a short book and the first Wetworks volume is an especially long one, so it could simply be all of Wetworks broken into two more equally-sized omnibus volumes.
WildStorm: WildCATs Omnibus Mapping
WildCATs was the original co-flagship of Jim Lee’s WildStorm imprint, alongside of StormWatch. DC has shown some interest in recollecting this material in recent years, but generally stays rooted in Jim Lee’s run on the book and tends to avoid some of the critical supporting series that were always well-integrated into its reading order. For more details on collecting WildCATs from 1992 to the present, see Guide to WildCATs.
WildStorm – WildCATS: Covert Action Teams Vol. 1 (AKA by Jim Lee et al) (1992 – 1995)
This would collect the mega-famous Jim Lee run that launched WildCATs to intense popularity, finally combining it with the appropriate supporting material all in one book!
This would collect WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams (1992) #1-14 along with #0 & Special (both typically skipped; the Special is effectively issue #4.1), WildC.A.T.s Trilogy (1993) #1-3 (which also fit prior to issue #5, with art from Jae Lee!), the “Killer Instinct” crossover with Cyberforce (1993) #1-3 as well as the never-before-collected Misery (1995) Special, and WildC.A.T.s Sourcebook (1993) #1-2.
That’s just 25 issues, though over half of them feature Jim Lee artwork – which would be the big draw here! However, I’d argue for the inclusion of another handful of issues here.
Though released later, Voodoo / Zealot: Skin Trade (1995) OGN fits best at the end of this material, as does “Voodoo: Skin Game” in Overstreet’s Fan (199) #3 and “Zealot: Portrait” in Overstreet’s Fan (1995) #4. Then, we would end with Zealot (1995) #1-3.
That brings us to 30 issues. There’s an argument to push them into a Robinison/Moore omnibus to keep this purely focused on Lee, but all of that material works better as an epilogue to this initial three years of WildCATs material rather than a prelude to the next portion.
If I’m being honest, it could also make sense to keep extending this book to include all of James Robinson’s material, so the next volume can start cleaning with Alan Moore! However, tonally and in terms of the team composition, Robinson’s work feels less essential as a final chapter here and more required to set up Moore’s run in the next volume.
WildStorm – WildCATS: Covert Action Teams Vol. 2 (AKA by Alan Moore et al) (1995 – 1998)
After an initial three years marred with production details, WildStorm got WildCATs back on track starting in 1995 with a pair of high profile writers – James Robinson and Alan Moore!
This would collect Spartan: Warrior Spirit (1995) #1-4, WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams (1992) #15-20 (by Robinson), Stormwatch (1993) #21, Wildstorm Rising (1995) #1-2, Team One: WildC.A.T.s (1995) #1-2, Warblade: Endangered Species (1995) #1-4, WildC.A.T.s #21-34 (by Moore, which would include two issues that were part of Fire From Heaven), a Maul story in Big Bruisers (1996) #1, WildC.A.T.s #35-36, JLA/WildC.A.T.s: Crime Machine (1997) OGN (by Morrison!), Voodoo (1997) #1-4 (by Moore), and WildC.A.T.s #37-50 & Annual 1.
That’s 56 issues, which is huge! That is part of the argument for moving the Spartan mini-series and the Robinson run into the first volume, which has room to absorb it. That’s part of what we left that somewhat vague in the titles on the poll. That’s especially true since this really ought to also collect Savant Garde (1997) #1-7 and material from Savant Garde: Fan Edition (1997) #1-3
Some folks might say this should end with the final more issue at #36, but that would mean abandoning 16 issues that have no real connection to any other run and would be hard to sell on their own.
WildStorm – WildCats 2.0 by Lobdell & Casey (1999 – 2001)
This collects the full 1999 series and it’s companion one-shots, written half by Scott Lobdell and half by Joe Casey.
This would collect Wildcats (1999) #1-28, 0 [AKA Wild Times], & Annual 1 (Mar 1999 – Dec 2001), Wildcats San Diego Preview (1998), Wild Times: WildC.A.T.s (1999) #1, Divine Intervention/WildCats (1999) #1, WildCats: Mosaic (2000) Special, Wildcats: Ladytron (2000) OGN, and could include [Warblade] The Razor’s Edge (2004) #1-4 (released later, but set during this series).
Ladytron was set earlier, but it is quintessential Joe Casey material, so it works better read here in publishing order. However, I’d say the Warblade mini is the opposite.
WildStorm – WildCats 3.0 by Joe Casey (2002 – 2004)
This collects the third ongoing WildCats series, which was written entirely by Joe Casey.
tThis would collect. Wildcats Version 3.0 (2002) #1-24 (Oct 2002 – Oct 2004), Coup d’Etat: Wildcats Version 3.0 (2004) #1, and could include [Warblade] The Razor’s Edge (2004) #1-4 (thought it was set during the prior series.
WildStorm – WildCats: World’s End (2005 – 2011)
WildCats went through a rocky few years after the end of their third series. They had a 2005 maxi-series, Nemesis, which was meant to be followed by a big, splashy relaunch by Grant Morrison and Jim Lee! Unfortunately, only a single issue of that comic ever released. The series then launched anew in 2008.
This collects WildCATs Nemesis (2005) #1-9 (Nov 2005 – Jul 2006), WildCATs (2006) #1 (Dec 2006), Wildcats: Armageddon (2008) #1, and WildCats (2008) #1-30.
Personally, I think this is the book that should include all of the Armageddon one-shots (Armageddon – Midnighter: Armageddon (2007) #1, Welcome To Tranquility: Armageddon (2008) #1, Wetworks: Armageddon (2008) #1, Gen13: Armageddon (2008) #1, Stormwatch: P.H.D.: Armageddon (2008) #1, Wildcats: Armageddon (2008) #1).
WildStorm: Events Omnibus Mapping
WildStorm had a number of crossover events throughout the years, but not all of them are large enough to merit their own omnibus volumes! Some, like Coup d’Etat and Armegeddon, were just one-shots from each series that read equally well separately. However, there are some major event books we could collect that could never fully be captured in the omnibuses of individual series. For more information, see my Guide to WildStorm Universe Events.
WildStorm / Valiant – Deathmate (1993 – 1994)
This might be a stretch, as it would require working with Marc Silvestri, Rob Liefeld (and, by extension, whoever he sold his rights to), and various Valiant IP holders to reproduce. But, we’re in an era of strong 90s nostalgia, so anything is possible!
This would collect DeathMate: Prologue, DeathMate: Preview #1-2, DeathMate: Yellow, DeathMate: Blue, DeathMate: Black, DeathMate: Red, and DeathMate: Epilogue.
WildStorm – WildStorm Rising (Event) (1995 – 1995)
Wildstorm Rising was the first multi-title linewide crossover in WildStorm history. It holds up pretty well on re-read – which I’ve done on this very blog! It is unique in that most of the chapters read just fine as sequential single chapters of their own series, but they do advance the overall plot of the crossover that ties closely to the origins of the WildStorm universe.
This would collect Team 7: Objective: Hell (1995) #1-4, Stormwatch (1993) #21, WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams (1992) #17-19, and then the complete crossover through Wildstorm Rising (1995) #1, WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams (1992) #20, (After this issue, a Grifter story in Overstreet’s Fan (1995) #1 showing his journey to his own #1), Union (1995) #4, Gen13 (1995) #2, Grifter (1995) #1, Deathblow (1993) #16, Wetworks (1994) #8, Backlash (1994) #8, Stormwatch (1993) #22, and Wildstorm Rising (1995) #2.
This could also include Team One: Stormwatch (1995) #1-2 and Team One: WildC.A.T.s (1995) #1-2 for added context – they released just after this crossover.
WildStorm – Fire From Heaven (Event) (1996)
The second WildStorm linewide crossover was a much more sprawling affair!
This could include Deathblow (1993) #21-25 as a prelude. Then it would collect 22 issues of the direct crossover Sword of Damocles #1, Sigma #1, Deathblow #26, Fire From Heaven #1/2, Fire From Heaven #1, Backlash #19, Gen 13 (1995) #10, Wetworks #16, StormWatch #35, Sigma #2, WildC.A.T.s #29, Deathblow #27, Gen 13 (1995) #11, Backlash #20, Wetworks #17, StormWatch #36, WildC.A.T.s #30, Sigma #3, Sword of Damocles #2, Fire From Heaven #2, and two issues of epilogue in Deathblow (1993) #28-29.
Plus, this could add Gen12 (1998) #1-5 or Wildstorm Universe 97 (1996) #1-3, which don’t necessarily have a home elsewhere outside of a “Companion” omnibus.
WildStorm – Marvel vs. WildStorm (1996 – 1998)
WildStorm had many crossovers with WildStorm characters in the 90s and early 00s. Now that we have a pair of Marvel vs. DC omnibuses coming our way, seeing this in print feels like a real possibility!
This would collect Deathblow/Wolverine (1996) #1-2, Backlash/Spider-Man (1996) #1-2, the series of WildCATs/X-Men crossover issues (WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Golden Age (1997) #1, WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Silver Age (1997) #1, WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Modern Age (1997) #1, and X-Men/WildC.A.T.s: The Dark Age (1998) #1, and Team X/Team 7 (1996) OGN), various Gen13 crossovers (Spider-Man / Gen13 (1996) #1, Gen13 / Generation X (1997) #1, Gen13 / Fantastic Four (2001) #1), plus all of the final issues of Marvel’s Heroes Reborn series – all of which included WildStorm heroes (Avengers (1996) #13, Captain America (1996) #13, Fantastic Four (1996) #13, and Iron Man (1996) #13).
That’s just 16 comics, some of which were OGN length, which could just squeak this into omnibus territory. Sadly, Top Cow is its own independent publisher from WildStorm, so we can’t include things like their Devil’s Night crossover with Marvel from the late 90s.
WildStorm – Armageddon & Revelations (Events) (2005 – 2009)
This would collect all of theDC-era events featuring WildStorm characters.
It would include Captain Atom: Armageddon (2005) #1-9, DC/Wildstorm: Dreamwar (2008) #1-6, Worldstorm (2006) #1-2, Wildstorm: Armageddon (Midnighter: Armageddon (2007) #1, Welcome To Tranquility: Armageddon (2008) #1, Wetworks: Armageddon (2008) #1, Gen13: Armageddon (2008) #1, Stormwatch: P.H.D.: Armageddon (2008) #1, and Wildcats: Armageddon (2008) #1), Wildstorm Revelations (2008) #1-6, Number of the Beast (2008) #1-8, and DC/Wildstorm: Dreamwar (2008) #1-6.
That’s 43 issues of late-00s WildStorm events all in one book – and it captures many straggling series that would otherwise risk going uncollected.
WildStorm – The Wild Storm by Warren Ellis (2017 – 2019)
This would collect the 2007 Warren Ellis “The Wild Storm” continuity, which existed as its own separate reimagination of the WildStorm universe.
This would collect The Wild Storm (2017) #1-24 and The Wild Storm: Michael Cray (2018) #1-12.
WildStorm: Team 7 & Welcome to Tranquility Omnibus Mapping
WildStorm – Team 7: The Beginning (1994 – 2006)
Team 7 was the WildStorm equivalent to Marvel having Wolverine, Sabretooth, and Maverick all teaming up before Wolverine got his adamantium. It featured Deathblow, Grifter from WildCats, Lynch, and parents of the Gen13 kids as an army squad who were imbued with powers they never asked for.
This could collect Team Zero (2006) #1-6, Team One: Stormwatch (1995) #1-2 and Team One: WildC.A.T.s (1995) #1-2, a story from Wildstorm Halloween ’97 (1997) #1 (“Team 7: Blood & Faith”), Team 7 (1994) #1-4, Team 7: Objective Hell (1995) #1-3, Team 7: Dead Reckoning (1996) #1-4, a story from Wildstorm Winter Special (2005) #1 (“Deathblow Gets Dusted), material from Gen13 Preview, Gen 12 (2006) #1-5, and material from Wildstorm Universe 97.
There was also a New 52 series, Team 7 (2012) #0-8, but that doesn’t fit into continuity with the rest of this. I think it’s more at home with the New 52 Grifter series.
WildStorm – Welcome to Tranquility by Gail Simone (2006 – 2011)
Welcome to Tranquility was the only new WildStorm continuity series launched after 2005 – and it was written by Gail Simone, who has the highest-possible profile at the moment!
This would include Welcome To Tranquility (2007) #1-6, Welcome To Tranquility: Armageddon (2008) #1, #7-12, and Welcome To Tranquility: One Foot In The Grave (2010) #1-6.
Despite it being COMPLETELY UNRELATED, we could also add The New Dynamix (2008) #1-5 here, which is really the only other late WildStorm title that’s not part of one of the core franchises.
WildStorm: Solo Character Omnibus Mapping – Backlash, Deathblow, Grifter, Majestic, & Union
The WildStorm Universe was never excellent at keeping their solo heroes going in long-running series. Deathblow and Backlash managed it in the 90s, but never had a significant return. And, Grifter has the track record of his partial-inspiration Gambit – popping up for brief runs, but never a lengthier one.
WildStorm – Backlash (1993 – 2001)
This would be a complete collection of all of Backlash’s key stories.
It would collect Stormwatch (1994)#4-5 (and material from #8), “Kindred Prologue” from WildStorm Rarities (1994), The Kindred (1994) #1-4, Backlash (1994) #1-14, Deathblow (1993) #23, Backlash (1994) #15-18, Deathblow (1993) #25, Backlash (1994) #19-32, (Backlash/Spider-Man (1996) #1-2 fit here, but probably can’t be included), Wildcore Preview (1997) #1, Wildcore (1997) #1-10, Backlash & Taboo’s African Holiday (1999) OGN, (2000) Jet #1-4, and Kindred II (2002) #1-4.
With 32 issues of Backlash’s solo series, 11 of Wildcore, 8 of Kindred, and another 9 supporting issues, this is a 60-issue book – one of the largest of all the WildStorm omnibuses! It’s also impossible to imagine Backlash being able to sell two omnibuses on his own, so I think we have to hope for this to be a one-and-done massive doorstop.
WildStorm – Deathblow (1993 – 2006)
This would be a complete collection of Deathblow, aside from his pre-heroic appearances in Team 7.
It would collect Deathblow (1993) #0-22, Backlash (1994) #14, Deathblow (1993) #23-29, (Deathblow/Wolverine (1996) #1-2 fit here, but probably can’t be included), Wild Times: Deathblow (1999) #1, Deathblow: Byblows (1999) #1-3, Batman/Deathblow: After The Fire (2003) #1-3, and Deathblow (2006) #1-9.
At 47 issues, that’s a massive read – and also a highly-satisfying one, considering it contains a ton of artwork from both Jim Lee and Tim Sale.
WildStorm – Divine Right by Jim Lee (1997 – 1999)
This would collect an obscure series that Jim Lee returned to both write and draw in 1997. It is often completely unknown to fans, since it proceeds early WildStorm but precedes DC-era WildStorm.
DC has already collected it into a not-terribly-popular trade paperback a decade ago. It was 400 pages, which is the right size for a small omnibus, but I can’t help but wonder if there is some other late-WildStorm lee material we could add to this to make it more attractive.
Divine Right: The Adventures of Max Faraday (1997) #1/2, 1-12, and two one-shots that fit between issues #11-12 – Divine Intervention/WildCats (1999) #1 and Divine Intervention/Gen13 (1999) #1.
WildStorm – WildCats: Grifter (1992 – 1997)
Grifter may have been the one breakout solo star of the early WildStorm books – a combination of Wolverine and Gambit with a splash of Punisher.
This would collect Savage Dragon (1993) #13 (which was a Grifter issue by Jim Lee that was part of Image X Month, so DC may have the rights), Grifter: One Shot (1995) #1, material from Overstreet’s Fan #1: Grifter Sneak Peak, Grifter (1995) #1-10, Grifter (1996) #1-14, Wild Times: Grifter (1999) #1, and Point Blank (2002) #1-5, Grifter and Midnighter (2007) #1-6, – plus, likely some key issues of WildCATs
There’s also Grifter/Badrock (1995) #1-2, Grifter/Shi (1996) #1-2, and Grifter and the Mask (1996) #1-2, which probably can’t be included.
Grifter & Voodoo, The New 52 Omnibus (2011 – 2013)
This would collect a trio of New 52 era series with WildStorm alums that didn’t real lead anywhere and would other wise be abandoned.
This would collect Grifter (2011) #0-16, Voodoo (2011) #0-12, and Team 7 (2012) #0-8.
WildStorm – Mr. Majestic (1994 – 2006)
Mr. Majestic was the first WildStorm here to break through the boundary between WildStorm and DC after their acquisition. He was introduced via a crossover in Superman.
This would collect all of Majestic’s material from Wildstorm Spotlight (1997) #1, Team One: WildC.A.T.s (1995) #1-2, WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams (1992) #11 (backup only), Mr. Majestic (1999) #1-9, Action Comics (1938) #811, Adventures of Superman (1987) #624, Superman (1987) #201, Majestic (2004) #1-4, Majestic (2005) #1-17, and material from Wildstorm Winter Special (2005) One-Shot.
While it’s tempting to also include Majestic’s opening arc in WildCATs and some of his other team appearances, this book is already nearly 40 issues! I think it’s enough to simply include his origin material.
WildStorm – Union (1993 – 1997)
Union was a very cool and very little-known WildStorm hero that was somewhat of a Superman analog, but who experienced Earth for the first time as an adult. I’ve always enjoyed his comics, but WildStorm eventually sunset him as a character.
I think that was in part because he wasn’t a direct creation of the Lee/Choi braintrust (Lee co-created him with Mike Heisler, which typically wrote him), but also because he was eventually sunset favor of the similar Mr. Majestic, who tied more-closely to the central Kherubim/Daemonite conflict).
This would collect Union (1993) #0-4, “Crusade” from “Kindred Prologue” from WildStorm Rarities (1994), Union (1994) #1-9, a story from WildStorm! (1995) #3 story, and Union: Final Vengeance (1997) #1. (Unfortunately, DC doesn’t have the rights to collect a key appearance in Supreme (1992) #14.)
Union also later popped up in the Authority spinoff The Monarchy (2001) #1-12, so there is an argument to include that here (which might help it sell more copies) and to turn our other poll option of Monarchy/Authority into a plain old Authority Companion.
WildStorm – Companion Vol. 1 (1992 & on)
If we really want to dive fully into collecting the original WildStorm era into omnibus, we’d need a companion volume to collect many anthology titles, one-shots, art books, and mini-series.
The tricky thing about this is two-fold: creator-ownership and continuity.
In some instances, these characters were creator-owned despite participating in Lee’s WildStorm universe, which could make their reproduction rights a tricky prospect. On the other hand, some of these series were fully-owned concepts, but they had no connection to ongoing WildStorm continuity whatsoever!
This first volume could include material from Art of Homage Studios (1993) #1, Homage Studios Swimsuit Special (1993) #1, Wildstorm Swimsuit Special (1994) #1-2, Cybernary (1995) #1-5 (and Cybernary stories from Deathblow (1993) #1-4 and Overstreet’s Fan #6), Wildstorm Universe Sourcebook (1995) #1, Wildstorm! (1995) #1-4, Wildstorm Chamber of Horrors (1995) #1, Brass (1996) #1-3 & Brass (2000) #1-6, Hazard (1996) #1-7, Big Bruisers (1996) #1, Allegra (1996) #1-4, DefCon (1996) #1/2 & 1-4, Gamorra Swimsuit Special (1996) #1, Wildstorm Sampler (1996) #1, Wildstorm Universe 97 (1996) #1-3, Wildstorm Swimsuit ’97 (1997) #1, Wildstorm Spotlight (1997) #1-4, WildStorm Ultimate Sports (1997) #1, Wildstorm Halloween ’97 (1997) #1, Phantom Guard (1997) Preview & #1-6, Siege (1997) #1-4, and Wildstorm Fine Arts: The Gallery Collection (1998) #1
That’s 65 issues, which is probably the cutoff for a first volume even if DC doesn’t hold the rights to several of those series. DefCon, Phantom Guard, and Siege are all of especially dubious continuity.
A second volume might continue on to collect some or all of C23 (1998) #1-8, The Patriots (1999) #1-10, Sci-Tech (1999) #1-4, Jezebelle (2001) #1-6, Gen-Active (2000) #1-6 (at least, stories not about Gen13/DV8), Disavowed (2000) # 1-6,, Wildstorm Thunderbook (2000), and Wildstorm Summer Special (2001) OGN, Black Sun (2002) #1-6, Eye of the Storm (2003) Annual 1, Masks: Too Hot for TV! (2004) #1, Automatic Kafka (2002) #1-9, The Intimates (2005) #1-12, Wild Girl (2005) #1-6, and Wildstorm Winter Special (2005) One-Shot.
Fun fact: The Gen 13: Backlist tpb included a rewritten and redrawn version of the story from Gen 13 #1/2. I’d like to see it, along with the original issue, included in a Gen 13 Omnibus.
Also, there was a Maul story in WildStorm Rarities #1. I’d like to see that included in a WildC.A.T.s omnibus.